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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. No. But it has been possible to use iMessage without logging in to use minutes. It has been a loophole and it is possible that loophole has been closed recently. (My daughter could use it a few weeks ago on Escape but someone else reported from another ship it wasn't working)
  2. I don't think it's a mistake. I have had my eye on both Bliss TAs (east and west) for a while and they have really been that cheap for a solo traveller. The only reason I haven't booked is that I don't want to do the flight to/from Miami at that time. They have had a bit of yoyo pricing though. Up/down/up/down...
  3. At least it seems that there is some liberty to make changes in it. I have seen it twice, different ships and about 6 months beween them. Although similar, not identical. It seems that they try to take advantage of special strenghts of cast members. But still, that's a long time to run a show!
  4. There is a daily solo meet. Probably around 5-ish if I rember correctly, probably in the solo lounge. (They will let you in.) It's pretty common that people from the solo group go together for dinner, but I don't think MDR has any "earmarked" shared tables.
  5. I was on a 15-day ta and it was only offered once during that cruise. I don't know if that's the norm or not though.
  6. I have seen and like the both of those. They kind of have the same theme, both being the names of clubs, if I recall correctly. (Paradis being french for Paradise)
  7. I'm pretty sure I could have booked the cruise I mentioned before (departing from Oslo - close for me) the night before departure. I started a booking and all looked normal but didn't go through with it.
  8. I was going to suggest Waterfront as well. Really nice walking!
  9. Congratulations! Looks like a very useful backpack!
  10. Exactly! Of course it's all about cutting costs! If indeed the game shows attract "the contemporary cruiser" they can be had without removing the "real" shows (Broadway or not).
  11. Entertainment isn't hugely important to me. I hate game shows and would not go to any of them. Ever! Talent shows not my thing either even though some acts may be great I'm sure. Not crazy about cover bands, but can be great. I would not stand in line long for one though! Magicians etc can go either way. IF I go I get a seat where it's easy to leave. But some of them I have enjoyed a lot! I DO however like to watch dancing done by people that know their stuff. Ballroom, showdance, even hiphop 😮 I LOVE it all! And when the Broadway type show are dropped, lots of dancing is lost. That's a pity! 😞 I like the production cast theather shows in general, if for nothing else, to admire the talent of the performers. I'd hate to lose them! (Not crazy about the "Broadway tune" performances in for example Bliss lounge even if it's by those same talented performers I love watching in the theather.)
  12. I've spent lots of time in the library on Gem and Star and there has always been people reading there. Always!
  13. Apart from Star's library not having good tables for this, it IS a library. Meant for reading. Not for chatting or playing cards or whatever.
  14. I have looked at solo insides and ov on several ships that don't have Studios and Studio Lounge. They really are the least desireable rooms in the categoies. I will be in a solo inside on Star later this year. I booked early so I got one of the least crappy of the crappy locations though. I don't know how re-pricing would work since price only went down very recently and not by much. Only a couple of solo inside left and regular inside is much more than what I paid.
  15. No set dinner time No formal night Relatively solo-friendly pricing
  16. Honestly, I've had both and it's no big deal for me! The locally made ice-cream and artisan pizza in my nearby city are just as good. Pricey, but good. The bus ticket to go there is cheap though. 😄 Having said that, I do like to get my food/snacks ashore if possible. Even if it's something boring like a Snickers. 😄
  17. I completely get this! I don't have any food sensitivities, except I can feel very bad in different ways =(for example migraine) if I don't get something to eat in a long time. So I always keep a protein bar (or two) in my day backpack. That bar can be there for several trips because I prefer getting something "fresh" and it's very rare that I can't find anything unless out hiking. But just knowing it's there makes me feel "safe". My bars are not from the buffet though...
  18. Well, not in EU. Only guests 1 and 2 can BUY the FAS package here. So it wouldn't have helped you to be in EU if she's guest 3.
  19. Not helpful for your problem, but just a small correction: FAS is not free on EU bookings. It has to be purchased and it's all or nothing. We cannot deselect any part of it.
  20. I was on a South Africa and Namibia Cruise earlier this year. Entering and leaving Namibia immigration authorities came on board for a compulsory passport check/stamp. In the last SA port before Namibia we had to go through passport control and passports were stamped.
  21. NCL EU web site had been a mess the last couple of weeks. Prices have gone up/down(not availble and what have you.
  22. And I assure you, in those touristic spots there is always places to purchase a snack to go. I'd be surprised if that cereal box would land you in any trouble. Factory sealed or not. But it annoys me a little that the topic claims to be about taking food out of the buffet when in reality it's about taking it off the ship. And according to post #15 that cereeal box seems to be seeking company of fruit and sandwiches. I'm sure you can get away with those as well since there probably won't be any checks when you get off the ship. That doesn't make it right though.
  23. If food is not allowed off (or on) the ship that is irrelevant.
  24. Doesn't matter if there are sign or not, if it's not allowed it's not allowed! As I said, it's usually clearly stated in the Daily. It is your responsibility to stay on top of the rules in the country you are visiting. Fruit and meat are usually not allowed. Disclaimer: I have not cruised much in the Mediterranian. I'm talking in generall. All over the world.
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