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Everything posted by Fionboard

  1. No prawn cocktail at Xmas. Shame as they used to be quite good.
  2. As previously said, Arcadia has had plumbing problems for a long time. However, I enjoyed my three cruises on her last year and out of order public loo's did not spoil them. Have seen buckets and carpet driers on other ships too, particularly Ventura.
  3. P&O do employ extra security (ex service and police personnel) for short booze cruises. Spoke to some in Havana on 4 night Amsterdam cruise in May. They said that trouble on the whole is not too bad.
  4. Absolutely. The Casino is a dreadful 'pinchpoint' for crowds exiting the theatre. Bad design.
  5. Me neither, Britannia specs state 3600 ish.
  6. At Xmas we back to backers were given £30 each obc for taxis into Southampton. I chose to stay in cabin instead.
  7. Holiday Inn cruise package is good value. Have used it over 50 times with no problems.
  8. I did BtoB Xmas and NY on Arcadia. Embarkation between the two cruises was delayed for deep clean. I was asked to leave ship or stay in cabin while cleaning in process on Dec 29. However, Norovirus still caused problems on NY cruise.
  9. Have to say the Xmas cruise on Arcadia was lovely and civilized (apart from the toilet problems, but that's Arcadia!). However, the 5 night New Year cruise was awful. Different demographic, ship packed with noisy drinkers, but never saw any trouble.
  10. Andy Willard was the most engaging captain I have sailed with. Got involved in everything and his announcements were hilarious.
  11. We had welcome aboard lunch and a Peninsular lunch at Xmas.
  12. Huge queues for Freedom dining on last Xmas cruise. Started building up about 5.30 before MDR even open! Maybe people trying to get tables for two? Do not know as I was on fixed dining upstairs with no problems.
  13. Yes, a couple of things are standard on the menu every night (chicken and steak usually). Always been that way.
  14. Did have problems on Britannia maiden (2015 I think). However, back on her again within months and have cruised on her seven times since. One of my favourites now. Point I was making is, do not take too much notice of bad press about maidens or let it put you off.
  15. To be fair, most maidens are a disaster. I remember Britannia.
  16. Yes, we had a nice peaceful evening last night. Departure delayed today due to deep clean following norovirus. All back to normal now and looking forward to Hamburg (hopefully)!
  17. Similar problems on Iona a few weeks ago. Cheap cruises equals more trouble in my experience. No behaviour problems on Arcadia at present. Hope peace and goodwill to all continues over New Year!
  18. Currently in Force 11 off Dover with weather deteriorating so Arcadia docking tonight (with assistance from tugs). Pretty lively out here.
  19. All have been available on Arcadia this cruise.
  20. Absolutely! We are the ones with the time and the money to keep the ships going!
  21. I have this one too, currently, and it is larger, more comfortable and with better storage than Iona.
  22. Tap water tastes better than the tins (as long as you chill it)!
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