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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. Do you mean to ask if future goodwill credits (recorded as FCC's in your Captain's Circle profile) can be used to purchase additional OBC?
  2. Same ship. Same month. Three voyages. Just tried a Sea Day booking during each voyage and all three were good for Sabi's at the default 7:30 time or a selected 6:10 time. It was also going to process our dining credits and charge net $0. ETA: I see you got res working but not the credits.
  3. Your reply above seems to conflict with your earlier post about no TD and read like you were doing random daily times. I gather you were just trying to say that TD was no longer a set two times each night. Agree. I do know how DMW works and what to setup to ATTEMPT to get the TD experience (same time, table, waiters). I am happy to read that you were accommodated by speaking with the DRO. This is much like we used to do pre-DMW. I would book us into Early TD and then see the MD (now DRO) on Day 1 to negotiate a somewhat delayed start time and a table location. However it is happening, I have a sense that more folks who ask to secure same table each night are now getting it.
  4. The references to attending church made me think if the Polish Catholic church about a half-block from our house where we have a view of the comings and goings if at the window. Mostly smart casual I would call it, with few suits. Church around here isn't so dress-up these days.
  5. Yes, but they are virtual now (and also virtually useless - unless you do a lot of shopping on the ship).
  6. Obviously, you are not interested in the TD experience, but wondering if you spoke to, or heard of anyone else looking for that and managing to get the same table location and waiters each night? Princess has promised this all along since DMW was launched and some of us expect them to deliver on that and there has been mixed results to date.
  7. Rinse and repeat. I had the same thing happen. Probably something flaky going in that way. You have to go in that way if looking to access any booking beyond your next-up voyage.
  8. Yes, it works. They actually had DMW there when the web version first launched, but it was quickly removed and underwent further work and changes. It has been there for a little while now (I and someone else posted about it). It does work, but response time can be slow at times. I have used it to re-establish dining after a cancel/re-book when I could get into the new booking on the web version, but not yet there in MC App.
  9. Credit to @Ken the cruiser from his "live from" on Regal. Here is the senior staff board:
  10. I can say this much. Myself and my friend did a cancel/re-book recently on one of our voyages and although MC App was not immediately updated, I could access the new booking in the web version of Ocean Ready and got all that setup - including DMW before MC App was updated. I think MC App was good the next day, however. I would be shocked as well.
  11. Goes without saying and situation in October won't be like now anyway. 😉
  12. Nice clear photo. So, what I heard a while ago was Nicola was coming to Regal as DRO by now. I just hope he might still be there in October. Don't chase after him, but if he does pass by your table, if you don't mind... ask him how long his tour is for this time. We have had him 2X in most recent cruises and will be thrilled to have him again as I am quite confident he will set us up for TD as expected.
  13. But I still wonder what is happening to all the folks who booked 5:00pm and 5:20pm reservations in DMW? ETA: Above is meant as rhetorical. I always thought 5pm was much too early to begin dinner, especially with port days.
  14. No, but I will post something on the RC to you tonight. (And you will be able to contact me).
  15. My bad. I agree your numbers from Princess.com. I was thinking there should be more crew for that many passengers, but I guess not. ETA: Nice to see the ship is pretty much staffed up.
  16. Woah!! 1,300 crew sounds way light for a fuller ship of over 3,300.
  17. Hi. What dates are you sailing on Regal in October? Have you visited the Roll Calls? We are looking for a couple to join some of our small-group private tours (typically six maximum).
  18. Interesting that the MDR's are listed as open from 6:00pm and PCL has been starting dinner at 5:00pm and offers times in DMW.
  19. Oh, oh. No sparkling water??? We change all alcohol to beer and all non-alcohol to sparkling water. Have no use for Club Soda.
  20. Yes, but it will depend on the bar prices as some labels considered "premium" will be excluded. (This answer is at least correct up to the Covid pause in operations and don't know why it would be changed).
  21. It's just a placeholder for now. 71 days is generally too soon to expect to select an Arrival Group.
  22. Check this page out on Princess.com and download the PDF of member benefits. https://book.princess.com/captaincircle/membershipBenefits.page You will find you also receive 50% off internet.
  23. I'd simply go with @jwattle's post #28 above. They are very experienced and frequent cruisers and I have never known her to steer us wrong on the Princess board.
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