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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. I hope posters aren't misled and expecting the helipad experience because of their cabin or captains club class...in the past, the helipad was an invitation, not necessarily to all concierge, elite, etc.
  2. Not worth paying any charge for sail away...if not invited it becomes a commercial payout like an excursion, not a lovely experience. Wish the poster would provide cost and ship.
  3. We enjoyed an Equinox sail away some years ago out of Venice when they slowly moved along the harbour and out to sea.....so the view was wonderful. IMO it was a lovely experience. Stopped now as the ships can't go through and the port for Venice is Ravenna. Invited another time but wind prevented and it was cancelled. Another invite was in the Caribbean... so they're still happening. Each time wine and apps were served....just made it a little nicer. Didn't go the last time we were invited. Can't duplicate the Venice sail away in our mind.
  4. Checked Porter for Nov. 19 date...they fly from Toronto on Sunday only it seems with a stop in Montreal for a loooooong layover. Won't work for us. Also not much is included in their airfare and more expensive. We haven't had any problem with AC and the only concern this time is a potential strike.
  5. Should work if you highlight the section and hit underline again. Just did so on your post and deleted it...... hit it twice so don't know if just once would have worked.
  6. Toronto (where I was born) is a beautiful city.....very very big now with the ups and downs of a metropolis. Terrific theatre, many high end restaurants, and quite a busy commercial district downtown. Have you any plans for your stay or is it R&R? You're a distance from the waterfront but maybe you've seen enough water....LOL...Lovely B&B.
  7. Wow! and you weren't even on your honeymoon....do we share an opinion on the 'state' of the rooms? We crossed the border the next day and finished our honeymoon at the Sheraton which was nicer!
  8. if you can do Canadian winters....the falls are stunning in ice and lights.
  9. Our honeymoon location as well....and...we stayed at the Honeymoon Hotel......not the most lovely spot...LOL, but DH somehow found it (no internet then) all by his 19 year old self and was proud of it. We tried to find it for a special anniversary but no luck, torn down!
  10. I see...just a new operator, not that you can't ride from the Canadian side...semantics...LOL. I'm from 'the area', visited often and didn't know the company had changed.
  11. We took it from the Canadian side ...have they stopped that? I know if you went through the caves you had to go from the US side.
  12. It's apparently Prince Edward Island....have a grandson onboard.
  13. This demonstrates what has happened to cruising and this message board...less gentlemen and lady behaviour. Even though some of this is true, I suppose there are those who see the worst in others and have a need to share in an unkindly fashion. It does get attention which, no doubt, is the purpose in the post.
  14. There is no comparison to dishwashers cum cooks and performers...however...you've been given too much air time already. You just seem to be a crabby person looking to vent your spleen. Sincerely wish you a nice day.
  15. Someone thinks this comment is funny?.....👎.....mostly these are young people just starting out with many training years behind them. Of course, some better than others but they don't just walk on to Broadway shows...they have to start somewhere. They perform what they're given and are professionals. Show some respect.
  16. thanks for that. We sometimes book premium concierge and my X TA told me in the past we have the lower rate but I see it as the same rate I'm paying. Will check again this time.
  17. Not very many outside the industry knew that JA Ryan was the NCL choreographer! Very inventive and entertaining. My daughter was in Sea Legs...great show and I'm not the least bit biased....😉
  18. After all these years sailing X I seem to find out from CC posters savings I've never heard about. What is the Cap Club discount for a cabin?? unless that means the one cabin upgrade for the same price as the lower one? and the premium WiFi for Elite + was new to me as well.
  19. I would think that if that lounger was on an aft SV balcony, it would bounce all the way down to the ocean...or...land on another balcony. The story seems a stretch.
  20. I pack the cubes in our luggage, with DH tees, etc in some and my items in others....easy to lift out and place them in the overhead cabinets and remove whichever item we need, then put back 'up top'. Worked for several cruises. There are sets you can purchase on Amazon which are in different sizes, mesh tops to see through, shoes and laundry bag. Have 2 sets in different colours for DH and me...and they're reasonably priced.
  21. Those two 'dinky' chairs are reason enough for me to not book an E class suite (I hope those are not on S class verandahs).
  22. That will make DH ....VERY HAPPY....H is one of his favourites and usually hard to come by onboard.
  23. I worked out what our cruise would have been if we had paid 'cruise only' fare, included the option of paying grats in advance, and added a classic drink pkg. We already have the E+ WiFi. It came out to more $$s and Cruise Only had no OBC attached. The drink pkg on its own in Can. funds was $2329.40. We could never drink that many $$s worth of wine and beer. So paying as you go, even if it's a nuisance, works out better. I'm going to wait until after Oct. 4th and compare pricing then as well. BTW...LOL on the savings! 🤑🤔
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