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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. You understand that many itineraries do not require monitored tests. Do you think Celebrity went: “We have itineraries out of Rome to the western Med, lets allow testing without being monitored, but if they are stopping in Greece, lets make them do monitored ones….Yeah, I hated that musical, Travolta can’t sing!” den
  2. Perfect - Chocolate from Boston!! Does each one have a wrapper with a nasty response on it, such as ‘Are Your Going to Open Me Up or What?!?” We may bring masks too….Halloween masks this time!!! Den
  3. Used Concierge and enjoyed it when it wasnt much more than a standard veranda. If you are on an M-Class ship, it is a bit larger than the standard verandas. Den
  4. My two lawyer daughters just said “Yup”. With two lawyer daughters, I tell people: “Watch out….I have lawyers on retainer!”. den
  5. Or scrolls to the current photo of a negative covid test of his wife…..as he coughs on the phone…..”Welcome aboard!”
  6. I agree RickYak. I look forward to the easing. I think you may have seen my post on contracting COVID within in 10 days of our cruise and Finally went negative just prior. I understand modifying/dropping the testing and the increased risks it involves and agree with it. We are under very different situation than before. I wont go through all the changes in current COVID and vaccination impacts, but my issue was with the number of posters who would cheat to keep from being isolated and pretend they would self-isolate, infecting others. Or more worried about the impact on their vacation and ignore infecting others, especially when COVID was much more virulent. we realize going on a cruise increases risk, but individuals intentionally increasing that risk for everyone else is just, again tiring to see. Will live with the current situation and with it as it evolves. Enough. Den
  7. Again, thanks. this is helpful from both of you. I’d hope Celebrity would like to provide a waiter when we will purchase drinks there. Fun. Den
  8. Edit: Good point. Dropping out because the obvious is, it appears more and more think its OK to go ahead and cruise Knowing they have COVID because ‘most’ people I’d infect wont get too sick…… den
  9. Here is an example that I’m tracking for departures from Italy (not including calling on Greek ports) that lists non-monitored pre-testing: Sailing Testing Requirements: All guests ages 2 and older must present a negative COVID-19 test result to board their sailing. A negative test result from any commercially available test, including self-tests, will be accepted. Tests do not have to be monitored or proctored. Test results may be presented as a printout, screenshot or photo of the test result or the actual test. Pre-Arrival/Embarkation Covid-19 Test Vaccinated Guests: Must test negative for COVID-19 within 2 days prior to sailing. Unvaccinated Guests: Must test negative for COVID-19 within 1 day of sailing. No idea how the discipline of allowing non-monitored testing can be expected since there are soooo many options to work around that type of thing. Den
  10. thanks @Arizona Wildcat, I had thought Guest Relations was the best place to start this. Wondering if anyone has actually done this and if there are any special steps/things to do. den
  11. A question for someone who has done this. We are on an Oct ‘22 TA on the Edge. On the Roll Call, I volunteered to host a Chocolate Tasting, asking each to bring a goodie from their hometown or where they are traveling to share. Just a time to socialize, snack away and have the ship staff provide a waitstaff to take drink/wine orders. I understand I need to work this once I get on board, and will have 5 days prior, to get it set up. I’d need a private room for 30-40+ people maybe more as we get closer, a few tables and a waitstaff person to check on us. So if anyone has done something similar, please give me some advice on who to talk to, and how to set it up. I’ll have everyone’s SR number and right now, first names and I’ll need to get them notice of when/where. Do I give the list to the ship and the notes to put at the SR. Do I just do it myself and leave notes…thats OK? And clean up after? So any pointers would be helpful. Den
  12. Why did you book it when testing was required? Understand there are options now on other Lines, but if this is a deal breaker….why ‘agree’ to the deal? den
  13. Its the same for all US ports. Not strange, just a step by step away from full testing.
  14. No, it wasnt a ‘trick question’, they were asking a ‘Math Question’ to see if you could add and subtract….and you passed!!! den
  15. So much of this back and forth is over taking a monitored test that takes 15min and costs ~$25 and take a self-test that takes 15min and costs either free or ~$10 or so? And if you think you shouldn’t be tested prior to boarding when the Greek port is 6 days or whatever later, and the requirement would then be to test 2 days prior On the ship of a few thousand….and when tested and you havent had any symptoms (or hiding them) and test positive and end up being quarantined is a much better option? And No, the option Isn’t telling a country to just do what you wish because….when you have No idea what their COIVD conditions are and even if its low, they may very well not want us bring in more. So cancel a cruise because you dont want to do a monitored test. That’s the real option. den
  16. I agree, the sale options are clear….to me. When an entity changes some sales program, Ive not seen them saying “this is no longer available, but now this is” or some such wording. Each SR provides what is provided. It doesn’t list what isn’t provided, which wouldn’t make much sense. Den
  17. I agree with @cangelmd and thought, wrongly, that they’d modify the pre-test options and leave the requirements for vaccination in place. But…..I’ll be cruising! I doubt we’ll see a huge influx of non-vaccinated. Going out of Rome on a TA in Oct. May change by then, but will take my monitored test kits And my standard at-home test kits with me. Stopping in Bermuda, and it all appears the monitored test is required prior to boarding. will just wait and see. And I think its pretty straight forward reason that if your ship is making a call where monitored pretests are required such as Bermuda and Greece that all on board must do it. Just picture the fun and games going on when you are in line to get off the ship, and the couple in front who had decided not to go ashore at the best ports of call and now try to sneak off, oops I mean they just ‘forgot’ …..I know, none of us would ever do that……. and they would graciously step aside….yeah right. got it. Puts the ship security people in a terrible situation over and over because you Know that will happen many times. “No Eunice, I’m not doing the stupid monitored thingee. We’ll just stay on board and miss Santorini, Mykonos, Athens, Rhodes. We’ve been to Nassau and all islands are the same!”. Den
  18. And they’ve opened the inside pool during inclement weather, which makes sense. Den
  19. Celebrity has made a major change in many of the port departure vaccination and pre-test requirements. You need to go to the Celebrity Website at the top Health and Safety line and check the requirements for the changes that will occur. My cruise out of Rome allows non-vaccinated and requires Pres-tests for all but not the monitored type. https://www.celebritycruises.com/health-and-safety read the Full info for your type departure port. For my Rome departure, it requires monitored pre-tests if Greece is one of the stops. Den
  20. Mine worked fine. Had issues in Nov ‘21 when it was early on but did just fine for our July Alaska cruise. den
  21. Or losing at the Trivia game! den
  22. Just saw the Daily with a Behind the Podium at 9:00am!! Get up….Clean Up….Breakfast……maybe 10ish, but 9!?!? No way! It takes me at least 20min or more to just wander through Oceanview after I decided to only go with Yogurt….then see the Eggs Benedict, the pickled herring, the fresh Belgium waffles, the Indian specialties, the….. den
  23. Here is what Celebrity says and it reqiures what @cruisestitch posted: Sea Travel (for U.S. and Canadian citizens only) For voyages that begin and end in the same U.S. Port, U.S. citizens may travel with both a Government-issued birth certificate** and Government-issued picture ID card, such as a driver's license. **A 'birth certificate' is issued by a government agency (state, county, city, etc.). This document (with seal and signature) is legal proof of citizenship that can be used by U.S. citizens for certain international travel. A 'birth notice' is issued by a hospital or other type of medical facility but it is not an approved travel document. It is a courtesy document that merely indicates where a birth occurred. It has no legal status and cannot be used to prove citizenship for international travel purposes. Den
  24. I get the opposite: “Honey, why are you booking the excursions, going to trivia, to the lectures, the pool, the casino……when are you going the relax?!”. My response: “Those Are relaxing!!”….and she doesnt miss much of any of those and when she doesnt feel like going….I end up using the term that has been handy for 30+ years: “Yes Dear”…and relax wherever. Den
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