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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Now I remember you! We were all in the back of the bus together and I believe you sat beside Debbie. Fun day.
  2. I would love to try them! I’ll have to check our local grocery store. It looked like the picture Joy posted was of a bag of frozen, is that how you buy them or do you make them from dried?
  3. Okay, that’s a new one for me! Never heard of them although they look like black eyed peas. I don’t think they are available here, pinto beans are the standard here. Ouch Joy! Yes Edi it was a fun day and evening for sure. Craig still talks about sitting next to you at dinner and enjoying the conversation. And my lobster was huge!
  4. I think that’s why I didn’t care for it so much, a bit too sweet. Oh dear Jacqui, thinking of Ivan and hope all is well. A nap sounds good. Congratulations on the extra days added to your cruise! Wish I could join. Ouch on the topple and sorry you will probably have some aches and pains and bruises. Thank goodness Allen is okay. And what are purple hulled peas??
  5. Good morning and Happy Sunday from Tucson where it is 95F with 11% humidity and expected to be 107F. Our AQI has been so low compared to what others are having — today it’s 40. I haven’t been to today’s port. I missed posting on Friday when the port was Charlottetown and I hope no one minds if I post some pictures from our last visit there this past October on the Nieuw Statendam. We went on a lighthouse and winery excursion and fellow Dailyites Debbie @dfish and Carolyn and Henry @Cruising-along were on the tour also (and I think Edi @NextOne might have been also). Lots of fun but I remember not really liking the wine so I didn’t buy any but I did buy a glass. Point Prim Lighthouse: Wood Islands Lighthouse: Rossingol Winery: That evening the Dailyites met for dinner in the Pinnacle Grill. Lots of fun!
  6. The following pictures are from my post August 19, 2021. Thank you Sandi for posting the link! Even though some are the same as previously posted, some are just too good not to share. DM and I were on the Maasdam September 2005 and I don't know where those pictures are. Then the three of us were on the Eurodam Aug/Sept 2009. Mom and I went on a tour together to the Titanic museum and cemetery and Craig went to Peggy's Cove and he had the camera thatday. This was from Venice to honor John Cabot who was born in Italy as Giovanni Caboto. Translation: The Veneto region To the province of Nova Scotia on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the arrival in Canada of Giovani Caboto Halifax 23 August 1997 And our towel animal that night:
  7. Lenda, thank you for your pictures! My DM and I went on an excursion to the cemetery and museum back in 2009 and Craig had the camera so I don’t have pictures. The graves of the infants were the most heartbreaking for me.
  8. We have been to Halifax 3 times, most recently this past October on the Nieuw Statendam. We took a tour to Peggy’s Cove where it was windy and cold but beautiful. I hope everyone had a great day!
  9. Try as I might I can’t find the CD of Rio Secreto, but I have one picture that I posted on FB that I can share. I forgot about wearing the helmet with the light. It gets really dark at times and they even shut the lights out at one point so you can “feel” the darkness, much like they do in a cave without water. Sometimes you have to swim to reach the next area to move to, sometimes it’s deep and sometimes shallow. There were a few places that I needed a helping hand to get over. Here is the website in case you are interested. I think Tina @0106 was wanting ideas for next year. https://www.riosecreto.com/gallery.asp#photos-and-videos
  10. Bon Voyage! Great itinerary and you get Skagway too, one of our favorites. Enjoy! ⛴
  11. Good morning and Happy Wednesday from sunny and hot Tucson where it’s 92F with 24% humidity and expected to reach 105F. Our poor new mint plant doesn’t look good after the beating it took yesterday with the wind and direct sun in the afternoon. I made a makeshift windbreak using our outdoor side tables but need to figure out something else or even move it until it’s a bit heartier. We have been to Cozumel 3 times, the last time was January 2015 on the Nieuw Amsterdam. It wasn’t our favorite cruise (we refer to this cruise as our ferry from hell cruise), we both prefer the Eastern Caribbean to the Western Caribbean, and secondly we will never go in January again due to the rougher seas. We did a great excursion to Rio Secreto outside of Playa del Carmen, very enjoyable BUT not fun to get to. Our PCC had recommended it to us and it sounded like fun. We both should have realized that the ferry was going to be rough when shore excursion staff started handing out Bonine. I had already taken one so at first declined but after repeated encouragement I decided to pocket a few “just in case”. I have never been so seasick! It was horrible and the poor ferry staff had to walk around with barf bags and then dispose of used ones, yuck. Thank goodness I didn’t use one but almost the entire ferry was. Once we got to the mainland we were taken to vans for the ride to Rio Secreto, which was a rough dirt road. Once there we put on wetsuits over our swimsuits, put on swim shoes and were given walking sticks. Then we proceeded to the cave — WOW! Amazing is all I can say. I am so glad that I purchased the CD of pictures taken by the staff because Craig actually lost his phone during the ferry ride. Those pictures are on the desktop and I’ll share in a separate post. BTW, the ride back on the ferry wasn’t as bad since we knew what to expect, and I focused on one object in front of me instead of watching the large screen TV monitor. All said I would recommend this excursion but just be prepared in case you get seasick easily. Have a great day everyone!
  12. Good afternoon from sunny and breezy Tucson where it's 103F with an expected high of 105F and 7% humidity. We spent the morning planting two new mint plants and doing odds and ends and Craig ran errands. Craig's favorite summertime cocktail is a Mojito and mint is imperative for that drink. We might have to plant more in a few weeks because the old mint plant isn't producing as well so it's time for a refresh. We keep them in pots because they are so invasive. I think we'll have some pool time today too, although it's still a little cool for us at 84F. We prefer 87-88F. We have a Hawaiian cruise scheduled for Jan '24 but not sure we will be doing that, I'd really like to postpone and schedule it for later in '24 to celebrate our 50th but not sure December is a good month to sail there. Also, there is someone on our roll call that I just don't want to encounter, not you Dixie @summer slope but I'm sure you know who I mean. I've been to Hawaii but never the Kauai. Thanks to all for sharing your pictures. I was mesmerized by Helen Keller when I was younger due to the movie with Patty Duke in the role of Helen Keller. What an amazing movie to watch. I wear sunglasses all the time with my transitions, like Roy does. The meal looks good although I bought lobster ravioli at TJ's and we are having that today with a tomato cream sauce. Nancy @ottahand7, I had the same problem a few days ago when I was adding multiple blue bubbles. I couldn't get my cursor to go to the end (no end key on an iPhone!) and try as might I couldn't post anything after the bubbles. However, there is a "clear editor" place on the retrieved post that CC provides so if you click on that the original post you were typing will clear. Jake @Crazy For Cats, yikes on the layoffs. I'm glad you are safe for now. Congrats on the upgrade/upsell. @kochleffel, I love the new kitties names. Don't be too concerned about them hiding right now. They are trying to be safe and figure out their new environment. Our brother/sister duo hid for about a week in our laundry room where we kept the litter box. One day I found the little boy (who turned out to be a Maine Coon) trying to climb up the back of an ironing board. Poor thing had gotten his claws stuck in the cloth and was howling a baby kitty howl. Jack @Heartgrove, Sam is beautiful! You have an amazing vet who obviously cares about what she does. Bruce @aliaschief, I can't believe your cruise is coming to a close! Great pictures and safe travels home. Off to the pool! Have a great day everyone!
  13. Karen, my sincere condolences upon your DH's Phil's passing. The love you two had for each other was very evident in each and every word you wrote about him. May your memories bring peace and comfort.
  14. Thank you Graham. I’m going to check after my nap. Those who know me know that I need my nap time. I’m hoping that the update helps. Sounds like a long haul. Prayers and good thoughts are with him and your family. Wow Terri, amazing pictures!
  15. Good morning and Happy Sunday from Tucson where it is 98F expected to reach 107F with 7% humidity. I have been having problems with my iPhone loading and downloading so I haven’t been able to watch today’s sermon Graham @grapau27 but just did an update and things seem a bit better. Thank you for always posting it Graham. Might be time to get an updated phone. I was able to watch the Beatles video Tina @0106 thank you. I believe I’ve seen it before and it brought back memories. We just spent a week in a cabin and technically it’s not a log cabin but feels like one. I like catfish but haven’t had any good eating out since the old Po Boy’s closed in the 90’s. I loved their whole cornmeal crusted fried catfish. It’s hard to find here but our local butcher usually has it in their freezer. The salmon looks good, especially the second recipe Debbie @dfish — thank you for your recipes. Wow, all the lovely pictures of Mykonos make me want to book a Greek cruise. Thank you to everyone for sharing pictures. Terri @Cruzin Terri — your cruise sounds and looks wonderful. I’m enjoying all your pictures when you can post them. It’s nice you are repeating ports so you can visit different areas each time. Bruce @aliaschief — ouch on your ankle and fall. I hope you are not limping for long. Get better! Annie @marshhawk, oh my on Chuck’s diagnosis. Prayers for @catmando and his treatment plan. Terry @smitty34877 — prayers and thoughts for your DH’s surgery tomorrow. I’ve been impressed with how you both and your family are approaching this with grace, humor and patience. It sounds like it will be a long day tomorrow but try to check in so we know how he is doing. Do you know how long he will be hospitalized? And when the after surgery treatments start? Sorry if you have said already but I missed it if you did. I remember you saying his birthday is the 30th though. Prayers to all on the care list. Especially @luvteaching — prayers for DH’s comfort and you and your family as you navigate this difficult time. Joy @Seasick Sailor — thinking of Alan. Prayers for Ann @Vict0riann’s DH. Have a great day everyone!
  16. Jake @Crazy For Cats — Happy Birthday to DH today. Please tell him to enjoy his special day!
  17. Good evening from Tucson where it’s hot but beautiful. You have to remember it’s a dry heat, today’s high was 103F with 4% humidity. It’s supposed to get even warmer on Monday with highs 110 or so. The pool is still too cold for my taste at 84F but we both got in earlier about 6pm, I only lasted 15 minutes. It has been a while since we’ve been to a food truck, we both went more frequently when we were working. The company Craig worked for had an annual family day and several times they were at a sports park and brought in food trucks. Lots of fun. The company I worked for had a food truck every Friday at lunch time but I never could go because I was offsite working from home. I like orange chicken but won’t bother making it. Today Craig made me a favorite, Croque Madame. Today was busy. Craig went shopping and I straightened up the house because I was told that I was getting surprise visitors. Craig told me because he knew I would want to pick up a bit. So DS’s SO, our DGD Summer and our almost DGD Maya came over and brought me flowers and a tiny birthday cake and they ended up staying an hour. It was nice catching up on girl talk. Happy Birthday to your DD Sandi @StLouisCruisers she picked a great day to be born! Many thanks to everyone for all your Birthday wishes. Thank you @JazzyV@puppycanducruise@smitty34877@kazu@ottahand7@grapau27@rafinmd@marshhawk@dfish@StLouisCruisers@Seasick Sailor@Quartzsite Cruiser@Nickelpenny@cunnorl@Cruising-along@bennybear@ktbraun@ger_77@Cruisercl
  18. Oh my, I hope he better tonight and your DH is responding to the meds. This has to be very stressful for you and your family.
  19. What a great picture of Jose! Is he carrying flowers for you to take onboard? I hope today’s Anniversary of your wedding brings you happy memories.
  20. Roy @rafinmd — Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your special day! 🎈🎈🎈
  21. Good afternoon from the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains where it’s breezy. Unfortunately a fire broke out during the night, probably due to lightning which we awoke to at about 2:00am and lasted for a while. It’s now called the Ventana fire, Ventana Canyon is a popular area and the fire is about 2 miles north of that area. We have quite the vantage point of viewing the helicopters filling up their water buckets in the lake and taking them to the fire. A new one comes about every 20-30 minutes. Many of the trails have been closed and also the lake but there hasn’t been an evacuation order yet. We love fried rice and make it often but usually with just bacon. We are having hotdogs today and some of us will put chili on theirs. Jacqui @kazu, I hope Ivan feels better soon. Blue has episodes of feeling under the weather but we think it’s because he eats something he shouldn’t. Maybe he was dehydrated from the walking he wasn’t used to. Bruce @aliaschief, your cruise looks amazing! Thank you for the pictures. Have a great day everyone!
  22. Do you have a recipe that you can share? It seems easy enough, just two components with the custard and the meringue.
  23. @Horizon chaser 1957 — I loved your picture of the Brazo de Mercedes. It was offered once on the Panama Canal segment of my last cruise, the first night, and I had never heard of it before. Your version sounds good too. This was HAL’s version.
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