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Everything posted by staceyglow

  1. Coffee that hot can cause second degree burns, and I would guess that most food service establishments would never knowingly serve coffee that hot. Remember the lady that got millions of dollars from McDonald's because she burned herself with their coffee? That's the temperature range her coffee was at.
  2. Perhaps he should see if he can work remotely from the ship. That way he would stay occupied and as an additional bonus, won't have to burn as many vacation days. 😊 As an aside, I took a Journeys Cruise out of Galveston last winter, and the thing I noticed was that it had an exceptionally large number of elderly people - way more than other Journeys cruises I have taken. Not that there is anything wrong with that. As long as you don't mind dealing with a huge number of scooters (we actually encountered scooter traffic gridlock on a few occasions) or the huge demand for early YTD seating times, you should be fine.
  3. It has been my recent experience that bacon served in London usually looks like this. I am surprised that none of the Brits sailing out of Dover have started a thread complaining about how horribly crispy the bacon is on the Pride!
  4. I have never seen a drug dog on a ship, but I have seen more several trained service animals. If your wife will be disturbed by the mere presence of dogs on a ship, she should be aware that it may happen.
  5. I am pretty sure this could all be answered by calling the insurance company.
  6. I know, right?! Once I had to sit next to a *shudder* BLUE CARD! 🤢🤢🤢
  7. It doesn't sell out as quickly because they increased the price, as they should have. They only sell a set number of FTTF slots. Just like the cabanas on Half Moon Cay, the best business practice is to raise the price to the point where they it takes awhile for them to sell out.
  8. I wish they would put the comic in the main theater more often. I am not a fan of many of the big production shows. They just aren't very good.
  9. You are clarifying a post from 3 1/2 years ago?
  10. I asked, but they insisted on myself and others with FTTF go to general seating. Looked like suites, diamonds and plats were in priority seating. Was just happy they called us before general boarding. They may be transitioning away from "special" seating. Miami used to always have an area for Diamond & Platinum and now they have done away with that too. Everyone just sits where ever and has to listen for their group to be called. Wouldn't surprise me if they may be doing this in other ports, and in this particular case starting with FTTF? I believe they have actually added or upgraded priority seating in some terminals since Covid. IMO the "priority seating" is the least valuable of all the priority perks. Seating that is segregated from the rest of the waiting passengers? Big whoop. Now if it had free drinks and snacks like an airline lounge, that would be a different story...
  11. I am not sure that all "popping in" is disrespectful. If I don't want anything at the beginning of the line, and there is space for me in the middle to get what I want, why shouldn't I pop in? At the minimum, I should be able to go around someone who is holding up the line deciding between sausage and Canadian bacon when I want neither. It's basic traffic rules.
  12. I have never heard of this, and don't know why that would be the case. It's free money to the cruise line. From what I understand, the availability of FTTF is only dependant on the number of anticipated Diamonds and Plats. They only want so many people with Priority, or else it's not really priority anymore.
  13. I would not advise having 15 alcoholic drinks before going out for a fancy steak dinner. You might not remember it,
  14. Why would you patronize a company that you believe is exploiting their workers?
  15. That $312 per month was before tips. Someone else mentioned that they make closer to $2500 per month including tips, and that sounds like a reasonable total amount they could be making. Even assuming they are off for three months per year, that is $22,500 a year plus room and board. I am not saying that any of these workers are getting rich, but in most cases, they are much better off than most in their home country. In the Phillippines, for example, the average annual salary is less than $10,000. In terms of relative wealth, that is akin to someone in the U.S. making six figures. In their home countries these crew members often buy homes and support their extended families.
  16. Definitely the way to do it. DH and I are doing a B2B on Pride soon and a couple of days in London before that. We will be gone 26 days and are only bringing 2 carry-ons and 2 backpacks. It's life-changing.
  17. One more reason to have a PVP. We are extremely close to hitting a milestone cruise and she has told us "just tell me when" as it pertains to applying our milestone credit.
  18. I hope no one tries to bother JH on his vacation. If anyone deserves some uninterrupted time off, he does.
  19. It will never hurt to ask if you can stay in your room an extra half hour. Sometimes hotels will accommodate you. Worst case scenario, you have a cup of coffee in the lobby before you head on over.
  20. Just because Carnival is handling the money doesn't mean they are stealing it.
  21. Why would you think that? Carnival has explicitly said that all gratuities go directly to crew members. If that isn't the case, that would be fraud.
  22. Not to be a cynic, but perhaps part of the reason you may not see as many "single day dances" or the like is because as time goes on, cruisers (especially those who post a lot on CC) get more cruises under their belt, and it isn't quite as big of a deal to them anymore. Or maybe there are more cruisers like me who mainly use CC to distribute or learn useful information. If I am going on a Carnival cruise, other people should assume that I am looking forward to it. 😃
  23. I have done the new procedure more than a dozen times since it was implemented, and it has never taken more than 5 minutes. I think I speak from a place of experience when I say that your experience was the exception and not the rule.
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