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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. Nice to hear from you @Lynnewob, have a great time
  2. Have a wonderful last evening on board and thanks again for taking us with you. PS No spoilers please but I might have to watch on board next month!
  3. Should have read your blog before asking ! Did you make your own flight and transfer arrangements?
  4. Nice to hear from you, how did the flight and transfer part of the trip go ?
  5. I'm hoping that @rakkor might post from Queen Elizabeth but if he's in the Grills again we'll be even more out of balance 😱
  6. Not everybody has the time to post and I can understand why people who have to pay for their wifi don't want to spend the money just to keep us updated. There have been several recent threads from those who travel Britannia.
  7. We didn't get as far as looking I'm afraid. If you have a look at the Ports of Call board there might be some suggestions. If not, start a new thread. Lots of other cruise lines use Mayflower terminal so hopefully someone will be able to help. I hope you have a great time, let us know how it goes
  8. You could call them that, I'm not sure I'm brave enough!
  9. That's the section that didn't work on the old VP for me so I was a bit shocked when it worked first time!
  10. That would only work if the poster was sailing both ways on Cunard.
  11. Sorry to hear that, hope you're feeling better soon
  12. I hadn't looked at the score for a few hours so I hadn't realised how good ! Hope you've had a lovely day in Oslo however you've spent it @Victoria2
  13. Not if you have been there before and you haven't been to Marseille !
  14. Thank you, that's good news. We'd discussed having lunch somewhere in Southampton and boarding later to avoid the Lido !
  15. There is no limit on the number of bags but there is a limit on the weight of an individual bag. There is a lot more manual handling than with air travel so it's very unfair to ignore the weight limit.
  16. Was this confirmed ? Has anyone seen the new packages ?
  17. It was Pimm's O'clock here earlier, I hope you had a good journey.
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