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Everything posted by Peregrina651

  1. Viking usually talks about future plans in its press releases about the next ship to join the fleet. They took delivery of Saturn last week. While the press release mentioned future river ships, there was no mention of future ocean vessels. However, I expect that our resident merchant marines will do a little digging and come up with something a bit more definitive. BTW, anyone can read the Viking press releases. There is a link to the Media Center in the footer of every page on the website.
  2. Great idea. They kind of did that with the Rat Pack Show (Sinatra, Martin, Davis, Jr.) but that I haven't seen that show on the playbill in years.
  3. Peregrina651


    I was also going to send you to your Viking invoice for the answer. I've snipped a picture of what it looks like on the page to make it easier to find. SBC is a type of voucher. The legend below will tell you how each type may be used.
  4. Since Viking has to pay royalties to play these songs, it would not surprise me to learn that the groups that no longer exist are cheaper shows to mount.
  5. Too late. He already colored in it.
  6. Relax! There is very little that you can't buy there if you absolutely must. Just ask all those poor folks whose luggage has been mislaid by the airlines. 🥴
  7. Sweeet! Have a great trip! And come back and tell us about it.
  8. Forget it! We are too late. It's a done deal. Check it out: Now as for your other question about cancelled ports, the answer is that every port is subject to cancellation for one reason or another and there is no way to predict it.
  9. Never been but keep checking MVJ to see if they add more excursions.
  10. HOWEVER, if you are afraid that this might be your only chance to see Iceland, then I suggest that you do it on your own if you can, staying yet another night or two and choosing a hotel that is closer to the center of town (were there will be plenty within walking distance). We stayed on, on our own, in Iceland for a couple of nights after we did Viking's circumnavigational cruise. We found a hotel near the Hallsgrimm Church. We booked two day trip tours with GrayLine. We did not rent car (which was one reason for staying in the downtown area). I wish we could have stayed even longer. The Hilton Nordica is truly not well located at all. My brother stayed there on his Viking extension and did not like it. There is nothing to see in the neighborhood, no window shopping.To walk anywhere, there are major roads to be crossed. In the event of rain (a real possibility in the summer), there are no restaurants close by and you are limited to whatever is in the hotel. Plus you will need a cab to get anywhere further -- and there aren't a lot of cabs in Reykjavik. If you do choose to do the Viking extension, then consider skipping the Day 2 Blue Lagoon, etc. and use the day to take an all day tour either to Snaefells Peninsula or to the Black Beaches (Trip Advisor can help you find a daytrip that meets your needs). If you really must do Blue Lagoon than do it on your own on Day 1 as you leave the airport. Whatever you do choose, rain gear is a must. Better to take it and not need it, than to not have it when you need it.
  11. There are two May 9 sailings, one in 2023 and one in 2024. Which one are you on?
  12. This is not the right forum for roll calls. Go to https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/785-viking-sea-roll-calls/ to start a roll call for your sail date.
  13. If you are planning to bring foodstuffs back into the country, here are two USA govt website to check out. https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us-citizens/know-before-you-go/prohibited-and-restricted-items https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/resources/traveler/intl-travel
  14. Emile, under the squeaky wheel theory, contact CC boss Laura at community@cruisecritic.com.
  15. HEAR!! HEAR!! Did I miss something? Is my browser blocking something? The page looks the same as it did 3 years ago when M&Ms were first paused. I didn't see any announcement about suspending (other than Celebrity, which I think is old news). TIA
  16. I personally have a problem with posting that information publicly (it's just not safe) and therefore would choose not to participate in a meet and greet so organized. Anyone can join Cruise Critic. Anyone can read any roll call here. Not every one comes here with the best of intentions. Were I the organizer, I would use a disposable email address (one that does not have my name on it and one that I can delete if it becomes compromised; like what I used in the signature file, which I have already changed 6 times) and have everyone send the personal information there. I would also explain that the list would never be posted on the roll call, would not be shared even with the names on the list (you can post a list of screen names of who is participating) and would only be sent to Viking Guest Relations. without screen names, for the purpose of sending out the invitations.
  17. So that they can make it to the 9 pm show.
  18. FYI: It seems that last week Viking opened up more pre-departure reservation slots, maybe even reverted to the pre-pandemic plan, for the specialty restaurants. With a couple of possible exceptions, getting pre-departure reservations should be a lot easier now.
  19. Start with tellus@vikingcruises.com? Find the roll call and ask how they did it and who they contacted? https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2813190-viking-mars-roll-call-april-18-2023-voyage-of-marco-polo-35-nights-bangkok-to-athens/?do=getNewComment
  20. You said it!! No bell pepper! No garlic (hopefully). No raw onion! What more could I ask for? Other than seconds, that is!
  21. Perhaps not so much duplicitous as they simply aren't allowed to do it without asking a supervisor? -- which is maybe not a bad system.
  22. Could it be that every time you have asked, you already had an upcoming cruise booked? I was under the impression that was the requirement for a 6 month PIF (that or booking on board another cruise).
  23. 1. Your luggage goes by truck. You will see it when you arrive in Bergen. The train ride is 6-7 hours. Whichever train Viking has reserved, you will arrive late afternoon. 2. First, a note for all readers: Viking has two different Oslo-Bergen extensions. The 2-night arrives in Bergen and goes directly to the ship; the 4-night has a hotel stay in Bergen. Yes, they will take your bags but you will probably be required to identify them before they are put on the bus -- and you will have to identify them again when you get off the bus at the ship or even deal with getting them into the terminal. I'm guessing that the transfer from the hotel will be timed to get your to the ship after 10am (because all departing pax have to be off the ship by then) but before lunch.And, if the transfer time is earlier, it may include a bit of a drive by tour of the town to kill some time (and you never know when you board the transfer bus what it will be). My thought is that you find out from Viking how early you can drop your luggage at the ship and then if necessary skip the included transfer altogether. [As for carry-on plan. We are going next May, ending in Bergen. We also prefer carry-on only. My colder temps plan is my trusty cashmere tunic length cardi to layer under an unlined rain jacket. It is not bulky in the suitcase yet it is a very warm layer.]
  24. Is this for cruises you were looking to book or cruises you had already booked?
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