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Everything posted by staceyglow

  1. I looked at a deck plan of Panorama, and it looks like there are only 16 seats available in the entire restaurant - eight at each table.
  2. Sounds like it is not a good idea to print out your luggage tags that far in advance. And I am guessing not really necessary. We don't do it until our check-in is complete.
  3. These are the same types of people who, 75 years ago, said, "Why do I need a telephone in my house? If someone needs to contact me, they can just write me a letter, or come over and talk to me in person!"
  4. On one of my first cruises back in the aughts, the CD mentioned at the cruise-end party that Carnival was seeking input for names for new ships that end in -ation. Either he was joking or they dropped that idea, because no new ships meeting that criteria were ever launched. Or maybe because the suggestions they were getting were along the lines of Intoxication, Inebriation, etc. 😆
  5. The time in ports is based on ship time, not the local time.
  6. I do think they have a long list of questions to pick from in each category, because while I have seem some questions repeated, it has never been all 20 of them. For example, TV Theme Song trivia. Most of the times I have played it, the questions were a good mix of songs from all eras and genres. The last time I played, the Fun Squad member was a 20-something American hipster-type (not that there's anything wrong with that), and most of the theme songs were from cartoons of the late 90's - early 2000's. Hardly anyone over the age of got more than a handful correct.
  7. If you put your phone on airplane mode once you board the ship, and leave it on until the end of the cruise, it is impossible to incur phone or data charges.
  8. "Do exactly what I say, or everyone here is getting a manicure!"
  9. I know. But there are apparently people on here that are convinced that Christine Duffy and other Carnival muckety-mucks actually follow CC on a regular basis. And that griping on here will actually change things.
  10. Maybe it was because people on Cruise Critic complained that it was room temperature. 😁The bottles you get from the bars are cold.
  11. We usually go to Pixels at the beginning of the cruise. They aren't too busy then. To the best of my recollection, I have never even had to wait behind anyone in line. Also, having those gifts go to people who actually request them keeps them out of landfills,
  12. I play by myself, so I consider it an accomplishment when a team of 8 people win because collectively, they got one more answer right than I did Now, what I would like to see is how 8 people divide up one ship on a stick...
  13. That has not typically been my experience, especially if you order the Express Breakfast, which you can get pretty quickly. If you want to make your MDR breakfast efficient, don't make any special orders - and that includes the omelets. Order something they can just grab from the galley and bring up.
  14. This would be the answer for me is well. Otherwise, it's MDR the whole way. Better food, I can order a bloody Mary, and I can get bacon every day! 😆
  15. Interesting. I was on the Panorama last week (so, same terminal as you) and not only did they take the wine bottles out of my luggage, they checked to make sure they were sealed and even held them up to the light to see if the contents looked like wine. Also, I am about your age, but maybe I just look younger 😁
  16. Has anyone else noticed that the biggest complainers on this board seem to be folks who cruise for free or close to free on Carnival because of casino offers? Perhaps you guys should just insist on a refund.
  17. Been on several of each of those since the restart and still nada.
  18. I doubt they use cool water. They are washing your bag of laundry with dozens of others and probably don't have the capacity for special requests. And personally, if my laundry is sharing the same load with that of strangers, I want to make sure that the water is hot enough to kill germs.
  19. And that's per platinum person. If you are both Platinum, you get double that amount.
  20. I have been on at least a dozen Carnival cruises since the restart, of different lengths, ports and itineraries, and not once have I smelled weed or witnessed a fight. I don't know what kind of crowd the rest of y'all are attracting... 😁
  21. DH and I were on a cruise last week that had many, many blue cards. Anytime we asked any of them if they were having a good time, without exception we got an enthusiastic "Yes!" So as a business, who would you rather cater to: A) New customers who think your product is great (and also spend more money that the average repeat customer) or B) Long time customers who continually complain about your product in public foruma and who aren't as profitable as new customers? Perhaps the strategy is indeed to get rid of the griping, unprofitable plats and diamonds and replace them with people who actually like cruising with Carnival.
  22. Don't ignore Carnival recommendations as to the earliest flight you should book. I speak as someone whose ship got back into port 3 hours late yesterday.
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