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balcony bound

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Everything posted by balcony bound

  1. Have you used the ketchup? It's not a St. Greg review without the ketchup!
  2. While I appreciate Guy's, I miss the grill. Specifically the steak sandwiches, the chicken sandwiches if I was in the mood, and the chips and cheese. Can't we just have both!
  3. While I personally do not use the waterslides, I really like having them available for the folks that do - keeps them from being in the space I want to occupy😀
  4. Guess we need to start cruising with you on the same date😃
  5. Our next cruise is in two months... just noticed there are still poolside cabanas available in Amber Cover for the low low price of $519. Unheard of to be available but definitely not worth the price.
  6. Awesome photos Greg, thanks for taking them and sharing. I had a thought as I was taking them in... I remember dropping film off and not even knowing what was on the roll and it took at least a week. Not to mention Grandpa's slides... LOL. Many of them in Alaska as his brother relocated there. Anyway, thanks for being such a good photographer and sharing details. The miracle of a live review.
  7. I was on the Magic twice in the last year, bought premium internet both times. Had an aft cabin both times. Very iffy in that area, frustrating to say the very least. I had to go midship for better connection.
  8. For me it's about the ocean. Those large ships concentrate on all sorts of things that distract from the journey and the experience of the open ocean. I tried the bigger ship (only due to a price glitch LOL) and while the ship was lovely, I didn't get the experience I enjoy
  9. Thanks, Greg. Total price, no matter what, sure does decide. Hope you continue to have a great time!
  10. Where is the "free" in free at sea? Costs extra and you have to plan in advance...
  11. Wow. This will be awesome to follow. Hope you have great internet along the way and can post. Oh, and I probably would have given up LOL
  12. I had a stellar waitstaff at Rudi's and I did ask for two appetizers and they were served to me with no problem. Another night I liked the chef's sample so much and said so, they brought me two extra. Your mileage may vary, but I've found it never hurts to ask. Funny story about deserts though. I happened to cruise over my birthday. While I was not surprised on my actual birthday that they brought me a "birthday desert" - but they did so EVERY evening of the cruise LOL. And of course I had already ordered a desert of my choice, so there were two deserts every night. Thankfully they made the second one to-go.
  13. They used to have awesome sugar free cakes. I liked them so much I chose them, even though I don't need to be sugar free (well, it wouldn't hurt lol). There was a different flavor every day - mango, lemon, pineapple, spice, etc. I miss them!
  14. I have a lot of OBC for both cruises that I used the offer for. I just didn't check the box to apply OBC. No issues. My OBC is still there and my offer was applied.
  15. I was just able to add it for the one day price
  16. Wonder why that one is only 10%. Anything helps though, right?
  17. I use OBC in the casino all the time.
  18. Thank you for the heads up! First time ever I've found them on my cards - and both have them. I'll take advantage of both.
  19. You know what they say about assumptions. What you see and what someone else sees are not the same. I have three upcoming bookings on the Vista in a Havana cabana... none are over $1,000 total.
  20. So happy to follow your adventures again! Wow, lots of balls in the air, your planning always does you justice. Thanks for making this thread easy to find.
  21. I've done Havana on both Vista and Mardi Gras. Vista - awesome. Mardi Gras.... best thing is the location. I still enjoyed the Havana on Mardi Gras but there simply is no comparison.
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