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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. I'm going to guess that's Queen Victoria in Olden, Norway
  2. Some of the negative comments I have seen have been about the condition of the ship. She is 18 years old and spends a lot of time at sea. Unlike a lot of ships which might have 1 sea day a week she often only has 1 day in port a week. If you prefer your ships to look like pristine land based resorts you might be better off cancelling. On the other hand if you have a realistic expectation of what a ship looks like I'm sure you will be fine. I haven't sailed since the re-start so I don't have any first hand experience.
  3. That's good news, it's a generic address rather than someone's name so it's probably OK to post.
  4. I love that feeling that you're staying on board when everyone else is leaving!
  5. I accidentally changed my first name to the short version rather than the formal version Cunard use, it threw a fit !
  6. I hope you're both OK now. Thanks again for your posts
  7. I don't want to drag this off track into a Covid discussion but a 10 day incubation period seems long.
  8. I'm just glad to see this thread back to life !
  9. Was there any explanation ? Hopefully your tour company will be aware and wait for you.
  10. We can see our CWC number but not our loyalty level. These are the options we get when we login.
  11. As a matter of interest do you have any capacity numbers from before 2020 ? I'm wondering what was typical, depending on how many cabins are single occupancy and how many more than 2.
  12. There are still sample menus on the website but for some reason they only show a couple of choices. https://www.cunard.com/en-gb/activity-types/dining/britannia-restaurant We have links to actual menus posted by @rakkor in the Welcome sticky. It's always useful to see actual menus, it's so disappointing to go to a restaurant and find out the menu you are given is completely different to the one you've been looking forward to.
  13. Did you have flights included in your booking? That could have made it more complicated if the cruise cost wasn't shown separately.
  14. I don't remember the wine but I remember the amazing scenery! I'm still recovering from being served warm champagne on the Orient Express 😱
  15. One of our regular posters is just back, she might have some comments @Camgirl
  16. That's interesting, I had wondered about trying them but some of the posts from this summer put me off. That must mean it's 37 days until our trip to the Mediterranean 😸
  17. But it does explain what is required before boarding and that relief boxes aren't allowed on balconies so I wasn't sure if you had seen it.
  18. There's some information from Cunard https://www.cunard.com/en-gb/the-cunard-experience/accessibility/assistance-dogs
  19. Our rain has arrived! Just in time for me to have to travel to another part of the site for a meeting, fortunately I had a lift as there were a lot of big puddles.
  20. Thanks for the feedback everyone, we are still short of reviews since QV returned to service if anyone has time to write one.
  21. Thanks for reporting back. Embarkation has come in for some criticism recently, how was it ? Are you allowed to stay in your cabin until disembarkation ?
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