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Everything posted by chloemonkey

  1. So happy to hear that your experience is very similar to ours having disembarked the day your cruise began....we did two cruises B2B and the last week had resorted to nothing but Polo or Jacques, a few times at Toscano or PIZZA! Thankfully we qualified for so many specialty options....as we had become pretty much over the Grand Dining Room or Terrace Cafe options.....but of course each time that I mentioned this - I received so many responses arguing. As you said, food is subjective. But although we love great food, Michelin Star options on occasion....we are truly happily satisfied with just regular food prepared well....which we found to be hard to find on our last three weeks onboard - with the exception of the specialty restaurants mentioned. Not sure if I am quite as anxious to book that Around the World cruise right now....but of course love the service and suites on Oceania enough to give them another chance or two.
  2. We WERE on the same cruise and will sail Oceania again...but I do totally agree with your sentiment about the fact that the responses that you have received have been impolite at times. But I have found this to be the case on this particular board on many occasions. Best of you with your future cruises!
  3. That cat is "hairless" and considered allergy free....at least that is what I have been told. One family member also has one of these unique creatures...
  4. We were also disappointed in the revised itinerary....but were happy to have been on the cruise prior during which we enjoyed perfect weather and sea conditions. And we were also respectful in our responses when communicating our displeasure at the "new" ports after having lost both Bermuda and Great Stirrup Cay...and we also witnessed people actually yelling at the poor entertainment staff young lady who was merely at the front of the line expressing wishes for us all to have safe travels as we exited the ship. I just had to shake my head in wonder as to what these people possible thought that they were going to achieve by yelling at this poor gal "NEVER AGAIN OCEANIA!"......She was dumbfounded and tried her best to be understanding.....people never cease to amaze and or disappoint me. I felt that there were many on this trip who just could not resist wanting to be heard regarding their displeasure....and many of us who were also disappointed...were just forced to listen....
  5. Not sure if your service will be the same....as this was a while ago. But in Seattle - the bags were put outside of our cabin the night before but they were tagged with the appropriate flight info, etc. We did not see them until baggage claim at our final destination. So the service that we used was not the one that goes from door to door......
  6. As we have now seen numerous passengers being transported by the “hazmat” staff and also seen the quarantined passengers staterooms being visited by gloved and masked nurses and staff, I was wondering what happens to these passengers who will not have completed the current five day quarantine period when it is time to disembark at the conclusion of the cruise? As in do they just then allow quarantined passengers to join the rest of the group during disembarkation? And while claiming luggage, customers etc? Hard as it would be to become Sick with Covid and miss a large portion of the cruise, it would also be an additional issue to be stuck at the end of the cruise in a hotel or something…..and I was just wondering how Oceania is handling this aspect after having seen so many people quarantined over the past few weeks.
  7. Figured that out today after our shuttle from the ship to downtown…..immediate drop off are was fine….just nothing to do? But a couple of blocks over and we turned around really quickly….needless to say we will stay onboard and miss our SECOND day in Jacksonville……plus it is supposed to rain. We can’t seem to catch a break weather wise…..
  8. If you try to find strawberry jam in the Terrace Cafe or Waves….it has been OUT since Day -3? We were happy to find it still is available in the dining room. Now if they could just manage to make a proper eggs Benedict ANYWHERE on the ship! As I have tried all venues. Since when do you not toast 5e English muffins OR check the hollandaise for salt, etc? Seems like even the things that used to be taken for granted are slipping. Now I fear I sound like those that I hear in the Dinin Room, etc….complaining About everything….which I do not intend to do. It just makes me a. It sad to find a lot of “little” things go downhill….which I fear will lead to a cntnued downward trend. Fingers crossed that this is not the case.
  9. We are continuing on this cruise….and boy are people angry about the change in the itinerary! If I had a dollar for every cranky person loudly saying “. We are going to demand a refund ! And Inlove in Florida! Why in the world would I want to go to Jacksonville! Guess they feel that the Oceania gods can control the weather? Anyway….had a great 10 days before this and we are still happy to be onboard. 5e new carpet is nice - but again, I haven’t seen too many truly noticeable changes other than carpet. I DO notice a decline is service however…..as when eating across ALL venues…..we are never asked if we would like a second soda, 5e are better at the water…..and I have had some pretty snarky waitresses….mainly at the Waves Grill. Again, many times at. Real fast I have asked for more water and no one ever returns with it. And I am more inclined to be understanding but when I see 3-4 or more Grill waiters standing in the end near the storage areas just talking for long periods of time - that does get on my nerves. Again, truly first world problems, eh? hope those joining us today will be more patient and agreeable about the new port situation…..but who knows?
  10. Today on Riviera is Sweet Corn. I passed….
  11. Currently onboard and feel that the food is “spotty” as in some options seem even better than last October….others not so much. Glad that Jacques has escargot back and available and it was great. Sadly there still appears to be a shortage of strawberry jam. Service also is hit and miss….as we have had many times where we have to ask 2-3 times for water….others when my glass was refilled At all times. we are in a Vista Suite…have sailed on Carnival (25 years ago), NCL Haven, RCL suites only and Azamara also only Owners suites…for those that feel this may h matter? The remodel in our room consists of only new carpet, the hallway new wall coverings are already peeling at the seams…..but the staff say that the lower room categories are much improved. of more concern to us at this point is the a,ont of Covid cases onboard….guests next door are on quarantine…..people in medical center are lined up and coughing….and upon boarding from port - we witnessed the second hazmat team escorting another passenger up to her stateroom….. not sure if this is “normal” occurrence at this point of the disease- but we did NOT experience it on our last trip in October when Covid was more prevalent. Also we’re walking down the hallway and one guest was openly in the hallway discussing the fact that both she and her husband had tested positive…..I was a bit upset that the cabin steward was. It asking he to step back into her room….but ,Anne she was ending her quarantine limit? Just a bit of added worry for us as I am a cancer patient….but we are still enjoying the trip and wouldn’t think of cancelling our next 3 week one coming up in September…. inalso heard that the president of NCL is onboard? So you would think all would be perfect, right? Who knows…maybe he flew home from one of our stops. .sirens was berthed next to us today….fun to see the crews having SO much fun reconnecting with old friends! Ok….off to lunch outside! Lol…..and wondering if we should be the ones to start wearing masks again….as only 4-5 have been spotted so far the entire trip…
  12. I thought that saving them for a quick trip to lunch was acceptable? But maybe this goes back a while....Not for a LONG lunch of course....but I hate eating in the sun....hence like to leave my lounge to enjoy lunch in the shade or inside....
  13. Have recently had to resort to Youtube videos to view improvements to the Vista Suite on Riviera. Sad to report that I did not see a THING that was different? But then again....that Suite has been our fave for ages....so I guess that I got excited over nothing! lol.....We will enjoy the "new and improved" Vista Suite at the end of the month and later in the year.....but will NOT be expecting any earthshattering changes.
  14. My experience has been favorable on wait lists BUT on the "PAID" wait list....where you actually make a deposit. I have recently cleared and rec'd the actual suite that I wanted within a few hours. I believe that it does make a difference. Not always going to work but much better odds when you actually put some money in the equation.
  15. I contacted our Oceania Rep and gave her two dates in 2023....as I was beginning to panic in not having any additional cruises booked. But nothing was available. Within 24 hours, I had CLEARED the Wait List for a September cruise in Europe. I had specified Vista Suite or above.....and I DID put down a $500 per passenger deposit. Not sure if I just got lucky? But I am a happy camper!
  16. I LOVE my VISTA Suites....and cannot imagine them being any more beautiful. But we shall see as we are on the Riviera once again in February 2023. Hoping that they have not "undone" a good thing.....
  17. We enjoyed the Intercontinental hotel post cruise.....short ride from the Galapaport which is where we docked. Great views from the restaurant/bar located on the top floor of the hotel.....good food as well. Our only issue was the loud music coming from bars/clubs around the hotel. Istanbul IS a party town for sure. And not sure that there is a way around the crowds.....as we experienced them day and night for all three days we were there...both while on the ship and staying in the hotel.
  18. I am not sure that I have plastic bags from home that would even be large enough for these bottles....and just wondering if these plastic bags might also be of some problem when it comes to being "green" or whatever the current term is with regards to not harming the environment? And I am not trying to be more of a problem....but sometimes I am at a loss at how these things are truly to be handled and what the correct process and plans should be. Surely those more knowledgeable than I should chime in.
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