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Everything posted by Nickelpenny

  1. @rafinmd they say we we should be leaving at close to 5 pm.
  2. I will do that. It is scheduled for 5 pm but I will let you know. 👍
  3. Good morning to all from the Port of Miami! It took some doing to get here but I made it!!! Ground stop in Denver so we couldn’t take off from LAX. 2 hrs late getting into Denver and about 1.5 hrs late getting into Miami. Couldn’t find the baggage claim but finally did. Uber to the port, dropped off my luggage, walked around the port and chilled. Already checked in and now just waiting to board. Group 1! May the fun begin!!! Thoughts for those on the care list and CHEERS to all! Have a great day everyone!
  4. I book HAL because I like what it offers and doesn’t offer. Everyone has to make up their own mind what they want and expect. After 10 cruises with HAL, the pluses are much more than the minuses for ME. Why would I experiment with other lines? Because I am satisfied with the product/experience HAL offers and don’t want to waste my hard earned money with a “what if”. That opinion is not for everyone but it works for me.
  5. I love my insides!!!! But then again I’m rarely in them!☺️
  6. Happy Friday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I am sometimes a grouch so maybe someone will do me a favor, interesting about Ms Peratrovich and I grew up eating fish on Fridays during Lent. I think my parents listened to Buddy Hackett's advice. I will pass on all the food and drink and haven't been to Rockland. Wow - lots of days in history. The last 36 hours have been a whirlwind of activity. The steroid shot was a doozie. Not as smooth as the first one. No effects yet but we will see. I left late for the drive to CA (about 0130 Thursday morn) in a huge Hyundai Palisade. The bells and whistles on that thing! I personally did not like it and the mpg was horrible - ~24. I missed my economy car - Toyota Camry - that gets 35-40!! But I made it. Checked into the hotel around 1500, dropped the car off and then walked back to the hotel. I had eaten lunch earlier so just had some IPA and chips and guac for dinner. I had already been up nearly 40 hours - with only a 3 hour nap before my drive - so I was tired and went to be by 1930. Woke up this morning at 0800!! I finally got my cabin assignment. No upgrade but I went from an N to an I - from the bowels of the ship to the 6th deck. Not bad and I do like insides so it is fine. I fly out later today and arrive super early Sat morn. No weather delays in the forecast so I should be fine. Bon Voyage @Mr. Boston Thoughts for all in the world; RIP Alexey Navalny. Cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!!
  7. Ok you made me go look up the meaning of LEO! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
  8. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Quick post - I made it to Cali though 1/2 hour late for my appointment. Got stuck on traffic- went 40 miles in 2 hours!!!
  9. Quick checkin while eating menudo before my shot- today is Arizona’s birthday!! 112 years old.
  10. Happy Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday to those who celebrate/observe these days and Happy Hump Day to those who don't. Congenital Heart Day is one I will wholeheartedly celebrate. My grandson was born with multiple, multiple cardiac defects. If you have ever seen the tv movie "Something the Lord Made" - about Vivian Thomas and Dr. Alfred Blalock's solution for "blue babies" in the 1930's at Johns Hopkins, at the urging of Dr. Helen Taussig, it depicts one of the conditions my grandson was born with. Without the procedure they invented, my grandson probably would not have lived. After numerous surgeries and hospitalizations, he is a healthy young man. And it is fitting it is also Frederick Douglas Day as Vivian Thomas was a black man who earned Dr. Blalock's trust and admiration. (sorry for my long missive) Great quote, meal sounds lovely, HATE Jägermeister, wine sounds good and I will be at Barra Norte Sea on March 6th. Interesting days in history. Busy, busy day today. Already checked in with one research study I am in, then PT this afternoon, dinner, then steroid shot, then pick up the rental car. I plan on Uber/Lyft it to the airport to pick up the car and I just heard they are striking in 10 cities and will not pick up or drop off at 10 airports in the US!! Tucson isn't one of them so.......... 😬 Plan on hitting the road around 1 am. I did get a surprise yesterday - I won a gift certificate to Hooter's from the local radio station I listen to. I have never been and don't think I want to so probably will give it away. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a fantastic day everyone!!
  11. Happy Fat Tuesday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Had to go look up Black Love Day and its basic tenets I will celebrate (observance of atonement, reconciliation, celebration) but not Desperation Day! Had to go look up that one (a day on which singles desperately try to find a Valentine’s Day date) and I do NOT want a date!! I am not sure I would want a do over in life but it does give reason to pause. I think I will pass on the meal and drinks; I have been to Abu Dhabi many times while living in Dubai but never from a cruise. Interesting days in history. Another typical winter morning here - 39F on the way up to high 60s. We dress in layers, slowing removing things throughout the day and putting them back on as the sun goes down. For those in the path of the Nor'ester, stay safe and warm. No gym today - in fact, I won't be back until the 3rd week in March. Nothing planned - sort of - for today - just to straighten the house. Suitcases are "packed" but not zipped up and that will be done tonight. Tomorrow will be a whirlwind of activity so "go slow" is on my plate for today. Thoughts for the world and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  12. Good Monday morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Three good days along with the meal and drink. I think I will skip the wine and I have never been to the report. I agree with Lao Tzu. Interesting days in history. Cold start to the morning as it is 34F but the day should warm up to mid 60s under sunny skies. I got a lot done yesterday - haircut, picking up some odds and ends, and lots of packing. Today off to get my mani/pedi and PT. I am bringing a trigger point ball and my stretching strap and have made a commitment to myself to do my exercises daily and visit the gym onboard at least 3x/week. But no pickleball!! 🤣 My PT guy and I have come to a decision that I can't take any meds before any excursion I will be doing as I will over do it. I don't want to pay the exorbitant high prices the spa charges for massages!! Last bit of packing today is on the agenda also and then straightening up the house in preparation for leaving. I still don't have my cabin number which I hope is a good sign they might upgrade me! 🤞 @MISTER 67 Happy Birthday! Congrats to the KC Chiefs (though I didn't watch the game). Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I had several students who were autistic when I worked at the high school; I had to change my approach and they were very special to me. I can do without electricity (did that on a trip to Glovers Atoll in Belize) but I am so glad I have it or otherwise no internet for me!! I have learned to not cry over spilled milk but it is hard. I think I will pass on the food, drink and wine and never been to the port. I agree with the quote (to a point) and Wow, important days in history. It was a cold, rainy day yesterday and many parts around Tucson got snow. I hope when I go out today to get some pics. Presently it is 40F and today we will have sun and temps getting up to mid 50s. I do love football but since I don't have cable, I might be able to peek in on the game with my tv that is on the antenna and gets the local channels. I don't have any "skin in the game" but I will miss the commercials!!! 😒 After the gym yesterday, I hunkered down and did some packing. I use compression packing cubes so I did the things that didn't need careful rolling - undies, swimsuits, etc. Other stuff is out waiting to be packed which I will do today and tomorrow as I leave to drive to Cali Wednesday night. I decided I didn't have enough cubes so bought 2 more from REI which I will pick up today. This is the longest cruise I have ever taken - actually the longest "vacation" ever - and I know I am probably overpacking. Heck, I even overpack on a 7 day cruise! Oh, well!! A friend at the gym also brought me 10 insect repellent wrist bands; along with me treating my clothes with permethrin and the bug spray for me, I think I am ready!! Yellow fever vaccine ✔️ Typhoid vaccine ✔️ anti-Malaria pills ✔️. Thoughts for all with trials and tribulations and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  14. Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate! Lunar New Year is such a big deal in China and I was lucky enough to celebrate it several times. I am not sure newspapers only "print" news that is fit to print, and I am salivating thinking about cream cheese brownies. My take on the quote is that I would be born with all the knowledge of an 80 yo and keep that knowledge as I reverse age to 18 - I wholeheartedly would love that. I do like green bean casserole but to waste a crock pot on it - no. The drink - hmmmmm - no to the wine and never been to the port. Interesting days in history. We are under a winter storm warning and rain is expected all day with bouts of heavy showers and snow in the mountains. Presently 43F and it is not going to change much. Our mountains will get a good dose of snow and it will be beautiful to see tomorrow. I got lots of hugs from some of my previous students yesterday. Some walked by the door during passing period saying "oh, I wish YOU were our sub today". It made me feel good. Then I got a message saying the surgeon was in emergency surgery and most likely will not make our telehealth call. SMH! I will have to call Monday and schedule an appt for after I get back home. Off to the gym and then ............ @Haljo1935 Happy Birthday!! @JazzyV Thanks for all you do and Happy "Posting" Anniversary!! Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  15. Happy Friday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I don't have a bike (or a "real" job, for that matter), bagels yes but not lox, and I cut the cord years ago. Just have internet and sling. Lovely quote, I think I will pass on the meal, drink and wine (my bank account couldn't afford that one), never been to Guernsey, and interesting days in history. Cold start to the day with the temp at 38F and a dense fog advisory. Rain predicted for this evening and we did get some last evening. Heading up to mid 50s with sunny skies until the clouds move in around 1500. Last day of subbing for quite a while. Jr High music. Then a tele-health visit with the surgeon. Yesterday's PT was rough. When I go on the same day of the gym I am exhausted by the end of the day. The focus group was very, very interesting and I would love to do others. It was by Nelson and pays well - $150 for 2 hours and I don't have to leave my house! Thoughts for all of those in the world and on the care list going through trials and tribulations. Cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  16. Oh, I would LOVE to see this!! I love Top Chef!!
  17. Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Busy morning already!! I used to go with my brothers to their Cub Scout stuff as my mother was a Den Mother. I didn't have sons so I went with Girl Scouts with my kids. Here is the description of Giving Hearts Day: Founded in 2008, Giving Hearts Day is a 24-hour event for charities in North Dakota and northwest Minnesota. Each year, Giving Hearts Day provides a platform for charities to fund their missions through an ever-increasing community of donors, many of whom get to experience the joy of giving for the first time. The longest-running giving day in the country, Giving Hearts Day has helped participating charities raise more than $165 million since its founding. Laughing is good for the soul. I don't agree with the quote as I resist "needing" someone. Pass on all the gastronomy offerings and I have never been to Sicily. Oh, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when Newton read his paper!! Gym done, PT this afternoon, focus group afterwards. What a day this will be. Started out very cool under sunny skies (39F presently) and we are expecting another storm this afternoon. If it gets to the mid 50s we will be lucky. Sad day in Tucson. A mother zebra was frightened by the storms on Tuesday, ran toward a wooden fence and her1-month old baby followed her. Mom stopped before the fence but the baby didn't and suffered a broken neck. Little Tikiti Maji - who they just named recently, died immediately. It was so sad and the zoo community is mourning. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  18. Happy Hump Day to everyone and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I will celebrate all the days - I LOVE anything math, I enjoy watching ballet, and school plays are just so cute and/or absolutely amazing. Socrates is such a deep thinker and I agree with the quote. The meal looks and sounds good, I probably would like the drink but it depends what's in it, yes to the wine, and I have never been to the USVI. Interesting history days. We had rain overnight and it will continue off and on all day. Yesterday as I was driving to PT the wind was so bad - blowing the dust all over. Presently it is 49F heading to mid 50s. Today it is off to the second research appt doing a MRI. I am now on their "participants list" so I hope to do more research projects. It is with the UofA Human Memory Lab in the Psychology Department. I had a weird dream last night that I got a free cruise that left today and returned next Wednesday. I was in a quandary on how I would get there, get everything I needed to get done in the next week if I go, was "told" I had no choice and I had to figure it out. I was getting so upset. And then I woke up. Sheesh, it was really a nightmare!! Thoughts for all of those on the care list and around the world. Cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
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