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Everything posted by reallyitsmema

  1. If he purchased a watch higher than his allowance, he needs to declare the purchase and pay what is due. There was information in the compass about what the allowances are and it is up to the passenger to declare or be caught. The ship has always reported to CBP, nothing new at all.
  2. Make sure you hit the refresh button in your app when you are on the cruise compass page. That makes a huge difference in keeping the compass up to date.
  3. Thanks. Actually just got back from the doctor's, three new prescriptions. Did a PCR test for covid and influenza, since the ship only did an antigen test and I have been testing for covid with home tests. All tests have come back negative for covid up until now, so will be interesting to see if PCR finds something. Lots on my FB rollcall have covid, some have flu and one is hospitalized with noro. How is your husband doing? Hopefully, he rests and allows himself to heal.
  4. Just curious what you do if you have an issue when travelling and don't have your phone. Having recently had to call AAA twice because of damaged tires, I definitely needed my phone or I would have been standing waiting for a stranger to stop and help me. I have also gotten sick on my last two cruises and needed to make calls. I could have used the high priced phone in my cabin, but our cellphones allowed by my DH and I to make calls and handle arrangements that needed to be made.
  5. I have tested negative for Covid four times now, twice by me, twice by ship. I was having breathing issues so had a nebulizer treatment and some meds and am slowly improving. Since I had Covid like symptoms, I was put in isolation in my cabin for 24 hours until I had two negative tests.
  6. I tested negative again this morning and was released from isolation around lunchtime. Breathing is improving, was able to go to lunch and dinner so that is better than room service. We had a good day just chilling on deck. Thanks for asking. 😀
  7. I found the QR code on the compass channel on the tv. Didn’t find it on the desk but got a 19 page document from the tv.
  8. Thanks, I will look through the stuff we have and see if we buried it.
  9. Well, considering I am in isolation, I don’t happen to have any of those people hanging out with me. I am only on my phone because I am in my cabin.
  10. I know you can’t see it before your cruise. I am on a cruise now and can not see a PDF link. I was asking anyone who has actually seen the link where it is located.
  11. Where is the PDF link available? I am not seeing it in the app. I am getting a paper copy on Oasis. The cabin steward started leaving it a few days ago.
  12. Thanks, I hope you feel better soon. My DH can go out and about, so he is foraging for food. I told him he should still go to dinner tonight for lobster night. He can get my dinner to go. Not lobster though, don’t want cabin smelling fishy. Get lots of rest and drink lots of water.
  13. That is the way they have done reimbursement for as long as I can remember.
  14. I know, we were talking about that too!! At least I can report on all the medical facilities though lol. I really wonder if it is the fogging setting me off. When I was sick on the Anthem cruise we met you guys on, they were fogging for noro and our cabin was in the thick of the outbreak. I heard the fogging last night in the hallway. I know there is influenza on this ship from the chatter in medical. Who knows…..
  15. Medical on Oasis is so much better than Quantum. I am now in isolation on Oasis for 24 hours. Testing negative for Covid but need another negative tomorrow to be set free. Had a nebulizer treatment and Covid test and left with a few medications all in less than an hour. Have already heard from guest services. Never got the promised call on Quantum. Free room service, free bottled water and free pay per view movies. Guess I won’t make our Cats reservation this afternoon.
  16. Hopefully it will be in better shape next week. Lots of water issues this week. All cabins had no water for a short time Tuesday due to a burst pipe as we were arriving in Port Canaveral. Some public restrooms have been out of order for days. We have had three different days that toilets on our deck weren’t working. One day it was for over two hours.
  17. They aren’t blocked out, those are the available cabins in that category for you to choose from. The darker one is the one that is currently chosen. edit: if you mean the gray space, that is the crew stairs and elevator.
  18. The bottled water on the ships has always been spring water up until just before Covid. Some ships had purified while others had spring. Our Alaska cruise earlier this year also had spring water, not purified. You really shouldn’t guarantee something you haven’t actually experienced on the ships.
  19. Oasis this week is True purified water, not spring water.
  20. LOL We posted at the same time, look at the timestamps, they are one minute away from each other, I never even saw your post. I replied to the OP, not you, as this is not about you.
  21. Has anyone had any success getting a Royal UP bid accepted on the ship after receiving one of the emails saying the onboard team is still reviewing and we will hear on the ship? I got the email tonight. It says they will charge our onboard account if our bid is accepted but I have never read any posts saying someone got their bid accepted on the ship. We booked a dirt cheap balcony, so put in a stronger bid then we have in the past. Guess we won't unpack until after we sail...
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