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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. do you know for sure that E+ receives Premium WiFi? I just paid to upgrade from what I thought was basic and will cancel the purchase if it's already included.
  2. Wouldn't AC be compelled to find alternate flights for those who have booking confirmation? or perhaps a straight refund and we're on our own.
  3. Absolutely! Those two shows are hard to understand and appreciate and need to be retired. My daughter is/was a professional entertainer/actress/. She worked on several lines with wonderful shows...NCL had a great choreographer....Carnival put a lot into their shows...Holland America styled theirs to the 'older' crowd...and we did enjoy Royal C's. X started inhouse choreography some time ago and nothing has changed on S/M class. However I'm told E class shows are very good. Not to say S/M aren't...they are just tired. The dancers work their little 'feet' off to entertain their guests and unfortunately the singers sometimes screech, but if long time X cruisers are bored with the show I hope they don't take it out on the talent. We know what they go through to even get through the auditions for their 'job', so we do appreciate each effort.
  4. DH read that AC pilots are considering a strike around Christmas or late autumn if negotiations don't go well. Who knows how much of that is true....rumours are everywhere. Can't find anything other than that news item.
  5. We have the AI pkg and we both think whatever is offered will be just fine with us...not being hard to please with mixed drinks, beer or wine. I looked at it as DH has beer preferences but even if we were hard drinkers I'd think the pricing is way too high....or maybe I'm out of step with costs for liquor , etc. now.
  6. Am I missing something or is my math off base. If I upgrade my existing AI beverage pkg. to premium, the cost will be $24 pp/pd =$48 pp x 10 = $480?? Is the premium pkg. really worth that price? or is there a lesser price based on my included basic bev. pkg.? I've checked online and it doesn't give me the benefit of having an AI pkg. *** Actual cost for 2 to upgrade in Cdn. $$s; IMO that is exorbitant!
  7. Sometimes there is no one on hand in the specialty dining area that early, and the Maitre d' isn't at his stand so this is what I've done in the past....elevator right up to the OV, first one 'in line', and booked all my preferences with the one person. Helps to have your list of venues and times on hand so it moves quicker and those waiting behind with thank you...LOL.
  8. We always pre purchase our Spec. dining but at payout there's no CC discount. One time onboard we asked about it and we were told we rec'd it at the time of purchase as the dining had already been discounted....and round and round we go. One time, however, an astute server caught our E+, asked the manager how he would apply the discount, and we had it credited to our account. Confusing...yes? We don't bother questioning now...not worth the back and forth.
  9. Thanks....but too late for me.😒
  10. Hi....yes, we've flown several times in Economy 'Comfort' class. Seats are no different, maybe a little more space, preferred seating near front of the plane behind Business. I'm wondering why you'd pay $65 for seats. With Comfort you have seat selection and 1 bag per person included, also anytime cancellation/change privilege.
  11. Absolutely....just showing what you get for what you pay. So if AC goes on strike during our Nov. flights, the options are few and will cost more. Anyway, DH says we can always drive if necessary.
  12. Just checked...we don't have the option with Porter from YYZ for a non-stop....Delta/WJet prices are out of sight. AC seems to have lots of open seats on our outbound flight...guess people aren't taking a chance on a pilot strike and looking elsewhere. We've had our flights changed once, wouldn't surprise me it will happen again (or no flight at all if this labour dispute isn't sorted out). Pricing on Porter is higher than AC with a charge for bags etc..so less included is more $$ and longer travel day. Maybe a flight out of Detroit will work better than Toronto for us.
  13. I shouldn't have said no discount on excursions so quickly....when I checked back there was one which qualified with a savings of about $50. 🌞 It was hugely overpriced but something we wanted to do...guess others weren't that enthusiastic..😉...so it warranted a discount.
  14. OBC refunded immediately...surprisingly, the Visa balance was credited in about 3-4 days...really fast for X refunds.
  15. All these posts seem to seriously reflect the opinion there will be a pilot strike. If negotiations open in Sept....then talks...then more negotiating....it could be a shutdown in Nov. That will affect me. So glad I hopped on the Canadian forum. Didn't know this was in the works. I'll take others advice and check out 'options'.
  16. Select sailings are the operative words....no discount on our Nov. '23 excursions but we did save on specialty dining..
  17. I also added the wifi....it appears to be an improvement on basic. Re excursions...I suppose I got the best rates in the last sale.
  18. Couldn't save anything worthwhile to cancel on my excursions for the upcoming cruise...but did save $98 on dining...Murano and Lawn Club....Tuscan was more $$s. Good sale on top of the last sale. Are they trying to send a little kindness our way considering the recent 'hot' topics here on CC? 😉
  19. My OBC was immediately showing on the Plan my Cruise page and then I rebooked using it.
  20. Before I cancelled I checked available times....only later times showed. I rebooked right away after I cancelled and my 6pm time was there. It's timing and a roll of the dice.
  21. Hi...JMHO...but I've checked these lines thoroughly, but not sailed them. They may consider themselves Premium, however their boards sometimes don't agree and some think X is better than they. Also some of their cruisers complain as much as X cruisers here...there are ups in menu and downs in entertainment. Each has their own 'appreciation contingent' and also their 'complaint department'. For now and after ALMOST booking Oceania due to our cancelled booking I realized we were loyal to X over 30 sailings for a reason and not enough has happened for us to change our continuing to sail with them 'for now'.
  22. The OBC allowed should show on your booking confirmation..it doesn't online. Or sign in and the OBC and/or balance will show in the shopping area at the top of the page.
  23. Ahhhh! therein lies the rub...haha. We ARE charged daily for the tips onboard and will have a reckoning at check out time. I forgot that and had the impression there would be no inclusion in AI and there would be no daily charge, so that left it up to us to fill the breech. I prefer the AI inclusion as well....and thanks for reminding me of the 'daily' charge.
  24. Your opening summary was great....'sources' can still be subjective or spinned or not carved in stone, but thanks for sharing! Comprehensive food for thought. My questions ideally were aimed at Celebrity to answer in time (or never as you say) and were rhetoric. I should have realized that posting these would just add to opinions. And yes, some outside those we interact with DO receive a portion of the gratuities....as your summary states: " Gratuities for stateroom and restaurant services are shared by dining, bar and culinary services staff, stateroom attendants, and other hotel services teams". I, for one, liked the tips included in my cruise fare. It sounds, however, there may be a procession to guest services deleting those tips and/or a high % don't go the AI route. This will all settle down in time just as many of the CC issues blow up then settle down into a new blow up.... Seems to be circular logic.😉
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