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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. between shifts- typing quickly donations, it is not so much how much money that you give that helps, it' s the number of people who give. Government funding is there for the asking, but not always the taking. if 10 thousand people gave 10 bucks each, that tells the gov funders that people love it, but financially cant always afford it, and there fore they get money. If 10 people give 10 thousand each, and that's it, then you have wealthy people who will spare no expense to keep something open, even though it apparently doesn't appeal to everyone. no funding. regardless of the amount, if you love something, give it something. you wouldn't get a pet and starve it. or a spouse and lock them in the basement..... you get my drift.
  2. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It's sunny and clear, and 43. Of course we are expecting rain tonight, and those folks from east TX through Alabama, please stay safe today and tonight. The alarm clock just went off, so I think DH is making an attempt to getup and go to the store with me today. We are still eating ruebens, but ran out of swiss cheese, and the cat needs her "cookies" and worse of all, we are out of coffee.🙀 We have enough for the afternoon pot, but then we would not have any for tomorrow morning! Giving Tuesday started in NY to give an umpf to the theatres and charities to get some kind of reaction to fund raising. You will probably get calls today from people like me, who are asking you to keep the magic happening for the generation that will make tomorrow happen! Imagine a world without music, or live performances, or art in a museum. It would be terrible! I have three shifts today, with small breaks in between, giving me enough time to walk the dog, make a meatloaf, cook the dinner, eat the dinner, I start at 11 and finish at 9..... My roommate my freshman year in college was from New Rochelle. No to cauliflower pizza. Cauliflower is an excellent veggie, when smothered in cheese or roasted with olive oil, but after that, I'm not in.
  3. Dailyites! Which one of you bakers left flour all over my stove top? It wasn't me, the only thing I baked all week was a Marie Callendar Pumpkin Pie. And yet? there are tell tale signs that someone was baking! How far can flour travel? It has been windy, wind coming in from the west. Speaking of which, I checked a web site, and a friend I had worked with was having ear problems, to the point, where she was in pain and thought she heard fluid in her ear. She is an artist, paints birds,, raises chickens, and she was in so much pain she couldn't paint. So she went to the doc and he found ....a feather in her ear from her molting parrot. My hearing has been getting much worse, wonder if I have fur balls.... @lindalerThere is nothing so romantic as a walk through a hardware store. My dad used to take me to the hardware store every Saturday morning, the smell of sawdust is just pure heaven to me. What great memories of childhood. Buckets of nails, and bolts and screws, such tiny things that hold the house and home together. @JazzyVI am so sorry about your BFF's father. I know that you are both glad that you came home to be with him. And you are such a good friend to help your BFF out at this time. Hugs to both of you. @Quartzsite CruiserIt really does sound like your DH will be coming home this week! Great news! Well, I have to go prep dinner for DH to assemble. I'm working 6-9:30 tonight. Way past my bedtime. Well not my bedtime, but at least my ability to think time.
  4. @HAL Sailer You are right about your DSIL keeping hope alive. She must be an amazing person. I forgot to mention that one of our book club folk has Covid. They have 3 daughters, but one of the daughters will not get vaccinated, and yet they all get together often. But they always want to get together with the remaining members of the book club, but they didn't tell us about the one daughter. And this is the second time he has had covid. If they want to see their daughter and grand kids, that's fine, but I think they should be a bit more responsible regarding who else they have over. (just venting) still debating if we will go to book club in December.
  5. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! DH and I have dental appointments this morning. Our favorite Thai restaurant is between the dentist and our house so we will stop on the way home and get lunch. I have not received my work schedule for this week yet. Probably because I forgot to send in my hours from Saturday. We had Ruebens for lunch yesterday, and we will have them again for dinner tonight. A beef brisket french dip sounds great, but with sauerkraut? Thinking my TX DH would say NO! @StLouisCruisersIf I had known there would have been a run off I would have booked a cruise this time of year. DH always loves Christmas cruises. The ads are about to put me over the edge. @rafinmdI think we can take Jesse off the list . He has overcome his fear about the treatment, he is doing the radiation, and has had some problems with low white cell count, but is doing the chemo now weekly. When they can. He decided he would rather be alive, than dead. This is a good sign. A much better attitude. The sky is clear and blue, the winds have died down, the temp says 47, and I think the weather will be normal for the end of November. Knowing that the south will be getting severe weather mid week, does not make me happy. Grandpa always said the clearer the sky, the worse the storm. @JazzyVyou and your BFF are in my prayers.
  6. @dfish I know you probably don't want the extra cost, but in the last two houses I bought, the fireplaces failed inspection. I ended up having wood burning stoves installed instead, and I am ever so glad I did. You don't suffer from the draft problem, and in the smaller house the stove heated the whole house. In the current house (a ranch) it heats the den, the kitchen the dining room /living room combo. If we lose power in the winter, I can cook on it, I can heat with it, it helps light the room up, it more than paid for itself the first year I had it. I do however now need to find a chimney sweep who can come and clean out the pipes because no one has done it since 2005. @JazzyVMay God and his angels hold you and your BFF close in his arms right now.
  7. @lindalerI print out menus for new restaurants because DH has a terrible time making decisions. Gives him time to at least think about what he might want, and he was bad before his head injury, making decisions since is a major event.
  8. Happy Sunday Dailyites. Tummy is growling in hunger, so I must move and make breakfast! The quote goes hand in hand with Father David today. I did go to a psychic fair after college. The card reader told me I was about to move, and that I would never have luck with men in my life. This was on a Saturday. On Monday morning following the fair, I got called into the big bosses office, and they offered me a promotion with a move, to either St. Louis or Atlanta, my choice. Since I had no love life, and had been living in my parents attic for the last two years, I said, St. Louis! One of my best friends from college lived in St. Louis. Three days later I flew to Atlanta, as they had decided to close the office in St. Louis. I had my interview, people seemed nice enough. I took the job. Card reader was correct, I moved. What they should have also told me was, that if you have terrible luck with men, it's either you or them. And if it keeps repeating, it's probably you. Turns out, I'm not easy to live with.🙀 But I live real well with me. Weather today-WINDY! in the 60's and then tonight WINDY in the 40's. The back yard is not windy, but the front yard sure is. The weatherman said, if we can find a sunny place out of the wind, it will be a marvelous day, but to tie down anything that would blow away. Today my friend Debbie is coming over for Ruebens. I make the best in my opinion. I don't scrimp on the corned beef, I sweeten the sauerkraut just a little, and i am not afraid of extra dressing on the side.
  9. So much stuff happened today on the Daily! Ethan arrived. I too like the name, it's the first name of DH's oncologist. More cats learned to turn on the TV-Irving managed last week to change the announcer for the F2 race from English to the German feed....Still wondering about that one, the cat does not speak German. Neither do we, but it took half the race before DH figured out how to change it back to the English announcer. @lobsternight Welcome to the Daily, this is the most wonderful group people I have ever met ! I hope one day I can actually meet them all in person. (that means you too) My first HAL cruise is in May of 2023. We leave Vancouver on the 7th. @grapau27Thank you for all the food porn pictures this week! Pleasant Dreams everyone!
  10. Happy Saturday Dailyites! Yesterday I got an email from boss that asked us to take a test before we got on line today. We were told in big letters to not reply all (yes there is one of those in our group), but when i tried to answer on his email it kept highlighting my answers, so i copied and sent in my response in a separate email and have not heard back from him. Who knows, I may get the day off.🙀 @StLouisCruisers The news about Ren if very exciting. Being a professional soccer player would be an exciting life, until that job is done, and education then would be necessary. Wonder if he can still attend college while he is playing? @seagarsmokerGlad to read you are doing better. @smitty34877Glad to read that Tana enjoyed the company. Seeing new faces makes for new conversations. Well I just checked my email, I have to work. He said "you did a great job, as I knew you would" so off to work in 2 hours.
  11. Slap me if you are offended, but can you really just fall off a cruise ship going down the Mississippi with out using the phrase "was doing something stupid when" they fell off the cruise ship? (this includes alcohol impairment, he did leave the bar at 11 p.m.) If the ship is listing more than 45 degrees, then you fall off a cruise ship.
  12. @ger_77 Is it legal to eat porcupine balls? Good Friday Morning Dailyites! The fridge is full of left overs, so I know what I will be eating for another 3 days. I do see chicken salad sandwiches in my future. But the spinach dishes do look delicious. My cruise friends are showing some interest in my Greece cruise next year. I guess he figures that his wife's dementia will still be under control? I know that he does all the cooking now, and cleaning, and he is still working full time. Three days at week at home, and two days in the office, when his daughter in law comes in and stays with his wife. It would be nice to cruise with them again. I love the quote. It is beautiful. I think I can do a nap this morning. That would be nice, it's gray and cloudy and there was rain last night. Perfect for sleeping. Bubbles-the stray, is injured, but he managed to get on the porch last night and slept through the night. Feral Fawn slept next to him, but we put a cat bed out for him (as she had a pillow and blanket) and being the true CAT that she is, she immediately dumped the bed, and started sleeping in the new cat bed. He was afraid of blanket and pillow, so we I took it off the love seat, and left just blanket, and that's where he was this morning. I will go out later and see if there is enough trust for him to let me look at his back leg. Right now we are up to just petting, and that is only when Fawn is there.
  13. @dfish I said a short prayer before plugging in the mixer. And I told it not to act like yours, all was going well, and then it stopped working....the cord had fallen out. All's well. Everything came out fine, Donna was a great guest. She brought over some weird Danish dish that was congealed cucumber salad. Congealed in mayo and cream cheese. Enough to feed 40 people, and she left it with us. and then DH said, you know that thing that Donna brought over? i dont like it. oh well, i thought i might pawn if off on the book club folks, only to find out tonight that one of them has covid, so who knows about book club. And even though there was 4 pounds of chicken, I'm thinking that 2 of those pounds was the frozen water center, and bone. I'm heavy on the stuffing, and corn bread pudding and short on every thing else. Sounds like stuffing sandwiches for me. I hope you all had a wonderful day!
  14. @dfish Now you have struck fear in my heart-I decided to make real mashed potatoes, and after reading about your Autumn Gold hand mixer, I looked at mine (my mom's-same as yours) and said a prayer...I'll let you know in a few hours. We were apparently raised in the Autumn Gold/Avocado generation. @kochleffelIt's been years, YEARS since i have roasted a chicken. I used to get a Perdue oven stuffer roaster, basically cannot find them in my area now, DH found a Publix chicken, we bought it, and noticed that it had to be used by the 20th, so I froze it, until the 21st, and put it in the fridge on Monday. There were no pieces parts to make giblet gravy with, but they had filled the cavity with water, and it was a block of ice when i was ready to stuff. So that got postponed for a half hour. I said dinner would be at 5:30, thinking maybe a bit later..... @JazzyVI am so sorry that you had to cancel your cruise. Was your BFF's father ill before you left, or was this THE emergency call we all hate to get. I hope all is well, and this will give you more time to get that tummy healed. And plan for another cruise. @VictOriann Happy Anniversary to you both! I hope it's a wonderful Happy Day! @kazuI know this is another hard day on you, you have had a hard year, but remember, you had lots of love in your life, and all the love that we Dailyites can send you today and forever.
  15. Happy Thursday dba Thanksgiving in the USA. My favorite part of the turkey is the stuffing. Hence the chicken today. I hope that where ever you are in the world today you know how thankful I am that you are in the world! off to clean, the cheater quiche came out a bit too sweet (darn way too buttery crescent rolls-so I only ate three slices) I miss diners! The only one that I knew of in our area closed during year one of covid. Then they tore it down, and built more apartments. There are famous diners in Atlanta, but face it, they do not look, feel or feed you like a diner in PA or NJ. have a wonderful day!
  16. DH and I both worked today. I loved all your responses, and yes I am a tactful telemarketer, while the phone is ringing, I look at the past history, and if that ask wasn't mandatory, I would be getting the old amount or something more. I mean after the ask, there is dead quiet. I will have to ask this director at what point do I rebreak the silence.... Today I called a very nice somewhat deaf older gentleman. I did my ask as I now know that I am being monitored, when i am at work and apparently as soon as my computer goes on ( I knew this, I just didnt think they really would do it)(bug the house) The man said, but I don't even go to the symphony anymore, I said I know that, maybe we should talk about that. He asked if I was selling tickets, and I said no, at this time, I was just hired to help with telemarketing for the annual fund. He said he would donate 100 dollars, and I thanked him and got the screen ready for his information, at which point he yelled-Get down! Get off of that. I said, Sir, are you yelling at my cat? He said no, I'm yelling at mine. If that conversation had happened earlier I bet I could have gotten a bigger donation. LOL. On Thanksgiving and Christmas, I make cheaters quiche. Instead of a pie crust, I roll out and press together a 6 pack of crescent rolls in a casserole dish. (crust) I brown chopped onions in butter, and brown sausage, throw in 2 cups of shredded cheddar and tomorrow I will mix the eggs and cream with salt, pepper and paprika, and bake like a regular quiche. aka betty crocker recipe. This will feed us all weekend, or I can use it as part of the main dinner if something goes wonky. I then made jiffy corn pudding, and then in the morning I start baking. All day. Quiche, pie, pudding, bird. I can make the stuffing when the pie is cooking, and peel potatoes while the pudding is cooking. I am very thankful I found the daily this past year. Thank you for welcoming all that wander here. Group hug.
  17. @Seasick Sailor One coin? One song....in the 60's it was MacArthur Park. In the 70's it was American Pie. Juke boxes still exist at Waffle house. I go in with a bunch of bucks, load the machine up with "oldies" and Motown which keeps the "chef" happy, And I always play Traci Chapman's You have a fast car. Good question.
  18. Happy Wednesday Dailyites! So many beautiful pictures you all have posted today! Thank you! Several things going on today, lights flickering in the house. Seems it happens when the new (3 year old) heater turns on, if there is another major appliance (like the washing machine, the dryer, the oven, on at the same time. This is not good, wiring is 59 years old. When I started dating DH his roommate was an electrician, however he passed away about 10 years ago, so we need to find someone. I think it might have something to do with all the vines that have attached to the lines from the street. DH thinks its a faulty fuse box. I would hate to have a spark somewhere in the house that burns the house down. Last night we had an emergency Zoom meeting for the Houston campaign. We were told that if we did not start our ask at 1000 dollars we would be let go. Turns out that I was not the only one that wasn't doing this, but my calls were monitored yesterday. And after the meeting I sat at my computer cursing my bosses. I am not good at asking for money. The bosses keep telling me that people in Houston have money. I must not be calling the right people. Any way after my brief temper tantrum, I started signing back in, and my phone rang. It was the BIG boss, so I could not ignore the call. She wanted to tell me that I had the best rapport with our patrons than anyone else, and she really didn't want to let me go, but I had to figure out how to get that big ask. She told me how to go from being their best friend to a serious fund raiser. But there was something else that was bothering me, and I feel like a child again, and dont know who to tell in management what my biggest fear was. Not rejection, heck, in this job I am used to rejection, it was the news that they were bringing in another boss to assist with this campaign. A boss that I asked to be let go from in April because I absolutely hate her micro managing, and her ability to belittle employees. A woman who shows up as a manager for the zoom meetings, and dresses to appear like Lady Godiva (naked). So I can wait to get fired, or I can ask to be moved to the Lincoln Center only, if she is not going to be part of that campaign, or I can do what she tells me and pray that I get moved to Hollywood Bowl in January, and be done with this. Sorry about the rant, but if anyone has any ideas on how to ask for 1000 bucks right off the bat, I would love to know. After that phone call, I called out for the rest of the day. Walked the neighbors dog. Puppy's mom is a single woman, who has two sisters who live somewhere in town, but she never sees them, so I invited her for Thanksgiving dinner. What was I thinking? I now not only have to cook, but clean! ARghhhhh! My dad used to fix mashed butternut squash (being a pure Yankee, everything we ate was boiled or broiled) I am not fixing butternut squash (I do love it though) I am doing a chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn pudding souffle. Green peas, gravy, pumpkin pie ( I love you Marie Callandar) and chocolate tiger cake. And cranberry sauce. @bennybearI am sorry to read yesterday about the biopsy results, hope that the "exorcism" of them goes well. @seagarsmoker I hope that you both are feeling better soon. @ger_77I'm glad you are home. When you tell us what you are having each night at dinner, just makes me feel like I'm home.
  19. Good afternoon from almost somewhat sunny about to rain GA. The heater is on, but not really making the house warm. Feral Fawn went on a walk about this morning. Mr. Bubbles got on the porch with her last night, but after a few hours, he just had to do his wanderings. So maybe she was off looking for him, but I found her at the end of the street, where dog and I go. Dog hates cat. Cat high tailed it home once dog and i got around the corner.😸 Up early this morning for a meeting. I mean early, that alarm went off at 6, and I work until 9:30 tonight, so a long day for me, and my left eye is twitching again. This happened in 2020 and the doc in the box said it was too much eye strain from being on the computer all day, and I wasn't even working at that time.
  20. @dfishI will bring the cardboardeaux, but I want to bring my favorite wine, It's an Ariel, any red will do, it's an NA wine. Non alcoholic, great flavor but because it has no alcohol, they cant ship it east during the cold months, as the bottle will freeze. When I first started buying from them I would get a case at 12 bucks a bottle. Now it's like 33 a bottle. They won awards, they got famous, and now they are too expensive. As far as I know, there is no NA cardboardeaux. I guess in this case, it would just be an empty brown paper bag.
  21. @kazu Years ago a friend of mine fell, her foot swelled up, we took her for xrays and they said the foot was not broken. It was because her foot was so swollen that they could not pickup several hair lien fractures. Have you gone for an xray since you have been home? I know you basically just got home, but it could be that there is more going on than you know. I am worried about you. I have to admit that I let the DH sleep late this morning just so that I could sit down and enjoy your trip. I am glad that you are home, safe and sound. And guess who just got up? Right when I was done. All places look beautiful, and I can also see that with DH's vison problems and walking ability, Europe is going to be a challenge for him. And thank you Dailyites who cruised and posted pictures along with @kazu! Thank you for taking care of her!
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