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Everything posted by sunviking90

  1. Here we go….. The thread is officially “hot”
  2. We are actually booked on this cruise. It was on the hot deals sheet on our cruise back in June. I didn’t know about any of the Dallas people. What I find funny is that when I look up the cruise on the Princess website it is now called “5-Day Pacific Coastal Hollywood Insider with 80s Primetime Stars”, but has no other details. There is no description on the booking page of who these “stars” are. Pretty weak selling on the part of Princess. We just wanted a quiet cruise to enjoy sea days and reading, and that’s what we will still do.
  3. The only discounted cruises we saw recently on the Emerald were on the sale sheet. They are all slow sellers with dates going into April 2024 only.
  4. We are just off the Emerald Princess and Planks and Steamers were each open about every 3rd night. We didn’t eat there, but they seemed very popular with waits to get in at times. I was surprised. I do think by looking at their menus people perceive more bang for their buck there. I always thought that a $5 cover would be appropriate for Alfredo’s, but unless we have a LOT of OBC to burn I don’t think we’ll be eating there now, at $14.99 per.
  5. Yes, you may be right. I loved the beet salad on one cruise. 3 days later all salads were gone and they only had sandwiches.
  6. Haha, yes our parents were all British so we are familiar. He definitely brings “slacks” or “trousers”.
  7. Technically there are no formal nights on a 4 night cruise, but they can throw one in. We took a 4 night coastal on the Discovery in April and it was listed as all smart casual, but once on board, they had added a formal night. I usually like to dress a little nicer for dinner (call me old fashioned!), and DH just wore a button down shirt and pants, so we were fine.
  8. I’ll do my best to answer your questions: All balcony cabins will have 2 chairs. Most balconies are very small. The deluxe premium balconies aft, and the balconies on the midship bump out (you’ll see on the deck plans) are larger. As far as the cabins themselves, deluxe and premium deluxe will both have a sofa. I haven’t had a third in these, but I am pretty sure it is a sofa bed and will accommodate your son. The standard balcony cabins, if they can accommodate a third, will be an upper berth (comes out of the ceiling when in use). The lower bed can be arranged as a Queen or separated into 2 singles. I believe they have to be separated when the upper berth is in use, but it’s been a long time since we travelled with our son, so I’m not sure. As far as motion far forward, you are right that it is such a short distance you shouldn’t need to worry. Hope this helps.
  9. No. You can’t select which days to purchase in advance. If your sea days are near the end of your cruise, you could wait and purchase then for the “remainder” of the cruise. @Steelers36 great answer to your original question which tracks with my recent experience. I purchased wifi (or internet for those who really, really care) for one day and was charged $10 ($20, less plat discount).
  10. There is an “Internet cafe”, but generally it is to get assistance with devices, login issues, etc. There are also computers for use to access princess website and the web version of the app (can’t remember what they call it). In the event someone didn’t have their own device, they could probably use those computers for general use after purchasing service of course.
  11. No free wifi, except for the Princess.com site which works without paying for wifi.
  12. We were on the Emerald last November in a minisuite, and DH’s side of the bed was awful. We asked them to fix it and I’m not sure what they did but it was better. We just sailed on her again, but this time in a regular balcony and the bed was great. It felt like a new bed.
  13. I was not asked. Others on my roll call also weren’t asked. Tests can show positive for much longer than they are requiring isolation, so what would be the point. They count 6 days from when you report your symptoms starting, and that’s the day they release you. No tests.
  14. I didn’t see medical. I did my own test and reported to medical. They isolated me for 4 days (of a 19 day cruise). Guest services and medical were in contact with me daily, and medical had to ok my release. I didn’t get anything in writing saying I had been isolated. I guess I should have, but I’m not going to stress over it. If my FCC doesn’t appear, I’ll follow up.
  15. No mask mandate of any kind, and I wouldn’t expect that at this point. My DH was able to be out and about with a mask while I isolated. I didn’t have to wear a mask on my release, and I didn’t as I had no symptoms by this point. When I got out I actually think I was healthier than most around me by the sounds of it. There was no mention at all of Illness, staying healthy, etc, at all. I saw a few stools in the halls, but I think they want to believe it is all over. It is “endemic” now, and for most a mild cold, but it would have been nice if they told people to stay away from others if not well, coughing, etc, and I was told by another that they had masks available at the front desk. The crew really don’t care either. I was surprised that every time they brought my meals, they would knock on the door, I would mask up and open it, and the unmasked crew would hand it to me. I was expecting them to put it on the stool, knock and run. I guess they have all had it so many times they have great immunity and don’t care anymore. Hopefully I get my FCC, but as I said, we spend so much time in our cabin, on the balcony, etc it really didn’t impact my cruise. I was able to enjoy the Panama Canal transit from my balcony.
  16. A few of us on our roll call were isolated during our recent Emerald Princess cruise (ended yesterday). My isolation was only 4 days as the medical centre counts from when your symptoms started. We were all told by guest services that we would receive FCC for the 4 days regardless of any insurance, PVP or other. Mask up everyone! I didn’t attend the meet and greet, we generally keep to ourselves, take stairs, etc and still got it. Mine was very mild and felt like allergies. I had tests with me and tested myself on a whim around day 10, or I wouldn’t have believed I had it. Judging by the sneezing, coughing and sniffles I heard around my on “release” about half the ship had it. No exaggeration. Many cruises since the restart and this is the first time I’ve caught it on a cruise.
  17. We’ve never been able to have our medallions mailed, but based on my recent experience, I wouldn’t pay to do it if I could. The Blue lane line was perhaps 5-10 minutes, but the main wait just as before was in the “holding pens” while you wait in the chairs to board. I’ve never experienced much of a wait at the check in lines in all my years of cruising, so I don’t see the difference.
  18. We left San Pedro Aug 21. We arrived around 10:30 am and were on the ship by 11:30. About a 5 min line to get our medallions (blue lane), then to the wait area. We were directed to the Plat area but it was full, so we sat elsewhere. Elite area had some space. Boarding was the most crowded I’ve seen here and we’ve done about 5 cruises from here in the last 2 years, but this was not due to green/ blue lanes or medallion pu. Everyone had arranged to arrive earlier to to weather, and princess had sent an email the day before to allow for flooding (Hilary) in travel time. Roads were fine for most, by then.
  19. It changed in August with the plus package “enhancements”. We have always been able to be in the green lane even though we had to get our medallions at the pier, until this cruise we are on now. We were in the green lane and it bumped us back to blue when the changes happened. I think only plus/premier package people who get the medallion shipping included or those who pay for it can be green now. Honestly, it made almost no difference in San Pedro.
  20. We have usually received it the morning we disembark or the following day (most recently from the Crown in July). Currently on the Emerald, so we’ll see how it goes.
  21. I love watching them when we are on our cruises. I especially look for the season premiere episodes that were often 2 parts and filmed on location and really on the ship. Last night we watched one from the 80’s (with the new cruise director) filmed on the Vistafjord from Genoa to Lisbon. For some reason the Vistafjord needed Captain Stubing and the gang to world that cruise 🤣
  22. They were recommending reservations, but it wasn’t at all full.
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