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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. Wow! I'm trying to get my head around this one! I don't have small kids anymore and I do get that parenting is different now than back in the '80s with parents being more "me" oriented now. I don't think that is a bad thing. but leaving your kids on a ship with (relative) strangers for more than maybe an hour or two... Wow! What if when you get on board it turns out that the kids don't actually like Splash Academy? Or even if they do, on that particular day one of them might not be "cooperative" (3- an 5-years old don't always "cooperate"...)
  2. So... There will be at least 11 people on that ship that HASN'T watched the video... 😄 Joking aside, for my cruise i July I only a couple of reminders. For the cruise before that... oh my!... they just kept coming!
  3. Why would you break up with her/them??? (Disn't see that part at first soínce I only skimmed your rant) Go solo on your cruise. Shouldn't be a big deal in a new realtionship.
  4. Did I read the exact same story from you yesterday? The general opinion in that post (that I can't find now) seemed to be that there is no reason for you to cancel your cruise. I agree.
  5. This! (Not that I use those wipes, and if I did I certainly wouldn't flush them.) And about toilet paper: I have very old sewage drains where I live so it's hugely important that the TP dissolves easily. So I tested different brands/types some years ago (my friends were very amused when I asked for samples of their TP) and it turned out that the ones that dissolved the best (of those I tested) were soft 2/3-ply. (You's actually had to be careful when using it...) The worst was the cheap "harsh" 1/2-ply. This was i Sweden so brand names makes no sense and I have no idea what kind that "Northern" is.
  6. I'm not the one that posted it, but my guess would be Mediterranian, Epic out of Provence in October. Selling out the last rooms, so not really people leaving in their droves. The cruise I'm on in October (UK/Ireland) has gone up slightly from when I booked it in May.
  7. I'm i Europe so my experiences may be completely irrelevant for a US cruiser, but FWIW: I have done two cabin upgrades this year after final pay when I saw prices dropped. Both times I reached out to my PCC and asked him what he could offer me. Neither upgrade was free, but one of them not far from (and the other very well priced too). My "policy": It doesn't hurt to ask!
  8. Most of us buy at least two. Two certs give 250 back making price 125. As for what is the norm I don't know but I have successfully applied most of my certs to already booked cruises.
  9. They do the same thing for us Europeans. Prices ARE in Euro but on several places it says "all prices are in USD". Easier for us to spot though with the Euro-sign as a tell
  10. NCL is doing a bit too much copy/paste making promo T&C not always correct. Doing a bit of copy/pate myself here, giving the beginning of the promo T&C. After this the NCLcopy/pate muddles up things... CRUISENEXT DOUBLE! OFFER Booking Window: August 1st - August 31st, 2023 11:59pm ESTOffer Details: Book a any stateroom on any sailing and apply TWO CruiseNext, CruiseNext Haven or CruiseNext Lite depositsOffer valid for sailings beginning in 2023 and forward:
  11. I have applied a second CruiseNext to each of my two upcoming cruises during this promo. I'm not sure my link works for USA/Canada, but enclose it anyway. Takes som scrolling to get to the CruiseNext part. https://www.ncl.com/fr/en/about/terms-and-conditions/promotions-ceuk Edit: Both my bookings were inside cabins. One cruise this October, one in April 2024
  12. Except Starbucks "coffee" really isn't that great. How many actually drink their coffee black as opposed to their coffee flavoured milk drinks? Having said that, I would not bring a coffee maker or even ask for one to my room. Buffet coffee may not be great, (a little too weak IMHO) but decent enough for a week or two for me. Totally understand those that think differently though. Long live differnce of opinions! 😄
  13. You can come and live in a EU country if you're a EU citizen. Once you actually LIVE in that country, ie have a permanent address (and pay taxes and actually contribute and not just take advantage of the system...) you're entitled to healthcare benefits. As already has been said, emergency care is available for everyone, even tourists, but "only" what's needed for survival and maybe a little more. As for the senator I honestly can't imagine he didn't have any kind of insurance going to Spain. Of course his US health insurance had nothing to do with this, but he most likely had some sort of travel insurance. And FWIW, if he's a politician with an agenda I would take his words with a grain of salt.
  14. Yep! Once again @LauraAnneC beats me! 😄 Emergency care will be given if needed, but rest assured they'll go looking for payment afterwards! In case of a road accident where a EU motor vehicle is considered to have caused the accident it will come from the compulsory vehicle insurance. In other cases with no other insurance it may come to you as HUGE bill! Maybe that senator's accident had to do with that vehicle insurance I mentioned or they had some sort of insurance of their own that maybe they didn't realize actually included accident protection.
  15. EU health care benefits are not about citizenship but rather residency as @LauraAnneC says. We have to be covered by healthcare in our EU home country to be eligble for benefits in another country. And to be covered by healthcare we need to live and be registered to pay tax in that country. If that senator was treated free of charge he was lucky or covered by something else than this.
  16. Yes. Any passport with the new international biometrics standards require this. US or elsewhere. It includes, among other things iris recognition for face ID. Even if that CAN be done with glasses, the easier, more secure way is to not allow glasses. Exceptions can be made though. But they are just that: Exceptions
  17. And once you sell them, however you do it, they transfer usually takes a couple of days or less. To use them they have to be in the correct currency (same as booking). Converting is done by sending an email and then wait for a couple of days (or less).
  18. I seem to recall having seen something about this. Possibly in the app during cruise. I think it was around $25 for a day uf unlimited. Not 100% sure though, so need confirmation from someone else! It was announced as "news" if I recall correctly. And FWIW, it made no difference that I had used some of my minutes a few days into the cruise. It was still credited as $200 (300 minutes, 12-day cruise) Edit: This was on Star, in case it differs between ships. It shouldn't, but hey...
  19. As for drinks, it fountain (or gun rather...). I got unopened cans a couple of times without asking for them when the gun was out of order, but it's not the norm.
  20. I was on a 12-day cruise about a month ago. Just thought I'd let you know that a few days in the upgrade price dropped to around $70. I know some people say that you get this offer only if you haven't used any of your included minutes, but that was not true for me. It kept coming up every time I connected to Internet. (Not that I needed it.)
  21. LOL! This reminded me of many many moons ago when I was flying with a suitcase and "locked" it with zip ties (only to be able to see if it had been tampered with - not really thinking it's safe). There was a long wait on the airport before being able to get rid of the bag, and I decided to get something out of the bag. Only I didn't have anything to cut with. My pair of scissors were inside the bag. 😮 I now have a small pair of scissors in an outer pocket of said suitcase. (At the time I could borrow a pair from a check-in-counter-person who found the situation very amusing. I'm always happy to bring smiles on other people's faces.)
  22. To each their own, but for me it's kind of the other way round: I know I'll spend a lot of time outside. Chilling in Spice H2O, walking around, going between different places offering different views and so on. Therefore I book an inside. It's really comfortable for the time I do spend there and I don't need more. (I'm a solo traveller, so space is not an issue.) But that's me! I'm useless at sitting still for more than 15-30 minutes. If I wasn't I can absolutely see the attraction of a balcony! (And having sung the praise for the inside cabin, on my recent Iceland/Norway cruise I had a cheap picture window room that I LOVED! The midnight sun may bother some, but not me! A balcony wouldn't have added anything FOR ME on this particular cruise but the oceanview... WOW!)
  23. As has been said, you reach Cruise Critic WITHOUT logging in to Internet. Click on the link under "free pages" or something like that. On my recent cruise I wasn't able to get to the forum/boards though. Or maybe I just wasn't patient enough and maybe would have gotten there after enough time. Anyway, I had free cell service in ports/near land and plenty of minutes so I decides not to keep trying.
  24. Convenient! We have to show up and have our picture and fingerprints taken at ever renewal (5 years). The picture is the hardest bit to have it comply with biometric requirements. "Don't smile!" "I'm not! This is how I look"...
  25. I hear you and think you have a point. However my experience is that the suitcases don't stay in the hallways for very long if that makes it any better.
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