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Everything posted by KroozNut

  1. We were on Zuiderdam in April and thought the food in the MDR and all the specialty restaurants was great!
  2. Guessing, based on recent research. But as we all know, things do change on a minute to minute basis.
  3. Oh, okay.. Since you quoted my comment about the movie selection on HAL ships being 'relatively new', I mistakenly assumed you were also referring to the movie selections. My bad..
  4. In that case, I would have gone further and contacted HAL to express your desire for fixed dining. I've done that before with success. Don't give up simply because the booking process says that your dining preference is not available, especially that far out.
  5. In your humble opinion, of course... right?
  6. Were all the movies from the 1940s on your last cruise? If so, you must have hit the wrong button on your remote (it's called operator error).. 🤣
  7. Are you sure she was his wife? 🤣
  8. Doesn't matter if it's a cruise ship, or a Navy ship, it's still a ship. Next time you have a chance to strike up a conversation with a cruise ship's staff officer, ask them a few questions along these lines, and see what terminology they use.
  9. It just rubs real sailors wrong.. Can't help it, it's in our blood! 😁
  10. No problem, but you need to get with the program... Lol, j/k! 😂 That would be the 'port' side of the 'ship'.. 😉
  11. Bad idea, said every HAL executive ever!
  12. Interior staterooms are great, just be sure to do your homework and pick the right location.
  13. Have you been keeping up with the guidelines?
  14. Doing a guarantee to save a few bucks is never a good idea in any situation, and you're now experiencing why.
  15. What are you waiting for, the nightmare is over!
  16. Okay, I'll admit that I'm a career U.S. Navy veteran of 24 years, but I cannot just let improper shipboard terminology go unchecked. 'Rooms' are in land based hotels, or at your own home. A 'cabin' or 'stateroom' is what we call them on a ship. Sorry, couldn't help myself! 😉
  17. You based your decision to move to open seating forever based on that one-off crazy experience? Did you request to be assigned another table on that cruise, and did that work out? Sorry to hear that you decided to abandon fixed dining altogether based on that one unpleasant experience.
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