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Everything posted by jon81uk

  1. are you sure you have Sea-Blazer, the badge is in colour of you have it, you need to have done a cruise with them in 2021 to get it. There is currently no other badges. if you are sailing before the 30 April you should see the Deep Blue Extras I. Your add-ons.
  2. even if you don’t have the card you entered in check in, it is probably good advice to have a physical card of some type with you in the ship just in case, I wouldn’t risk having nothing except an interim number.
  3. On last Octobers TA we had the opposite issue with the Galley times. Turned up at 10.35 to find almost all the breakfast food gone, I wanted a bagel but that counter had closed and we had to make do with toast. I think they’ve taken my feedback onboard though if they now aren’t clearing breakfast until 11.30!
  4. I think part of the hot food issue is because there are no heat lamps on the stations so when food is waiting to be bussed to tables it can get cold.
  5. I know it’s a bit different but even seated with other guests I did tell the server to leave the pork on for longer as I wanted it crispy. I also asked her to get more beef as not everyone at the table ordered it but everyone took some so I didn’t get a whole portion!
  6. Why not ask for some tongs, or state “that’s done enough for me can I take it please?” back in 2021 they did give tongs to all guests and leave us to it once the meat was on the grill, but I assume guest feedback was they didn’t want to cook for themselves. I do think a hybrid would be best, give guests tongs but the server monitors in case people want some help.
  7. that doesn’t sound like over, just that your May 3rd cruise doesn’t qualify for the current extras. I don’t think front like Sailor Services know what’s happening in May yet.
  8. once you actually purchase the bar tab you will get the correct bonus, the text on the website isn’t specific.
  9. Almost every cruise has a Facebook group for it.
  10. Ah on last years October transatlantic which is the only cruise we’ve done since the new benefits came in last September there was more like 200+ passengers at the special Sailing Club sailaway, which would be about 20% of all passengers that were onboard.
  11. The trouble is if everyone has priority boarding then in effect no one does as everyone is just turning up at the same time. I would expect for the new version of the Sailing Club that’s the perk which will be reserved only for the higher spenders.
  12. Virgin also carried Heineken lager at every bar everywhere, I think it was actually harder to find craft beer in some restaurants compared to standard lager style beer.
  13. You just click on the booking in the agenda and edit to change time or cancel is at the bottom. It’s one of those simple when you find it things!
  14. You just go in and change it. You might need to cancel one to make the new one if they overlap so check what is available first and then cancel.
  15. On our first Virgin voyage from the UK back in 2021 they did give everyone tongs, but I felt I didn’t really know what I was doing. Subsequent voyages the server did the cooking and they listened to requests and we got nice crispy pork. But the assistant server did all the drink orders and the main one concentrated on food. They really should go to a hybrid of handing out enough tongs so you can remove the meat if you wish while the server gives support to those who need/want it.
  16. It should be under add-ons.
  17. i think there are a couple of other shows in the Manor like the Hostess sings her Secrets where it’s possible just to walk in and watch from the back of the room too.
  18. The share and add your mates link in the app worked for us a year ago to link with friends and book restaurants for four people.
  19. All shows should be booked but will often allow walk up if there is space. The Festival Stage are no different to other shows such as Duel Reality.
  20. Yes you should be able to see a basic line up or events in the app at 45 days out. For our Greek Island cruise on Resiliant Lady it is quite sparse just showing the main evening shows and bigger activities like bingo and VHS.
  21. I enjoyed the curry, it’s nice because there isn’t much similar food on the ship so good to get something different.
  22. There is a list here under the resilient lady tab https://www.virginvoyages.com/l/entertainment-2023#resilient-lady you should be able to see the approximate timings in the app at 45 days out when booking dining. But most nights it looks like there is a 7pm and 10pm showing of the same thing except for Scarlet Night and the overnight in Mykonos. Can only book shows, classes and activities once onboard. Another Rose dinner show is an upcharge but might include drinks.
  23. It’s just a DJ playing Latin inspired music in Pink Agave. Standard menu so can order some drinks and snacks if you like if you want and from memory I think they proposed a toast to go with the free shot at some point. No extra cost except for any drinks you order and starts around 10pm I think but check the times guide for your cruise. Finished about midnight I think when we were onboard.
  24. It’s 45 days for regular guests, I just did mine for my upcoming trip.
  25. General advice for sailing with Virgin Voyages, Once you’ve booked, download the app and do the six check in steps, the final one is to choose the embarkation slot, the earlier times go first. At 45 days to go you can reserve dinner restaurants in the app. Then once onboard you can do fitness classes, activity and show reservations in the app. Some fitness classes fill quickly. There will also be more times available for dinner once onboard if you need to move something and you can book brunch in The Wake and Razzle Dazzle. Hope that helps
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