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Posts posted by RMLincoln

  1. So sorry to hear this Terri!  Remember to breathe. We’ll pray the artery test is negative and there’s a cancellation so you’ll get in sooner!  

    We’re as ready as can be. Google still says just a smidge over 2 hrs to PHL. Still feel an odd shadow of dread about this trip but we’re doing it and it will all come together. If we get delayed we’ll figure it out. I am excited I’ll see my old friend on Thursday afternoon!  

    I’ll check in when I can. Thanks all for your support!  

    @cruising sister  Panettone takes me less than 15 minutes to put in, then a couple minutes fir adding the fruit.  It goes faster to do it than type it out!  But if you can find it in the Dollar Store that’s a winner!  

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  2. It’s packing day. Been a long time since we did just carry-ons. Not sure yet if DH can. We’ll find out soon! 
    It’s sunny and chilly. Tomorrow morning will be dark and cold when we leave for Philly airport. 

    @kazu Thanks for sharing the ferry story. Prayers all the cleanup happens soon and safely. 

    @Cruzin Terri Terri, glad you are taking care of your issues. 
    @smitty34877 Mice that the dumpster is gone and you can park there again!  What a nuisance!  

    I’m not sure if we were in Ravenna… is that one of the Cinque Terre towns?  We have been there, not on a ship. Stayed in La Spetzia?  That’s not quite right but it was the town with the train that goes up to Monterrosa, the 5th village up.  We used the train and the boats.  And walked parts of the trail that connects the villages. Couldn’t walk it now!  And that was 2015 with my cousins, not very long ago!  The whole area was wall to wall people!  Train platform was 5 people deep. Picturesque but impossible to enjoy. 

    Blessings to all here, and all in need near and far. Prayers for our country, your country and the horrors of the war zones. Gentle hugs to our care list friends and anyone who can use an extra!  
    @ger_77 Thanks for the great reminders Gerry!  

    Joy to those celebrating and all our cruising friends. 
    Smooth travels to all away!  Happy prepping and packing to those getting ready. 🧳


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  3. 1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

    Maureen, I had to look up Panettone and it looks very interesting. Is it hard to make?

    I make it in a bread maker. For the last 30 yrs!  It’s not hard for me because I have the weird ingredients. It’s easier to get them since Amazon!  
    3.75 cups flour + or - 

    1/3 cup sugar

    1/2 tsp salt

    2 - 2 1/2 tsp yeast (1pkg)

    sprinkle with dried grated lemon rind and dried grated orange peel 

    I put all those ingredients, one at a time, in the bread maker pan, then I give it a quick stir in the pan with a fork to mix it more evenly. 
    Add 1 stick of soft (room temp) butter (unsalted is what I use)

    In a separate measuring 2-cup measuring cup, add:

    4 eggs (room temp or I put cold eggs in warm water while I measure out the flour and dry ingredients… )

    1 tsp each vanilla and almond extracts I bought a half gallon of almond extract about 12  years ago from Amazon for $28, still using it ) 

    Add a bit of Water to have the liquid ingredients equal 1 1/8 cups 

    Add to pan

    Turn breadmaker on MIX cycle so it signals when to add fruit at end of mixing; OR just add them in by hand* at the end of the mixing/kneading cycle. See below. 

    I check how it’s mixing, adding flour if needed so the ball forms without sticking to the sides. 

    Prepare fruit while the dough is mixing:  1/3 cup dark raisins + a small handful of golden raisins. Add about 1 tablespoon each chopped citron and chopped orange peel. I put the fruit in a small glass dish, cover with water and micro 30 sec and let them plump up then drain the water out before adding at the end of the mix/knead: 

    *To add the fruit I no longer let the bread maker mix it in, I take the dough out, flatten it by hand a bit, dump the fruit into it, fold it up a few times and squish it together…. takes about 1 minute. Return the dough and let it rise and bake. 
    This “recipe “ and my method has evolved over the years. It’s not an exact science.
    I usually cut these loaves diagonally and ship them to family and friends, give them to neighbors. I used to make about a dozen loaves. The half loaves fit in a gallon zip-lock. They do fine shipping and can last in the fridge a long time, except they’ll get eaten up. It makes great toast, French toast or bread pudding. Warm with butter and jam it’s luxurious!  


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  4. A new week!  Busy day for many. Hoping for good results for all our friend’s medical appointments. @57redbird, praying for Amazing for you!  

    Happy anniversary @Ichiban Nekko  and bon voyage. 

    @smitty34877 Terry, You got out of bed!  Yay!  Give yourself a big, warm, loving hug!   Very glad the new roof is doing its job. You have no say about the big red dumpster… maybe it needs Christmas bow?  🙃

    @Mr. Boston Those Portland pictures look like the Japanese Gardens we visited there. Beautiful place!  Thank you for sharing. Condolences on the passing of your aunt. The older we get the more people we lose. Have a gentle day. 

    Yesterday I got laundry done for packing to leave Wednesday for the wedding. I made a panettone, half to bring to the groom’s family when we go to the pre-wedding family brunch, half to my friend who lost his wife in September when we see him Thursday. He’s about an hour east of San Antonio. 

    Dinner yesterday was carry out- I couldn’t get a dining room reservation! On Sundays some of the dining options in our complex are closed. Still learning the patterns here, but carry out worked fine to watch the football games. 

    @kazu Jacqui I hope the storm loosens its grip today. Losing transformers is severe and I hope crews can get repairs made safely and soon. 

    I’ve found the things I was looking for!  Not in a box, already unpacked!  Ugh. Moving is just disorienting. 

    Working on my attitude… I’ve been kinda dreading this wedding trip but it’ll be a great time to see family and my friend. And granddaughter will have her grandpa there on her special day!  He’s her father figure role model ( her father isn’t in their lives anymore, for better!). I will help make this trip happen. We haven’t flown anywhere since our trip to Portland Oregon July 2021 for my friend’s graduation. That was our only flight out from our Maryland home. We flew to Boise (family there) and drove a rental 7 hrs into Portland same day as flight from Maryland! Nuts!  But we did it. And then back with several days in Boise visiting. So this wedding trip will hopefully lift my spirits to show that we can still travel, still manage it. 🤞 I’m relieved to see that the weather forecast looks dry now for our driving to and from the Philly airport!  That’ll help. 

    Blessings all for your day today. One day at a time is Everything!  Hope and comfort for those suffering. 


    Cheers for all the celebrations!  Life is Good🌈

    Smooth travels to all away! Yay! for our cruisers!  


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  5. Bon Voyage Brian, Lisa, all our cruising friends, Smooth travels!  Stay safe, stay well!  

    Our visit to La Paz was a ship’s shuttle bus to an empty beach and quiet time under a palapa umbrella!  Too many years ago. Today we’ll have football games on. 

    Didn’t sleep too well, worried about DH’s eye pressure creeping up outside of target range in one eye. Maybe he can reach out to his Maryland doctor via the medical portal. I think he has an additional med in reserve still, I hope so. Praying for guidance. We’ll be gone Wednesday thru Sunday. One day at a time is Everything, like today’s quote!  

    Good trip to Mayo Terri @Cruzin Terri 


    Blessings to all in need from the ravages of weather, pain, wars!….  in need of hope, direction, healing, comfort. 

    Smooth travels to all away!  Happy cruising!  
    Happy celebrations to Henry and all with milestones to mark and enjoy!  

    Thank you Graham and Fr David!
    Thank you Bruce- I feel like your first meme was for me! 

    Thanks all for being here! 


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  6. @kazu Jacqui, so glad you weren’t hurt going splat!  I was just thinking last night that it’s almost a year since your elbow debacle. I hope it continues to improve albeit slowly. Thanks for the good wishes for our trek to the Philadelphia airport Wednesday!  I’m more nervous about it than I would usually be driving to an airport, guessing because it’s all so unfamiliar. 

    Woke to a text this foggy morning that the condo buyers accepted new terms after the inspection! We think part of the inspection is actually wrong but can’t prove it from here so we addressed what we work we could order in a timely manner (done yesterday) and offered them a small price discount for the other two items, and they have agreed to it all!  Yay!  Tentative closing Dec 29!  Would love to be done with it this year. 

    Had a little better sleep last night 7 hrs. Will try to do both a little unpacking today and some pre-packing for the trip. I’m missing some things, I’m sure they’re in a box somewhere- lots of boxes to choose from!  

    Granddaughter and her in-laws are to be disembarking MSC today- I’m eager to hear how they liked it. Other granddaughter and her “groom” are flying out today to San Antonio!  I’m so excited for them- young love, great hopes for beginning their life together!  

    @Cruzin Terri prayers for a smooth and successful trip to Mayo!  
    @ottahand7Go Ravens! Wonderful that John is stabilizing. 
    @marshhawk Annie, love your stories!  Hope you both can keep getting better! 
    @Jazzy Vanessa, you need some good news 🙏

    Blessings for all in need, in weather, in wars, in pain. 
    Cheers to all celebrating. Life is Good🌈
    Smooth travels to all away!  

    Thanks all for being here, for the encouragement and sharing, and all the beautiful photos- we’ve enjoyed beautiful Funchal too, great memories!  (As a geologist I’ve been absolutely thrilled to be walking on the tippy-tops of the mid-Atlantic ridge underwater mountain chain! Just magical for me!)

    Be safe!  Maureen 

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  7. 9 hours ago, AroundWithMAPTravels said:

    @RMLincoln  first…. Welcome to NJ!
    we live right smack between EWR and PHL in NJ. (My DH hails from Kinnelon, which is very nearby your new home ).  Our first choice is always to fly from EWR, as it is a tad closer and is a United hub.   However, we do on occasion fly from PHL.  It is 60 miles from our house to the airport, and with no traffic talkies just over an hour.   However, there is normally some sort of construction on I95.  That, coupled with rush hour traffic (which tends to run from 7 - 10 am from about 10 miles north of the city), causes us to typically add at least 30 minutes to our “plan”….  Would rather be there 30 minutes “early” if the expected jams don’t materialize.   That being said, we typically park on-site…. It’s much easier (and MUCH more reasonably priced than parking at EWR!… even the parking deck!). We have never used off site parking there, but have been using Spot Hero for offsite locations at EWR.

    if for some reason you happen to be at PHL on 12/21, we may even cross paths!

    hope you have a great trip to the wedding!

    Thank you for the warm welcome to our new environment, and the vote of confidence for my decision for on-site parking at PHL. I’m totally unfamiliar. I read a ton of reviews and it seems the off-site lots are not what they used to be. 
    Google says 2 hrs from here so I’ll give it 2.5 plus 0.5 for parking

    and hope that will work!  (Oiy, I’m kinda nervous…  Wish us luck! ) m—

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  8. Great pictures of Rhodes!  Thank you. We were there once, 2017 I think. We were getting over colds, in fact DH got worse after that and Rhodes was his last port; he visited medical after that, got on antibiotics for pneumonia and we laid low, and got better! 

    But Rhodes was where the Knights of St John established a healing facility to tend to those wounded in the battles of the Crusades, especially those burned by fire bombs, the weapon of the age. It is my understanding that the Knights became precursors to what we know today as the fire service  which adopted the Maltese cross as its emblem. Being volunteer fire fighters and EMTs we enjoyed visiting the old “hospital” which is an interesting museum. Would love the chance to get back. 

    @marshhawk Sorry Chuck is still feeling so rough. Sending blessings to you both!  

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  9. Been awake two hours, too early. Brain is like a pin ball machine!  Problems with selling the condo- inspection mitigations…. DH is working on those.  He did battle yesterday with CVS and insurance getting eye drops Rx transferred. Two weeks. Ugh. He got them, would have run out next week while we’re to be in TX for granddaughter’s wedding. Still no progress on medical records to new eye doctor. 

    Need to get ready to prepack for TX trip. Forecast says it’ll rain there… do we take rain jackets?  DH was going to wear his suit coat on plane to avoid checking a suitcase.  I think we’ll have to see what fits in the carryon bags. Maybe just take umbrellas. 

    Yesterday I was wiped out all day, maybe from grocery shopping the day before?  Still getting well slowly. 

    Checking google maps times this morning to see if leaving at 7am on a weekday makes the drive to PHL longer. I suppose we could always hit a backup no matter what google says today. Decided to go for the PHL on-site economy parking lot- the off site lots cost more and have had recently bad reviews. I miss familiarity!  Everything is a learning experience these days. It’s exhausting. 

    Being awake early I was able to read yesterday’s daily. Happy Hanukkah!  I put out my menorah next to my little Christmas tree to remember the Judeo-Christian heritage.  It was very cold yesterday with snow flurries: maybe today I’ll get lights on our balcony railing. 

    Happy Sharon made it through her eye surgery. We watched a webinar on glaucoma surgeries. The deep surgery DH will have in late January is a bit scary but needs to be done if there’s any hope of getting him off these meds he’s allergic to which aren’t doing the job well enough!  One day at a time!  

    I feel for Terri and Jim not getting guidance, and Roy battling the medical system. And Terry battling insurance companies. Hoping the roof is done today! And Vanessa battling computers. And in pain. And Graham too.  Hoping Debbie can stay healthy! We’ll be doing the germ-dodge too before surgery. Need to get through this wedding trip then begin the long lay-low time. Hoping that John gets no worse… good catch Nancy. No more news on my niece’s high-risk pregnancy. She says she’s ok, last I heard they we’re probably headed to a C-section. 

    Thank you all for being here!  Love the port photos!  Thank you Sandi, enjoy following the soccer.  

    Heard from granddaughter by text on their way back from Bahamas that both their excursions were cancelled due to high waves… well my motto is, It’s hard to have a bad day on a cruise ship!  They disembark tomorrow. Should be decent weather but Sunday warnings for bad storms!  

    Cheers to all our cruisers!  And those celebrating milestones! 

    Blessings to all in need near and far, our country, your country and all caught in wars. 

    Tina, we took the public bus (called The Bus) from the pier to Pearl Harbor, very easy. Just go early, get there before noon to get tickets for the launch to the Arizona. Have done that twice. You can take your own time with the exhibits. One time we found ourselves on the bus with a Japanese couple and a German couple all heading to Pearl Harbor. 😳 


    Time to take a stab at today… see where the pin-balls go!  

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  10. Got out to a grocery store today, glad I had the energy. It feels cold here but it’s not raining or snowing. 
    Have a webinar soon on glaucoma surgeries, hoping it’s encouraging. 

    Blessing to all in need. Happy birthday @Cat in my lap !  
    Love both gazpacho and tortilla soup!  Have had miners in the family, brutal work!  Most died too young. As a geologist I visited mines in PA and MI, fascinating but brutal!  


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  11. Requesting advice from our mid-Atlantic friends about parking at PHI. 

    I realized during the night that I have no plan on where to park next week while we’re gone to granddaughter’s wedding!  We chose Philadelphia for flights because we weren’t sure if we’d be living in Maryland or New Jersey. Have never used PHI. I see on google search that PHI has on-site long term parking available for $15/day if car is under 6’2”…. have to go measure the car!
    There’re ads for offsite lots too. 
    Any suggestions or tips?

    Thanks in advance!  

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  12. It’s kind of a dreary day but we’re grateful to be with it. 

    Blessed be the Volunteers!  My goals for working with the volunteer fire department for two decades was first, to learn how to take care of each other in our remote mountain abode, then to use that training to care for our neighbors and visitors in need. It was a lot of work, responsibility and commitment but it was rewarding. There are volunteers in all paths of life who make life better!  

    Blessings to all in need, all in pain, all struggling with transitions, all the Cares List and all in harms way from weather and wars!  May today be better in some way! 

    Blessings for those celebrating and traveling. Yay!  Life is Good!  Welcome Maeve Grace!  

    Blessings for peace in our country, your country, all the world!  
    Onward to try to pick up yesterday’s pieces and tackle today’s needs. One day at a time is Everything. M—

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  13. I had a relatively good day, Féria lot better, ate dinner in a new (for us) dining room - there are several. We took the bus instead of walking because I wasn’t sure I had the energy. But I was able to piddle around the house a tiny bit, put a few things away, found a few things that I was missing. Making slow progress. 

    DH made zero progress in medical records; he’s still waiting for an eye drops Rx to be transferred from Walgreens to CVS. He doesn’t have quite enough to get back from the wedding trip. 

    Last time in Aruba we took the local bus (walk straight up from the cruise port) to a beach behind the casino where we rented see-through kayaks. It was kind of a bust- didn’t see any fish, had a tough wind to battle. But it was an interesting adventure!  We’ve done a catamaran excursion with great snorkeling. My first time snorkeling!  There were schools of little silver fish that would engulf us, such a shimmering memory. After that I bought a waterproof camera!  

    Happy to some better news here today. Glad Roy got appointments lined up very soon!  Wayne procedure was good, as were others’. @JazzyV Vanessa, it’s your turn!  
    @kazu Careful Jacqui!  

    Smooth crossing @Nickelpenny!  Thanks for sharing!  

    Thank you all for being here!  Being in such new surroundings, my connections here have been a big support - familiar and some sense of continuity. Helps a bunch!  

    Good night all! M—

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  14. I’m feeling better today and will be going without cold meds today to see how that feels. The meds help but I think they are part of making me feel blah. DH went for carry out supper yesterday and I had no appetite, just had the soup. We’ll see how today goes. 

    Will try to contact Maryland eye clinic to get records transferred. I’m pretty sure the form I filled out here is useless. 

    @seagarsmoker In an interview they learn about you, and you learn about them.  Enjoy the interview. I hope it’s a good fit!  

    @StLouisCruisers Sorry about your water leak and mess. I’m impressed you got repairmen so fast!  When we built our mountain cabin and addition, DH plumbed with copper. The plumber wanted to use pex but DH said no because we needed to be able to drain it and pex loops have low spots. I wonder how it cracked?  Good you knew how to limit the damage by turning the water off and draining. 

    Great to hear the dads went to the game!  And more traveling for those families, they are quite dedicated. 

    @grapau27 Amazing that you had a cleanup team so quickly and do such a thorough job. Who pays for them?  Maybe you are on a private water system. I can’t imagine a public utility here responding so well. 
    Thanks for the map, nice to see where you are!  What a historic coast!  

    @marshhawk Annie, I hope you are breathing better. 

    @rafinmdRoy, so glad to hear you are getting back to normal, must feel like a new lease on life!  

    @smitty34877 Best of luck on the roofing job!  Logistics are always the foundation!  Give yourself a big hug!  One day at a time is Everything!  

    Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Especially all caught in wars!  
    Cheers to those celebrating!

    Smooth travels to those away especially our cruisers (and my DGD and her while in-law family this week on MSC). 



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  15. Rain and mild in northern NJ. I slept well but coughing this morning. One day at a time. 

    We watched Alabama win over Georgia, seemed to me they deserved the win. We’ll look forward to the playoffs. 

    Right now DH is sorting through a dozen DocuSign emails for the condo offer. 

    I woke up this morning feeling confused about a form I filled out for records transfer for DH’s eye doctor. I think we need to look into it again. The form didn’t have the name or fax number of the place where the records are now in Maryland, only where they will be received. I’m confused!  

    Blessings to all! I hope everyone in need is hanging in there today!  
    I hope everyone away or celebrating has a grand day!  

    @smitty34877 Terry, hugs to you!  One day a time means you don’t have to have a plan now!  Just be you today! Seems like that’s quite enough!  Remember:  We’re on your side 😉

    I’ll see how our day unfolds, tons that should be getting done but not up to it, not yet. Just glad to be able to get out of bed and do the basics. Life is Good!  👍 

    Thanks all for being here. Thanks for the Puerto Limon photos, we missed that port due to a storm and a diversion for a medical evacuation. 

    Sorry it snowed on your mess Graham!  More mess and delays but glad you have water on!  

    Safe travels to Mexico today Lenda! Check back in later please!  


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  16. Busy day here in New Jersey, started foggy!  Both outside and in my brain.  I took cold meds through the night and they helped but left me slow and groggy this morning. Seeing the fig outside was a bit scary knowing we needed to be on the road. 

    We got to the new eye doctor’s office ok. Not easy but made it. And he’s good with becoming the long term and follow-up doc for DH for post surgery in Maryland in January. So all is good!  

    Did another dinner carry out early and ate it early, missed lunch, so everything is messed up.  But I’m ready to go to bed early. DH is reading all the paperwork of an offer on our condo! Yay!  And Georgia is behind Alabama in the background. Georgia seems to be making errors. 

    Grandkids got aboard MSC ok today!  Happy they’ll have a fun break. DH and I need a quiet week to get well before we travel for wedding in a week and a half.  

    Hoping Roy made it home ok. And continues to improve. Glad Sam continues to improve!  Best wishes for Vanessa, Debbie, Annie, Ann, Jack, Sharon…. all in need, near and far. 

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  17. Happy for Ren!

    Hopeful for Vanessa!

    Relieved for Brenda and Graham and Annie!  
    Hugs to Terry!  
    Hope Roy is on the train home!  
    Keep it up Murphy!  

    I’m going to bed early.  Not too bad really, mostly just tired and a tiny bit coldish. I enjoyed time with my phone connection with my Maryland church group. 

    Grandkids embarking tomorrow!  I’m a little jealous but so happy for them. 

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  18. Rabbits said first thing

    Prayers lifted for those in need. 

    We were in Fortaleza but briefly. We disembarked a medical patient but couldn’t stay due to high waves. The ship tied up briefly but pulled up a pier tie-off. I was pretty much done with Brazil by then after 4 ports there. 

    DH and I have mild colds, mostly just tired. A little congestion. 
    Ready now to connect by phone with my Spiritual Companioning ladies in Maryland. Hoping that will be uplifting. 

    hugs for Terry, @smitty34877!  Just breathe!  In and out.  
    @rafinmd Enjoy the train ride, Roy, rest ! 

    Sorry for the mess Graham!  Focus on what’s good right now. 

    Blessings Vanessa, Dena, all seeking healing, in need of comfort, direction or hope!  

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  19. Best wishes to Sharon!

    Safe travels for Roy!

    Glad Debbie’s scan was finally read. 
    Horrors on Annie still without oxygen. 
    Sorry about the washer Lenda. Nuisance!

    @JazzyV Oiy!  Just OIY!  Keep breathing!  

    @ottahand7 Nancy, our visit to Nuka Hiva had DH do the excursion and I went to the market area. His excursion experience was uninspiring. They did what they could for vehicles but most people couldn’t hear any explanations. I, on the other hand, found the market amazing with so many carved wood items, many on display, too huge to take home. But excellent craftsmanship, so stunning I felt like I was in a museum. Very different from the ports on our Tales of the South Pacific. 

    DH definitely has a bug but got through the night on antihistamines, feels better but tired. Well me too!  Not sure if I have a bug but resting sounds good to me!  His eye doctor appt was moved to Saturday! Yay! We’ll find out then what we can set up for local (NJ) followup after his January eye surgery in Maryland. I’m staying hopeful. 

    I can’t believe we’ll have to travel in less than two weeks!  Sure hope we’re feeling better by then, but even if not we’ll make it to granddaughter’s wedding in San Antonio. Moving is hard on so many levels, even when it’s a good choice at a good time. One day at a time is enough!  

    Other granddaughter and all her husband’s family are going on an MSC cruise this Saturday for her in-law’s 45th anniversary. I’m so happy they can all do this!  And we’ll learn more about MSC for future considerations. 

    Blessings for all in need, near and far, especially the innocents caught in wars. 
    Cheers to those celebrating!  Life is Good!  
    Smooth travels to all away!

    Thanks all for being here!  




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  20. Everything seems off for me here, I think moving is disorienting. DH seems off too, maybe has a bug. Hard to tell with all the antihistamines he’s taking for the glaucoma med allergies. One day at a time is enough. I have to focus on What’s good right now!  I spent part of the night worried about how we’ll get to granddaughter’s wedding if we’re sick, but I had to put that aside, that’s 2 weeks away!  And maybe we won’t get there, and they’ll still get married!  

    @JazzyV I’m so sorry you have a mess on your hands, physically and now the house!  Hoping the plumber can sort it out. 

    @marshhawk Annie, I hope you get your oxygen today!  That is just a horrible failure to have to wait for basic life support!  

    @rafinmd Roy, you are doing the balancing between not having fluid’s building up where they cause difficulties, but enough needed for normalcy - homeostasis, or “even keel” is a challenge!  I hope a cause for the fluid buildup can be identified and addressed so it doesn’t reoccur. May today be a breakthrough!  

    Blessings to all in need, near and far. For our country, your country and especially all the war zones!  

    Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good! 💐


    🛳️ Smooth travels to all away!
    Thank you all for being here!  Love the upbeat pulse of sharing, and the beauty from near and far!  

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