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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. As I said earlier, there was no problem bringing flowers onboard in Halifax about 10 days ago. We will be onboard the Nieuw Statendam for another 2 weeks and I plan to ask before bringing more flowers onboard in the Caribbean. I have a feeling there won’t be a problem.
  2. It has been a lovely day at sea. Lunch with good friends, then I won $257 at Bingo! Kennedy Space Center tomorrow and sadly saying goodbye to those departing the next morning.
  3. It’s been a lovely quiet sea day. We had lunch in the Pinnacle Grill and will have dinner there tonight with Rich and Debbie. It will be the last dressy night for this cruise. We attended the Ask the Captain this afternoon with Captain O’Driscoll. He was our Captain 3 years ago, always a delight! I realized something today. I assumed that when they’re going to play a movie out by the pool that it would always show up in the written Daily Program. Wrong! I was reading through today’s When and Where on the Navigator and it shows that “Where the Crawdads Sing” will be playing by the pool tonight. I wish I’d known before that the Daily Program doesn’t always show movies.
  4. Onboard the Nieuw Statendam now. I had absolutely no problem bringing flowers aboard a few days ago in Halifax.
  5. As Debbie @dfishsaid, I’m a happy camper (cruiser) because I managed to get my hair cut today in Boston. No way I could wait another 3 weeks when we’re home again. I wasn’t impressed with the customer service of the ship salon, so wanted to avoid booking with them. A very nice day in Boston today! Sailing away, goodbye Boston!
  6. Good morning from the lovely Nieuw Statendam! Being 4 hours ahead of the time zone at home has enabled me to be in the first handful of posts this morning. 🤣 We’re having a lovely time on this cruise, everything has been great! We will miss the gang when they debark on the 22nd though. I have a feeling our last 2 weeks will be quieter than the first 2 weeks. For me every day is cat day, but there is only one cat in my life right now because sadly our daughter’s cat is still missing. The grandsons are heartbroken. 😞 This is Jinx, our neighbor’s cat. He visits me every day when the weather allows.
  7. Today in Halifax we’re having a semi-sea day. We’ve been here many times so for the most part are just having a lazy day. We did get out earlier and walked to the Farmers Market where I bought some flowers for the cabin. The weather is changing and rain is predicted so we’re spending the rest of the day being lazy. Dinner at the Tamarind tonight with Debbie @dfishand Rich @richwmn
  8. As of afternoon of October 14, all crew on the NS are still wearing masks.
  9. I don’t know about Rich @richwmnbut I’m enjoying a lot of Nobillo this cruise. 😁 It has been a nice sea day. We slept in and I finally feel like I’ve caught up on my sleep now. Wine tasting was at 2, Bingo at 3:30 (came within 3 of the blackout). Dinner tonight will be prime rib in the dining room with Debbie @dfish. Someone asked earlier about the Tamarind. Yes the NS has one. We have reservations in a few days.
  10. Thanks Sharon for posting the photo. Fun times last night! I’m going to miss all of you when you leave on the 22nd. 😢
  11. No announcement on the Nieuw Statendam as of this afternoon.
  12. I’m surprised with a Pinnacle Suite you didn’t have an earlier boarding time. They don’t meet Pinnacle Suite guests and take them to their cabin anymore? Maybe that’s another change…
  13. And we didn’t care. We spent that few minutes going over the wine packages. 😉
  14. Good morning from Charlottetown! I slept 9 hours last night, the first good night’s sleep in a long time. I credit the gentle rocking of the ship. Yay!! Last night we had dinner in the MDR with Debbie @dfishand were all pleased that the servings were larger than the other night. After dinner we enjoyed a great BB King show. I know we’ll be there a lot on this cruise. We also will be on the PEI lighthouses and wine tasting tour. It should be a great day!
  15. This week we boarded the Nieuw Statendam in Quebec City at 11:30 and cabins were ready at noon. So a few minutes wait but not long.
  16. We had a great day, we took the “Saguenay National Park on Your Own” excursion. It was a bus ride to and from the park where DH and I hiked around for a few hours. Gorgeous scenery! We were joined by Debbie @dfishfor dinner, we all had the turkey dinner for Canadian Thanksgiving. It was quite good, but we did notice the serving sizes were very small. We had drinks and chatted after dinner in the Crows Nest. Called it a night by 9:30 because we’ll lose an hour tonight. M&G tomorrow!
  17. Good morning from the lovely Nieuw Statendam! Yesterday was wonderful. We checked out of our hotel in QC and were onboard the NS by 11:40. We were lucky, our timing just right. After dinner and meeting up with some of the Dailyites (so nice!) DH and I watched the latest Downton movie out on the loungers. Nice evening! Roy @rafinmdthank you for all you do with the lists. Much appreciated!! One small correction — I will be on the NS until 11/5. Cheers for all on the celebrations list and prayers for all on the care list.
  18. Just finished lunch in the Lido and going to buy a wine package next. Boarding was a breeze! On board soon after 11:30, cabin ready at noon. VeriFLY was good to have but then 4 and 5 Star were called so we sailed right through!
  19. After a 17-hour day yesterday we settled into our hotel in QC last night about 9:30 local time. I can’t praise Hotel des Coutellier enough, we love it! I slept well and woke up at 7:45 (4:45 to this West Coaster). DH is still sawing logs. Can’t wait to see everyone!
  20. We’re about to start on our final leg (Toronto to QC). Flight was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago but we just finished getting all aboard. That bed is going to feel so good tonight! It’s already been a 12 hour day of travel and not over yet. Looking forward to seeing Rich and Debbie again and meeting other Dailyites!
  21. Good morning all! The alarm went off at 4:30 this morning at our airport hotel. 🫤 Now sitting in the airport waiting for our 8 am flight (hurry up and wait). It will be a long 13-hour day before we reach Quebec City but I’m very excited although bleary-eyed!
  22. Is anyone else having a problem with how CC sends you notifications? I've always had mine marked "no emails" but "yes notifications" when I'm on CC. Suddenly yesterday I started getting lots of emails (every time someone posted on one of my roll calls, or quoted me anywhere). I looked and sure enough my check mark by "no emails" had disappeared. Changed it, it still shows it's gone, but now I'm getting emails again! I'm on here much more than on my email so it really is unnecessary. 😉 Has anyone else noticed this?
  23. Good morning all! I just sent a text to our son-in-law wishing him a Happy Physician Assistant Day. Last year I remember he didn't know it was his special day. Very proud of him, and he's been on the list of best Seattle Physicians for several years. Well another night of poor/no sleep. Just seems to be what I do the days before a cruise. And when I woke up I was greeted with the news that Gaspe has been removed from our itinerary...I'd rather it was one of the other ports, but we'll survive. We'll be on a BHB! @seagarsmokerJoy @Seasick Sailorhas already given you good info and I see that you've already found the website so I'll just add that we've used this service a few times and have never been disappointed. We hope to use it again at the end of this cruise on Nov. 5. Strangely yesterday when I tried to set it up, it said it couldn't find that date....hoping it was just a site issue and will try again today. We can always sign up during the cruise too, but I like to have things done ahead of time. Have a great day everyone!
  24. Debbie @dfishI agree with Lenda. Those 2 things definitely are not insurmountable. I would be fine with that. Sharon @Sharon in AZyour photos of Q.C. are making me even more excited, if that's possible! Enjoy your pre-cruise time!
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