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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. Yes, the MC App is for various ship functionalities. It does require Wifi and is connected to the ship's INTRAnet. So, you are not using INTERnet services at that point. As long as you do not login to INTERnet in your browser app, you could have a PC logged in to INTERnet and your smartphone just using INTRAnet for MC App. For me, I just have my phone logged in so I have INTERnet all the time as well and when I go to use my PC, I login there and it bumps me off my phone until I am done and re-login to the phone.
  2. Photos would have helped when writing to hotel and PCL mgmt. Evidence.
  3. It is simple. The PCL clothing recommendations apply to the MDR's. Full stop. The SD's are always Smart Casual. The rest of the ship is Casual up through whatever. A swim cover up is expected when going from open decks to Buffet. (Of course, guys with a typical N.A. swim trunk (not wet) just need a t-shirt).
  4. I feel like they have at least a partially manual link between POLAR and MC App. It blows my mind sometimes this App. It was launched early last June and they still cannot do a simple data synch. At least it ought to be simple by now.
  5. Hmm.. that's not right. Have you tried getting at it in the MC App by using Booking Number, Name, & Birthdate?
  6. A couple of days max to show in the MC App.
  7. Don't recall, but getting $550 this Fall. I know what you are getting at, but my original shares cost a lot more than $9 or in the teens. It's fine. My only problem is the extras I bought during Covid drop and expecting to make some decent bucks and now they are bottomed out again with this economic situation of inflation and recession. TBH, I have not tracked the number of times I have made OBC - usually $100, but $250 at least once or twice before this Fall.
  8. And we posted again at the same minute. LOL. Hope they use mine due the order of things. But whatever works.
  9. I like my version above better since the instructions are at the top and not to be overlooked. I did not know we were posting at the same time. 😉
  10. I owned 100 shares for a very long time and when price dropping bought 100 more in wife name as well. Then I bought more at the bottom area on spec (but not all at the old $8.50 range). Now it is back there again. Mkts flew up today and CCL up to $8.80 (whoop-de-doo).
  11. Copied & Pasted last chart in new post: TO UPDATE THIS LIST: DO NOT push the "Quote" button. It creates a copy that the next person cannot properly update. DO select and copy ALL of the text, including the above heading, these instructions and the footer note, from the most up-to-date list (the most recent reply with the list).  Go to the bottom of the latest post, to the "Reply to this Topic..." box to create a new post. Paste your copied text into that box. Make your modifications to the list. Click the "Submit Reply" button just below the list you are modifying. Confirm that everything is correct! You can edit for up to 20 minutes. SHIP CAPTAIN CRUISE DIRECTOR ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR DIR, RESTAURANT OP's Caribbean Princess Steve Holland Kristoff Greyling Martyn Moss (on leave?) George Drugan Coral Princess Kevin Tugwell Crown Princess Lazaro Jody Miles Kelvin Joy Mariusz Caermemnazowicz (sp?) Diamond Princess Stephano Ravera Aaron Hawkins Duke Christopher Not In Service Discovery Princess Tim Stringer Marcus Prince Juanta Frenchie Desbuquois Emerald Princess Fernando Cunha Enchanted Princess Mario Ciruzzi Matt Barnard Daniel Falconer Silvio Zampieri Grand Princess Michele Bartolomei Corinne Steel Tim Donovan Paul Ciobanu Island Princess Andi Sanders Daniele Rosafio (until Sept 11) Majestic Princess Michele Tuvo Armando Merin Ben Powney Francisco Patricio Regal Princess Andrea Spinardi Dan France Neil Rose Nicola Furlan Royal Princess Natalie Costa Ron Goodman Ruby Princess Stephen Lewis Michael Reitano Bernie Fuentes Jacques Ghennai Sapphire Princess Not In Service Not In Service Not In Service Sky Princess Marco Fortezze Paul Chandler-Burns Matt Thompson Francesco <COPY TO THIS LINE SO THERE IS SPACE TO TYPE CHANGE NOTES AFTER THE CHART>
  12. Terrible. Wish I had sold the low cost shares I added last year back in the Winter when I had made some. Sigh. As long as they don't go bankrupt, it will come back, but I have a lot of dead money expecting cruising to roar back.
  13. The thing is anyone who copies the table forward needs to make sure it is the most recent version being updated. Doesn't help if a new or reply post if a member doesn't bring forward the latest version. I thought the instructions provided were to reply to latest version. If doing a new post, it is difficult to copy the table and keep it intact I think.
  14. Added Kamelia change I could find (Grand Captain). Added Diamond personnel per CruzinNoony.
  15. I think Aaron was on REGAL before what seems to be a time off. I wonder who is coming to REGAL when Dan leaves?
  16. Could you please add a note as to what was changed/updated? Appears to be GRAND Captain. But was brought forward from an older version?
  17. In the past, they never released all the space for advance booking in Cruise Personalizer. I would think they are doing the same with DMW. I am not certain we know this for any certainty, nor do we know exactly what percentage is released. Perhaps the DRO (formerly MD) would know on board - or the F&B Mgr? Doubt we would get a good answer from the typical PCL phone rep. Perhaps the MC App help team knows (no idea).
  18. LOL - No they did not phase out AT dining. If anything they are doing their darndest to kill off TD. You can make a same-day (or any-day) booking in DMW for a table, or you can just show up at the door (I am not sure which DR, though). I suppose you can show up at any of the DR's since no one in particular is reserved for TD purposes. What I don't see is how the typical guest is any idea which of the three DR's has the shortest wait at the time they wish to show up. At least with the mid-ship ones, if the line looks long, you can send partner up/down one level to check on the situation and then send a WHATSAPP to decide where to go.
  19. I don't think we know if they even review them pre-cruise at this point.
  20. A lot of website inputs want the A1A1A1 format and they insert the space (or don't).
  21. Just a FYI. You can feel perfectly correct in either keeping your clothes or changing right after dinner. The dress recommendations are for the main DR's and not the rest of the ship. When we used to dress up more in past years, I would often wait to change until after the show simply because there wasn't time between end of dinner and the time to get a good seat! This was perhaps an initial loosening of things as I think X used to ask it for the entire evening and I am sure Cunard did (does still??... wouldn't know as I wouldn't be there ..lol).
  22. You can call whoever you are booked with and ask them. The Promo Fare Code you are booked under is not revealed on Princess.com, but it is in your reservation record. Sometimes you can know what it is if booking under a sales promotion and you bring up the small print Terms & Conditions. Fare promos are 3-alphanumeric codes. Some are generally applicable, some are targeted to specific geographic markets, and some are targeted at specific set of guests meeting whatever criteria they dreamed up. If you access a good 3rd party booking engine website, it will be showing all possible fares that you are eligible for and will indicate the fare code. Of course she said that. It's what they do - just like a robot. I am surprised she didn't try and push you into Premier. (Maybe that's what she does to the ones thinking of booking Plus - LOL).
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