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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. Which ship and date? I see lots of cabins in November. How many guests are you trying to book in one cabin?
  2. They mean the cruise fare package. I don't think anyone experienced is going to be looking anywhere near the standalone drink packages.
  3. I understand but I would think they leave some safety leeway fudge-factor in there. I did a sea plot on a random website I came across using Google. Was it seaports.com - something similar. Anyway, the route plotted was not direct but did seem to go outside a lane I thought. There are some islands to go around at times such as north of Sicily. Anyway, I doubt the Captain would cut it that close.
  4. Seems odd to take off early with 1,000 workers on board if they could leave later and still make it. Opportunity to reduce workers before leaving. Thing is, we don't really know what's going on, but the 2.5 days approx appears to be the minimum.
  5. Right, so there is an occupation limit unless paying more for extras.
  6. Have you checked in the bid upgrade thread? (I have no information myself.)
  7. Looks like about 2.5 days. So, late afternoon on Feb 25 would be latest to put her into Civi by early morning on Feb 28. There would be no reason to stop anywhere since no passengers.
  8. To those wondering if the complaints and bashing should end, I imagine the trend of this thread will change as soon as the ship sails with passengers. It will be all about "What's it like?".
  9. Unless 2 of 4 are going to be using the sofa/sitting area inside, or rotate using lounger.
  10. I tried a few mock bookings and didn't see a note on each one, but did see a note on a couple. Maybe they are more warning guest that "limited use" may mean it can be uncomfortable to be out on a windy day (i.e. ship heading into the wind).
  11. I'd like to know where people are reading that the balcony door is locked on these forward cabins. It has been debunked here at least 50 times - maybe more.
  12. Are your flights on one ticket? If so, you cannot do what you are asking. If they are separate tickets, then you can. Other than domestic, I would not book an EzAir round trip ticket for this very reason.
  13. Not sure why info matters now, but you can count on Sep 16 and Oct 14 for 2 of the 5. I'd also wager on Oct 8 and one of Sep 26,27, Oct 1. The other might be Sep 22. With your voyage, they can all be on sea days and most likely will all be on sea days. It is also likely one or more will be labeled as Dress to Impress night(s). As mentioned above, the voyage activities schedule will inform you when it is populated. Just look for the formal photo opportunities.
  14. Agree with above. You can be seated in an area that will have a mix of table sizes. PCL mostly has 8-tops, 6-tops, 4-tops and 2-tops. Seek out a DR Mgr or DR Host on Day 1 and explain what you want. If it is mostly for one evening - the birthday dinner - then I am sure they can set you up. Now, you know the people better than I, but it would surprise me if all of them will want to eat in the same place at the same time every night of the voyage.
  15. That is the standard boilerplate text that's been in Travel Summary for long time. It can vary, but in practice, terminal doors are open by 10:00-ish and boarding long before noon. The important thing is to be checked in at least an hour before sailing time.
  16. When booking on board, it should be the same as when buying a FCD. You get $100/pp deposit and the same OBC as with FCDs. In effect, you are buying a FCD and immediately using it. No way should an on board rep not post the appropriate OBC.
  17. No need to ask. To me, the asking comes in if you want them to keep them. I always bring back to cabin as might want some at another time. I use a small backpack to transport it. Yes, sometimes don't have time to go straight back if heading off to a show, but I can always head to cabin while my wife heads to the show and then I scoot over to the show and find her there. Extra exercise!
  18. I keep all our wine in the cabin and do consume some there. Take one or two bottles to dinner, depending on what we are likely to have for mains. I normally would have a couple of bottles on the go for variety. I just need to remember to get any open one(s) out of the fridge ahead of time so they are not "beer cold". Don't like leaving them at cabin temp.
  19. The SDs are a nice experience. Just don't expect Michelin star quality.
  20. I hear that. I have posted before about taking unfinished bottle back to cabin after dinner instead of leaving with the waiter. Typically I get responses back like "What is this unfinished bottle thing you are writing about?". ðŸĪŠ. Especially from @c-boy and other vinophiles on this forum. Sorry for not mentioning the entire wine gang, but tip of the goblet to you all. 😁
  21. I know, but lost a similar one some years back. I didn't want to argue for the value as I might have ended up with a cavity search or something. LOL.
  22. Those last listed locales are still free. Have you researched on Princess.com? https://www.princess.com/en-us/ships-and-experience/onboard-experience/food-and-dining
  23. At least it is a reduction from the former 15. PS - Internet is $12.50/day with discount now and $25 without.
  24. Not a problem. You can enjoy entertainment anywhere on the ship and not have to use bar services, nor consume anything. There may be an exception for the new entertainment place Spellbound on SUN that is a combination experience and some sort of food and drink. ETA: Even though you may have paid for a drink or drinks as part of experiential dining, doesn't mean you have to consume the alcohol drinks.
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