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Sea Hag

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Everything posted by Sea Hag

  1. I don't know if this will help you at all, but this worked for me. Several months ago, I was trying to book shore excursions. In no way, shape or form could I do this on the website. I tried the pretty much useless app and was actually able to book them.
  2. I would give it a shot if I lived within reasonable driving distance to a HAL port. Princess is also doing this, and I do live within driving distance of San Francisco, so I might do that.
  3. Me too. I flipped around a few pages before I got this: Something has gone wrong! We are sorry , we are unable to locate the page. Please try searching again. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or be annoyed. I guess I'll laugh.
  4. I wouldn't like this either. I like to be able to see what's what.
  5. All that, plus the people who can't decide on anything, take forever on everything, and don't like anything. But I guess those folks fall under "otherwise annoying."
  6. I haven't read through this long thread, but here's my two cents. It's definitely worth $10 to me to have them shipped. My hubby has a very low tolerance for waiting in lines, so $10 to cut out one little bit of that is worth it to us even if it is a very little bit.
  7. We had a balcony cabin on the Majestic that was on Lido and under the conservatory. Never heard a thing.
  8. I like this. It's creative thinking to finish filling up ships. Having said that, I'll also say that I won't be doing it. My DH can't stand inside cabins and/or noisy cabins, so I have to do a smart selection when booking.
  9. Thanks for the info! We're not new to cruising, but we are new to HAL so I'm still sorting things out. 😃
  10. The question that springs to my mind is, since the cost for this seems to be more than the other venues, is it included as an option in HIA?
  11. I never saw either or those options that I can remember. I just walked through the wizard, entered my brokerage company and uploaded the statement. I never got asked to log into the brokerage account, and I would have noped the heck out of there if I had been, even though I set up a completely separate account at a different brokerage firm for this. Not sure why I did that, since it would have been simpler to just go through an account I already have.
  12. I am totally with you on not allowing StockPerk access to our brokerage account. Not going to happen, and I'm also not going to give them any other information than just my name and email address. But I was able to successfully process the stock credit for an upcoming Princess cruise without allowing them brokerage access or giving them any of the other info that they optimistically ask for. That worked fine, and I see the credit on my cruise details now.
  13. I got a series of spam emails from somebody who claimed to want to sell me an oil tanker. Now that's some classy spam!
  14. I'm not sure that's going to help you. I can't imagine the new setup will only apply to those who go through a CVP. Maybe I misunderstood what you said?
  15. Bummer is exactly what I think. I haven't tried submitting recently, since our next cruise with Princess is the April eclipse cruise.
  16. According to my CVP, it's a replacement. She says the form or just an email will no longer work.
  17. I kept at it and got an account set up. The app sure asks a lot of question. I see no reason why I should tell them what our annual income is. Seems that's not required and I didn't give them that, but I find it a bit much that they'd even ask. I need to download a recent statement to upload. On the thread at FB, a guy said that his financial institution wasn't an option. Don't know if mine will be either.
  18. I don't see one about this, so here we go. My CVP posted this on FB. You'll all be very pleased to know that this new procedure wants you to install another app on your phone. Does the app work as it should? It doesn't. ***There is a new procedure for submitting the Carnival Shareholder onboard credit request*** Once your booking has been made, please visit www.stockperks.com/carnivalcorp for full details on how to redeem. In the case of joint shareholders, it is suggested that the guest who will pay for folio charges requests the benefit. If you have any further questions about the shareholder benefit program, you may still contact the Commercial Compliance Support team via email sbpcl@princesscruises.com
  19. I don't like this at all. It's been convenient for me to put the hold on and then contact my CVP to finish setting up the booking. Grumble. Grumble.
  20. And we'll both give a triple like to the rhubarb crisp!
  21. Very well said. It's unbelievable that a website of a reputable company would be this bad.
  22. We did our first cruise on HAL in late September, and we were really happy with it. Overall, the food wasn't as good as on Princess, but none of it was really bad. Some of it was very good. We booked an inexpensive cabin, one of the "insides with a window" on the Westerdam, and that cabin was great. All the staff were very good. We were disappointed that the catamarran excursion we'd booked for Hubbard Glacier was cancelled due to weather, but the ship got way closer to the glacier than has been our experience in the past. I'm very happy with HAL, and I'm looking forward to the two cruises I have booked with them in the future.
  23. There wasn't a clock of any kind in our cabin on the Westerdam week before last. We used our cellphones as alarm clocks.
  24. Recently on the Westerdam, we had Peruvian chicken, shrimp and spicy sausage jambalya, and pork belly as extra CO entrees. All of those were excellent. I must have missed something on the menus in the app, since I never saw the CO entrees.
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