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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning everyone. I am in the Mayo Clinic waiting to be called for my EMG. Already had my blood test for to see where the inflammation level is for the Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Have not yet seen the results. This will determine the Prednisone dosage and when I will be able to stop it. Not sure what I will do about the EMG results if they are positive. I have until 2:30 this afternoon to decide. Will consult with DH on this before the visit with the doc. Thank you Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report. Like the quote. Don’t think I will be howling at the moon. I am not an artist it’s but appreciate their work, but international and domestic. As for punk, forget it. I will skip the meal as peppers and my tummy do not like each other. Also forget about the drink. Wine is above my budget. Have not been to the port. @Quartzsite Cruiser you are in my prayers and hope things start to resolve for you. @seagarsmokerHappy anniversary to you and your beautiful bride. Prayers to all who need them and cheers to those celebrating. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes for my upcoming tests and our living situation. I have to sign off as it is time for my appointment. More later. God bless, Terri
  2. i just received an email from a friend of mine. We have been friends since childhood. Her mother passed away tonight at the age of 102. I always remember the kindness of her parents toward me during my childhood. May she Rest In Peace. Terrri
  3. Lenda, I am so glad the surgery went well. I had to go back to Oct. 18 and read all your posts because i have had so many things happen to us that I missed reading all the posts. I am sorry that your DH has had such a hard time of it. However, I am happy that your DD and DSIL has been there to help. Be assured of my prayers during these hard times. I think that inpatient rehab will really help. It is more intensive and will make a big difference. Stay strong and God Bless. Terri
  4. Hello everyone, I keep thinking that things will be going back to some semblance of normal, but that is a myth. This will be quick. Yesterday was spent moving stuff from our house to the apartment. Stuff like computer, printer and food and other necessities. To add insult to injury, our internet provider has informed us that they are dropping their email service. So now I have to get a new email and inform everyone and all businesses we use of our new email by the end of November. Lots of work. It will go poof on Dec. 1. Not a lot of time. Today we are on our way to Jacksonville. I have to have an EMG on both arms to determine if I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands. I was thinking of having the surgery while waiting for the house to get done, but with this email thing, I don’t know if I can take that time to have the surgery right now. Don’t have time to write more now. Have to pack and get moving. Tests and consultation is tomorrow at the Mayo. Will post when I can. God Bless, Terri
  5. Good afternoon from Hilton Head. We had a chilly start this morning. Just when you think you remembered everything you needed, you wake up in the morning and remember that you forgot the coffee. That is totally unacceptable around here. So DH is still sleeping. I got dressed and went in search of a place to buy some coffee. I certainly was not going to make the trip to our house to get it. We will go tomorrow to get the things we forgot. There is an ever growing list of things we need. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. i hope you had an enjoyable cruise. I believe in neighbors helping neighbors, although I must admit that these days I am not much help to anyone and really appreciate all the help we have received. It has really made a difference. I hope that there are days that I make a difference in the lives of others. I like the quote and the meal. Roy, Thank you for the Cares and celebration lists. We pray daily for those who need our prayers, who are ill and less fortunate than we are. While we are not in great shape right now, we thank God that we have the means to have our home restored. That is a big relief. We pray for all those on the celebration list, especially those who are cruising. I hope everyone has a great Saturday and stays safe. God Bless, Terri
  6. Good evening from Hilton Head Island. It took all day, but we finally made our move. We’ve settled in as best we could. Forgot a lot of stuff at our house so we will go back tomorrow and get what we need. We have a two bedroom/two bathroom apartment near the beach and it is available to us until the end of March. God willing we won’t need this place that long. However, we are not holding our hopes up. There is a huge discrepancy between the insurance settlement and the contractor’s estimate. Who knows when the twain shall meet. So we sit and wait while they battle it out. So hopefully we will settle in the next few days and I will get back to posting regularly. In the meantime, Good night and God Bless, Terri
  7. Hi everyone, I am doing a quick check-in just to let you all know that we are alive and well. We attempted to check in to our alternative living arrangements on Tuesday only to find out that we had to climb three flights of stairs to get to the apartment. This was not going to work and was not noted on the description on the website. For the past two days we have been trying to get in touch with the owners and the insurance company to make alternate arrangements. Airbnb was not cooperative at first but finally gave in and refunded our money after the owner agreed. We have now found alternate living arrangements in a builiding with an elevator in a gated community. It is a two-bedroom, two bath apartment and we have it until the end of February. Hopefully we won’t need it that long. it is very comfortable. We will move in tomorrow. We were very concerned that we would not have a place to hang our hats. It has been a very tiring and frustrating time since we got home from Barbados. i will post more when we get settled. Thank you for your prayers and concern. God Bless, Terri
  8. Good morning from Jacksonville. Just finished breakfast. Going to pack up and get on our way to Bluffton to our house. Going to unpack and repack and head over to Hilton Head to an apartment set up by the insurance. Hopefully tomorrow I will start to be able to post regularly. Have a good day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  9. Hi Everyone, A quick hello to let you all know that we had a good flight from Barbados to Miami. Now in the Admirals Club Lounge waiting for our connection to Jacksonville. Will spend the night at the Courtyard by Marriott and drive home (wherever that may be) tomorrow. Will check in tomorrow sometime. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  10. Carol, He is my friend also, both on CC and facebook. I am so sad for him. He is a wonderful person. I have met him on a few cruises. I hope this works out for him. My prayers for him and for the courage to continue on,. Terri
  11. Good morning from Beautiful Barbados. There is not a cloud in the sky this morning. Today is our last full day here and we hope to make the best of it. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report. I like the days, especially learning a new word and using the dictionary. I don’t have a cat. i have nothing against them, but never had one, and never will. Will skip on the meal, although we like flank steak. Will also pass on the drink and wine. Never been to the port. Thank you to @grapau27for posting Father David’s sermon. It is always a spiritual pick-me-up. i look forward to it every Sunday morning. Thank you in advance Roy for the lists. Prayers for all that need them. @cruising single prayers for your Step Son with all he is going through right now. Cheers to those celebrating. Especially on the NS. Looks like you are all having a great time. Hope everyone has a happy Sunday. God Bless, Terri
  12. I’m late again today. We are just enjoying our new digs and we only have one day left. Today was not as bright and sunny as the last few, but it was good enough. We just enjoyed being up here on our patio and using our private pool. We also ordered room service and never went downstairs at all. Talk about lazy! All is well. And there was another lovely sunset. And I will leave you with that. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  13. Well, let me start with the disclaimer that i have not read any posts yet. It was a day that did not turn out the way we expected. Last night our air conditioner went on the blink. It was not comfortable. Many apologies later and a promise that it would be repaired in the morning, we went to bed. However, we did make it known that for a 5 star luxury hotel, we were a bit disappointed that we have had a number of problems with our room over the time we were there. A lovely lady did come over to us while we were at dinner and told us that the hotel would be offering us a solution in the morning. Well, the morning came and went. The A/C did not get repaired, nor did the hotel offer a solution. Finally a phone call. The A/C technician had a family emergency and would not be coming today. The hotel would be offering us a 20% discount for 3 days rate plus an upgrade to one of their plantation suites. We accepted the upgrade (who wouldn’t). So that meant packing and unpacking. Boy, what an upgrade. So we have a beautiful penthouse suite, with a pool and wrap around patio. A beautiful sea view and just drop dead gorgeous. So excuse my lateness, but the photos are attached. Hope everyone had a great day. Will read the posts after finishing this. God Bless and Good night. Terri
  14. Good afternoon from, Beautiful Barbados when we have finally had a picture perfect day. I spent most of the day at the beach and some part of it at the plunge pool. Just gorgeous! Thank you Rich for your dedication to the Daily and Fleet Report. The collection of days is interesting. i am not a skeptic. Happy Birthday to the Navy (Suit up Day) and I guess I have done my share of silly sayings. Skip the meal and drink and wine. We are having a barbecue tonight at the Coral Reef Club. Like the quote. Thank you Roy for the lists and my prayers for those on the cares list and a shout out to those celebrating and cruising. @msmayorWelcome back. @JazzyVHappy Birthday. @HeartgroveI am sorry you will not be able to attend your brother’s funeral. Prayers for you and your family. May he Rest In Peace. @Quartzsite Cruiseri hope all is going well with you DH and his recovery from surgery. Not much to report today except i finally look like I was at the beach. not burned to a crisp but have a bit of a tan. All is well. We hope the rest of our days in Barbados are as good as today. God Bless everyone. Terri
  15. @HAL Sailerprayers for your DSIL. I am sorry to hear this. I didn’t mention you in my post because we were probably posting at the same time. Prayers for her and your family as she goes through this difficult time. Terri
  16. Good morning from Barbados. It is not raining (yet). Yesterday I read a whole book. We had a steady hard rain the whole day. it never let up. Here’s hoping today is better and I can catch some rays. I would like to look like I’ve been to a Caribbean Island when I get home. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Daily and the Fleet Report. Rich, I am also enjoying your live thread of your cruise. I have many cookbooks and have a notebook where I paste my favorite recipes. I don’t think I will ever publish it. Hat’s off to Emergency Nurses. They do a fantastic job. Don’t know any old farmers, or new ones for that matter. However, I appreciate them. Where would we be without them! I like the quote. And i like the meal. Have not been to the port. Skip the wine and drink. @rafinmdRoy, thank you for the lists. Prayers to all on the cares list. Special remembrance to the family of @Heartgrove Jack’s brother as they mourn his loss. Prayers to @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda’s DH as he recovers from his successful surgery. RIP to Angela Lansbury. I liked her and she was a real class act. I hope all those Dailyites cruising on the Nieuw Statendam are enjoying their vacation and their time together. It looks like you are all having a great time. Today we are hoping to get some beach time. We are on the winding down time of our vacation and thinking about what we will find when we get home. Hope everyone has a good day and stays safe. God Bless, Terri
  17. Good morning from another rainy day in Barbados. We really chose a winner with this vacation! Rain, rain and more rain. Today’s agenda calls for thunder and lightning as well. I’m glad we have spacious accommodations or I would be going stir crazy by this time. Thank you @richwmnRich for the Daily and Fleet report. It is very kind of you to do this while on your cruise. I like the collection of days. I like the Girl Child days and love the photos of Miss Camilla and Miss Elliott Rose. They are both beauties. Hats off the Ada Lovelace. She was a pioneer in Computer Programming. As for It’s my Party, I’ll skip that. Skip on the meal, drink and the wine is a bit above my budget. @Quartzsite CruiserGlad the surgery went well. Hope the recovery will go well also,. @HeartgroveMy condolences on your brother’s passing. You and your family are in my prayers. @rafinmdRoy, Thank you for the Care’s list. Prayers for all those who need them. Also cheers to those celebrating and cruising—especially our Dailyites on the New Statendam. Looks like you all are having a wonderful time. Not much else happening here except watching the rain. Will watch some episodes of Call the Midwife on my Ipad. Have a great day everyone God Bless, Terri
  18. We were told that if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. They were certainly keeping their distance today, Just fun to watch. Terri
  19. Yes they are. They are all over the place. Really cute! it appears that @Seasick Sailordoesn’t think so.LOL Terri
  20. @Quartzsite CruiserMy prayers for your DH that all goes smoothly tomorrow with his surgery. God Bless, Terri
  21. So the sun did decide to show its face after all. We went in search of replacement earrings, but returned empty handed. Afterward, I used the plunge pool outside our cottage and had a few visitors. I thought you might like to see some pictures of them. They are awfully cute.
  22. Good morning from a VERY RAINY BARBADOS. This is an all day rain. There is no question about it. One is beginning to hear unhappy grumblings at breakfast. Anyway, it could be worse. i could be looking at the mess back in my house. So today’s agenda is to watch as many episodes of Call the Midwife, Season 11 on my IPad. i downloaded them from Netflix before I left home. I did have them recorded while we were on our cruise in the Spring. However, with our house in the condition that it is in, we are unable to watch TV there. So I am reduced to watching Netflix on my Ipad. Better than nothing. Just finished “Where the Crawdads Sing” and enjoyed the book very much. I see that it will be available on Netflix on Nov, 12. Hope we will be able to watch it then. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report. Nice of you to do this even though you are cruising. Real dedication. Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian Friends. Hope you get to enjoy a happy day with family and friends. Happy Columbus Day and Indigenous People Day. No mail today. Not that it matters much to us right now, since our mail is being held while we are away. i think we will pass on the meal. The wine sounds nice and you can always tempt me with a margarita. I am not sure what to make of the quote since I have not read any of the Harry Potter books. I have not been to Hawaii. Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor the lists. Prayers for everyone on the cares list. Special prayers for those who have suffered through Hurricane Ian and also the people of Nicaragua through Hurricane Julia. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. Cheers for those celebrating and cruising, especially those who Dailyites, cruising on the the New Statendam. Nice to see a photo of the group. Hope you are all having a wonderful time. @StLouisCruisersSandi, thank you for the lovely photo of Miss Elliott Rose. She is a beauty! Congratulations to you and to her parents. @grapau27Graham, good luck at your doctor visit today. We are all getting to the age where arthritis is a problem. How to handle it is not always easy. @kazuJacqui, good luck with your SUV repair. Hope it is not a big problem. @smitty34877Terry, i am sorry to hear that Tana had a bad night. Hope things improve. Thank you for posting a photo. Always nice to put a face to a name. Well, folks, not much else to say today. I will go back to rainy day activities. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  23. @StLouisCruisersSandi Miss Elliott Rose is adorable. Terri
  24. Good morning from Barbados. What started out with sunshine has now given way to clouds. I did not go to the beach this morning. I had a bad night with a tummy that was unhappy. So I didn’t get much sleep. After breakfast I made up for it and just woke up from a nap to find thick clouds. I don’t think it will be long before it rains. Oh well, I am happy we had a few good days. Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow! Thank you Rich, for the Daily and the Fleet report. You are so dedicated to do this even while cruising. Appreciate the effort. Like the days. I’m still trying to figure out the curious event that led to a flood in our house and caused the damage it did. Especially that we did not notice the water running for three hours. I guess there are other events that are curious, but right now this stands out. Fire prevention is of utmost importance. As for Lief Errikson, thank you to @grapau27Graham for the little lesson about him. Also thank you for Father David’s sermon. That is always welcome. I don’t know about the meal, but I will never turn down a bottle of Chianti. The drink sounds good, but I don’t have much alcohol except wine. We have been to St. Kitts a few times. However, it is difficult for me to find photos on my Ipad. They are all lumped together I want to wish all our Canadian friends a happy Thanksgiving weekend. i understand that tomorrow is the actual holiday. However it appears that many of you are celebrating today. I enjoyed seeing the photo of the get together of the Dailyites who are cruising. Thank you @Sharon in AZ for posting it. It helps to put faces to the CC names. Roy, @rafinmd thank you for the Cares and Celebration lists. You do a great job of keep all that straight. i, for one, appreciate that very much. Prayers for all those who are ill and have other struggles and cares. Cheers for those celebrating and cruising. Enjoy! We will see what today brings. It looks like a day that will keep us indoors yet again. Good for a nap. Take care everyone and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
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