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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good evening to all, Thank you for all your well wishes. We left home at 12;3O this afternoon and arrived at the Courtyard Hotel at the Mayo Clinic Campus at 3:15 pm. The traffic was surprisingly good. There were no delays and no congestion. Traffic moved smoothly, The Georgia Police were out in force to get the speedsters (as usual) and we just moved along. I must admit that i was tired. Thankfully, our room was ready. I took a short nap. Then we decided to go to an Italian Restaurant and were disappointed to find it was closed. So we went back to the hotel and ate there. Now I am so tired, Fell asleep watching Jeopardy and plan to go to bed soon. I have to be up early tomorrow for bloodwork. Then I have two appointments after that. Hope I have time for some breakfast somewhere in between. Tomorrow afternoon we are invited to our friend’s home for dinner. Looking forward to seeing them after a very long time. We will go home on Wednesday morning after a stop at Total Wine,.. Hope everyone had a meaningful Memorial Day. God Bless, Terri
  2. Good Monday Morning. I am up early to get things going here. We want to leave early and hopefully beat some of the holiday traffic. I don’t care if I have to wait for our hotel room to be ready. It is better than sitting in bumper to bumper traffic for hours, Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for putting me on the cares list today. i hope everyone has ha safe and pleasant Memorial Day. God Bless, Terri
  3. Just did the final payment on my November cruise. Today the 40000 points showed up. I also had an offer of 2500 points for every $5000 spend up to three times. FP was over $15000, so in effect 47500 points were posted to my rewards account today. Nice! That is over and above the platinum benefits of $300 shipboard credit and wine tasting and bottle of wine. Not bad. Also I am not sure if any of you are aware that if you are Costco members you can get trip insurance from them at a very low premium even if you don’t use them as your TA. My total cost for the insurance was 6.5%. Purchased it in time to have pre-existing conditions waived. Terri
  4. Thanks to all of you for the beautiful heavenly birthday wishes for my dear Mom. I was going to try to mention all of you. However, everytime I try to do that I forget someone. Please know that I appreciate all the beautiful thoughts. Terri
  5. Good Sunday morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your contributions to this thread. Thank you to Graham for Father David’s sermon. Prayers for all on the Cares List and Cheers to those celebrating. Hope everyone is doing well. Today is my Mom’s birthday in Heaven. We will be traveling to Jacksonville tomorrow. I have a number of appointments at the Mayo Clinic on Tuesday. I will finally get to see the Orthopedist regarding the Rotator Cuff tear. I have been waiting a long time for this appointment. I fell on Feb. 5 and had the MRI on March 12. It has taken this long to finally see the Ortho Doc. Will also see my PCP regarding my Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I am on a course of weaning off the Prednisone. So far so good and hope that continues. Hope everyone is having a nice Memorial Day weekend. Prayers for all who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. God Bless, Terri
  6. Good evening all and thank you to all for keeping this thread going. I am late to the party today. It has been a strange day and I just got around to posting. I had a bad night, not being able to sleep. I got up late and that meant that everything started late today. This afternoon DH had an appointment with the neurologist. I made this appointment after we had to cancel the Italy trip, when DH decided at the last minute that he was too nervous about going. I did not think it I was a good idea to wait until his regular appointment in October to deal with his anxiety. The doctor is short staffed and was very apologetic for not getting back to me in a timely manner. Let’s just say it was not the best of days. On another note, We will be going down to Jacksonville on Monday so that I can finally see the Orthopedist regarding my Rotator Cuff Tear. Hopefully I will at least get an injection and a script for physical therapy. I will also see my PCP regarding the Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I am on a course on reducing the prednisone by 1 mg every three weeks. Hopefully I will be completely off of it by the end of October. We are also staying one extra day so that we can visit with some friends who have recently moved to Jacksonville from New York. Haven’t seen them in quite a while. We will be back home on Wednesday. Hope everyone has a great evening. God Bless. Terri
  7. We did cancel a reservation about a week ago. Got the email today but said nothing about the cancellation. However when we clicked on the link got the error message. Terri
  8. Good Wednesday morning. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all the information. Also thank you to Graham for explaining the days we celebrate. i do not appreciate the quote. The meal sounds good, but will pass on the wine and drink. i have been to San Diego once for one day prior to a Panama Canal cruise. We had torrential rain for the entire day. So we stayed in the hotel for the entire time. Nothing much to report. DH has a podiatrist appointment at 1pm on Hilton Head. We have decided to go to lunch while we are there. This gives me a break from cooking for a change. It’s a busy week. More appointments and then I have appointments at the Mayo Clinic on Tuesday next week. Hopefully i will get some relief from the shoulder pain. I have been suffering from it since I fell on Feb. 5. Prayers for everyone. God Bless, Terri
  9. Good Tuesday morning. i was awake at 6 am. Was watching Morning Joe and DH was still asleep. The plan was to call him at 7:30 am so that we would be ready for the Power Washing guy at 9 am. Well, at 7:15 am the doorbell rings and guess who? I was still in my jammies and bathrobe. Anyway, he was ready to start and since this was an outside job, I let him get started. He was all done by 10:15 am. All the porch furniture is back in place as well. DH was not happy to get up early, So all is nice and clean and the ACC should be happy. I already sent the Email to let them know it is done. Don’t want to be fined. Next job for today is to get ready for DH’s appointment with the Dermatologist at 3:30. Have to go to the supermarket as well. @JazzyV Hope all goes well for BFF today. Prayers for him and his surgeon. Got to get moving. Have a good day everyone, God Bless, Terri
  10. Good evening, Happy Monday, even though it is almost over. Still feeling under the weather. Today, regardless of how I felt we had to move all the furniture out of the screened in porch. The house will be power-washed tomorrow morning so that we will be in compliance with the ACC regulations. It must be done by May 31. This only added fatigue to whatever else is ailing me. So tomorrow we have to get up early since the power-washing guy will be here at 9 am. Then in the afternoon DH has a dermatology appointment. So another busy day. Hope everyone had a good day. More tomorrow. Terri
  11. Call Blue Waters and make a reservation directly with them. They will charge you $150 pp for an all inclusive day at the resort. Terri
  12. Good morning. Happy Sunday. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for keeping the FR&D going. Thank you to Graham for Father David’s sermon. Sorry I haven’t been around. I have not been feeling well. Spending most of my days in bed. So far today i feel a bit better and hope that whatever bug I had has left me. I will try to catch up with all the events i have missed and read all the back posts. Have a great Sunday. God Bless, Terri
  13. 1986 Home Lines. MV Atlantic — New York to Bermuda. The sea was so rough I swore that was my first and last cruse. Did not sail again until 2007. Terri
  14. Good evening. Hope everyone is doing well. However, in reading the posts I see that many of you need prayers. Be assured of my prayers., especially, Annie @marshhawk and Chuck, Jacqui @kazu and Terry @smitty34877. Maureen, @RMLincoln Hope things are going well for you and DH. Carol, @mamaofami nice to see you posting again I am still not feeling well. I am trying to get things done here since my cleaning lady is again out of commission. It is not helping that I am feeling under the weather and just pushing myself too much. Still having some digestive issues as well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Good night, Terri
  15. Good morning to all. Happy Monday. Thank you to Jacqui, Roy and Vanessa to keep the thread going. Thank you to Debbie, Ann and Dixie for keeping us fed and hydrated. And last, but not least, thank you to Graham for the explanation of the days. The days are interesting, but not worth celebrations. The quote is noteworthy and something we should all live by. I like Bloody Marys but on the mild side. Will pass on the meal and the wine. I have not been to Gaspe. Don’t have too much on the agenda today. Getting my nails done and stopping for some groceries on the way home. Then tackling some bills. I enjoyed seeing photos of everyone’s Mothers yesterday. Thank you. Hope everyone had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday, Welcome home @richwmn. Have a great day. God Bless, Terri
  16. I searched all day to find this photo of my mom and me. Finally I found it to share with all of you. Terri
  17. Good morning to all, Feeling a little better. Happy Mothers’ Day to all—especially Mothers. We are going to spend a quiet day at home. DH wants to take me out to dinner, however today is the worse day to do that. We will have a nice dinner here and celebrate our Mothers on another day after the restaurants recuperate from their busy day. Hope everyone enjoys their day. God Bless, Terri
  18. Just a quick check in. Sorry for not being around. I have been under the weather since yesterday. I will try to be back tomorrow. Terri
  19. Good Tuesday morning to all of you. Thank you Jacqui @kazu for the FR and D despite having pain in your foot. Thank you to Roy @rafinmd for the maps and thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Lists. I hope your BFF’s fib-tib heals quickly. Thank you to Graham @grapau27 for your explanation of the days. Thank you to Debbie @dfish Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for keeping us fed and hydrated. @Haljo1935 Good luck with the eye procedure. i like the quote by John Lennon from his song Imagine. I will pass on the meal. Not really a fan of broccoli. Guess I will pass on the drink and wine as well. The wine is a bit above my budget. Have not been to the destination. During the last few days DH and I have had some serious discussions about our future travel plans. He tells me that he is still interested in traveling but wants to limit it to cruises so that he does not have to move around too much and and choose whether he wants to disembark in a port in a port or not. He says he has to have something to look forward to or else he will give up. With that in mind we have decided to cancel the very long cruise we had planned from Oct 26 through Dec. 7. It was a transatlantic beginning in Rome, ending in Miami and then tacking on a Caribbean cruise (because we didn’t want to travel the day before Thanksgiving). That amounted to 42 days without adding in the travel days. We both agreed that we were setting ourselves up for another disappointment at the last minute as this would end up cause anxiety to DH as the time got nearer to the departure date and result in cancellation. With that in mind we cancelled that trip and booked a shorter cruise that starts and ends in Miami. It is 24 days. Does a number of Caribbean Islands and then does the Amazon. We can drive to Miami at our leisure, stay a few days prior to the cruise and have a relaxing time. Both DH and I feel good about this and are quite sure this is doable and it gives him something to look forward to. Please say a prayer it works. Hoping all have a good day. God Bless, Terri
  20. Good evening. Thank you to Jacqui @kazu for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you to Roy @rafinmdfor the maps, Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration Lists and to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for keeping us fed and hydrated. Also, thank you Graham @grapau27 for you explanation of the days. Thank you to Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos of Bar Harbor. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your foot starts to feel better, @JazzyV I hope your BFF heals quickly from his fractures. Today was a really busy day. Back when our new flooring was installed and then reinstalled after being damaged by a faulty HVAC system last summer, we had no extra planks. Upon thinking about this we felt that it would be in our best interest to get some extra planks in the event we have some problem and need to replace them. If, by chance, the product or color is discontinued, we would have to replace the whole floor again. Heaven forbid! So we ordered two extra boxes and went to Savannah to pick them up. I was originally told that each box would cost $80. To my surprise, we were given them at no charge. How nice. Our next stop was Talbots. I used to like to go to the Talbots in Savannah because it is a nice big store and would go there when I would see the Retinologist, who has since retired. So I have not been to that store in a few years. The next surprise is that I am now able to fit into size 10 petite slacks. Mind you I used to wear a size 14 and they were tight on me. So I am really proud of the weight I have lost. Next door to Talbots is a Fresh Market and that was our next stop, where we picked up dinner. After all that was going on, I certainly could not be expected to make dinner when we got home, could I? So I got a dinner kit of glazed salmon, asparagus and mashed potatoes for 2. It took 15 minutes to prepare and was delicious. That worked out perfectly. However, the only glitch in the day was that I got lost going home. Would you believe it! I missed a turn and we had no idea where we were. I ended up having to put on Google Maps to help me get home. How embarrassing! So we got home safe and sound and had a good day. We also made some decisions about future travel. i will address that tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good day. God bless and Good night. Terri
  21. Good Sunday morning to all. Happy Cinco de Mayo. Sorry I missed posting yesterday. It started out well, but never got to finish reading all the posts. BON VOYAGE! To @Heartgrove and @YourWorldWithBill Hope you have wonderful cruises. WELCOME HOME TO Jacqui @kazu. Hope you have a relaxing day and that foot starts to feel better. CONGRATUALATIONS TO Morgan. @StLouisCruisers DGD on her graduation. Thank you to all who keep this thread going. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  22. Good morning to all, Thank you to Sandi, Roy, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for all your efforts in keeping this thread alive. Interesting Days, but not sure what to think about the quote. I have read Gone With the Wind and have seen the movie a number of times. I have also visited Margaret Mitchell’s house in Atlanta. I will pass on the meal and drink. The wine, while probably delicious, is a bit above my budget. Prayers for all on the Cares List and Cheers to those on the Celebration list and those cruising. I have been to Marseille twice. The first time I took the small trolly train up to the cathedral. The second time was May 1, 2022, right after Jim and I were quarantine from having Covid. Everything was closed that day. i ended up walking around for a while in the port area, got very tired and then returned to the ship. I hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  23. Good morning all, Happy Thursday. Thank you to Sandi, Roy, Vanessa, Debbie, Tina, Ann, Dixie and Graham for your contributions that keep this thread alive. The days are interesting, however we will pass on the food and drink, but will wait to see what the wine description is before passing judgment. I have seen the quote before and totally agree with it. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those celebrating and cruising. I have been to Montevideo. We had a very nice tour of the town followed by a wine tour at the Varela Zaranz winery with lunch. It was very nice. We bought some wine and brought it back to the ship and was able to use it at dinner. This was before HAL began instituting their stricter wine policy. We kept one case to take home. That was easy since we disembarked in Fort Lauderdale and our car was waiting for us. There is not much on the agenda today. It i quiet and calm. Hopefully things stay that way. I will attend a support group this afternoon. I have only gone to two prior meetings. Not sure how helpful they are but will continue for the time being. I am in the process of weaning off the Prednisone and so far I have not had another flare-up of the PMR. For this I am grateful. Unfortunately, I still have continual pain in my right shoulder from the rotator cuff tear. I have not been able to move up the appointment with the orthopedist so I continue to wait until May 28 for that. It is not easy to try to do everything with only one arm. Thankfully DH is quite helpful when needed. Not much else to report. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
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