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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. Thanks for the reminder of safety razors @miched, I haven’t used one in many years. But I think it would be handier than one of these multi-blades which have such a wide ‘face’. Going to try one. love the brush and soap. Nothing like a warm lather. den
  2. Yes, it appears you got the military/police/fire discount and you need to get that cleared up. Not a big deal, but could be a hassle…….If they ask for confirmation. Although I’ve not been asked, kind of like when I used a AAA or AARP (I fake being over 55!) hotel discount…I dont remember ever being required to prove it, but not a good idea to let it go. Could be a bit embarrassing. den
  3. Here is the related Prohibited info: Sharp Objects, including all knives and scissors. (Note: Personal grooming items such as safety razors are allowed. Scissors with blade length less than 4 inches are allowed.) I also use a mug and brush. Dont bring a mug but the soap in its tin container and I use a normal shaver. I shave in the shower; bring a small mirror and suction cup and my brush and soap container and I use the Dollar Shave Club razors. Den
  4. We chose 6pm seating and our TA set us in the Cypress. We dined there the first night, but then checked with the Matre de and got 6pm for another MDR, and then booked the 2 others. Even changed times. Edit: we did the Edge prior to the Pandemic and had a full ship, and had no issues booking in other MDRs. Den
  5. Please let me know the next time you plan to drive to the Fla Panhandle and when you are driving through Shalimar. I better check if I have coverage for being hit by non-insured drivers….but since you dont cause accidents, I wont worry about you. den
  6. OK, I lied….I looked up various websites to find out how many get some level of insurance reimbursal: Including health, vacation cancelations; flight delay cost; lost luggage/items; etc. One site listed 28% and another 30%. A quote: One of my hesitations with buying travel insurance is the belief that "everything will work out fine," and I'll never use it. I was surprised when Gainullin shared, "In relation to filing a claim, it’s roughly 30%," meaning that 30% of people who buy travel insurance file some sort of claim or use the policy they bought. Is the reimbursement higher than the cost? No idea. But I get it. Den
  7. No idea where you got that number, but doubt very much it’s even close but I dont know and dont care. the point is Your protection. had friends who got ill in Paris where we toured prior to flying to Istanbul to our cruise. She got Very ill; ended up in the American Hospital for 2+weeks which had to be paid by them; husband had to pay for hotel and all the stuff; special flight home…..And all of that cost a Great Deal. They had to pay upfront and then get reimbursed. Chargecards allowed them to exceed their limits….used a number of cards! Good luck on rolling the dice. Den
  8. Agree that nothing is ‘hidden’. But there maybe less emphasized places that we enjoyed. The Eden cafe which when we were aboard Edge and Apex was open Breakfast and lunch. Its next to the Eden Lounge area. Loved the Lounge and the Cafe. And the ramp that wraps around the stern, around the Eden area is neat. We had a few seating areas that we’d use to socializing and playing cards. The 4 MDRs are well appointed and its really a good idea to try all of them, not just for the menus, but to experience the atmosphere of each. You can do that whether you choose a set dining time or select dining. Although you’ll get a ton of ‘it’s just a window that opens’, we love the Infinite Veranda. many positives to find as you go wandering on a beautiful ship. We chose to try the Retreat on our upcoming Oct TA on the Edge….never done one and thought a TA with lots of sea days would be neat time to try it. On the Apex next year doing the Amsterdam-Iceland-Ireland cruise. So we ‘do’ Edge Class when we can. We love each of the 3 Celebrity Classes - each has unique special venues we enjoy and the Edge Class is just fantastic. Den
  9. Celebrity had moved the Elite HHR to most all lounges and not a specific location for many of the cruises prior to the Pandemic, mainly I believe due to the numbers. and the Elite breakfast includes lattes and capachinos. .
  10. Reminds me of the poster who complained the TP was only 2-ply……i told him to fold it once for 4-ply, add another for 6-ply, and so on….. den
  11. I came home and bought Lavazza….loved it. den
  12. Since Celebrity hasn’t ‘followed’ NCL in pretty much any manner of doing business, doubt it will ‘follow’ NCL in anything. But X will sooner or later step out and make bigger changes. Obviously with removing pre-tests for short cruises….No Thanks….they are making plans. I threw my crystal ball away after it predicted that X would lower the price of All Retreat Suites by 85% for those who have never booked Suites to get us ‘hooked’. I thought my crystal ball had a great idea, but apparently no one in Corporate X did. And I got laughed at when I asked….oh well. den
  13. So someone who would know they have COVID and not report it, hide it and continue to be in public would be ‘responsible’ and wear a mask….. right. And yes, you are contagious prior to any COVID symptoms, but you are contagious during and after and That is why the actual Drs and medial experts set 5 days after symptoms. Enough. We’ve all read the excuses. You’ll either help lower the risk to All or increase the risk to All. Den
  14. On TA’s, the talks, Beyond the Podium, are one of the highlights. Get speakers on various subjects. Had an Ambassador to Russia; a Hollywood writer/producer who talked on the business; an actor talked on inside stuff of Broadway and so on; science; architecture….you get the idea. Loved them! Den
  15. I find the OV options to be quite diverse and more than satisfying for a buffet cafe. Many more choices than on other mainline cruise lines. den
  16. Celebrity ships have their plugs depressed with a lip around them in many SRs and I don’t believe that would fit. to increase plug availability I bring EU adapters to use the EU plugs Celebrity has i believe in all SRs. den den
  17. Yes, and spread COVID throughout the taxi-shuttle, airport, airplane…… den
  18. carrying your dirty laundry with wine stains from one of the 10 bottles you smuggled on looking for the free laundromat when going down to the guest relations to get auto-gratuities removed and ‘blast’ them because you saw a kid walking quietly by and you almost fainted. den
  19. And ship departure at 5pm is during St Thomas rush Hr and it can get crowded so @luv2camp04 is very right on giving enough time. Our daughter and husband almost missed the ship trying to get back. They had to abandon the taxi and hoof it at the end. edit: oops @phoenix_dream beat me to it! den
  20. Not sure what you are using, but Celebrity shows 2 9N’s on the Beyond, 1 on the Equinox and a 10N on the Summit. All to ABC’s Aug thru Nov ‘23. den
  21. As to a BigBox TA not being able to transfer…my professional TA who runs their office can. Another reason I don’t use or recommend a BigBox type and go with a TA with an actual office and team. Many positives beyond that. den
  22. For those who book on board for the OBC and low deposits, you can have Celebrity transfer it to the TA you booked the cruise you are on, or to another when you do the booking. after getting the transfer my TA was able to move it to a group booking saving me even more. Only negative was you pay the standard deposit then. But well worth it for me. den
  23. The main difference is when you cruise from LA you are in the Pacific….when you cruise out of FL You are in the Atlantic and Caribbean…..hehe the west coast Mexican ports have a very different feel than I saw w the standard ones out of FL. I enjoyed them more and had more diversity. also strongly suggest you a days to your trip to explore LA area. den
  24. I counted 53 Caribbean cruises 9-11N’s in ‘23. I’m on one that goes to the ABC’s then to Port Liberty NJ and we plan to spend a few days there catching plays. so lots of options including ABC’s. den
  25. Do I think anyone physically attacking staff ‘would be dragged off the ship’?…Yes. Do I think the OP meant or even inferred they’d physically attack the staff….No. and yes venting and all that is understood. Legit complaint is fine to staff is expected, not ‘venting’ and not ‘bashing’. when my daughters approached dating age, I told them to be aware of how their dates treated service people. If they mistreat them or are condescending in any way, drop the guy immediately. He’s one who will do the same to you once he thinks he has some control or power over you. so, yes we who are holding the OP to the words used are maybe overreacting, but many are well aware of those who actually enjoy abusing service personnel because of their own personal issues. No idea if this is the case and just overblown rhetoric but it does get and deserve responses. den
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