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Posts posted by JazzyV

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    It's snowing!! And that's not an April Fool's day joke.

    The plumber is here. My water pressure is 170, way over normal. So that will be addressed, as well as putting new fill valves in 2 commodes.

    I tried tatting long ago (making lace) and it's hard. I'm retired now but we used to have fun at work.

    Good meals and drink.

    My first HAL cruise was Auckland to Sydney, but didn't stop in Timaru.


    @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear DMIL is still having issues.


    Our Covid numbers are up, and Sunday is the start of increased restaurant capacity. I haven't eaten in one in over a year, and sure won't now. 

    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask.




    • Like 17
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Another good trio of days. I'm an Eiffel Tower fan (and Notre Dame Cathedral).

    Nice meal but I have to watch my sodium, so not eating too much ham lately.

    I haven't been to today's port.

    It's chilly and rainy today, with some snow overnight. Down in the 20's Friday AM.


    PA is opening up to 1B 4/5, 1C 4/12 and all over 16 4/19. Also today they added law enforcement, firefighters, and grocery workers. Good, because our numbers are going up, especially on college campuses.


    @cat shepard I have to laugh at the wine price tag. Yesterday I got an email from our PA wine and Liquors (state run) about some rare wines. I think prices started at $300 and went to over $1000!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your masks!


    In Paris just after the turn of the Millenium










    • Like 22
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    I'm trying to be in control! Kudos to doctors. I don't think I'll be taking a walk; I was up until 5AM and finally slept until 9.

    I like the meal (and Roy's) and wine suggestions.

    I've cruised into Melbourne and Sydney, but not Townsville.

    It's 69 and sunny out; normally I'd be happy but the sun bothers my eyes, even with sunglasses.


    @cruzn single @Suslor Happy Birthday! 🎈

    @StLouisCruisers Hoping DMIL remains ok.

    @USN59-79 Congrats to you two on your anniversary!


    Congrats to all getting vaccine shots!

    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask (numbers are going up!).

    • Like 15
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily Rich.

    Kudos to Mom and Pop businesses and Piano Day (I used to play and still have my childhood piano).

    Not a fan of smoke and mirrors.

    Also a salute to National Vietnam War Veterans Day

    I like the meal suggestion, as well as Roy's.

    I haven't been to Croatia.


    We got a lot of rain/wind/graupel yesterday. Tomorrow will be 70F and by Thursday night it will be in the 20's with a possible dusting of snow! That's why we can't plant yet.


    @ontheweb Happy Birthday to your DW 🎉

    @mamaofami I hope all goes well with the 2nd shot.

    @StLouisCruisers I hope MIL is ok!

    @Overhead Fred Those Lego sculptures are great!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask (numbers are trending up!)





    • Like 19
  5. Good afternoon.

    Strange goings-on I see. My first thought was "weed" until I saw the drink of the day, LOL.

    Celebrating Palm Sunday. It's rainy and windy here today.

    I've been to Beijing but not on a ship. I did a Viking river cruise in China. I flew to Shanghai, cruised the Yangtze from Yichang to Chongqing going through the 3 gorges Dam, and then eventually flew to Beijing.


    @DeeniEncinitas  The wreath tribute for KK was wonderful.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe everyone.


    Me at the Great Wall.



    • Like 26
  6. Good afternoon.

    Good days, even though I'm an only. Happy Passover to those who celebrate.

    The meal sounds interesting; I do like curry.

    I've never been to today's port.

    It's sunny and will be near 70 here, so I hear.


    RIP Krazy Kruizers.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask.


    A picture of the 3 eaglets, with H15 having hatched this morning. The only other time there were 3 eggs (2014), Mom and Dad Eagle had their hands full feeding them and the last born had to fight for space to get a bite!





    • Like 19
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    As a Spock fan/Trekkie I like Live Long and Prosper Day! 

    It's really blowing here. The high winds have brought down power lines, but so far I'm good.

    I'm not a fish person. I have tried to like salmon, but even in Alaska, I just didn't like it. I like Roy's meal.

    I've never been to Rarotonga. @StLouisCruisers thanks for the pics.


    Ugh. Another day with the Covid case count over 500. 

    Congrats to all those getting their shots.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask.


    A picture of me with Leonard Nimoy (Spock) taken about 35 years ago.





    • Like 37
    • Thanks 1
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    A bit late today as I had an urgent eye exam this morning.

    Good days. It's also National Medal of Honor Day.

    The meal sounds good as well. I haven't heard of Penicillin as a drink, and don't like Scotch.

    I've was in Port Canaveral in 2007 as part of a combined Disneyworld and Disney Cruise trip.


    It's warm and sunny now, but we're supposed to get rain, storms, and 55 mph winds overnight.

    Woohoo, I got my haircut yesterday! I feel scalped, lol.


    @ger_77 Congrats on getting an appointment!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list. 

    Stay safe and wear your mask.


    Disney Wonder



    NASA buildings seen from the ship in Port Canaveral.



    Sunset as we sail from Port Canaveral.



    • Like 25
  9. 23 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

    A couple of weeks ago I mentioned my BIL in Montreal and his wife had their jabs. They were eligible because of his COPD, which made them move into an apartment in an assisted living complex. His COPD took a sudden turn for the worse Monday and he was rushed to the hospital. Yesterday he was put on a ventilator, and the prognosis is not good. 
    How ironic to have this happen so soon after being vaccinated and for reasons unrelated to Covid or the vaccine. There is nothing we can do but pray and wait.


    Prayers for your BIL and your family.


    14 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

    Good Afternoon Everyone,

        I have not posted in the last few days Grateful for all the positive posts. Also very thankful that my BIL was on the prayer list. Unfortunately he passed last night. Very sad time again for our family.  He was only 66. This terrible virus has affected so many lives.


    So sorry to hear this and for your loss.

    • Like 8
  10. 22 minutes ago, NextOne said:

    I'm pleased to report that DH came home from orthopedic rehab yesterday, after three weeks. In-home PT & OT will begin soon. The visiting nurse stops by tomorrow, so everything is progressing! We see the surgeon on Friday to get an update on how the leg is healing. It's all good.

    The chemo continues and he's due for a CT scan soon to see whether the cancer has traveled anywhere else. We're hopeful that the last radiation treatments may have eradicated it. We'll see!

    Thanks for all your kinds thoughts and prayers!


    Great news!

    • Like 6
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Another trio of good days. Raisinets used to be my favorite movie treat as a kid.

    Nice meals, including Roy's.

    I've never been to Sydney, Nova Scotia.


    Yay, I'm considered fully immunized today! I'll be getting my hair cut this afternoon.


    I'm glad more people are getting their shots. Our numbers are up in my county. We were around 250 new cases a day. Today 498. Not good. I know the colleges are opening up and their have been parties. Restaurant capacity will increase  in about 10 days. I hope this isn't the beginning of a spring surge.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask.


    • Like 18
    • Thanks 2
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Again, good days. My go to is tortilla chips and salsa.

    I like the both meals and the wine.

    Another port I've not been to.

    Warm weather today, but somewhat cloudy, and rain/snowflakes is coming.


    I've got some new swelling of the conjunctiva of my right eye, so back to the eye doctor on Thursday. I can only see shadows with the right eye, so I'm hoping to be able to get cataract surgery in a couple of months.


    @cat shepardFeel better!


    Prayers to the care list (and for Colorado after the terrible shooting there) and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask!






    • Like 17
  13. 49 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

    Re: cold soups - I'm one of those who dearly misses the cold fruit soups on HAL; they were like starting your dinner with a fruit smoothie every time.  Loved them!    



    Count me in as one who really liked the cold fruit soups. I did find them on my Panama Canal cruise (NCL Bliss) in 2019, in the small buffet in the Observation Lounge.

    • Like 8
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Another set of fun days! And a beautiful sunny day here.

    Sourdough bread is in the oven baking.

    I like the meal and drinks.

    I've never been to Rio, so I look forward to all the pictures. I'd like to see the Christ the Redeemer statue, but not fond of hearing how people feel unsafe there.


    Congrats to those getting their shots. Only 2 days until I'll be considered fully vaccinated!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe all and wear your mask.



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