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Everything posted by techteach

  1. @Host Hattie Sorry about that Host Hattie.
  2. @Bigmike911 Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain…Rain drops keep fallin’ on my head…Just Singin’ in the Rain…Rainy days and Mondays always get…Rain, Rain, Go Away, Go to Texas, Rain all day. 🙂
  3. @Tonopah —-Dancing…in a plaza…to guitar music. Incredibly romantic. Sticky toffee pudding. Yum.
  4. @exlondoner Ahhh. a Super Tuscan. If not too much Cab Franc, it is one of my favorites! No apologies necessary for not noticing trellis height. I remember being on Santorini seeing the vines wrapped into coils on the ground and covered with tarp to capture the evening dew - the source of water. Anyway, I’m glad you had a great time and wish I could have been there too!
  5. @exlondoner Which wines did you get to taste? Curious about how the vines were trellised. How high up from the ground?
  6. I certainly hope there is no corkage fee for consuming in my cabin. That is crazy. I’m happy to pay a corkage if I take it to a restaurant. I must admit the two bottles I plan to bring on board are not for sipping in the cabin. I broke down and bought the 7 bottle wine package.
  7. @lissie What did you do in SF? I hope you had a good trip. Best of luck boarding today and happy sailing.
  8. @exlondoner How was Italy? I typed “I can’t imagine how it must feel in Rome with that heat” and then remembered that I HAVE been in Rome in that heat. I hope you are staying comfortable and having a grand time.
  9. @Lanky Lad I hope the weather change is to your liking. We had a beautiful sunrise this morning and then fog rolled in, but it is clearing fast and we should see a lovely day with temps in the low 80’s. A perfect Seattle summer day.
  10. @itsanita and @lobsternight thanks for your responses. I went to another provider and found independent excursion offers. Some worked and some didn’t, but I think he’ll be happy. I ordered a couple of pairs of chinos and will go from there. Grubby t-shirt? Never. Considering I booked this yesterday I think we’re doing fine. I just need to relax and let him enjoy. Thanks again.
  11. @itsanita I cannot say thank you enough for your wonderful post. I just got off of the phone with Celebrity and booked what I could. The only available excursions were in Ketchikan. No Whale viewing for us …I haven’t told him yet. How did your kids dress to eat in the MDR? I was going to buy him a couple of pairs of non-jeans. Should I quit worrying? Again - thank you very much for your wonderful post. Take Care —
  12. @kitkat343 Thanks for all of this information. I will be cruising with my 9 year old grandson who only drinks milk? Where do I need to go to get out? One place on the website says I need to check him in and out, and another place says I don’t need to do that. What was your experience? Are there pool toys? I’m thinking about packing a pool tube. Did the kids eat in the MDR? Any other suggestions?
  13. @Tonopah Glad to hear you’re feeling better and congrats on 34 years together! We just celebrated 35 and the real celebration is the TA in December. Enjoy your evening and try to stay cool.
  14. We’re sailing in December from Southampton and I haven’t received an email yet. Perhaps it’s too far out in time.
  15. DH loves Sancerre. It sounds like a lovely day and I hope @exlondoner was able to wave to you.
  16. @exlondoner @buchanan101 Can you post a snap of the wine list available in cabin for QG? Buchanan101 was asking about it.
  17. @D&N That’ quite the pizza pie, and a great view.
  18. @ronpes oops…I really do know how to read. 8 weeks is still good weather. We frequently have a mini heat wave in the middle of September. With kids back in school you will have a calmer vacation.
  19. @buchanan101 Someone has posted the QG list but you may have to dig through the threads to find it. I remember thinking it was fine for sipping with a book in our cabin.
  20. @kruzguys How sad that must be, but I bet you have lots of great stories and memories!
  21. @D&N We haven’t cruised yet, but we’ve spent a considerable amount of time trying to decide on wines, because they are a major part of the meal for us. There weren’t enough wines on the packages that we would choose if not on the package. We’ve decided to order by the bottle. We will probably have a white and a red each night and carry over the white for lunch the next day. We really aren’t cocktail drinkers, but an aged port after dinner is always a favorite of the DH.
  22. @D&N You are SO clever! And, both so photogenic. Hope the cats are staying cool through the heat, and you two also! The sea breeze just kicked in so I’ll be grabbing my wrap soon as I want to stay and enjoy our beautiful garden by the deck. Two of my four hardy fushias are blooming. Stay cool!
  23. @Host Hattie What a beautiful view! I’m glad you’ve got some cool weather.
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