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Everything posted by SilvertoGold

  1. This was fantastic food! We have enjoyed this menu twice, had different items each time and were impressed.
  2. Try Googling "Willemstad at night". Lots of links and the photos are excellent!
  3. This is a huge plus!! Willemstadt is a magical place at night, lots of restaurants and bars, the Queen Emma Bridge is lit up, lovely to walk around in and soak up the atmosphere.
  4. Some ships this year are incluing a daily changing appetizer and entree ("small and large plates"). We found them really good and a nice addition to choose from! Remember: any combination or amount of small and large plates can be ordered per person or shared.
  5. Excellent review, much appreciated. That Express Lunch is hit or miss. We went to 4 last year, 3 this year and all had similar menus which were quite short and boring. Soggy fish and chips was the all-time worst. Enjoyed your review and hope you will post a review of your Japan cruise!
  6. Once had basket of laundry returned, but it was not ours. The cabin steward hadn't delivered it and was in shock. I guess he thought he would be blamed. Within 10 minutes had a visit from the Assistant Housekeeper: "so very sorry, I will find the right basket, pronto". He came back in 15 minutes with our basket, all items accounted for, profuse apologies, a small bag of the dark pillow chocolates we like and a speical HAL bag. Not sure why they went into overdrive, but it was a huge deal to them.
  7. Halfacts.com shows some actual cabins so you can get an idea of what different categories look like. Find a good deck plan and take a long look through the Pinnacle class photos
  8. You were on target! Good for you and good for the Chef! The Multi-stripe officer could have been the Food and Bev Manager or the Restaurnat Ops Manager, neither of which should give that kind of a non-answer and not looked at the situation as a whole, as did the chef.
  9. Excellent, well-balanced review. The negatives are fair judgements and demonstrate some of HAL's long- term failings. Good that there were positives to balance out those negatives. I hope you will try HAL again, a different Pinnacle class ship.
  10. This was the same on the Koningsdam last year. long lines, few servers. One regular, agressive, unfriendly server, one who seemd afraid of the pax. Both could have used some personality training. Officers like their morning coffee and certainly add to the lines sometimes. Overall, the Dutch Cafe had great food except none of the evening goodies (spring rolls, etc).
  11. Thanks for the menus! I am amazed that the MDR dinner menus are almost a carbon copy of the ones we had starting in April 2022 for Hawaii, Alaska, NZ, Australia and South Pacific on the Koningdam and the Noordam. I would love to see the menus change....once a year?
  12. VMax1700: Re: Notices as posted. In all our many days on HAL cruises we have never seen such well done Notices. Concise, well-planned, easy to read, no repetitions, no confusion, each type of info separated and titled, capitalized and underlined. Considering the Notices we have seen and struggled through, these are first rate and whoever is making these up need a huge star and a lot of praise. This deserves some serious praise on the Contact form on the HAL Navigator. Thank you for this very readable thread! Lot of esoteric info! Nice photos. Engaging tone to the writing. You are a star!
  13. Canada Place has ONE large terminal for the usual 3 ships in port, ONE Xray area for all ships, ONE US immigration area for all ships -- that makes for LONG lines at peak times. Ports that have separate teminals, one ship per terminal at a time are the best and most logical. Ft Lauderdale has alwys been great. As a very frequent user of Canad Place, I have to note that the terminal staff there are so-so. Sometimes great, often almost clueless. A few of the older Red Coats retired during Covid and have been replaced with not too well trained peole. Doing 5 back to backs last year was a nightmare for the turn-around day. We had different sets of info on how In Transit pax would proceed and the staff in the terminal did the set-up differently each time. The last turn-around day was finally better handled, but it was an embarassment overall. BTW: if you have "priority" you might have to be a bit pushy as some staff aren't too aware. Have your paperwork handy.
  14. Absolutely looking forward to hearing all about your cruise and your opinions. Having gone through Canada Place so many times and knowing how ineptly boarding can be handled I am interested in your impressions of boarding in Boston. Always fun to compare and contrast. Hope YVR treats you well on your way and you have a good flight :)
  15. Smoking is on the starboard side so if you sit on the port side you may be able to escape fro the smoke. Your plan to be outside and then up to the Cros Nest is likley a good one: move around and see the sights from high, low, forward and aft and grab a seat. Good luck with seeing some wildlife: you never know when and where but the places I amentioned are usually good. For mountain goats look for tiny white dots on the hillsides. Binoculars are mandatory!
  16. Crows Nest will ba packed all day. You would need to get there very early, 8 am? Outside decks will have the regular lounges and you are correct about a lot of pax out on these decks. Possibley the aft decks which have some chairs/lounges would be good for you. Take a look around in the days before Glacier Bay to see what you think is best. Watch for sea lions by the Marble Islands, otters, bears, mountain goats at Gloomy Knob, maybe a humback whale or two.
  17. We do pre-paid gratuities (and usually save a bit with the CND exchange). I make copies of the pages on both our HAL accounts (from the HAL website) that show items like the gratuities, transfers, etc. Our TA gives us the "booking confirmation" with all the HAL logos but that is not generated by HAL but the by the TA.
  18. Twice on this route the seas have been over 25 feet for 4- 5 days and the wind was hurricane force 11 for a few days. Walking the deck was fun, but now I notice the ships tend to close the deck very quickly if the decks are wet and the wind is merely moderate.
  19. This depends on the port. You, with Club O, should have an early "check-in time" assigned for starting the check-in process. Some ports do these priority groups first, after Handicapped. Some reps are not too well trained for anything "special" and you can get directed to the "regular" seating area if you arrive before boarding starts. Watch for signs for the priority groups. Be aware that there are often a lot of "priority" pax.
  20. Welcome to HAL, the N. Amsterdam and Alaska, Mr Bill! Wind can be really bad in September, but it is a wonderful time to sail. Just prepare for bit of everything weatherwise. You will get past Jaw Point, right up close to Johns Hopkins Glacier! Enjoy and please tell us all about your cruise!!
  21. Port side aft on deck can be noisy and there used to be very obvious vibration anywhere near the stacks, both sides on that deck. The Zaandam used to have a really strange area on deck aft where you could hear something like a bread mixer in the evenings. People would stop in their deck walks and listen. I would think this is fixed by now. Although this is not specific info, it gives ideas of the possibilities.
  22. The current musicians and singers are much the same level of talent as the BBKings ones. In fact, we saw some of the BBKings entertainers on our two last cruises playing/singing at the Rolling Stone Lounge. It really is much the same, just a bit broader.
  23. Our last cruise Pinnacle lunch was accounted for this way: $15 pp $15 + 18% = $17.70 minus 50% off the $15 ($7.50) = $10.20 pp charged.
  24. Congrats on your 4 star accomplishment! Ummm.... however, you would pay $25.84 for your two Pinnacle lunches. You pay the 18% on both, unfortunately.
  25. Most pax do not order extra entrees, I think, and thus HAL didn't make a lot of profit on that. Now, they lose if everyone starts on that second free entree (unlikely!). HAL's gain in looking good for discontinuing that particular charge anyways. So, that "now free" extra appetizer is one I really need to order since I will be paying that extra $7.00 anyways with the increase from $39 to $46.
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