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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Hmmm, now you've got me thinking. I had not checked hotels beyond the couple nights I needed at end 1st leg & beg 2nd leg.
  2. I've seen that option, but have not done it. Do they all still log in using the same credentials?
  3. Do you have an inexpensive hotel recommendation, a relative, a summer house or an inside connection to George Clooney? I'd take a room in his guest house at Como... The 2 flights for just myself (DH is only on 1st leg & friend is only on 2nd leg) is roughly $1800.
  4. It's $25/day pp for 13 days and less. It's $15/day pp for 14 days and up. Does not change per ship. 😊
  5. Yep, that's what an offer looks like!! I think if you do nothing, it will eventually go away.
  6. Hmmm, so I just changed reservations around for B2B Venezia in Sept to get the wine.🍷 When I did, I moved Teppanyaki to the 2nd night and Il Viaggio to 4th night. Now I have to move it again to swap those 2 so I can also get wine the 2nd night! Wish I'd known. 🫣
  7. You could let the ship do it and just supplement w/something more personal.
  8. What was your cabin number? Thanks!!
  9. Thoroughly enjoyed your review and amazing pix. Thanks for bringing us along - no such thing as too much Alaska!!
  10. I'm Team "stay put" for all the reasons listed. We've spent 2 weeks trapped directly under the Lido - miserable. Think you don't spend much time in your cabin now, wait til you experience sea life with a heard of elephants (that's what it sounds like) parading overhead every day, all day.
  11. So if all this food is bad, how come we all return from a cruise having gained weight, πŸ˜† 🀣
  12. Air has been showing really good prices on ITA (Italian Airways), so depending on where you're traveling from, there are decent rates. Just remember to watch for Thanksgiving since you're departing (I assume) from the US. Typically lower rates when you check on Sundays. Also, the rates I posted were screenshots taken with me logged in on HALs site, so YMMV. But definitely worth checking on. Port fees and taxes for the Rome->FLL leg are $140, so even if you did a $779 Verandah from OPs findings, you're at $919pp - still an excellent deal! I would encourage you to log into HALs site to see what comes up specifically for you AND to compare with your TAs site. I hope it works out - I'm rooting for you!
  13. Welcome to HAL @JesterWA @kazu answered your questions well, so I won't duplicate. Just add that the time it takes to get through dinner can really drag if the other people at your table don't continuously progress through their courses. Nobody receives the next course until all are finished with the previous one, so if a table mate likes to linger over a course, so shall you also linger. πŸ™„And if someone wants to hold onto their salad, for example, to eat with their main but doesn't let the server know, everyone's going to be watching that salad wilt while dreaming of their mains. Or if someone orders multiple starters, everyone waits until they're done.πŸ€” But dinner at a shared table can still be enjoyable. I know you'll find what works for you.πŸ€—
  14. Was told no for either price adjustment or OBC; said it was my rate code. Which is the same answer they gave for not allowing me to add HIA. Hmmm... Originally, had booked Athens->Rome w/sister then me staying B2B RT Rome w/husband, then we'd both fly home from Rome. Sister had to cancel, husband can't take more time off work, so I canceled Athens to Rome and booked flights RT Rome w/husband. Then friend calls and says "hey, did you see this great price for a cruise from Rome?" I got it even less than her great price, so we booked it, which has me flying back to Rome to cruise Rome->FLL. That is less expensive than rebooking the flights and staying in a hotel for 2 weeks. Friend cannot go to Rome early to share hotel cost, so that leaves me making 2 flights to Rome.
  15. Gut told me you were going to mention potential delay in Rome. I didn't think about the prep work or limited provisioning going into drydock. I am on NS Oct 29 - Nov 9 RT Rome then again Nov 26 - Dec 10 Rome->FLL. Sounds like she's scheduled for dry dock the 17 days in between; I didn't check the calendar, but am sure thinking I should have. I do fly home in between. Ugh...
  16. Received confirmation today, so it took 2 days for the HAL credit to show. Haven't gotten new invoices yet, but email shows it will be applied to all 5 bookings I had listed. I did not include any bookings after May 2024 assuming the Aug and Sept were too far out for them to approve.
  17. I didn't think about coming out of or going into dry dock impacting bookings, but agree that could have something to do with the availability we're seeing. Curious why you don't want to cruise at either of those times?
  18. If you booked directly through HAL, just call and ask them to note the booking that you "will accept an upgrade." If you booked through a TA, you'll need to call them and ask them to note the file. Once booked, I do not know of a way to do it yourself. BTW, it works the other way, too - if you absolutely want to keep what you have, be sure the booking is noted as "will not accept upgrade." With the "will" note they will move you move without checking w/you first and you'll probably not be able to get the old one back if you don't like the new one.
  19. Apologies for the strange way this copied - internet took a dive mid post. Anyway, logged in to see what prices are showing in preparation to call HAL about a price adjustment or OBC (booked direct, no PCC, no TA). Below is what I'm seeing; entry price by type, then price differences as I clicked through on Unobstructed Verandah w/me selecting my own cabin. UnobstructedBalcony Guarantee $329 + $140 port fees & taxes = $469. Select your cabin $419 + $140 pft = $559. Both are really good deals:
  20. This will be my first TA; I got an incredible deal - choice balcony less than the $779 shown in @BermudaBound2014 message, heck we paid less than the $679 OV price shown and that included CO. So I'm thrilled, but beyond frustrated that I cannot get HIA added. If I do the math using these current rates, I may be able to buy HIA and still get a good deal. I'm sure many paying $779 for a balcony will be adding HIA. The Thanksgiving holiday didn't impact my decision to book, but it is impacting flights due to Turkey day being busiest travel time in US.
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