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Everything posted by Peregrina651

  1. Go for it! Better than sitting home crying in your beer. Viking will spoil you both
  2. LOL. First time I flew through KEF, the terminal was nothing more than a quonset hut. We had to deplane in the middle of the night while they refueled. 60 years later, it is a distinct improvement over a windy tarmac in December. 🙃
  3. It won't be quite the same for those in the US/CAN market. The perks are different from market to market.
  4. It is most definitely an out of body experience! My sister doesn't follow CC but not long after I got back, talking about how amazing the trip was, she booked for 2025. She wanted January but couldn't get Jordan, so she took a February date. A month or so ago I read that two new ships were being added to the fleet and suggested that she have our shared TA keep an eye on it. She now has a January sailing, with Jordan, on Hathor.
  5. Great pictures! Thank you! It just makes me wish that next May would come even faster than it is!
  6. Based on comments here and there, I don't believe that Viking gives multiple commissions on a single booking or allows us to move a booking multiple times (except maybe in dire circumstance).
  7. YES, you can transfer your booking to your own TA. We booked our 1/2023 trip on board. It was transferred to our TA immediately. Within hours, TA and I had the third-party insurance taken care of (so that we could meet the 14 day deadline for existing conditions). I'd rather book with a 3rd party company because if I have to cancel, I want my cash back, not a voucher for a future cruise. If you know which TA you are going to use, make sure that it is transferred immediately. Whether the consultant knows about them or not, they can be added after the fact (one voucher per guest per cruise for a net saving of $100 per person; in other words, stop worrying about because it isn't worth the bother). If the question is if you can book a cruise and then buy the vouchers to apply to that cruise, I don't know the answer.
  8. For what it is worth, we flew Icelandair Business class in 2021 and had no trouble with fitting our carry-on suitcases in the overhead. But, since DH is the one who puts the luggage up, after I have moved into the seat, I never get to see how he manages it -- and I don't know if it is the same size overhead space in Economy as in Business.
  9. Another tip is to get involved in the roll call for your sailing. If you are lucky enough to have an active roll call, you may get to know some of your fellow guests in advance of sailing. Ditto the thanks. I've already copied and pasted the information into my notes for next May.
  10. Starboard/odd numbered cabins, Deck 3, between the Atrium and the forward elevators, the closer to the Atrium the worse it is. Torshavn is mostly on the Starboard side of the ship, with office space directly under the portside cabins.
  11. You can try posting a link. If it is on the no-no list, the offending string of letters will be ****ed out and the link will be unusable. Instant feedback. If you booked through Viator or any other day tour consolidator, I don't think it is a problem. You are talking about day tour, not booking a cruise and flights.
  12. You may name names in response to a request without annoying the mods. Since you have been asked, you may respond here, (as long as you are not giving the the name of a travel agency, which is not permitted on CC under any circumstances).
  13. I don't regret having cruised around the island. First, DH prefers a break from driving when on vacation, especially when we are overseas. Pre-Covid, his job had him on the road 5 days a week and that was enough. Second, we were happy to have our hotel come with us. We like traveling without the packing and unpacking; it is less stressful.
  14. What about getting on and off the ship? There are some ports where it will be a steep climb up and down the gangway.
  15. Manfredi's was named after an industry buddy of Tors Hagen, Viking's owner. Mamsen was named after Hagen's beloved mother.
  16. Also referred to as Viking Guest Statement.
  17. Where you on the very first Midnight Sun in 2016? I could imagine CD and Capt taking the plunge in honor of the first Viking ship to cross the Arctic Circle. I was on the 2nd Midnight Sun in 2016 and, as memory has it, Aaron did not take the plunge.
  18. I'm not home this week so we will have to depend on my memory. First, let's clarify for the entire audience, that I am talking about the invoice generated by Viking and not any invoice that might be generated by the travel agency. Since invoices can be of different lengths it is hard to say which page. It says something like "send documents to" and then gives name and address for each guest. When I review the invoice prior to putting down the deposit, it is one of the bits of information I check for. As for getting the red luggage tags, the phone bank and chat are the lowest levels of customer service and they don't have all the answers. Try contacting Viking at tellus@vikingcruises.com. Tell them your story and ask if they are able to send you a set of luggage tags. Include your booking number and a telephone number in the email.
  19. I work with an outside TA. At our request, she has told Viking that our documents should be shipped directly to us and that is exactly what happens. It says on our guest invoice that is where they are to go. When it comes to e-docs, she and I both get a copy -- and then we each forward them to the other, just in case Viking failed to send to both of us. We have been known to hit 'forward' simultaneously.
  20. Amazing how she dominates the skyline.
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