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Everything posted by reallyitsmema

  1. Ginger is in my bag too. I bring Gin Gins which are an individual wrapped ginger candy.
  2. Yes, guest services still gives them out for free and the medical center has them too but they did not have them in the waiting room to grab like they used to precovid when we were on Quantum. Much fewer side effects than the patch.
  3. The point of posting is to provide information.
  4. Of course it is cheaper to see your doctor at home and get patches at home because you can use your insurance. The ship charges around $145 to see the doctor on the ship, cheaper if you just see the nurse. You have to agree to the charges before you see the doctor. If you go to medical due to covid, noro or influenza, in our experience, they will treat you for free as they do not want you infecting the ship. I have been able to submit ship board expenses, when we were charged, to my insurance once I got home and have had them covered as out of network charges.
  5. Prescription medications onboard are billed at the Medicare rate. OTC medications are very expensive on the ship and they have very limited medications. For some reason, they like Dayquil and charge over $20 per bottle. Bring your own OTC medications as they will run out on the ship as they did when we were on Anthem with an influenza outbreak.
  6. I realized after I posted the picture that I didn't have a size reference. The littlest pepper is almost 3 inches and the largest is about 6 inches. Littlest could be pepperoncini but DH would have recognized that name when he got the peppers as he usually has those in his lunch most days. Cooking them all soon, should be interesting...
  7. I have a five inch USB/battery operated fan that goes on every cruise with us. It folds down flat and is easy to pack. I had it with us on our Alaska cruise in May and wish I had kept it for my quarantine hotel after the cruise but had sent it home with my DH. I like air movement and this two speed fan does a great job. It is an older model O2Cool fan that cost $10 years ago. You can get the newer model, now square not round, on Amazon or Walmart.
  8. My DH was told they are two different kinds of peppers but neither of them are supposed to be hot. He remembers she said "italian peppers" and something else. I thought they look like banana peppers too and searched for italian pepper names and none ring a bell to him. I had gone shopping yesterday and bought italian sausages and rolls to have an easy dinner today but forgot peppers lol I usually use red bell peppers and sweet onions but whatever these are will have to do! Figured I would ask here as there are lots that grow all sorts of stuff. Thanks for the help, will see how they taste later. 🙂
  9. That converts to 500 ml which is a common water bottle size. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/food-drink-onboard-policy
  10. Alright you garden people, my DH came home from work with these. He got them from someone who works for him. She said they aren’t hot and are Italian peppers and something else. DH doesn’t remember. Are these good for sausages with peppers and onions?
  11. Thanks! It has been frustrating. I had read people start tasting fruits and cold things first. Some suggest trying frozen berries. I hope you hear news about your friend soon. Keeping her in my prayers. 🙂
  12. I am glad your DH has stayed negative, especially with underlying conditions. The cough lingered for us too. Just take care of yourself and let your chef take care of you. You want yourself all recovered for your next trip! 🙂
  13. @dani negreanuHow are you feeling, Dani? Any better? I am very happy to say that I just had a clementine for an afternoon snack and for the first time in over two months, I tasted it! Citrus has been one of the few scents I can smell and have for a while, but I finally tasted it! Baby steps I know but it is something! 😄
  14. The more this keeps getting discussed, the more this is going to be a problem and the thread will be locked down.
  15. I don't like the new suite stuff at all, why three products with completely different scents?
  16. We sailed Quantum in May and internet on the ship was terrible for the first two days. It improved as the week went on but was definitely spotty. Cell service in port was great in Juneau but not good in Icy Strait Point or Skagway.
  17. All changes are listed in the Crown and Anchor section of the cruise line website. It is definitely any time of day and no limited list of alcohols. It is a great change. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/crown-anchor-society/program-updates
  18. My Mom didn't like that either. She also didn't like that there wasn't someplace she could grab a quick coffee and snack, like a Cafe Promenade that we are used to.
  19. My first car was a 1973 Capri standard. It was supposed to be for my older sister but she couldn't handle a stick shift. We lived on a really big hill and she stopped on the hill to talk to my parents and got stuck since she couldn't balance the clutch. My Dad thought it was hysterical as she kept stalling the car repeatedly and my type A personality sister told him "she failed to see the humor in the situation" and got out of the car and walked home lol She refused to drive it again. I was only 16 1/2 at the time with a brand new license in my pocket. My Dad took me and the car to a parking lot, showed me what I needed to do to drive a stick shift and he went for a run. I was flying around the parking lot by the time he got back and drove us home! I never to the bus to school again. Back seat in that car was tiny but it did have bucket seats that reclined 😄
  20. My Mom always wanted to book one and did about ten years ago with a friend. Unfortunately, it was one of the years that the water was extremely low. Instead of cancelling the cruises, the cruise line had one ship on either side of the unpassable area. They did part of the cruise on one ship and then had to transfer to the other ship to finish. Many of the normal places they dock were not accessible either and they had long bus rides added on to get them to their excursions. Gangways were ridiculously steep and not easy for 70 something year old people. My Mom was still very active at the time and it was still hard for her to traverse. Her experience has put us off of river cruising as it is a lot of money to spend to be going bus to bus and ship to ship.
  21. Gas at BJ's was $4.17 when I filled up earlier today. I only had to pay $4.07 since I had bought something in the store that gave me $0.10 off per gallon. Last month, they had a promotion that was $0.75 off per gallon if you bought four of the items that were on the promo list. One of the items happened to be the bottled water we drink. That was really good savings when filling up my DH's truck!
  22. I swear the Market Basket I shop at will take the store brand eggs that have broken eggs and make a good dozen that they can sell. They constantly have eggs on the shelf with expired dates or very short dates and I am not sure if they combine dates. Sometimes when I have bought the store brand, the albumen is completely watery when you go to make a fried egg and that means it is old. The Eggland's always have really intact whites and bright yolks, so I stick with those, though it is hard to pass up a cheap sale on the store brand. 😄
  23. Eggland's Best have been cheaper up here too. They are the eggs I usually buy, especially if I am making a cheesecake. They are so much better than the store brand where I shop.
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