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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. Yes she is. I think it is aggravated by her asthma. Her temp is down to 100.4° this morning, but she still sounds like crap.
  2. I have found that to happen when I have several tabs open. I have found that hitting the refresh on the page will correct the problem for me. Although, refreshing the page will sometimes then show me as logged out, and I need to log in again.
  3. I probably would have picked the “Island Time” one. Last time we were in Honolulu, we hiked from the Duke statue, up through the tunnel, to the top of Diamond Head, then back to Duke’s for some Hula Pie. Hope you got to have some while you were there.
  4. Greg was posting some pretty good Starlink numbers from his cruise. They must have it up and running on his ship.
  5. Those numbers from Starlink look so much better than what we have been getting on their ships.
  6. So did they recommend you put a screen over the intake, to keep leaves from getting sucked in? Happened once to us, on a holiday weekend, no less. We have a screen on ours now. When you said work station, I was envisioning new computer with multiple large monitors.
  7. She has good days and bad days. Taking things a day at a time. Thanks for asking. One of Susan’s sisters tested positive today. Surprised this is the first time she got it, since she is an RN, and has worked at the hospital all through the pandemic. Fever of 104° and trouble breathing. Not sure what strain she got, but she just got the latest booster a couple weeks ago.
  8. That looks so nice. Much better than the 36° and rain that we have this morning.
  9. @Luckynana. Maryann, sorry to hear about Jim. Glad he got good care, and you are home now. Can’t believe how many pages this grew overnight.
  10. There is also one free plug under the desk We use the one under the bed to plug in our charging tower, and put all the devices on the shelves of that tiny bedside table.
  11. While driving to the library to pick up some books, I saw this. Seriously, who pays extra for that special plate. Oh, wait, maybe @Sea Dog Greg would.
  12. We had a busy day, splitting our time between two games at the same time. Grandson’s team had their first loss today. Although the leaves have turned, and there are a ton still on the trees, we managed to bag up 22 bags of leaves today, plus a couple yard carts full. By the time the last of them are down, we will go through over 200 bags.
  13. Sometimes, I will just do a screenshot of a photo and upload it. Those look just as good as the photo, when viewed on my phone, iPad, or computer, and that is on a 27” monitor. They load much quicker.
  14. Looks like a great family get together. We have a family reunion that they have kept going each year, for 120 years. Of course, Covid years were not well attended. It includes the descendants of my great great grandfather. When those older generations had a dozen kids, the numbers really add up.
  15. I think CC downsizes the photos automatically. It would make sense that they don’t want to fill up their servers with huge file sizes. I looked at one of the photos Greg uploaded, and it was downsized to 472 kb. Probably much smaller than his original.
  16. Oh, Greg, sorry to hear about your fall. Keep on your meds, and keep hydrated. You are lucky you didn’t get dizzy while making that long drive. Take it from someone who knows what can happen. I won’t go into it on your live thread. I hope you can enjoy all the things you have planned for your cruise.
  17. Will be following this with interest. I had been looking at doing either these two cruises, or just flying to Hawaii for a week, then on to Australia for a NZ cruise. Enjoy
  18. Yes, but they usually frown on removing all your clothes, to get your “true weight” 🤣🤣
  19. They booked during the double points promo. Double points for the solo cabin, then double that, because of the promo.
  20. I don’t envy that long travel day. I absolutely hate those overnight flights. Safe travels to you.
  21. I am here, following along, since I canceled my Voyager sailing this weekend. I love those 8 day itineraries. You won’t notice much difference in the ship from 2013
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