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Posts posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    I'm late today. I got a high water bill and went searching for issues. I found my under-counter water filter was leaking and 2 toilets need new flush valves.


    Interesting Days. I heard about Marching Day because it's March 4th (Forth). Holy Experiment is new to me. The meal sounds good. I like German Rieslings.


    I've never been to Japan. My usual travel companion was there for work years ago.


    @doobiebCongrats on the vaccinations

    @rafinmd Thanks for sharing the obit. Your brother was quite the accomplished man and patriot.

    @cunnorl Good news that you are negative; sad to hear DS is positive. 17 positive! Awful! But good that the vaccine seems to have protected those who got it.

    @mamaofami I'm glad your DH is getting tests. I was thinking TIA/mini-stroke when you mentioned his symptoms.

    @bennybear Great pictures

    @NextOne I'm sure your DH is anxious to get home, but best to get good healing and rehab first.

    @erewhonPraying for NZ


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Be safe, and wear  your mask.




    • Like 13
  2. Good morning Dailyites.

    Caregivers certainly deserve appreciation. I want all to be happy. I like mulled wine, especially the Glühwein – German Mulled Wine from the Christmas markets. I have a collection of cups from a Christmas market tour in 2014.

    The meal and drink of the day sound tasty.

    Greenland is another place I've never been. It's nice seeing everyone's pictures.


    It's sunny and going up to 50°F today! Yay, even if only temporary.


    I heard from the Health Dept. yesterday. They acknowledged I received my 1st dose of the vaccine between February 8-13. They are receiving limited vaccine. Rather than schedule appointments that may have to be canceled if there is further delay, they will be scheduling appointments once vaccine is received. They said that any delay in when the second shot is administered remains in line with guidance from the CDC which recommends that vaccines may be administered up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose.


    @cunnorl Prayers for your family. I hope your results are negative. I'm still angry at this selfish person who put others in danger!

    @StLouisCruisers Hopefully the sling is all that's needed.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask. I'm surprised that Texas is completely opening up and hope it's not a mistake.

    • Like 21
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    I'm happy that people rescue cats (none here). I love old stuff. We need more sportsmanship.

    One of these days I'll make chicken and dumplings.

    I've been to England several times, but never Scotland.


    Our bald eagle nest now has 3 eggs! Hopefully all will hatch and survive.


    @mamaofami Glad your DH got his shot.

    @cunnorl That is so awful! Friends of mine tested positive some months ago because they were at a gathering outside, it rained and people went inside, and 2 young people who were positive and knew it said nothing. 😡 Hoping you are well and that your family recovers uneventfully.

    @Vict0riann How can they delay that long? I know with Moderna the outside date for the 2nd shot is supposedly 42 days. It looks like mine will be a week late due to the prior weather issues and distributors mistakenly not holding 2nd doses in reserve, so ?35 days from my first. There is a push here to vaccinate teachers sooner and many of the 65+ are concerned as they are still having trouble getting their shots.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask. Cases are going up slightly, so we must not get complacent.





    • Like 19
  4. 1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    Yikes, I just viewed the video of my 14 year old grandson's game Saturday where he fractured his clavicle.  (I've also seen the x-ray).  Looking at it was hard!  The goal keeper was over 6 feet tall and had a stocky build, and when DGS approached with the ball ready to score a goal, the goalie stuck his leg out and tripped him.  No hiding it!  DGS landed on the ground on his left shoulder and lay there writhing in pain.  Within a minute or two he got up and went to sit on the sidelines with his shoulder drooping.  The game was nearly over so Mom and Dad took him to the ER.  Thank goodness!  The orthopedic specialist appointment isn't until Wednesday.  He's been playing since he was 5 years old and loves the game.  I guess the good comes with the bad...😔


    I'm sure that was hard. It sounds like the goalie did something illegal; there should be repercussions.


    Ugh, snowing here now, but just lightly.


    Some Covid restrictions relaxed here today. 15% occupancy of indoor events and 20% for outdoor events. Travel restrictions lifted - no need to quarantine after interstate travel. Hopefully people won't go wild and forego social distancing.


    • Like 11
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily. Happy March!

    I like all 3 days - appreciate the Peace Corps, love pork (bacon, roast, chops) and chunky peanut butter.

    I like making a roast with root veggies in my Instant Pot.

    Great idea for a port of the day. I've never been to Grand Cayman.

    Rain is finally leaving, but we expect flooding along the rivers. One warm day, then cold again.


    @superoma Congrats! 51 years is quite an accomplishment.


    Still no email word yet on my second shot.

    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask.




    • Like 13
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Sunday Daily.

    I like floral designs and chili; not a public sleeping person!

    I was too tired last night to even open a bottle of wine; maybe tonight. Funny after anticipating being able to have a glass.

    Not sure about dinner tonight - maybe a broccoli and cheese stuffed chicken breast. I do plan on making chicken taco chili in the slow cooker next week (a Skinnytaste.com recipe).

    Lots of rain here yesterday and today, so now we have flood watches!


    No word yet on my 2nd shot. There was to be an email 10 days before (it's due March 9), but it seems many are being delayed about a week due to the winter storms that caused shortages.


    @cunnorl So sorry for the loss of your brother. 

    @cruisemom42 I had a lot of chipmunks in my yard that my neighbors cat took care of (although I had to have the shovel at the ready when mowing and chancing upon a carcus). Now I only see an occasional one scurrying about.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Be safe and wear your masks.





    • Like 14
  7. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Good days, especially Open that Bottle Night as I can finally have a glass of something after 48 hours off my antibiotic! I have only seen polar bears in the zoo.

    I'll pass on the recipe.

    It rained this morning and temps are up to 50°F.


    @smitty34877 How exciting to be planning that family trip!

    @ger_77 I'm glad your furnace was fixed. I hear you on a weekday; one time mine went out on Christmas Eve, another time on Thanksgiving (and I waited until the next day to avoid the holiday cost).

    @Sharon in AZ Congrats on getting an appointment and hopefully your DH too.

    @TheKingD Congrats on your shots.


    Prayers for the Care list and Cheers for the Celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask(s).

    • Like 16
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    I like Carnivals and Pistachios. Purim was on the news yesterday, as there's been a big outbreak of Covid in our local Jewish community (3000 cases) so they are changing how they will celebrate.

    I like Swedish meatballs, but have never made them.


    @ger_77 Hope all is well with the furnace. Right before Christmas I woke up to a cold house. Checked my boiler and no flame. I assumed the thermocouple had gone. Called my longtime plumber right at 8AM and he was there in an hour and fixed it right up quickly.

    @NextOne Good news indeed that you can visit DH!

    @Seasick Sailor My condolences on the loss of your friend.

    @Overhead Fred What a gorgeous view from your deck!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask (even if you're vaccinated)



    • Like 16
  9. 2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

    Still morning here, but just barely. I left early to get my 2nd Covid jab...... yes!!!!! Feel much relieved and am now going to schedule my long overdue haircut and pedicure!!! Will be nice to feel human again. As someone at my appointment commented.... we still can't do a lot of the things we did but it is a real psychological boost. You feel like good times are coming.


    Will drag a couple of boxes of stuff out to our thrift store and I found a couple items I may put on ebay. Have been avoiding the post office but now .........





    Congrats on the 2nd shot!

    I have the same plans once I get mine. Haircut first. Also I was a big ebay person for the stuff I'm getting rid of but not donating; I didn't want to go to the post office either, so it's all sitting down in my basement.

    • Like 10
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Do my peanut M&M's count? We do need more girls in engineering.

    It's sunny but about 20° colder (we got up to 60° yesterday); but it is February after all.

    The recipe sounds interesting; I have a pressure cooker and slow cooker, but no artichokes.


    @Divi Welcome to the Daily.

    @rafinmd Glad that you got your appointment for the visit and CT. Same date as my shot #2 (hopefully!)

    @Suslor Wow, what a pain. I had them in my first house in the attic; they chewed through the fascia. This house I had a bat and had to get any holes closed up (it got in around where cable access had been drilled for).


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your masks.



    • Like 16
  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    I like tortilla chips (with salsa). Hard times for many bartenders. Never have traded cards.

    It's 58°F outside and sunny! It won't last, but it's sooo nice.


    The drink of the day looks good. Just finished my medication that prohibited alcohol, but still can't drink for 48 hours. Funny, I haven't had any alcohol since NYE, but when you can't have it you want it, lol.

    I'll probably have leftover pasta for dinner.


    @dfish I hadn't heard about no alcohol around the vaccine. I'll have to google that. Maybe I will hold out until 2 weeks after my 2nd shot, and celebrate my haircut with a drink! Or not 😉.

    @St. Louis Sal I'd heard that about mammograms. Good info.

    @bennybear Wow, those crepes look great!


    My BFF is under 65 and currently doesn't qualify for a vaccine, so no hugs yet for a while.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask.






    • Like 17
  12. What department did you email?

    When I was trying to find out about a cancelled cruise, I got no response to the guestrelations@hollandamerica.com emails I sent, but heard back the next day when I emailed reservations_submit@hollandamerica.com.

  13. @rafinmd Is that trial for doing a catheter procedure as opposed to open heart surgery? My BFF's Dad had a calcified aortic valve and was 89 and put it off, until he went into congestive heart failure. So they treated that with meds, then did an open valve replacement. He did great. He walks several miles a day for years, and 6 weeks post-op he was back to walking. Praying for things to go well for you!

    • Like 14
    • Thanks 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    @JazzyVyour hair salons and barbers are closed?  Or are you being super cautious and not going in one until vaccinated fully?  Our shops are open with mask/distancing rules to be cautious, and I've had monthly appointments there since April 28, 2020.  I would go out of my mind if I'd waited a year to get hair cuts, etc.  Bless you!!


    They are open (having been closed early last year), but I'm being super cautious. From the initial shut down in March I waited until August, when our numbers dropped. I am on/off immuno-suppressants for my eye condition, so I have been extra careful. My last time to go was Oct 2. I have short hair and used to go every 5 weeks! So I can't wait to get there again.

    • Like 14
    • Thanks 1
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    We had snow this morning and now it's raining. More tolerable temps this week, thankfully.


    @smitty34877 I hope you are okay!

    @rafinmd Hoping all goes well with your appointment.

    @Av8rix Happy Birthday!

    @StLouisCruisers Congrats! I can't wait until 2 weeks after my 2nd dose (hopefully not delayed) so that I can schedule to get my out of control hair cut.

    @puppycanducruiseMine too! I bring it inside over the winter and some blooms during that time. It's getting sort of big to haul in and out every fall and spring.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask(s).


    • Like 16
    • Thanks 2
  16. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting days. It's hard for me to be grain free. Love sticky buns; they are on my radar to bake.

    Mmmm A Blue Hawaii is tasty!

    3°F here this morning, but going up. 47 on Wednesday!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask(s).


    • Like 17
  17. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Mmmm, cherry pie is a favorite. Hoodie Hoo? I've never heard of it.  I've never had a pet, other than fish as a kid. Before I retired my hours were too long to have a dog.

    Not sure what's for dinner. Maybe pasta since I didn't have it last night. This morning I made sourdough crumpets with my sourdough discard.


    Only snow flurries today, but it's 17 days straight with snow! Supposedly 40's mid-week coming, yay.


    Apparently our region got no vaccine shipment this past week and doesn't expect one next week (not sure why), so my 2nd shot will likely be delayed.


    @Red Haired Lady Congrats on finally getting your stove.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask(s).

    • Like 17
  18. 41 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    Wow!  Your bread looks like it came from a professional bakery. I’ve seen those proofing baskets but was never interested because I thought they probably didn’t add much to the overall finished bread but I am so wrong. I’ve seen them in different sizes too.  Where did you buy yours?


    Thanks Sharon. I bought mine from Breadtopia, but they are available on Amazon, King Arthur flour and other online sites. Imported German ones can be pricey. There are different shapes - round for boules, oval for batards, long ones for baguettes. There are cloth liners that some use, but then you don't get as distinct rings; I dust them with rice flour to lessen sticking of the dough. I need to work on my scoring of the loaf. Some people do intricate designs, I mainly do it to help the loaf expand.

    • Like 10
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  19. 21 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

    Okay. So how did you get the spiral pattern (so evenly) on those?

    They’re gorgeous. As my Dad would say, “They look good enough to eat.”


    Thanks. They do their 2nd rise in a banneton/brotform proofing basket -  the loaf is inverted into the proofing basket. The basket is made of coiled rattan and creates the spiral pattern on the bread.



    • Like 14
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  20. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    This morning was snow shoveling, laundry and bread baking.

    I certainly salute National Caregivers Day and Iwo Jima Day; I like Chocolate Mint (candy and ice cream).

    I think dinner will be pasta, although not tortellini.

    Sunday we may get above freezing for the first time in a couple of weeks. Yay! But then more snow.

    Some maybe good news - since I got my first shot from the county, rather than a pharmacy, they say they reserved 2nd shots. So hopefully it won't be an issue getting it.


    @cruisemom42 Happy Birthday!  🎉 🍰

    @mamaofami Ugh, it shouldn't be this hard to get an appointment!

    @Himself Welcome home 

    @Seasick Sailor Fingers crossed for not much damage.


    Prayers to the Care List and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask.

    Below a pic of my bread.



    Vermont Sourdough.JPG

    • Like 22
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  21. 4 hours ago, cat shepard said:

    I just want to make sure everyone in the USA knows that the CDC is tracking side effects of the vaccine. If you were not given their website info to register, you can still do so. It might be after the fact, so they won’t contact you periodically, but at least they will have your data.


    They contacted me daily for the first week, and then moved to weekly contacts.


    Here is the link: https://vsafe.cdc.gov


    I did sign up and just finished my daily contacts.


    Happy to hear so many are getting their 2nd shots. Big snafu here in PA so hopefully they will have vaccine available when I'm due for the 2nd one.

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