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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Roy, now that you're past that strenuous embarkation, I hope it's a wonderful cruise. Beautiful sunset!
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. HAPPY CANADA DAY! to our Canadian Dailyites. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. Zip codes are important. I like to visit zoos and photograph animals. Financial freedom would be nice. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink, but take the wine. I haven't been to Sarande. Thanks for the pictures @Quartzsite Cruiser @Vict0riann. This morning I had an appointment for a blood test, since my kidney test was up a little, and possibly caused by the new BP med. Then went to the Wound Care Clinic; they re-wrapped my legs. I can take off the wraps on Sunday (and shower!) and resume using my regular compression stockings. The cellulitis has cleared up, thankfully. I'm hoping for rain later today - the grass is brown! @rafinmd Your adventure has begun! @StLouisCruisers Heathrow sounds awful! I hope your legs/knee is ok. Hopefully DD and her friend make it to FLL. @aliaschief Fingers crossed that your flight tomorrow is a go. @Heartgrove Prayers for your brother and DSIL. It sounds like it will be hard for him to be at home if he is a total assist, even with Home Care (who isn't there all the time). @dfish Good luck with all the changes to your cruise. I saw chickpea pasta at Aldi today, but 1 cup had 51g of carbs with 11g fiber. Still too high for me at 40g net carbs. @Rowsby LOL 🙂 @kazu I'm sure everyone enjoyed your treat of homemade jam. My mother used to make jam; I've never tried. @lindaler Relocating was a lot of work. Now you can settle in and enjoy Mobile. @ger_77 It sounds like a fun time at your house with the family. @Quartzsite Cruiser Sorry you had to cancel the WCs, but your reasoning is sound. @durangoscots Good to hear that Monty is healthy. @lazey1 Great news that all your health issues are improved or stable! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List (my dry June is over!). Stay safe everyone.
  3. @bennybear Happy Birthday to your DH! @Vict0riann I hope the hospital can stop Pat's nosebleed.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. Meteors are interesting; I have a watch whose dial is from a meteorite. Handshakes are out since the pandemic. Social media has it pluses and many negatives, especially for young adults. I'm on FB where I mainly play games and don't post much. Poe's quotes are often strange. I like the meal; I've made chicken tikka masala. I also like the drink and wine. I haven't been to Port Lincoln. It's starting to get hotter here. Already 81F and sunny. 90's tomorrow. I'll mainly be indoors. By last night I thought I couldn't tolerate the leg wraps, as my leg was hurting. As expected, it's better today and I go back in tomorrow for the re-wrap. @rafinmd Bon Voyage! @kazu The peonies are lovely. @0106 Wow! @marshhawk Great story on how you found the Daily! @smitty34877 Happy Birthday to your DH! @Vict0riann Oh no, on Pat's nosebleed. Good to hear the sciatica is better. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone and wear your mask if need be.
  5. No, not an Unna boot. There's no ulcer or wound. It's the 3M 2 layer compression system. Basically a way to more quickly get fluid out of the legs. They're somewhat uncomfortable now, but I expect it to feel better tomorrow AM as the legs are usually down some after being in bed overnight.
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet report. I'm a camera fan, and have about 5 (mostly Nikon) - 3 DSLR and a couple of point and shoot ones; I used to have a darkroom too, until I switched to digital. I'm for hugs, but not mud. Interesting quote. I like the meal if someone will make it for me. I'll pass on the drink and take the wine. I haven't been to Andalsnes. I'm late today, having gone to a doctor's appointment and a pharmacy stop. While the infection seems to have subsided, there was an extra 1.5L of fluid in the leg since last measurements in March. So both legs are wrapped (means only sponge baths). I go back Friday, and they'll rewrap. I can take it off on Sunday and resume using my usual compression stockings. @kazu I'm glad you finally made it home. Nice neighbors! Now to decompress from that ordeal. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels. @dfish I like the new hair color! @marshhawk Sorry you're still not feeling well. Could it be some type of urinary tract issue? @TiogaCruiser Great photos. On my only trip there, the north rim was still closed, so we did the south rim. @Mr. Boston Safe travels and enjoy your friends and then the cruise. @Seasick Sailor I pray that Ron's surgery went well and he has an uneventful recovery. @rafinmd Yay on the negative test. @1ANGELCAT So sorry to hear of the loss of your fur baby Jaguar. ((Hugs)) Prayers for the Care List and a toast for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  7. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet report. Insurance is important just in case something happens. A salute to Bunyan and columnists. Sort of odd quote. The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Akureyri. Iceland is on my bucket list. Thanks for the photos. Another nice day here today, before we get into the near 90's. Not much going on with me; just taking it easy and finishing the last day of antibiotics. Tomorrow I see the doctor. @MISTER 67 Congrats on the eagle on the golf course. @mamaofami Good to hear that Sam is out of the hospital; I hope the coughing and pain eases up soon. @kazu Oh my on the flight cancellation yesterday; I hope today's goes as scheduled. What a mess the airline industry is these days. Thanks for pics of the lovely meal. Safe travels. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear of your sick car and the ransom. Prayers for Tana and the family. @durangoscots Aww, it sounds like Monty is getting adjusted to his new surroundings. @St Pete Cruiser Wow, sorry to hear of the perforated appendix! It's scary when these things happen away from home. I'm glad you got proper care for it and are recovering. @Seasick Sailor Prayers for your friend Ron. Prayers for the Care List, innocents bombed in Ukraine, the migrants found in the truck, and those in the train derailment. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet report. Onions add a lot of flavor in cooking. Sunglasses are very important for me with my eye condition; I'm never outside without them, even on cloudy days. My regular glasses are also Transitions, but I can't wear them now as I get headaches from them. I'm not sure if I've ever played bingo! Not sure about the quote. I'll pass on the pasta, drink and take the wine. I've never been to Korcula. Thanks for the photos. Another nice day today, not too hot. But 90's are coming again. Our rainstorms last night turned out to not be much rain. The leg is fair. I called the PCP's office for follow-up and no appointments until late August (although they were looking into seeing a PA sooner). I called Wound Care who prescribes my compression stockings and will see them on Wednesday (and I think they deal with this all the time, so a better choice). @durangoscots It's so sweet that Monty is joining your family! @smitty34877 I'm glad DH is doing better. Prayers for Tana. @aliaschief I hope you find the keys! @ottahand7 Beautiful scenery there. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great pictures of Korcula. @StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Buddy. I hope you and DH are enjoying the remainder of the cruise. @Cruising-along Thanks for the photos of Korcula. @Vict0riann Good to hear that Pat is feeling better and hopefully the pain eases up. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  9. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet report. A salute to beauticians, who keep us looking good. Forgiveness is important, although sometimes hard. I've never been in a canoe. Good quote. I'd like the meal if I weren't watching carbs. Pass on the drink and the wine I can't afford! I've been to Australia, but not Cairns. Looking forward to any pictures. It's partly cloudy and warm here. There may be rain later, which we could use. My lawn is getting brown. My leg is less red. It's still swollen, I'm sure from not wearing my compression stocking and the heat. It was pain free enough this am, that I've put the stocking on today. @grapau27 Thanks for today's sermon and the photos of your church. @smitty34877 Good to hear that DH's gout is resolving. Prayers that Tana's cough and fever improve. @kazu What a lovely house and environs to visit. @mamaofami Happy Birthday!! 🎂 I hope Sam is improving and will be home soon. @ger_77 I think they're pork rinds or chicharrones here, which many low carb folks use as a "breading". @Nickelpenny Bon Voyage! @StLouisCruisers I hope you two are enjoying yourselves. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be safe everyone!
  10. Welcome @ktbraun and @Nickelpenny to the Daily/Fleet report. You'll find very nice folks here. @Cruising-along My AC downstairs is set at 77/78. The room I hang out in used to be a porch and has a tin roof, so it really heats up. There's also a thru-the-wall air conditioning unit in that room, that I turn on when the rest of the first floor doesn't need to be cooled. Since my house is so big, I have a 2nd AC system for the 2nd and 3rd floors. That comes on in the evening. I have it set to 78 since the thermostat is on the hotter 3rd floor, and that cools the bedrooms on the 2nd floor to about 74-75.
  11. So sorry to hear this. I hope he will go and get looked at, before it gets worse! Prayers for him and you as well.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet report and all the contributors. I like log cabins. I don't eat catfish. A salute to bartenders and mixologists! Cute quote. I like the meal, and substitute ground turkey for ground beef a lot. I like the drink and wine. I'm making low carb chili today using ground turkey. I haven't been to Guaymas. Thanks for the pictures. It's going to be hot here today with air quality issues, so I'm inside for the day, after watering plants first thing this morning. I went to bed early last night to try to elevate my leg. My efforts all day weren't great and the leg had swelling and was painful by evening. I'd hoped to be able to put on the compression stocking today, but it's not ready for that. So I used an ace bandage for gentle compression, and have rigged up a new setup for elevating it while downstairs. Next week's injection may have to be delayed because of the infection - I need to clarify with the Rheumatologist. @StLouisCruisers Great news that DH is finally negative! Great view from your balcony. Enjoy the rest of the cruise together and try not to overdo it. @Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage! @grapau27 Love your garden room. The lunch looks yummy. Great that your knee has almost no pain now. @rafinmd Thanks for the inclusion on the Care List. @smitty34877 So exciting that Camilla is taking a few steps. Watch out, she'll be everywhere soon! @mamaofami Best wishes for DH avoiding pneumonia. Enjoy your celebrations tomorrow. @HAL Sailer So sorry to hear of Curt's mental difficulties on top of his physical injuries. Prayers for his recovery. Sad to hear that DH's sister will have to give up her lakeside house, but it seems necessary given the conditions. @TiogaCruiser Safe travels! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Take care and stay safe everyone.
  13. @Vict0riann Thanks for the pictures. Yes, diagnosed as cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection. I have no idea why I got it. No break in the skin or bug bite. It's still somewhat painful, although less red I think. I'll probably be in bed after dinner, with pillows to prop up the leg. Excellent news on your eyes, Ray! It's an infection that's causing the symptoms. I'm not sure if the new immunosuppressant would make me susceptible that quickly. Also I have a bit of swelling in my legs, but wear my compression stockings religiously, from getting up to going to bed, even in this hot weather. @Quartzsite Cruiser Yummy looking pie!
  14. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. Fairies are cute. I've never eaten from a food truck. No dog or work here. Great quote. I'll pass on the meal. The drink looks good but too much sugar. I like the wine. I haven't been to today's destination. Looking forward to any photos. Well, not a good night for me. As I was going to bed around 11:30 and taking off my socks, I noticed my right lower leg was hot, red and somewhat painful! I thought probably cellulitis. Could I wait until morning? Since I am on the new immunosuppressant, I decided I should be seen. Called BFF and he picked me up around 12:30AM (bless him). I decided to go to the city hospital of my network versus the suburban one; always interesting characters there. They did bloodwork and gave me the first dose of an antibiotic. I got home just before 4:30. I managed to sleep until 9, and just picked up my prescription. I'm not a nap person, but may try later. I wish I had a recliner so I could elevate my leg; I had been thinking of getting one. And I must not stress eat, as I've been doing well with watching my intake! Always something! Hot and humid here the next few days. @kazu Safe travels. Sorry about the flight issues. I'm sure your sister and friends are happy to be there for you. Bittersweet Anniversary memories I'm sure; lovely picture of Jose. ((HUGS)) @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry to hear DH is still positive. @Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday! Ugh on the situation at Heathrow. @grapau27 Good to hear that the steroid shot is starting to help. @smitty34877 Thanks for the picture of cute Miss Camilla! Prayers for Tana. @GTVCRUISER Aww, cute picture. @1ANGELCAT Yay on the pain med working well. Boo on the long wait for the Botox request. @mamaofami I'm glad your PCR was negative. Sad that Sam can't celebrate your birthday with you. @superoma Gorgeous lavender! @durangoscots Oh my on Covid spreading at the shelter. @jimgev Safe travels and Bon Voyage! @marshhawk Take care of your diabetes; I've seen too many folks with complications that made their lives difficult. We want you around! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  15. Whew, I'm pooped. At the eye doctor the uveitis was quiet, with no white cells seen in the eye. But she did see a corneal cyst. I've had this unexplained fluid collection in the right eye that no one could figure out, but I think this is separate. So I have to put in hypertonic saline gel, which will draw out the fluid. Of course it's not in stock in any drugstore around, so I have to order it from Amazon! I ran errands to 4 places after the appointment. @VMax1700 Happy Birthday! Wonderful to celebrate on a BHB. My first cruise was a birthday cruise, and another time I celebrated in China while on a river cruise. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great that DH is walking pretty well. @StLouisCruisers I hope DS does test negative and sorry his his other son tested positive. @bennybear Good advice. I need to find a dermatologist, but it's hard to get an appointment. @Cruising-along Great that DGS tested negative. @Crazy For Cats Woohoo! @Oceansaway17 Welcome home. @marshhawk I hope you get the job you want.
  16. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. It's sad when anyone becomes a widow and I pray for comfort for them. I'm trying to let it go by decluttering. I like pink and have several pink shirts. Disagree with the quote. I like the meal, but too carby for now. Pass on the drink. I like the wine. I haven't been to Jakarta. It will be nice here today. There were storms yesterday, but my area escaped without power outages or trees down. Today will be low 80's, less humid, and sunny. I'm heading out to the Ophthalmologist shortly for my uveitis check, and blood work. Then run a few errands. @rafinmd HAPPY BIRTHDAY! @Quartzsite Cruiser Good to hear the steroids helped DH and he comes home today. @mamaofami Sorry to hear Sam and the aide have tested positive. I hope the rest of the family stays ok and your test is negative. @Cruzin Terri I hope the lower dose of Prednisone works out. @bennybear Oh no on DH's melanoma diagnosis. Prayers for a successful surgery. @StLouisCruisers Prayers for a negative test for DH tomorrow. Good news about Buddy, and I hope they can get some increased nutrition for him. Happy Birthday to your DD tomorrow. @smitty34877 I hope Tana is doing a bit better today. @grapau27 Praying the steroid shot helps. That's pretty warm in your area. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone and wear your mask when needed.
  17. @kazu So sorry to hear about your phone. Did you have Apple Care on it? @Quartzsite Cruiser Oh my, on DH's mobility issues. Hopefully PT/rehab can make a big difference. @dfish It sounds like your efforts to exercise were thwarted at every turn. Especially bad about the pool takeover, with no notice to even the manager.
  18. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. HVAC techs are important, to keep us warm and cool. I like onion rings. Rainforests are important and need to be protected. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I've been to San Francisco on a land trip (my pics are pre-digital). Another hot day here, 91F right now. We're supposed to get strong storms this evening. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad to read you finally tested negative and are out of Covid jail! Sorry you're feeling week and tired. Take it easy! I hope DH gets out soon, and sad to hear your DS is now positive. @grapau27 Good luck with the steroid injection; it's helped my knees in the past. @dfish Same here, my downstairs AC didn't come on yesterday, but upstairs it did. @smitty34877 Good to hear the soon to be graduate had a fun evening. I'm sorry Tana is coughing; maybe the doctor can give her some cough syrup with codeine? That usually works well. @HAL Sailer Praying to see steady improvement in Curt's condition. @ottahand7 Happy Birthday to DF! @Heartgrove That's positive news about your brother. I hope you get to bring Tika to your home! @travelingbums Welcome home! Airports sounds awful these days. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Try to stay safe everyone.
  19. Shaking my head. The news is reporting about a wrong way car crash last night around midnight. The road it happened on can be tricky even during the day and I don't go on it too often. The person going the wrong way was driving a minivan with 8 children in it, ages 1-11. 4 of the kids were unrestrained and the driver had no license! Those 9 plus 2 adults in the other car were taken to the hospital, but fortunately no fatalities. @smitty34877 Good to hear they'll be streaming the graduation ceremony. @ger_77 I'm glad you got home before roads flooded and that you're on higher ground. Good luck with the new filling.
  20. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report and the Daily. Welcome Summer! No skateboarding for me, and I'm not flexible enough for Yoga. I like the quote. I'll pass on the carby pasta meal, and wine. I'll take the drink. I've been to Paris on a land trip, but not the port of Rouen. It's sunny and heating up here, with a high of 90 later. I've watered plants outside earlier, and will stay inside. We have an air quality alert too. @StLouisCruisers So sorry to hear you're both still positive 🥲. And it's horrible that you don't have a balcony to get fresh air! No wonder you're so stressed. Prayers for Buddy continue. @dfish Thanks for the adorable photos of the baby and of Oliver. @smitty34877 Ouch on DH's painful gout! I hope he feels better soon with the meds. I am so sorry to hear that Tana has pneumonia again; such a difficult situation. And I'm sure she's unhappy that she can't attend her son's 8th grade graduation. Prayers for your DH, Tana, and the family as well. @kazu Lovely photo of the old clock. The rhubarb strawberry jam looks delicious. @Cruzin Terri It's good to hear you felt well enough to tackle some tasks. @kochleffel Ugh on all the flight issues. It's making travel so tough. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for posting Sandi's pictures. Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine and all victims of gun violence (it seems there are overnight shootings here daily). A toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  21. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. I haven't had an ice cream soda since college. I'll salute bald eagles. We have several nests around, with cameras on 2 of them. The one that I follow just had all 3 eaglets fledge, and this couple has had 18 hatch since 2013. No cat here, and no job since retiring. I like the quote. I like the meal. I'll pass on the drink and wine (sounds good, but too pricey for me). I haven't been to Chania. Thanks for the pictures @Vict0riann @Quartzsite Cruiser @bennybear @sailingdutchy. It's our last cooler day today, although the humidity is up a bit and there's been a few sprinkles of rain. I made an early morning Aldi run. I was thinking of doing some edging of the lawn, but my hands are bothering me a bit; I may still try later. @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear you're still testing positive. Good luck to you and DH with tomorrow's testing. @dobiemom Have fun! I haven't been to a county fair in ages. @cat shepard Good to hear that you feel well today. @aliaschief I'm glad DGD is doing fine despite the swimmer's earache. @dfish Congrats to your DS on the new DGD and a new baby in the family! @HAL Sailer Continued prayers for Curt. What a lovely sentiment about the Daily dinner table! @smitty34877 I hope DH feels better soon. Prayers for him, and for Tana. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. The Hays Bald Eagles
  22. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads and Father Figures. I was adopted by a single woman, so didn't celebrate the day. A salute to Juneteenth. Sadly, no one here to kiss! Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink. I'll take the wine. I haven't been to Sri Lanka. Thanks for the pictures. It was in the high 40's here this AM! Brrrr. But it's sunny and warming up. I'll do some yardwork later I think. 90's again later in the week. Nice to see all the Dad photos. @MISTER 67 Welcome home! I hope your DS and BIL have mild cases. @cat shepard I'm glad to hear your test remained negative. @grapau27 Thank you for posting the sermon. Great photo with you, Sarah and Pauline's Dad. @StLouisCruisers I hope the time passes quickly and tests to come are negative! Oh my on Buddy's tumors in the spine being so extensive; sadly it sounds like an aggressive diagnosis. Prayers for him and the family. @TiogaCruiser That's an interesting device to monitor water usage. @Vict0riann Good to hear you're feeling better! @HAL Sailer Sorry to hear DH's nephew needed additional surgery. Continued prayers for his recovery. @Horizon chaser 1957 What a special Father's Day for your DH and kudos to your DD! Prayers for the Care List and Ukraine and its people and allies. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  23. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. I'm not a person that fishes, although I went deep sea fishing once while in college in Boston (I caught a lobster trap!). I won't panic today, and a picnic would be nice but won't happen today. Not sure I agree with the quote. I used to love good Italian subs; now I'd eat the inside without the bread. Pass on the drink, but I'll take the wine (when my dry June is over). I haven't been to today's destination. Thanks for any pictures. The weather is lovely today. Upper 60's, sunny, a bit windy, and less humid. I may putter in the yard later, once I'm finished doing laundry. BFF and I did go out to eat yesterday and sat outside. It was quite pleasant in the covered patio. But the place was preparing for the Father's Day weekend by having large grills outside and the smoke was blowing toward the patio. They finally moved the grills. But I was coughing last evening when I got home; I think just from the smoke. I am fine today. @St. Louis Sal Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear of the Covid illnesses in the family. @cat shepard Feel better! @Sharon in AZ Thanks for the pictures. I'm sure you're sad to leave. Safe travels. @HAL Sailer Great news that DH's nephew was moved out of ICU and that help is arriving for your SIL. @kazu Flying seems so difficult these days with all the cancellations. @Heartgrove I'm glad you made it home safely through that weather. That was wonderful of the priest to come back for your sister's mass; and the playing of music so meaningful to her. Prayers for your brother. @Cruzin Terri Good to hear you slept well. @Cat in my lap Sorry to hear of the relatives with Covid. @StLouisCruisers I hope you and DH are doing ok. @Vict0riann I hope you feel better soon so that you can prepare for your trip. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone!
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