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Posts posted by JazzyV

  1. 22 minutes ago, NextOne said:

    I'm pleased to report that DH came home from orthopedic rehab yesterday, after three weeks. In-home PT & OT will begin soon. The visiting nurse stops by tomorrow, so everything is progressing! We see the surgeon on Friday to get an update on how the leg is healing. It's all good.

    The chemo continues and he's due for a CT scan soon to see whether the cancer has traveled anywhere else. We're hopeful that the last radiation treatments may have eradicated it. We'll see!

    Thanks for all your kinds thoughts and prayers!


    Great news!

    • Like 6
  2. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Another trio of good days. Raisinets used to be my favorite movie treat as a kid.

    Nice meals, including Roy's.

    I've never been to Sydney, Nova Scotia.


    Yay, I'm considered fully immunized today! I'll be getting my hair cut this afternoon.


    I'm glad more people are getting their shots. Our numbers are up in my county. We were around 250 new cases a day. Today 498. Not good. I know the colleges are opening up and their have been parties. Restaurant capacity will increase  in about 10 days. I hope this isn't the beginning of a spring surge.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask.


    • Like 18
    • Thanks 2
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Again, good days. My go to is tortilla chips and salsa.

    I like the both meals and the wine.

    Another port I've not been to.

    Warm weather today, but somewhat cloudy, and rain/snowflakes is coming.


    I've got some new swelling of the conjunctiva of my right eye, so back to the eye doctor on Thursday. I can only see shadows with the right eye, so I'm hoping to be able to get cataract surgery in a couple of months.


    @cat shepardFeel better!


    Prayers to the care list (and for Colorado after the terrible shooting there) and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask!






    • Like 17
  4. 49 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

    Re: cold soups - I'm one of those who dearly misses the cold fruit soups on HAL; they were like starting your dinner with a fruit smoothie every time.  Loved them!    



    Count me in as one who really liked the cold fruit soups. I did find them on my Panama Canal cruise (NCL Bliss) in 2019, in the small buffet in the Observation Lounge.

    • Like 8
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Another set of fun days! And a beautiful sunny day here.

    Sourdough bread is in the oven baking.

    I like the meal and drinks.

    I've never been to Rio, so I look forward to all the pictures. I'd like to see the Christ the Redeemer statue, but not fond of hearing how people feel unsafe there.


    Congrats to those getting their shots. Only 2 days until I'll be considered fully vaccinated!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe all and wear your mask.



    • Like 20
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Another trio of good days. Good quotes too.

    The meal sounds good, although I've never made fried chicken except in an air fryer.

    I've never tasted a gimlet.

    I've never visited Japan.


    It's going to be sunny and 60 here today. But the weatherpersons warn not to plant before the end of April due to frost risk.

    I mixed up a batch of dough for 2 sourdough loaves this morning and it is bulk fermenting. I 'll shape it before bed then it will do the second rise overnight in the fridge and be baked tomorrow.


    @dfish I find I share some of that anxiety about being around people. However I did schedule a haircut for Wednesday. I can't wait! Next step may be a grocery store at a time it's not crowded.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask. Fortunately only about 100 people were at the anti-mask mandate rally here yesterday (unmasked of course).


    • Like 20
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily. Happy Spring!

    Good days.

    I like the meal and drinks. Also Roy's menu. Not sure what's for dinner. I do have a ham steak but I bought it to make split pea soup.

    I haven't been to today's port.


    It's sunny and chilly, but we'll be going into the 50's later.

    SMH. There's a protest downtown today against the mask mandate and business closures (although the occupancy limits are gradually being lifted). I guess they won't be wearing masks. And cases are slowing ticking up.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask!





    • Like 19
  8. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    All good days today. Having worked in healthcare I appreciate nurses and all HCW.

    Meal and hot toddy are appealing, although I don't have any pork chops.

    Today's port is another one that was on my cancelled 2020 cruise. I've been to Florence on a land trip, but not Pisa.


    Rain is finally gone and it's sunny. Normally I love the sun, but my eye is a bit inflamed today and the sun hurts it. Sometimes I even have to wear sunglasses indoors.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe everyone!




    • Like 17
  9. 2 hours ago, cruzn single said:

    Interesting day--and I need to quit hanging out with all of you people!!!! Yesterday I joined the appliance cursed households!  My dishwasher started leaking all over the floor.  Seems the bottom of it is full of water.  (Hadn't run it since Sunday).  After talking to a plumber this morning, I found out that the dishwasher is so old there won't be parts for it!  


    That sounds like my former 35+ year old Kitchenaid dishwasher. It didn't leak, but when I went to load it I noticed the bottom was full of water. A guy came out and said it was too old to find parts for, so I had to get a new one. Then the fridge went. Last year I remodeled the kitchen and only had to replace the stove (38 years old) and microwave since I'd replaced the other appliances the year before.

    • Like 14
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Good days and quote.

    I like Roy's meal, but will have leftover corned beef and cabbage tonight.

    It's rainy here today, but going to be a nice weekend. Prayers for those having tornadoes. 

    I've never been to Belize.


    Congrats to those getting to see family!

    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe!


    • Like 14
  11. Good afternoon. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    I fit right in with the days. Corned Beef and Cabbage is in the slow cooker, and I like submarines (both kinds).

    Maybe bacon cheeseburger soup another day.

    I've never been to South Korea.

    It's sunny and in the 60's today. But rain the next 2 days.


    @Mary229 Prayers for an uneventful surgery for your brother.

    @summer slope Ewwww on that drink.

    @StLouisCruisers Congrats on DD getting her second shot! They just moved teachers up to 1A here and shots have begun. We have an abundance of medical centers plus the 2nd oldest population in the nation, so our 1A population is big and hoping to be done by the end of the month.

    @cunnorl It's a tough day for you. (((HUGS)))

    @ger_77 Great on DH's shot. Condolences on the loss of your friend and prayers for your friend undergoing a biopsy.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe everyone!




    • Like 16
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  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and it's anniversary!

    I had to google Curlew Day.

    The meal and wine sound good.

    I've never been to Monte Carlo, although it was a stop on my cancelled April 2020 cruise.


    @cunnorl So sorry to hear of your BIL's decline. Prayers.

    @mamaofami Good news about DH.

    @StLouisCruisers It sounds like your MIL is doing quite well. Hopefully SIL will start visiting her!


    I'm feeling better today after sleeping 9 hours last n ight! I've spent the morning messing with my kitchen under-sink water filter. It continues to leak. I had a small container under it and that was filled and overflowed! There was a class action suit against the company about this and water damage, which I didn't know when it was installed.  


    Prayers to the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe. Hopefully spring breakers won't be spreading the virus when they return home.

    • Like 15
    • Thanks 1
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily. Congrats on the 1 year Anniversary!

    The Ides of March! I'll act happy and hope  that everything I think isn't wrong.

    The meal sounds good; I haven't had meatloaf in ages.

    I've cruised to Australia (Tasmania, Melbourne and Sydney) from NZ, but not that port.

    For some reason I am extremely tired today; probably too far from my vaccine to be that. Maybe the time change?


    @dfish Oh no, you've had a rough time lately.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask. I see many Facebook friends posting pictures of them out and about, no mask. I hope they don't regret it (most having not been vaccinated yet).



    • Like 19
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting days. I'm not big on potato chips; I prefer tortilla chips.

    Also Pi day and Mother's Day in the UK.

    Ah, finally a port I've been to, in 2009, from Vancouver.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask.



    Arriving to the dock area.



    They were celebrating 50 years of statehood.



    Being greeted by a moose on debarkation.



    Mendenhall glacier.



    We were supposed to do a helicopter ride and land on a glacier, but the weather was not good and it was too windy. So we went whale watching instead.



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