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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. I wasn’t speaking, well posting……, from direct experience. Just experience in other ports. Personally, after a real hassle in Seattle, I’ve been thinking about staying one night after the cruise to just made life a bit easier. Light traffic on Sunday means 14min instead of 20min. Den
  2. If the OP called Celebrity and they said no to changing to AI, I believe thats the answer since Celebrity was asked. And yes, some X agents make mistakes, but…… Assume as with any reservation, current reservation can be canceled with the insuring penalties of whatever and rebook AI at the current pricing and availability. Den
  3. Airport is 8mi away and depending on day of the week, you’ll be in heavy traffic. As @Happy Cruiser 6143 says, its a roll of the dice and all has to go with no hiccups. If you carry luggage off and get through customs, lets say 830am it’ll be ~20min or so taxi with the traffic, you’ll get there close to an hr prior. WIth the current full flights, if you have issues, you’ll have Big Issues. And I always remind those doing such that you’ll be checking weather, flight and airport status and so on days prior and adding Stress after a fantastic low-stress TA. Your call. And thats why its a cheaper flight. Den
  4. I made two Edge cruises in 2019 full capacity and did not experience what you did. Not crowded, except in Eden when they put on one of the ‘shows’ that was done then. Rest of the time was no different than what we’ve seen on S-Class. Den
  5. Love E-Class. I think the 3 Celebrity classes have a unique approach that I enjoy very much, but E-Class is my favorite. Surprised by some of the comments: More passengers? No. Not as many as S-Class and I think as in the other Celebrity ships, E-Class has designed the common venues to be Very accommodating. Not sure why the Luminae location is questioned. Just fine. I think the Eden area is fantastic. Love the wraparound the stern and more private areas to sit and enjoy. Great bar and Great view. Agree and miss the forward viewing, and atrium music can be annoying in other areas, but Nothing like when a band is playing in the S-Class Foyer and All open decks above are impacted. I personally enjoy the Infinite Verandas as a change. I’m not looking for the same venue in ship after ship after ship. den
  6. East Coast whales are much more nasty and bad mannered than the very nice, calm West Coast whales……no reflection on people….of course! den
  7. Went to the Cunard website and it indicates/states pre-tests are required. Realize there maybe some other indication they’ve dropped it, but their website doesnt reflect that.
  8. Just got off the Alaska Solstice. we had 4 family cabins; two on one side, two on the other. What way, we were able to ‘pick’ views. Worked Ok. Our steward already had the partition removed when we stepped in. He said he saw the same names so he removed it, but could put it back if not wanted. Thought that was Very proactive. Den
  9. Understand the hassle, but our ‘status’ may change between cruises, so we need to update it each time. Did it on the App, but still got emails to ‘update’ then go to it and the App would say Fully Checked In, but still get the emails….started just deleting them. And you are aware of the final health questions the day prior. But you need to upload your shot cards. Den
  10. Well, after reading these ‘explanations’ that Viking is just a booking agent and not responsible at any level for their product, thats good to know…… Please Do Not post how wrong silly that statement is. I’m well aware Viking Is responsible for their cruises, status of the ships, dining fare and tours, even though they may not be the direct group providing that function. When I had an issue with a tour and talked with the tour booking aboard some cruise ship, they didnt tell me ‘Sorry, thats a private company and we have nothing to do with it. Here is their email so you can talk with them.’ The Lines Managed the issue. Enough. Not looking for Viking to give me a few more bucks, or whatever. And realize sharing this was pointless. den
  11. Although I find the info @Heidi13 is providing on shipbuilding informative, and appreciate the time it took, the shiipbuilder is responsible to keep Viking informed of schedules and slips and Viking is the one responsible for planning on how to handle slips in contract. Which is what many of us who have contracted with companies are responsible in doing. We dont need an endepth understanding of shipbuilding to understand Viking is the overall manager of this effort and providing the services they’ve contracted with their passenger customers. Slides happen. We All understand that even with someone having work done on their home. But managing the impacts is the point. And I found the comments “Your post title indicates you may not understand the shipowner/shipyard dynamics” and especially “Clearly you have never managed a shipyard,” pointless and more than a bit condescending. the shipyard slips isnt the point, Viking’s not understanding Canadian Great Lakes cruising laws and waiting until 2 weeks prior to cancel a 2nd set of cruises indicates an error in management. this is Not the end of the world, and I’ll disagree with the “Viking are little more than sales agents”. Viking wrote the contract with the shipbuilder And with the passenger customers and is responsible for managing any slips and issues with their builder to set realistic schedules as it slips, and manage their customers instead of waiting so late. Something all of us can understand without being “experts” in the shipbuilding business. But thanks for the insight. den
  12. I realize this forum is for Viking Ocean cruises, but there is only a Viking River Roll Call forum that is more limited to specific itineraries, so I’ll post this here to inform the general Viking community. And hope the monitors don't see this as incorrect. The Viking Mississippi ship launch has slid - again. Earlier, Mississippi itineraries had been canceled in June/July, and I just got an email that our 6 Aug cruise New Orleans to St Paul was canceled. This is barely 2 weeks prior. At least 2 more following cruises are also canceled. More to follow? No idea. Offered a 110% voucher, but I’ve been through this too many times so will minimize leaving funds with Viking. I understand the Pandemic ‘20 and ‘21 cancelations, and I’d used those vouchers to book a Great Lakes B2B on the new Expedition ship. Months+ after booking, I read on CruiseCritic that this was considered a cruise from a Canadian port ending in Canada, not allowed, even though one itinerary needed and the next started in Milwaukee. I contacted Viking and they said yup, my 2 cruises weren’t allowed. They didn’t contact me, I informed them. So I moved over to the Mississippi itinerary using Lots of Voucher money. And here it ends. I’m taking all the refund I can get, and will get a voucher for what was tied up prior. My TA worked it and helped out. But you all realize what is impacted with a cancelation just 2 weeks prior. I fully understand losing a Euro River cruise in ‘20 and an Ocean cruise in ’21, but booking a B2B that is not allowed, followed by a months-long build slide and canceling this one 2 weeks prior, I’ll use the Vouchers and then find another Line. We had enjoyed our Viking cruises in the past and am not the type to complain, but there are too many other Lines, river and ocean that provide similar services, and maybe understand basic itinerary rules, and don’t set up bookings close to apparent high risk build dates that can adversely impact customers’ vacations. Enough complaining. I’ll probably find a nice wine cruise of an established itinerary in France for next year and that will be that. Den
  13. Our daughter also has Celiac and we dined at the MDR. Thewaitstaff showed her the menu for the next day and helped identwhst she wished and how it should be prepared. she also got guidance at Oceanview. She was delighted with the assistance. den
  14. I’ve at times just got appetizers. And other times I see an extra entree I want to try. Not prob at all. our waitstaff encouraged our 14yr old to try things and were ready to bring her something else if she didn’t like it. She tried escargot and loved it! den
  15. Unless someone needs a specific soda for a dietary/taste pref reason, I’d reconsider bringing cases of soda/water. I realize the ships are getting higher % of passengers, but ordering a soda or any drink really hasn’t been that much of a hassle at all…..but we all have our preferences of what is acceptable to get service. Den
  16. Oops…. How about: “ I know II sometimes sound like a digital loop on other threads, but….” den
  17. Go to the Cruise Line’s actual websites and you’ll see what is Acutally the case. Again, yes Some Lines have dropped Some itinerary pre-testing. Den
  18. We are thinking of staying at least one night in the arrival port after cruises, unless its a port such as FLL which the airport is close and easy to manage and easier flight home. We relax on a wonderful cruise, then scramble to pack and get off and over to an airport. And airports are which such a Lovely experience once there. Then a 2-leg flight no matter where from - home is a smallish town and must fly through Atlanta. Starting to consider spending a bit more to make thing easier. And a chance to explore a city. Seattle was a killer and its getting worse. we tried the Line shuttle, and that was even a hassle. Got on the bus, but then waited for it to be filled completely. Then someone jumped off because theyd forgot something. Got to the airport and they dropped us all off at the same spot…and we got to lug the stuff from one end to the other. I hope that was just a single point of experience. But the taxi wait in Seattle was crazy, so…….personal shuttles are now in the mix, and staying a bit sounds fun. Den
  19. An apology to @LMaxwell. My post was uncalled for and nasty. I sometimes let what I think is humor go too far at another’s expense. That is the trouble with postings, we get too wrapped in ourselves. we never see this on Roll Calls do we. Again, sorry. I’m working on stepping this down. den
  20. The Point is, Cruise LInes are not dropping testing whole meal as inferred, but for specific venues and varying vaccination status. Id love not to have to test after flying to Rome, just as we had to do after getting to Seattle, but making generalized statements will mislead others who show up thinking they dont need to test. Enough. I already hurt one nice poster’s feeling being too ‘cute and smarty’……apologies @LMaxwell. Den
  21. No idea where you are getting your info on the other Lines. NCL and Holland require pretty much the same protocol as Celebrity, and Carnival requires testing unless you are boosted or the standard vaccination is within set dates. Each of us need to be aware of the specific requirements of the Line we are cruising And the itinerary we are on. It differs within Cruise Lines. I agree the testing requirements need to reviewed, and ‘22 isnt ‘20, but overstating a case you are pressing doesnt help. And the approach of each Line is more than a mix. Viking dropped testing for Euro ports but not US, while Virgin and its few ships dropped US. den
  22. For a car service set up prior, when you leave the terminal, cross the road in front and go to the left side. That’s were prearranged shuttles and services line up. Just ask a crowd control person and they can help.
  23. I know I sometimes sound like a broken record from other threads, but Id suggest you get a good TA, tell them what you want and see what they can work out of adding another SR that allows your 3rd person to be part of your group in the Retreat. Doesn’t sound as if you can just book an Inside/standard SR even if you book them ‘simultaneously’ that would allow that. A good TA may find a way of getting a standard type SR but work the Retreat connection. We are Elite+ and our daughter could only join us in the extra things for it If she shared our SR, and that situation is a lot less than being allowed to use the Retreat and not having a Suite. Someone else may help you who has pulled this one off. den
  24. Its all pretty flexible. For our Solstice Seattle departure, they started walk-offs with their own luggage at about 7:30 or so. that was followed by those who had their luggage taken off and started about 8am. We were some of the later ones and left at 9:30am. It took about 10-15min to get the luggage and go through customs. No big deal. We were originally going to use the Tram to the airport but its a goodly distance from Pier 91, so we were in an extended taxi line that took 45min. For those that use Uber type, the pick up was a goodly (I love that word) distance from the dock area well beyond the ‘normal’ pick up areas. This is one of the few times I’d recommend using the ship’s airport shuttles. I forget how much it is per, but it would cut down on the hassle. Added: You can ask for an early departure or a time of your choice. If you get your luggage tickets and its too early/late, you can go down to the desk and get them changed. Done that a few times. In Fort Lauderdale and Miami, we had little difficulty getting a taxi out of the terminal, but Seattle was a mess. Den
  25. Ahhh, the judgmentalness of those that won’t wear shorts and t-shirts to dinner. den
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