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Posts posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good afternoon from a beautiful day in the PNW. 
    I’ve been getting some yard work done (mowing and trimming). With all the rain and fertilizer I put down the grass was growing fast!


    DH and I are leaving for Bellingham in a few minutes to have dinner with my sister and BIL and we’ll spend the night at their house. 

    For the Garden Club, my first rose this year but many more coming. 🙂



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  2. Good morning all!

    Our rain and wind have finally stopped, and we'll have a nice long stretch of sunshine.  Another tree came down in the neighborhood yesterday -- thankfully missing my neighbor's house across the street.  We really need to get more trees taken down.  I'm so thankful that all the nearby trees are gone near us -- we can see the woods further back, but no dangerous ones near us now. 


    I'll celebrate Baby Boomers ('51 for me, '47 for DH), and HIV long term survivors.  The quote made me chuckle.  Even though I'm left-handed, will pass on the drink (bourbon) but would probably like the wine.  I love deviled eggs but can't take spice so will pass.  I was raised with Miracle Whip 😉  and to me mayonnaise is yucky. 😉 


    We were at Mystery Island with Rich and Susan on the GANZ -- it was one of my favorite days.  We did a HAL tour (yes there were a couple) and saw a fire-walking demonstration and then spent some time on the beach.  Had a great time!  But cut it short when the undertow kept trying to pull me out to sea!  😂  It's a beautiful island.


    Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm so sorry that yesterday was such a disaster.  I hope today will be better and that you and your DH can enjoy your time in Barbados.  Hugs!


    @swin26 Welcome to the Daily and Bon Voyage!


    Annie @marshhawk Sending hugs and prayers.


    Tony @sailingdutchy Thank you for the gorgeous photos of the flowers at Giverny.  We have been there only once, and it was in the fall so we weren't able to see the beautiful spring flowers.  


    Here are my photos from our day on Mystery Island.  Had a great time!




    We had various demos from the locals.  Here they're showing us how they use leaves etc. in different ways.



    Even for carrying people!



    Starting the fire (without matches of course) for the fire walking.



    They build the fire, and once it's gotten big and hot, they pour water over it before they walk on the hot coals.  Very interesting!



    One of the boats taking us to the island



    So beautiful



    We really enjoyed this beach, but watch out for that undertow!









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  3. Good morning all!

    I'll celebrate cats, protecting children, and wine.  The term Old Maid is so old fashioned, single lady is better.

    I would love to hug my cat today, but our last one passed away 13 years ago -- so I will send a virtual hug to my 2 grand-kitties Smudge and Soot.  Later this month DD and her family will be taking a month-long road trip, and we'll have these cuties at our house while they're gone. Then I can hug them every day. 🙂  Loving everyone's cat photos today!




    I'll pass on the drink, haven't been to Molde, and would like the meal but with some ham in it. Last night's chicken dinner was a hit -- instead of broccoli I used asparagus and fresh herbs from the garden.


    Yesterday's Wellness exam went well, my doctor spent quite a bit of time with me and I feel like I had a good visit.  Also got a hepatitus shot as I'd never had one (previous doctor didn't see the need, but my new doctor says protocols have changed and since we travel a lot....)  She wasn't concerned about the A1C, she knows I can bring it down.  Kidney function is holding steady and I'll know more when I see the Nephrologist next month.


    Prayers for all on the Care List and a big cheer to all who are celebrating!




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  4. Good morning all!

    Another rainy day today and tomorrow, but then we'll have a stretch of sunny days.  

    Unusual collection of days.  I'll celebrate stuffed shrimp and Wonder Woman.  We have many Wonder Women on this board!


    Will pass on the drink and red wine, but the meal sounds yummy.  I'll substitute chicken breasts for the thighs and maybe asparagus for the broccoli.  I printed out the last recipe and will make it tonight.  Thanks Debbie @dfish!  We haven't been to the port, but it looks lovely.  Thanks for all photos!


    Yesterday was the DGSs' birthday party and it was a huge success.  DD rented out the pool and activity room at a local aquatic center.  Even though the day was cool, rainy and windy, the kids were all in the outdoor pool (we have hardy children here!) and later lots of fun in the indoor activity room.  We enjoyed ourselves with the other grandparents and drank wine 😉  After the party DH and I went to DD's house, we got pizza take-out and had a nice evening.


    Joy @Seasick Sailor Yikes on your foot!  Since you didn't say how you're doing, I hope that means it isn't too bad today?


    Terri @Cruzin Terri Safe travels today.  Sending lots of good wishes!


    Sandi @StLouisCruisers Thank you for the photos from the gardens.  I've never seen Allium in pink or white, only purple!  Gorgeous.


    This afternoon is my Wellness check -- will be glad to have that done for a year.  I do have one question about one of my kidney tests and won't see my kidney doctor for another month. She'll ask about my Diabetic eye exam, I know, but my regular eye doctor has left (story of my life lately) and have to find a new one.  


    Some photos from yesterday's party.


    Some of the children in the pool



    DD had make-your-own sundaes instead of birthday cake.






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  5. Good morning all!

    The rain has returned, and that's fine.  I'm aching from all the yardwork the last few days, so it's nice to take a break.


    Gun violence is sad and so unnecessary.  Rotisserie chicken makes making dinner easy, and the left overs give us another couple meals too.  I love the left overs in chicken pot pie.  As cruisers, we salute St. Erasmus.


    I would try the drink, but not sure about the egg white...pass on the wine, and yum yum for the 3rd recipe.  If that's a meal, count me in!  🤣  I like the quote, really a sweet sentiment -- but am I the only one who wonders how this would work unless you have the same birthday??  (I know, sometimes I overthink things LOL!)  We were in Moorea for 2 days in March on the GANZ.  It was our first time there.  Photos below.


    Today is not only our grandson's 9th birthday, but my sister's birthday too.  She's so pleased he has the same birthday.  We'll be celebrating both boys' birthdays later this afternoon.  


    Karen @luvteaching Bon Voyage, have a great cruise!  Wave to me as you pass by on your way to Seattle 😉  

    Jacqui @kazu I'm so sorry you're going through so much pain and also can't believe you have to wait until July to get that cat scan 😞   Very pretty flowers.  Our flowers seem late this year too.


    We had 2 days in Moorea in March on the GANZ.  The first day we had a private tour in the back of a 4x4, the second day a HAL tour in a bus with A/C.  It was hot, hot, hot but we loved all the beauty.


    This yacht must belong to someone with $$$.  Seen from our balcony.







    Catholic church



    Belvedere Lookout Point



    The only kitty I found on the whole GANZ -- and he/she was a sweetie.



    These bungalows are $1000/night.



    We attended a great performance.  Most of my photos are in video, but here's one of the dancers.





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  6. 10 minutes ago, Fayetheatre said:

    did you feel the bed shake  due to the vibrations   I often feel it at a table   ugh    not sure I should take a chance and go     darn  

    Yes but more in the morning as the ship maneuvered into port (and as I said, the vibrations never bother me). But I understand if that’s a deal breaker for you. 
    If you work with a travel agent or PCC maybe he/she can help so you have other choices? We actually prefer to be aft, just not under the Lido. 🙂


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  7. We just spent 94 days in 7069.  I wouldn't choose it again, or any cabin under the Lido or Lido pool. On the other hand, our neighbors and my DH had no problem (sound sleepers).  Ship vibrations never bother me, in fact I like that.  But every morning at 6am the sounds above of chairs being moved around woke me up and it was hard to get back to sleep.  If you're a sound sleeper, you may not have any problem with the noise. 

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  8. Good morning all!

    Today we'll have showers and sun breaks off and on all day, I'm glad I got so much done outside when we had 2 beautiful days.  Today I need to pick up some garden soil (and most likely will find something else I "need" in the garden center.


    A good collection of days, long but good quote, I probably would like the wine, would try the drink, and love egg salad.  Good idea to add chopped celery, I never thought of that.  I do like to "smash" the eggs more than chop. Have been to many ports in Greece, but not to Kos. 


    Ann @Vict0riann I was so sorry to hear about the carcinoma.  Prayers that a lumpectomy will be arranged soon. 


    Bon Voyage @Mr. Boston!

    Sandi @StLouisCruisers OMG about the break-in and the grandson.  How very sad!!


    Tomorrow will be full, we'll go to the DGSs' birthday party (pool party) and then stay for an early Father's Day dinner with the family.  Due to others' travel plans we'll be celebrating early.  And the boys are having extended birthday celebrations -- their birthdays are a couple weeks apart, so have always had their parties together.  Foster's 11th was May 16 and Shep's 9th birthday is tomorrow.





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  9. Good morning all!

    Today will be even sunnier and warmer (high 60's) than yesterday.  I plan to enjoy it, as the rain will return tomorrow.  DH and I got all the trimming and de-candling done on the Mugo Pine yesterday, I'm very pleased with how it looks. No plans today other than more gardening and enjoying the sunshine.


    Taking care of your hearing is so important.  Unfortunately sometimes hearing loss runs in families, as it does in DH's family.  Not smoking is very important for our health.  I'm not real sure about the quote, but do try to think positively.  We've been to Cairo and (hopefully) will get to both Cairo and Port Said on the '26 World Cruise.  Fingers crossed but not holding my breath.  Thanks for the great photos!  I'll pass on the drink and meal, but would like the wine.


    Last night there was some excitement in the 'hood because a fire truck came to our neighbors' and good friends' house.  Thank goodness she sent a text to me right away to let me know everything was ok -- one of her daughters had left the gas on the stove and she returned home to a house smelling of gas.  Her DH travels a lot for business, so it was just her and her 2 teenage daughters at home.  Last week 3 fire trucks, 2 ambulances and 1 police car came to the dysfunctional family's house down the street.  We never did hear what that was about, it could have been anything. One person was taken away in the ambulance with the siren running.  There are 9 people living there in a house the same size and floor plan as ours (4 bedrooms, but egad, 9 people?!?)  It's extended family all living together, the owners can't seem to say "no" to anyone.  


    Ann @Vict0riann Happy Birthday to your DH Pat!

    Prayers for the dear pets having health problems -- so sad to see our pets failing or ill.  @Heartgrove @DeniseT

    Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the photos of Mickey Rooney! 




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  10. 1 hour ago, bennybear said:

    @Cruising-along yikes on the safety!  We live near the world’s largest erratic,  but it’s in a field luckily. 



    Wow, thanks for posting this Brenda.  Our erratic is taller than this one but less wide.  I would post a link, but we have enough trouble with looky-loos.   😉  I wish ours was in a field!  Before this development was built, it was all woods and teenagers used the rock as a party spot.  We've been here 30 years this August and teens still use it to party, but most often just to climb and make noise. 😞  We don't mind when groups of geologists come to look at it, just don't climb!





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  11. 38 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


    The AMA website says that the Wellness Exam under Medicare is not an annual physical, nor is it a follow-up for existing conditions. Anyone who scheduled a wellness exam by itself would likely be disappointed.


    It's about prevention and screening for unsuspected problems, and does not require hands-on examination or labs. I don't think that annual physicals as such are even covered under Medicare, although some practices might do the equivalent under cover of a diagnosis.  In theory, the wellness exam could take the form of an online questionnaire, except that they don't think we're sufficiently compos mentis to fill one out.


    Thank you, very interesting.  Probably the reason I always have labs before my "wellness exams"  is Tricare through the military covers all my labs.  We know how fortunate we are because between Medicare and Tricare I don't remember the last time we had a medical bill other than for dental or eye prescriptions (Medicare covers my yearly diabetic eye exams).  I also have "hands-on" exams, or at least as much as I feel is necessary at my age.

    5 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

    Morning all. Sunny and dry again. And another day of just trying to keep up with things. I certainly am not moving very fast on my down sizing. Hope slow but steady does it. Little happening here except for rather heated spat with a neighbor who sends her kid (and a friend of his) to ride his bike or scooter in our driveway.... which is dangerous to say the least with cars coming and going and many back out of their parking spot, and a steep hill down toward the street. Since this is not common property for the condos we have said "No" .... she says to the kids "go ahead". I hope my brief email to her landlord will settle the issue. I don't want a squashed or injured kid. The by-laws are pretty clear on the issue,


    Susan I'm sorry you had a heated spat with a neighbor.  Unfortunately so many parents now will argue with other adults and defend their child's behavior instead of agreeing that something is wrong.  We have the same problem in our neighborhood.  Across the street from us is a park owned by the homeowners' association.  In that park is a glacial erratic, possibly the largest in the US.  Even though it's private property and signs are posted, parents come from all over and let their kids climb it.  But don't try to convince the parents it's a bad idea, and that others have fallen from it.  It doesn't help that local news programs have featured it (and never mentioning the fact that it's on private property). 😞  

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  12. Good morning all!

    I had my post half written, tried to insert a quote and lost the whole thing. 😞  

    I don't consider myself to be creative. I can follow directions to do a project, but am not good at making up the projects myself. That takes creativity.  My counted cross-stitch projects may be intensive and involved, but I didn't make up the directions myself, I followed them.


    No need to water the flowers with all the rain we've been having.  Several members of our family have/had MS.  Terrible disease.  The quote can be quite true in some cases.  I would like the wine and the drink, but will pass on the meal, and I don't think any of our Alaska cruises have gone to College Fjord.  


    We're going to have 2 days of sunshine, rain back on Saturday.  Only 60 today and mid 60's tomorrow, but I'll take it!  Today I need to get the top of the Mugo Pine de-candled since DH is home today to help me.  With my fear of heights I won't go that high without him here. I can't believe how tall it has gotten!


    Since I can't insert a quote without losing this, I'll just say I'm always a little surprised (but shouldn't be) at the differences in health care around our country.  I noticed several posts from yesterday that mentioned not seeing their PCP with the Medicare Wellness Exam, and also that labs aren't done before those exams (?)  It's so different here -- I always see my PCP at those exams, not a nurse or PA.  Also I have labs done every 6 months, and always see my PCP after those labs -- wellness check too.  I must be in the minority too about being totally fine with what the exam entails.  I feel like I get a good check up.  Now maybe times will change, but for now my clinic is doing a good job.  (fingers crossed it stays that way)


    Happy Birthday Jacqui @kazu!  I hope the next year is much, much better for you.

    Happy Birthday Gary @GTVCRUISER!

    Sandi @StLouisCruisers I love your DD's latest tree!  Now that's creative!  And yikes about the train and the bus!





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  13. 26 minutes ago, dfish said:

    I refuse to do those memory tests.  I told them they can figure out if I am oriented to time and  place by carrying on a conversation with me, but I refuse to engage in those games.  They understand.  A lot of that is mining for more diagnoses.  The more complicated you are, the more money they can charge.  

    Debbie it never occurred to me to refuse -- I don't blame you, and the memory test isn't fun and games 😉 And you're right, the doctor (or nurse) can easily know if I'm oriented to time and place by carrying on a conversation with me.  After all, that's what they did before this new requirement.  


    It's Medicare who requires it, though.  And all my medical bills are paid by Medicare and Tricare, so I don't think I can refuse (?)

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  14. Good afternoon all,

    The afternoon has turned out beautifully sunny, a little earlier than I expected.  So I've been working on de-candling  the Mugo Pine.  

    The phone call with the nurse (pre-annual check up) was interesting.  I guess now that I'm "ahem" older, they do memory tests too...reciting the months backwards, counting backwards, memorizing an address and then remembering it after a lot of other discussion...scared me to death, my memory has never been good!  But I passed with flying colors thank goodness.  


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  15. Good morning all!

    The rain is supposed to slow down today and the sun will shine tomorrow and Friday.  I'm ready for it!  

    Interesting collection of days.  I have 2 composters and the grandsons have 529 accounts.  I'll pass on the drink and red wine, would like the first recipe but would substitute the chickpeas for something else.  We've been to Anchorage a few times and will be there again next year on the 28-day Alaska Solstice cruise.  


    Today a nurse will be calling me to do the pre-annual checkup call.  It's something they started doing a few years ago -- to save time -- apparently 😉  That and the pre-check in for appointments, but that rarely works and we still have to check in at the desk inside.  


    Happy Birthday Ann @cat shepard!  Have a wonderful day.

    Happy Anniversary Laura @Horizon chaser 1957!

    Happy Birthday Peter @P&PNH!

    Maureen @RMLincoln Very good news about the negative biopsy!

    Roy @rafinmd Prayers for your friend Paul.


    It does my heart good to see Amber moved from the Care List to the Celebrations List 🙂 I will let her family know.   Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping up with all her medical challenges. This is the latest update that her husband (my BFF's son) posted just a couple days before she was discharged to go home: 


    Hello every one this is Howard and Amber. We again want to thank you all for your spiritual, emotional and financial help through these trying times, it’s all been a great help beyond words really! We have been at providence rehabilitation for 3 weeks now where Amber has made great strides relearning to use her left side.
    Amber would like to say… “thank you for the overwhelming love and support for my family it has strengthened me in my journey towards healing! I still have a long road ahead and I’m in the here and now to face my challenges going forward. Thank you for all your prayers they have helped tremendously.”



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  16. Good morning all!

    I'll pass on the drink (whiskey) and meal (tofu) but would like the wine.  I don't remember ever being in Norfolk.  


    I got good news last night from BFF -- Amber was discharged from PT rehab and went home yesterday!  After 6 long weeks of hospitalization, surgeries, and PT, she's finally home.  BFF and her DH have had the grandchildren with them for all this time -- not easy at our age.  So I'm sure they are all celebrating!  Again, thank you for all your prayers and good wishes.


    Yesterday I spent all day gardening and got the back, side and front yards all done.  And I was hurting last night!  We won't have good weather again until Friday -- the life of a gardener in May in the PNW. 😂


    Ann @Vict0riann prayers for a negative biopsy!  

    Graham @grapau27 I hope you and Pauline feel better soon.


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  17. Good morning all!

    As @luvteaching said, we're having cloudy skies but at least no rain today.  In fact today and Friday are the only days that rain isn't predicted.  I'm ready for some sunshine!  Hopefully it isn't too wet in the gardens so I can get something done there today.


    Happy Memorial Day.  


    We actually brought too much sunscreen with us on the GANZ so we have plenty left over.  (if our sun ever comes out again LOL!)  Grape is one flavor I don't care for, so will pass on the grape popsicle.  The drink sounds yummy as a dessert! Will pass on the expensive wine but would try it if someone else is buying. 😉  Pass on the meal -- I like salmon but not chickpeas.  We will be in Glacier Alley on the '26 World, thanks to all who posted photos!



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  18. 1 hour ago, kazu said:


    OMG that is absolutely disgusting that someone would steal from a grave 😡 I am so sorry 😔




    thanks.  I am too.  I laughed at him for years buying gadgets that we didn’t need and I thought were useless.  If he’s watching he gets the last laugh on this one.




    I am known for over doing usually but not this time.  I can only take so much as I am sure you understand.  I’m not making things worse if I can help it.






    not too late at all.  I’m just putting mine in this week.


    my cherries go in planters that are not that big -they don’t need to be.  I don’t use cages.  Just little supporters that keep them upright when they get heavy with fruit.  Either the little wooden supporters for vines or something like these smaller ones.  Works well for me and lets me put several in my rectangular planters.




    I love these supports and use the same thing.


    1 hour ago, dfish said:

    Thanks to the Garden Club members for the suggestions.  She's going to try the peppercorns because we have some.  


    We had a great visit to the Gardens today.  
















    We're hoping we wore someone out besides ourselves.  There is a kids playground with a water feature so we brought home a water logged little girl.  I laughed when I heard parents telling the kids not to get wet.  Why bring them to a place with water to play in if they can't get wet?  Clothes dry out.  River's are on the line in the back yard.



    Debbie (Deddie) gorgeous flowers and very cute little girl!  She looks so happy 🙂  

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  19. Good morning all!

    Rain, rain, rain.  This week looks very WET.  Monday and Friday may be the only days that it doesn't rain all day. A good day to get the laundry done. 😉  

    I think DH and I have recuperated now from our 2 days at the waterpark -- we sure had a good time with the boys though.  Love that quality time!


    I've never been good at making paper airplanes, the Lindy Hop was before my time, and I think I remember the old yellowed Cellophane tape but much prefer invisible Scotch tape.  Will pass on the drink, "maybe" on the meal but would substitute something for the Quinoa.  It seemed to be served much too often on the Grand Australia and it really isn't something I like very much.  The wine does sound good.  Have not been to the port, I miss Erma Bombeck.


    @Cruzin Terri Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DM!

    Vanessa @JazzyV I'm delighted to hear that you're finally getting enough sleep!!

    @Haljo1935 I'm also in Zone 8.  Where I live it isn't too late to put out cherry tomatoes, but our "summer" hasn't started yet -- much cooler than where you are.  I still think it would be fine for you though, probably even better. And cherry tomatoes ripen faster than larger ones. I always put my tomatoes in pots (clay soil too, plus just not enough room).  If only one of you eats tomatoes and you don't plan on making sauce or something else with them, I think one plant would be enough.  I say go for it!  


    Tonight we'll be having trout that the younger DGS caught on a Scout outing.  He always gives us some of his catch, he knows Nana loves trout!  So Trout Almondine tonight. 🙂  


    The latest on Amber is that they're still trying to regulate her blood pressure.  Strangely, now it's running too low...and there's been talk among the doctors that she needs heart surgery because of damage to her heart, but apparently that hasn't been agreed upon by all her doctors.  I will try to find out more, and whether or not she has been able to go home yet.






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  20. Good morning all!

    We got home last night after a very full 2 days with the grandsons at the water park.  I would say it was a hit!  They were so excited the whole time, and loving water the way they do, they spent a total of 10 hours in the water. 8 of those were yesterday, our full day there.  They weren't even interested in all the other things to do there (thank goodness, because everything else was pricey!).  Needless to say, DH and I were exhausted last night -- I felt like I'd been hit by a truck 😉  


    Three very good days to celebrate/honor.  I'll pass on the drink and meal (orzo and olives) but most likely would like the wine.  Have never been to the port.


    Gerry @ger_77 Happy (alternate) birthday!

    @MrSnuffleupagus Bon Voyage!

    Debbie @dfish That note from River is SO precious!  And very sweet photo of baby Addi 🙂  

    Maureen @RMLincoln Very sweet note from your now-grown step granddaughter.

    Lorraine @cruising sister Thank you for the new photo of sweet baby Murphy -- adorable!  And very cute photos of your DGD too.  Looks like a fun time!


    Some last photos from our get-away with the boys.


    These smiles say it all.  They had bunkbeds in our room the "Wolf Den"



    Check out time yesterday -- we all got wolf ears, so of course I wore mine too.



    Have a good day everyone!





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  21. Good afternoon all!

    Happy birthday to @smitty34877’s Tana!!


    The boys are having a wonderful time here at Great Wolf Lodge. Lots of water time and that’s what those two water bugs love. 

    DH and I are patting ourselves on the back for booking a cabana where we can relax and the boys have a place to come rest and eat. 

    No resting yet, though!


    I was pleased with my labs yesterday except for the A1C. Everything else improved, even my kidney function. But the fact that I didn’t get as much exercise on the cruise as I do at home (heat and humidity in Australia, South Pacific etc) and it showed. So back to the regimen!


    Our room the Wolf Den



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  22. 1 hour ago, dfish said:

    @Cruising-along Have fun with the grands.  I hope you get through the day ok.

    Thanks Debbie!  Labs done, cinnamon rolls baked.  You'd think we were going to be away for a week with the amount of food we're bringing for those boys.


    Waiting now to hear lab results -- because of the GANZ it's been 9 months since my last A1C instead of 6.  I tried to be good on the cruise.....we'll see. 

    Edited to add that the Hemogram results just came in (they're fast!)  All in the normal range.  

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  23. Just popping in to say good morning!

    I need to leave in 20 minutes for my labs appointment, so just a quick hello.  Then it's baking cinnamon rolls and packing up the car, then we'll pick up the boys from school (early release day, so that moves everything up earlier).


    I didn't sleep well last night, so today will be "interesting" but as they say, I will survive!  😉  

    We lived in San Diego for 6-7 years when DH was in the Navy, and have also sailed in and out of that port.  Beautiful city, and the weather is lovely!


    Prayers for all on the Care List and a big cheer for all who are celebrating.  I'll try to check in while we're gone...if possible. 🙂 

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