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Everything posted by Fionboard

  1. Never know until you get on board. Could be fixed or freedom depending on ship.
  2. Yes, in 2019. Very rough seas and blizzards in Norway. Going again next month so hoping for better weather this time. But weather is so unpredictable nowadays!
  3. Do not need middle name. Relax and enjoy your cruise.
  4. Yes, the high prices on the remaining two small adults only ships shows how popular they still are.
  5. Did numerous cruises last year and never asked to show passport. Most ports you are not even asked to take passport ashore ( although I always have a copy of it - just in case!).
  6. I was on this one. Must say I prefer Toulon to Marseilles any day. Lovely old town and nice beach.
  7. Seems the distribution of P&O largesse is pretty random!
  8. Booked a cruise yesterday and options still there. Decided on saver fare this time (1100 quid cheaper) as I already have 4 select criuises booked for this year. Got to watch the pennies!
  9. Did Northern Lights cruise on Arcadia November 2019 and had snow blizzards every day in Norway. Snowmen on the aft deck but no lights!
  10. You are all lucky! Don't know if it is because I am a solo traveller but I never get "sweeteners". Have done over 50 cruises in 10 years (8 last year) nearly all balcony and mostly select. Feel a bit hard done by to be honest!
  11. Love Aurora and Arcadia. Have two cruises on each booked for this year. Yes they have their age problems (like me!) but they are small, friendly and adults only. Suits me.
  12. Me too. In fact some days I do not have the morning service. Keep my cabin like my home, clean and tidy!
  13. The stewards have other jobs (due to staff shortages and covid probably). Cleaning and helping in the restaurants mainly.
  14. Yes, the boarding pass is the same as the cruise card. You get it scanned as soon as you get on board at your muster station.
  15. Same with Iona - cheap prices and dubious passengers. Stick to the older ships.
  16. That's right, top tiers and suites get the boarding lunch. Nice to sit down and relax!
  17. Suites and top tiers tend to get earliest boarding times but it seems people just turn up when they want and coaches have no choice!
  18. Had deafening noise for first three nights on Iona Deck 15. Did not sleep. Went to Reception but lots of others in queue with same problem so did not bother to complain. Luckily noise stopped after that!
  19. Yes, Soller is lovely, especially on the train over the mountains. Spectacular views.
  20. If Arvia is anything like Iona, the sky dome is the most unappealing place for a drink or entertainment. Cold, with terrible acoustics. Reminded me of the swimming pool area at our local holiday camp!
  21. No, you have done everything now. Boarding pass replaces the e-ticket and is basically your cruise card until you get to your cabin. Relax and enjoy your cruise.
  22. Me too, one of the few things I use my old PC for.
  23. Always get coasters, even if you don't want a drink so other waiters know you have been asked.
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