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Everything posted by Nickelpenny

  1. Sort of on the same vein, is there a flat rate from the Miami airport to the cruise port? Or would it be better to Uber/Lyft it? TIA!
  2. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Important days to think about, funny quote, I think I will pass on the meal, yes to the drink and wine and I never have been to the Philippines. Good days in history. It looks like we will get the rain around noon and the temps will be a little stagnant. 59F now and only getting to mid 60s. We do have a wind advisory from 1000 - 2000. Goes along with our expected rain. I guess I will just hunker down though I have the gym this morning and PT in the afternoon. The study yesterday was interesting. They used heat as the "pain" which was applied to 4 different small areas on the wrist/forearm. Then I had to do a memory recall "test" with numbers. Because my dominant arm "qualified" for the heat application (my non-dominant hand was too heat tolerant) I had to use the non-dom hand to answer the questions. I got one wrong!!!!! Only 99.3% right. &^%^&^%!!!! AGAIN they canceled and re-scheduled my surgeon appt!! So I opted for a tele-health visit on Friday instead of waiting over a month for an in person visit. So frustrating. I want to coordinate a plan with him on the path forward. Just heard about Toby Keith. RIP. Thoughts for a successful treatment for King Charles; thoughts for those on the care list. Cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!!
  3. I was introduced to hot pot while living in China. I love it and I can even make it for 1. Many times we would go for hot pot after work. My fav liquid is the ones they use around Chengdu as it is very spicy (think Szechuan). And the peanut sauce or even the chili sauce is good to use after you cook whatever (veggies, seafood, brains - yes, I did brains - chicken, etc.) I probably have a pic eating hot pot but who knows where it is! LOL!!
  4. Good early morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Today is Stevenson's BD - who knew!?! I don't want to celebrate Disaster Day but some chocolate fondue might be nice. Good quote. Love hot pot so might like the meal, corpse???? - maybe I will wait to see what it is, cabernet - yes, and I have been to Montreal a couple of times - last time was on a BHB in June. Wow, we have increased the population by almost 50% since 1969. I hope anyone in So Cal stays safe. Was watching the weather this morning and the floods and rainfall totals are horrible. We are expecting the storm tomorrow but today we will reach mid 70s under partly cloudy skies and right now it is 48F. What's the difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny???? Hmmmmm. I woke up early (at 0400) so I just got up. Busy morning as I go to a ~2 hr Pain and Memory study then off to a 2 hour subbing gig. I will be done by 1300 so the rest of the day will be free to keep doing prep for my cruise. My ricotta came out fine but a very small amount so I just threw it into the freezer for later. I found a recipe to make it out of whole milk so someday I will try that. Thoughts for those on the care list. @seagarsmoker Have a great first day at work. Cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  5. Oh, I absolutely love Green Chartreuse (not the yellow). Yum!!
  6. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I don't want to create a vacuum, most of the jerks I know have been dumped already and I do have a Facebook account. My friends urge me to post my adventures as they say they "live vicariously through me". I think I would like the meal but a "Plane Crash" 😬? No thanks on the wine and I have never been to Norway. The quote rings true. Interesting days. Another nice day in the desert but we will get the storm that is hitting California Tuesday-Thursday. So anything I want to do outside need to be done today or tomorrow. Presently it is 43F under cloudy skies heading up to mid 60s. As almost always - cool mornings and warm afternoons. I am trying to pace myself during the day, which is a struggle. But did some nice cooking yesterday, trying to use of some of the food in the frig so I don't have much in there. Did make some pickled jalapeños before they went bad. They will last a couple of months. I will try to make some ricotta cheese from the whey I have from making yogurt. I have done it before but you need a bucket load of whey to get enough to use it for anything. But I think I will try and then make lasagna with homemade noodles. We will see. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone.
  7. Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Happy, Happy Birthday Elmo! (though my fav is Mr. Snuffleupagus - shhhh, don't tell Elmo!) I don't have a dog - mainly because I like big dogs, I don't have room for them to play outside and my life just doesn't lend itself to a dog. I like several American painters - Georgia O'Keefe, Mary Cassatt, Jackson Pollock - to name a few. A good day to celebrate. Interesting quote, yum - beef stroganoff, ? drink, no to the wine, and I had an assignment on the Puget Sound in Bremerton and then in Seattle years ago. No pics though! What a collection of days in history - happy to sad. @marshhawk so sorry to hear about Bubbles but you did the right thing IMHO. <hugs> The rain is gone. It came off and on yesterday with periods of sun throughout the day. Today it will be sunny but cool - presently 42F and only getting up to the mid 50s. Yesterday was interesting but I was tired by time I got home. Missed a couple of the check ins for a research study I am in. You only have 10 minutes to respond once the notification pops up. I think today is the last day for it (it was for 10 days, I think) and then I do the MRI part of the study Wednesday. Also was chosen for another study and will do that Monday morning. Then I will participate in a online focus group Thursday. Still doing another research study (RE: carcinogens) and will be doing that for a couple of months. 2 other ones will be wrapping up soon. I am just a human ginny pig!! Picked up my typhoid pills and anti-malaria pills so I am all prepared for the Amazon!! I will need to be careful with the sun on my cruise so I must be diligent about putting on sun screen! Well, off to the gym in a little while and then I must start preparing the apartment for my departure. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating! Have a great day everyone.
  8. Happy Ground Hog Day to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I am a fan of Ayn Rand, never heard of Bonza Bottler Day but after the explanation 😆 , but no bubble gum for me. The meal looked so appetizing this morning but not sure about the drink, yes to the "wine" and never been to Greenland. LOL on the quote and some interesting days in history. Yesterday was such a busy day I am hoping for a more calm one today. We will have rain most of the day and much cooler temps from yesterday - high of only mid 50s. Right now it is 49F. I have my last day with the 8th grade science class but they have a test today so not much talking and hopefully not much walking around. The pain doc appt was - "you agree with the next injection" and he showed me what the surgeon sent him. I thought the surgeon recommended 4 shots but it was only 2. I see the surgeon next week and then the next injection right before I go over to CA before flying out to Miami. I look at my schedule in the next week and a half and I hope I keep everything straight. I have so many appts for PT, docs, research studies, etc. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great Friday everyone!
  9. Rabbit Rabbit White Rabbit! Boy, is it February already? I don't think I can or will make any candy today or change any of my hundreds of passwords and I just paid my car insurance 😬. Funny quote. I think I will pass on the meal, never tried the drink, ? wine, and I was in Gatun Lake about a month ago. Interesting days in history. Up early this morning as I have a busy, busy day. It will also get up to the high 70s so it will be beautiful but we are expecting a storm tomorrow with a drop in temps of ~25 degrees! Yesterday was fun but I was hurting by time I got to PT. I am not so much of a sitter when I sub and the walking around gets to me. More of the same today after I go check in with a study I am in at 0700. Then after my school gig, off to the pain doc for an assessment. I won't get home until around 1830 so it will make for a long day. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone.
  10. Happy Hump day to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I appreciate my SSA "check" so will celebrate the day but will pass on the other 2 days. Strange quote. I think I would like the meal, pass on the drink and wine and never been to Northern Ireland. Interesting days - cheers for Mandela!! It will be a sunny day here but a storm is coming predicted to arrive Friday. Presently 50F heading up to the high 70s. I achieve a lot yesterday - got my prescriptions for typhoid and malaria, though they have to order the typhoid. Decided to do the pills instead of the injection and use doxycycline for malaria. Total cost for me is a little over $50. Much better than going to the travel clinic and pay close to $350 because you need to sign a waiver to NOT submit it to insurance (why do I have insurance????). For the next 3 days I will be subbing for a science teacher at the Jr High. Then I must get serious about getting ready for my cruise. Everything is planned (flights, hotel, etc) just some odds and ends to wrap up. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Boy, LOTS of people getting ready to cruise or cruising now! Bon Voyage to @summer slope @Sharon in AZ @Quartzsite Cruiser and @dfish . I hope you have a great Hawaiian cruise (I know I did!!). Croissant are delicious. Too bad I don't have any. My brother was a dinosaur geek but I only remember a couple of them - T Rex, pterodactyl, and ....... ??? I like escaping whenever I can. Yes to the meal, ? on the drink, no on the wine, and I have been to Queensland but not Airlie Beach. Thank goodness the Library of Congress was re-established. It will be an absolutely beautiful day today. Presently 48F climbing to high 70s and the sun will be out with a scattering of clouds. Surprisingly, I was able to get an appt with my PCP for 0845 this morning. I waited for them to call and when they didn't by 1000, I called them. So, off to the gym, then the doc, then........ I am going to escape! LOL!! Had a re-eval with PT. I am getting better on the muscles we are trying to target. But of course, it isn't decreasing the numbness or pain. Oh, well, I knew that because this is a structural problem. But have to "play the game" - read that "protocol" or the insurance won't pay for anything. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  12. Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I am a free and abstract thinker, which sometimes is a fault when dealing with people who are more concrete thinkers. There are times I am a curmudgeon and oh, how I love to pop bubble wrap - even now!! I am not sure I agree with the quote - I forget my enemies as I don't want to waste time on them. I rarely use my slow cooker any more and my instant pot is also a slow cooker but I just bought some drumsticks yesterday so I may need to try the recipe with a couple of adjustments. The drink sounds good, no to the wine, and never been to Argentina. 3 interesting days in history. Today is a better day as I was a curmudgeon yesterday! Accomplished some things but I noticed that I tend to procrastinate more when I am not working. Not a good thing! My PCP got back to me about getting a prescription for the typhoid vaccine and malaria pills. He wants to discuss it so I requested an appointment - and it can be a virtual one. So I wait for a call. Boy, the subbing app "blew up" this morning with requests for subs for today. Notifications will start and 0500 and end at 2200. I can put me as not available but I am noisy and something may come up that sounds interesting. But today I have a PT appt at 1400. I did get a text from a teacher I know asking about 2 days in the future; unfortunately, I am already booked. Thoughts for those on the care list and the military families who are grieving. Cheers to the numerous people who are celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. It should be a very nice here to celebrate the days as it will climb up to the mid 70s under cloudy skies. Love the quote, the meal sounds interesting and will pass on the drink and wine. I went to Costa Rica on my last cruise but it was Puerto Limon. I had to look up what the Diet of Worms was and I remember watching the explosion of the Challenger and the faces of those watching. Such a sad day. Woke up in a funk so the goal of the day is to get out of it. I need some motivation, I think, so maybe trying some new recipes or working on a project. Or nothing at all. Who knows. I do need to go out and get some stuff so maybe I will do that early. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to the many of you who are celebrating and cruising or getting ready to. Have a great day everyone!
  14. Happy Saturday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Remembering the Holocaust - sad to think it really wasn't that long ago - and the liberation of the concentration camp was a celebratory but somber day. Almost anything with the word "chocolate" in it gets my attention! I think I would like the meal, the drink before the meal, and the wine with the meal. Never been to the port. We are predicted to have a "A nice weekend is on tap for Southern Arizona" per our local weather app/news station. Presently it is 39F heading up to high 60s with sunny skies. It will be beautiful today. @Sharon in AZ Wasn't Mt Lemon gorgeous yesterday?? I didn't get any pics but noticed it when I was driving to and from the school. My message to the pain doc was finally answered. I got a call early yesterday but couldn't answer it and they left a message. After numerous times calling them back, them putting me on hold (because of conflicting notes in my record), me needing to hang up, I reached them and scheduled another injection on the right side. Not sure if it will be 1 or 2 but at least I got it scheduled. The only thing is it is late on Wednesday before I drive over to Los Angeles at midnight that night. I have my last research appt and I will stay in LA before flying over to Miami to board the Zaandam on Feb 17. If I didn't take that appt I would of needed to wait until I got back in a month. I am hoping it goes well. I see the surgeon the week before for a follow up. What a pain in the "backside" all this is!! The memory study is going well. I have to carry around this "phone" that records snipets of my day. I missed one of the moments of reflection because I only have 10 minutes to respond once it notifies me. I normally have my phone on silence but now I pay more attention to it and look it a heck of a lot more than I normally do. I do the MRI portion in a week and a half. Nothing planned for today except for the gym but I do have stuff I need to do - like treat a couple of my pants and shirts with permethrin in anticipation of my cruise. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Wow, there are many of you getting ready to cruise or already doing so! Have a great day everyone!!
  15. Happy Friday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Not so sure I want to celebrate dental drill day; I hate going to the dentist! But I will celebrate the other 2. Not so sure I agree with the quote; it is thought provoking. I will pass on the food, drink and wine and have never been to the port. Two interesting days in history. It should be a nice day in the desert. Presently 46F under clear skies heading up to low 60s with sun. So it is "dress in layers" weather and thank goodness I did that yesterday. Went to a "bad" part of town to sub PE. The very first thing out of the office manager was "Call for a monitor to escort any student that wants to use the bathroom". I have never had this said in any other school. No sub plans on the teacher desk and I thought - Ok, I will have to wing this. Then found out the students will go to the cafeteria to take an assessment test. So basically, I was a proctor all day but I was done by 1400! Easy day and it will be the same today. I felt the result of walking around all day once I got home. Realized there would be no way I could work in an ER now. Found out a teacher who I worked with ended in the hospital last Sat with severe pre-eclampsia. Yesterday they delivered the little one at 29 weeks by emergency C-section. He looks like a fighter - almost 3# and 14in long. Keep him in your prayers, if you can. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those who are celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  16. Good early morning (for me) and thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Growing up I never had a room of my own but I have had one now for eons. I try to not have my clothes clash and thoughts for those astronauts we have lost - either during their working days or after. Funny quote! I would love the meal, drink and Korbel Brut is my fav champagne. Never been to the Seychelles. Great days in history. Yesterday was an interesting day at the research study. I did about 3 hours of memory tasks and looking back at my memories of different periods of my life. Now I have to wear a device that will record snippets of time (about 30 seconds) throughout the day and answer some questions 5x/day when the app asks me to reflect. I have to do this for 10 days. Next time will be an MRI of my brain while I do tasks (in 2 weeks). PT was challenging and I have sent a message to the pain doc about other injections because he did receive the recommendations from the surgeon - who I see in 2 weeks. We will see. We will have cloudy skies today and presently it is 44F heading up to high 50s. Subbing to day at a middle school doing PE. But the gym first. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  17. Just PT. I go back to the surgeon in 2 weeks for a follow-up. We will see what he says.
  18. Happy Hump Day to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I prefer beer in a bottle (no glass needed), belly laughs make me sore but I love when I laugh that way, and I want to believe I changed Martina's life when I brought her home from PACC. She had been in and out of there 3 times. I have had her now for almost 4 years. I like salmon cakes but don't really like to cook them, YES to Gin and Tonics - Tanqueray is my fav with diet tonic and I like green olives in mine. The wine is too expensive and I have never been to the port but did "see" Israel when driving along from Amnan to Aqaba along the Dead Sea. Four good days in history. Nice temps this morning (49F) on our way up to high 50s with a slight chance of rain. It rained off and on yesterday and I found a leak in my ceiling. Not bad but I noticed a "bubble" in the paint. I will have to notify the management company. Well, yesterday was interesting. I had signed up to sub in a 6th grade class. Figured I could do 6th grade for 1 day. Got there and they asked if I could do 4th grade. Oh, my!! Taught the kiddos about commas and conjunctions, facts and opinions, decimals and fractions. The video the teacher left wouldn't play (the entire sub plan was on a PPT that I didn't have a soft copy of) so I had to wing that one. Found another YT video that might work. I don't think it really was what the teacher had in mind but we watched most of it and then I gave them a 3 question quiz on what we just watched (and what I emphasized as we were watching it). I was exhausted by the end of the day and my whole lower body was screaming at me!!! But I made it through!!! I am dang proud of myself!! Today I have a UofA Psych research study on memory and then PT. Oh, my Brazilian visa came and boy my pic looks like I am a convict!! It is good for 10 years so maybe the hassle I went through to get it was worth it. Thoughts for the world and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  19. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I will not measure my feet because they are way too wide! I used to have good handwriting and I am not a fan of most pies. Weird quote, spaghetti is not a soup, nope to the drink, yes to the wine and I have been to Fujairah - driving over several times when I lived in Dubai. I don't think I have pictures, though. I remember watching Roots and interesting thing Sweden did. No gym today as I am subbing and need to be there at 0730. This one is an experiment - 6th grade. So that means I will have them all day. Oh, boy. And it is raining and is supposed to all day. 48F presently going up to mid 50s. Let's hope I survive! Yesterday at PT, he did a release of one muscle on my right side. He had done it for the left last week and that left me sore and achy. Yesterday was no different. He was a little more gentle in doing it but I actually think it helps a tad. Then last night I started reserving dinner and scheduling some excursions for my upcoming trip. I decided to add HIA after my experiment on my last cruise (it would have been cheaper adding HIA then). Excitement is starting to creep up! Happy Birthday to @DWAliaschief and @smitty34877. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a warm and safe day everyone!
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