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Everything posted by techteach

  1. @kwokpot Who in the world thought up this idea? Imagine taking off your headphones to hear 3 different songs all being sung at the same time! As a former musician I couldn’t handle it. Thank you so much for giving me a clue.
  2. @ronpes The negative reviews for the QE are really bad. There is a new video on YouTube re. QM2 from a very intelligent German cruiser, In Queens Grill suite, showing lights sideways in the hallways, people sitting in the halls to access internet. Cunard needs to wake up, take notice, and fix the problems. I care deeply and I haven’t even cruised Cunard yet.
  3. I need to go and unpack all of the black dresses and beautiful ____insert name____ scarves I have packed for “chic” night. BTW - I don’t do chic - elegant/classic yes. This is a HUGE topic in the Cunard forums causing threads to be closed after 4 pages of posts. Better get upstairs now…oh…what to take? What to take?
  4. I keep reading about the Silent Disco. What is it?
  5. I’ve been told there are no stupid questions - but we all know that there are - so here is one — I have filled out all of the vaccination information and then stopped when it came to the questions about current health because I thought I needed to fill that out within 72 hours of arrival in Victoria. Am I wrong? Do I have to fill out the whole thing prior to boarding in Seattle? Thank you for taking the time to answer so I can quit worrying.
  6. Oh My. Thanks for sharing. Dinner tonight with DH will be interesting.
  7. Pineapples…don’t you wonder where that came from? I had no clue. Learning lots today.
  8. @Camgirl - Thanks for your post Camgirl. QM2 in December. We’re on the TA December 15th. Are we going to run into each other?
  9. @Bigmike911 Gosh Mike I’m not going to quit the TA in December. But, it is going to be an important measuring stick. If they can’t get the elevators to work from the QG on deck 9 by December then what the heck is going on? Elevators are a basic function, especially for a ship with cruisers over…____ fill in the blank. My hips make me feel 80 some days. I read that people like the QV for QGrill better. DH says it is all about the food, and for me the cabin is HUGE. I really respect your opinion and hope the TA in December goes really well. (I also read the Independence Day cruise was kind of a big party which is not DH or I in any way, shape, or form.) There is never just one chance. 🙂 By the way - we hit over 90F yesterday and I want you to take back your hot weather. Although, the rain on the sky light above the bed woke me at 5:00am this morning. That was a good thing!
  10. @Lanky Lad We have never cruised Cunard, but are doing the TA in December. Then I booked another QM2 for the following July. Lots of not so great QM2 reviews, so I’m thinking of moving the booking to QV. So many on this forum love QV…Haven’t discussed this with DH —— so who knows.
  11. @Host Hattie @exlondoner @Tonopah @Lanky Lad @Victoria2 Hurrah! Hurrah! We get to stay and talk!
  12. You would want to walk north across the parking lots to the tall Magnolia bridge, go up the stairs then walk down the bridge to the light. Stay on the west side and cross the street. Whole Foods is one block across from Brown Bear car wash.
  13. @exlondoner We were watching for you, hoping you would wave!
  14. @Tonopah Check ravelry. I think i just sent you a message. Having trouble typing…
  15. @Tonopah Ah- I quilt too! Before retirement I made beautiful shawls, now I usually have what I call mindless crochet going. They are repetitive afghans for charity. I do quilts for Lutheran World Relief as well for home. I also love wool appliqué and embroidery. Are you on Ravelry?
  16. We hit 92F this week, which is almost record heat for Seattle. 85F on the deck at 4:00pm. On a different note, I got a wild hair last weekend and booked the 9 year old and myself on an Alaskan cruise in 3 weeks. This will be the first time sailing Celebrity. It is so fun to read the threads complaining about the Celebrity App. Hey, at least they have one!
  17. If this thread goes away I hope we all find each other in our new home. Perhaps we can tag each other to assist the search.
  18. @Tonopah Do you crochet? If so, I do too. How fun to have an afghan with toys for your furry friends built in.
  19. @kdkstormy Thank you for your helpful post. I’ll remember The Hump cabins for the future. I really didn’t have any choice for this cruise as it was last minute and ours was the last concierge veranda available. Fingers still crossed for Move Up.
  20. @weregoingcruising hmmm clearing browser cache for an app?
  21. I started having freeze up yesterday and it continues today. I have installed Ipad update and deleted the app and reloaded 3 times. Anyone else having issues?
  22. I’ve always cruised in suites, but could only get a veranda for our first cruise on Celebrity. 194 sq ft. Yikes! Yes, I’m totally spoiled. I’m hoping Move Up will get me into a Sky Suite or a Celebrity Suite. Crossing my fingers and checking twice a day. 20 days to embarkation.
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