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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. Happy Groundhog Day. Which reminds me, I need to find that movie and watch it for the 💯 time. Oh, and I just saw a story this morning about a Pizza Hut in Canada. They had a very unfortunate case of autocorrect when they made this sign.
  2. Sorry, I thought at the end of the second video you said it was the solarium, but you said it was on oasis and quantum class. That is disappointing if they don’t have a solarium.
  3. That is the thing, each cabin steward had half as many (or less) rooms to service. Now, they are trying to make this their new normal, while charging significantly more. Maybe their hope is to get enough new cruisers hooked that haven’t experienced anything better.
  4. When you get down to the solarium, how much of that noise filters down from the aqua dome? One thing I always enjoy, is the peaceful atmosphere in the solarium.
  5. This is a brief article about Spellbound, but it doesn’t have much about what will be found onboard. https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles/magic-castle-spellbound-sun-princess I guess I don’t understand the thinking about not having several shows and venues ready to go and be showcased on the first cruise. People are excited and want to show off everything that is new on a new ship. Instead, some of the early reviews will just say “We would have liked to see (fill in the blank), but it was not ready. At least my sailing is far enough away that everything should be operational.
  6. We talked to our cabin steward on Symphony, and he said he had 25 cabins to service, and those included several suites in our area. He said about 2/3 request morning cleanings. That is still a lot of cabins to do, every day. Plus, they have to try to clean those cabins that people have a ton of crap laying around. I am pretty high up on the anal score, because each time we leave the cabin, there is never anything laying around. Clothes and shoes are put away, desktop is bare, and everything else is organized on shelves. That is strange, because we didn’t have the time change on our sailing. They just reminded everyone to stay on ship time, so we had that hour difference in the southern ports. I wonder if that is captain’s discretion?
  7. No timeframe that I have heard so far. It happened a week ago, and she had it x rayed then, then had to have it x-rayed again yesterday. She seems to get around okay, so it must be in a place that doesn’t affect her walking.
  8. Maybe it was a glitch for those two. I hope it is back to normal. Next one I have seven to check in, and don’t really want to have to enter everything at once.
  9. Did they change things back? When I checked in for our cruises in December and January, it wouldn’t let me select the tab to select boarding times until I completed all the other info. Before, you could go right to those tabs without entering passport data, etc. (this was using the app)
  10. Don’t waste your money on them. You can’t use them to get off the ship either. Had to have ours replaced and reprogrammed a couple times. Only reason we tried them, is they were free with the suite
  11. So, the story of how the fracture happened. She had one of those heavy, Yeti water bottles that she dropped on her foot. After the tears subsided, she asked her mom. “Who do you think was at fault? Was it you, because you filled up the bottle with water?” After her mom said “No”, she asked. “What about Yeti? Could I sue them for making their bottles too heavy?” I think the girl needs some responsibility lessons. Either that, or she has figured out the ways of the world at an early age.
  12. My granddaughter was in to have her foot x-rayed again, and they say it has a hairline fracture. Not bad enough for a boot, which they thought would cause more problems than it would help. It hasn’t slowed her down much.
  13. They were calling for rain the day we were there, too. The rain did not show up until we had enough of the island, and were already back on the ship in the afternoon. Hope you have a great cruise. A long, six month wait for our next one.
  14. No complaints from me for our 10 day forecast. Not bad for a NW Pennsylvania winter. Anxiously awaiting Phil’s prediction on Friday.
  15. And just look at their drink prices, compared to Royal’s. The plus package was a no brainer for us. I know I will see what I can work my way through. bar-menu-princess-cruises.pdf This is included in plus
  16. Bailey’s would be better, but we never buy the drink package. Rarely drink more than our voucher allotment.
  17. That’s why I bring a bottle of Carmel along.
  18. Last one we did with them was 2017, but we are booked on the new Sun next January. Their inaugural was supposed to be on 2/4, sailing the Med, but it got cancelled because the ship wouldn’t be completed. Royals prices were way to high, and we could get the new ship with all included, much less than Oasis.
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