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Posts posted by RMLincoln

  1. Happy anniversary @Cat in my lap! Ours is tomorrow..  each is a treasure,  never enough anniversaries!  


    Maybe our most memorable anniversary was dinner on the Queen Mary after being at the Rose Parade, 2002!  Tomorrow it’ll be 31 years, not a given when you marry at 50 and 38. Every day is a good day to be happy!

    I did Rabbits last night, I hope they remember!  

    Grandkids joined us for dinner last night!  It is so great to be closer!  Dinner was special menu, as is brunch today. I got us a late reservation at 1:15, hopefully I’ll be ready to eat again!  

    I’m working on my gratitude attitude!  2024 is a gift I never expected, and here we are together!  And living in such a  great place. 😇 


    My NYE traditions have all gone away. Our favorite was watching the ball drop from the hot tub. It was DH’s ritual to set up the small TV on extension cord and cable cord on the porch so we could see it from the hot tub. Champagne in plastic flutes (no glass in the hot tub) and my pot lids to bang placed nearby!  Last night we shared the memories before we kissed goodnight at midnight. Nice!  


    Great football games yesterday!!  Unless you’re an Eagles or Vikings fan…. Go Ravens!  We’re recording the Rose Parade, always a highlight for us. DH got  to go as a child and we jumped at the chance in 2002 for a Rose Parade RV Rally!  Before our first cruise!  

    Prayers for our Cares list, each of you!  All our many travelers!  And peace for our world’s troubles. 

    [Annie, you asked about DH’s eye issues…. seems he’s allergic to his glaucoma meds. Has been on many kinds. Now on “preservative free” meds because that is apparently a common problem that develops but it doesn’t seem to have helped much. The surgeries planned for this year, starting Jan 23, are supposed to get him off the meds. In 2023 he had 2 surgeries to implant stents (drains to draw off the excess fluid and reduce the pressure) but he still needs the meds, so the next surgeries are the last best hope of getting him off the meds.  These are deeper and more complex surgeries. They’ll be fine at John’s-Hopkins in Maryland, the best! Follow-ups will be for a few months after each eye by a NJ doc trained by his surgeon at John’s Hopkins. We’re going down the path!  Grateful they are hopeful! Thanks for your caring thoughts!] 


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  2. Another heavy gray day in New Jersey but not raining or snowing!  

    Many thanks to Annie @marshhawk for your insightful  good wishes. You really got it!  I feel like we need to catch our breath!  And I’m working on changing my thinking, focusing my deep gratitude for all our blessings!  Today is a good day to be happy!  Thank you all for the support dealing with our day to day issues!  You have been a great help, collectively a reliable constant while life has been in upheaval. Your caring has been keeping me going!  

    We had a difficult time getting into Fanning Island on our Tales of  the South Pacific. Our Amsterdam tender #9 had a dual engine failure while we were pushing against an outflow tide trying to get through the reef pass. Our able bodied crewman jumped through the front hatch window and dropped an anchor to keep us from drifting while the officer onboard radioed and worked to get us restarted. Didn’t happen. The ship sent another tender to tow us. Of course all other tendering stopped so passengers were not happy. The anchor didn’t fully hold us and we were dragging toward the reef but the tow hooked up. DH and I had a front row seat in the tender. Then “THWACK” the tow line snapped and hit the tender windiw right in front of us but it’s a plexiglass and didn’t shatter. They had been trying to tow us into the lagoon, much closer than the ship. But on second try they hooked us up and turned us toward the ship. The ABS cut the anchor line, sacrificing it. We were towed in a wide circle and it was a rough landing into the ship without an engine for steerage but we were safe. I wrote a grateful letter to the captain praising the quickness of the seaman who got the anchor out instantly. We saw him several times on the cruise and he was so grateful to us; he was afraid for his job, not sure why. Of course there was never any explanation about the dual engine failure. That tender was up and running later. Maybe bad fuel, maybe electrical. DH and I did get to the island and enjoyed it. Sandi’s pictures are spot on with my memory, thanks for posting!  

    I will gladly meditate on World Peace. Our common rooms here have beautiful holiday decorations and I’m so glad to see nativities, menorahs and Kwanza candles. I don’t know the breadth of backgrounds of the staff here but I can say that the names of the dining room servers, mostly local high schoolers, seem to come from many backgrounds, not unlike being on a ship. 

    I love seeing posts from those traveling. @cruising sister I survived an 8-hr layover in LAX on my way to a funeral in Australia. Didn’t know of any sleep capsules, would have helped!   I had to have my best attitude about every aspect of that trip, only time I traveled abroad alone. So glad I was able to do it!   You’re on your way to a beautiful adventure, I hope you find a safe and comfortable place to rest on the way to SD. Thanks for keeping us posted. 

    Every Blessing my special friends, to you and yours!  We embark together into the excitement of a new year and all it will unfold for us!  DH and I will save our champagne for our 31st anniversary Jan 2!  Getting married later in life, I never expected we’d make it this far!  And here are!  The gift of a new and caring place to live, new procedures and new doctors to help our needs!!  Loving grandchildren just over an hour away!  Life is good🌈. The honeymoon couple called last night bubbling over with the excitement of their cruise. We’re so glad they didn’t miss the ship having to leave for it quite early the morning after their wedding!  Older grandkids are coming this afternoon for a visit and dinner!  DH is managing so I am too!  My heart is overflowing!  🎉. I don’t know if we’ll get to cruise this year but we have today and each other and the promise of a Happy New Year if we keep focused on all the good!  Thank you all for sharing the journey!  


    nothing weird to post this. 

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  3. Thank you Jacqui!  Hope you and Ivan are able to stay safe through the storm. 

    Very happy to hear Debbie’s surgeon say it couldn’t have gone better!  Yes, Amazing!  Great job done by Debbie and her Care Team!  Time to behave and heal up well!  

    Relieved with Roy that he has no more to deal with than was already on his plate. 

    I’m happy to say that we have a Done Deal with selling our Maryland condo. May the new owners enjoy it!  

    We had hoped to talk with our honeymooners last night but they texted that they were feeling sick, must have picked up something either on the ship or plane. Maybe we’ll catch up soon, I’m eager to hear about how the cruise we gave them as a wedding present went- groom’s first cruise!  Of course, granddaughter has been on multiple cruises with us. Other granddaughter and husband plan to visit us tomorrow!  I’m excited!  They are always such a lift and the reason we’re living here now, closer to them. They have busy lives but they make time for us, such a huge blessing in my life to have such loving step-grandchildren!  (She has said to me that to her I’m not really a step-grandma, You’ve been our grandma our whole life!  True, and so sweet to hear!). 

    DH is managing, so I am too!  Getting ready to turn the page on a difficult year, count our blessings and keep moving forward. 

    Blessings to all the Care list, all in pain, struggling with illness, seeking guidance, healing, comfort or hope!  
    Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good 🌈 

    Smooth travels to all away- enjoy the change of scenery and get home safely and well!  Nancy, @ottahand7 I expect you’ll be warmer tonight in Alabama, safe travels!  

    Loving your pictures @Nicklepenny Penni! Especially the moonrise, night lights of Williamstad and the Panama Canal locks, always a treat!  Hard for me to realize we were there just last December!  Really? Feels like a decade ago!  

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  4. Prayers for Amazing for @dfish Debbie and the Care Team including Sue!  

    Sad that @seagarsmoker picked up a flu virus!  Never fun. Hopefully you can rest and recover quickly. 

    Waiting for word today that our condo in Maryland becomes someone else’s happy home!  

    I had a restless night… too funny that even with a motorized adjustable bed and a boatload of different kinds of pillows I just could not get comfortable!  

    We have a call time this evening with the honeymooners who returned recently. And older grandkids are coming for a visit and dinner Sunday!  I’m excited!  Seems like a long recovery since the Texas wedding trip!  So glad to be closer to them here. Such an unexpected turn of life!  

    Wonderful pictures Sandi!  So glad you decided to bring them to us!  

    Blessings to all in need!  Give yourself a loving hug!  We can all use one of those!  
    Good results for all procedures and tests!  
    Happy celebrations to those with milestones of life’s journey!  (We have one coming up next week…. 🤫)
    Happy prepping if you’re about to embark on an adventure!  
    Smooth travels to all away. And get home OK. 

    Think Safety first if you’re weathering a storm. 
    But most of all… Thanks all for being here. Today is a good day to be happy!  

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  5. Feeling a little more hopeful after hearing the eye doctor say that a little hydrocortisone cream on the skin, not the eye, is ok for short term. DH is feeling a LOT better and I’m feeling like a miracle occurred!  DH now has an appt Jan 16 with the allergist who works in conjunction with the eye doctor with the ENTs. Maybe we’ll learn more. I’m just so glad we’re out of that misery!  

    Great time slot Debbie!  👏. Sounds like you have a solid plan. 

    @kazu Hoping that pre-treating the driveway keeps it safe!  We had about 2-3 inches of rain!  

    What happened to the Rotterdam?  Hope it’s resolved quickly. 

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  6. It rained a LOT last night. We’ll have to find a way to check the roads to the eye doctor before our early afternoon appt. Google just says Flood Alert!  Yesterday was worse for DH. He’s doubled up the antihistamines and is sleeping still. We’ll see what the day brings. 

    Lorraine, @cruising sister your DGS is inspiring!  I’m sure you’ll miss him while you’re away. I hope you can develop a theme for your cruise trip, or start a new tradition, maybe some type of a photo account for him. Or postcards. Take a picture of him with you and photo it in different places?  Make it a new and different experience!  Sending extra hugs!  

    I often enjoy minestrone soup but never make it. It’s a great comfort food for me. 

    We were in Dubrovnik once but couldn’t enjoy it. It deluged just after we got off the bus!  We took the shuttle bus in knowing the forecast was for rain, hoping we could manage with umbrellas and rain jackets but the rain intensified after we arrived, we got drenched so we got back on the shuttle. I doubt there’ll be a next time. 


    Sending Debbie @dfish extra blessings. Hope you get a comfortable time!  We got the dreaded 0530 slot once, had to get a hotel room in town for that one… it was a 90 min trip from our mountain home, and snow was forecast for overnight. You do what you gotta do. Eye surgery coming up 1-23 will have us driving to Maryland the day before when the time slot gets announced. I just hope we’ll get the call in the car!  

    @ottahand7 Smooth travels Nancy and John. Do keep us posted on your progress!  

    @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I’m absorbing your Antarctica pictures!  Many thanks!  

    @aliaschiefBruce, I hope you can take us with you!  As best you can. Thank you in advance. Trusting you feel better today!  

    I’ll try to draw on the quote today for an extra bit of strength and wisdom! Lately I’ve felt helpless and inept. Time for that to change!  

    We attended Evensong at Westminster, impressive! 

    Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  Especially those prepping for upcoming procedures, may your results be Amazing!  
    Prayers for all suffering pain, loss, anxiety or the horrors of war.  Today is a good day for a shift to begin!  



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  7. Happy Anniversary @SusieKIslandGirl!  Never enough anniversaries!  


    Thank you @smitty34877 Terry!  We’ll keep each other in our hearts!  One day at a time is Enough!  

    Praying for Amazing Debbie for Friday!  And Paul for your MOHS. I need a checkup… good you’re getting yours addressed!  


    Thank you all for your good thoughts for DH. He got an appt for tomorrow, if the doctor has any other suggestions. We’ve tried both meds he suggested last time. I’m beside myself!  

    I bought John Green’s book The Fault in Our Stars after the last quote we had here. Thanks @0106 Tina!  Working for the volunteer fire dept as my second ”career” I learned not everybody who dies is old!  After about my first 20 EMS calls for dead or dying (we had a few each year) I looked back and realized over half of them were for people younger than I was at the time. I started at 47. Sobering. But it’s not the dying that’s the hard part, it’s the living!  And that’s what we are called to do!  Keep going, one foot in front of the other!  I’m grateful for everyone here helping each other celebrate the joy and support through the tough times!  

    I’ve bought spices in Granada. When we moved here I gave away most of my spice and herb collection, not doing much more cooking. 

    I cut snowflakes from filter papers when I worked in a geology lab in my 20s. I still have some!  Please fold them into thirds so the snowflakes come out six-sided!  I’m always amused when I see 8-sided snowflakes… still pretty, but…. 

    Not big on zoos. Took my young stepsons to the Bronx zoo long ago, never went as a kid!  Went to the National zoo outside DC recently but not a thrill for me. I just started reading The Elephant Whisperer, really enjoying it!  

    Off to an insurance agent now to start figuring out the proper sequence to shift car insurance to NJ, get NJ license plates and driver’s licenses. It’s what’s next in the list. Has to be done in the right order so our current insurance doesn’t get canceled by Maryland until we are covered here. 

    Blessings to you all! Extra hugs to those in need!  Cheers for all celebrating!  Smooth travels to all away!  
    Life is Good🌈. Maureen 




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  8. @JazzyV Thanks for your good thoughts for DH. Steroids raise the eye pressure so they are not allowed. Not even topical. They do use steroid drops sparingly after surgery to decrease scarring but for only a short time. He had a bad spike last August after surgery with tge pressure going up suddenly from 10 to 33. We called the hotline that night and they explained it was the steroids. I was hoping the Benadryl lotion would help but it stung so bad he washed it off fast. He’s using Benadryl as pills and trying to stay “on top” of it. I’m sure you understand with the need to stay on top of pain meds too.
    Enjoy your time with your friend, accept being pampered!  You deserve it!  And many thanks for all you do for us!  

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  9. Interesting Homeowners Day… this morning we just finished signing the docs for the closing to sell our Maryland condo. So our end is signed as the sellers; the notary who came to our apartment will FedEx our docs to the closing lawyers, buyers will sign Friday. So we will not be homeowners any longer. End of an era!  

    DH was better yesterday, so I was better also. Today not so good, so we will try a new cream antihistamine around the eyes on the face. It stings as it’s absorbed but I hope it will help. 

    Yesterday was bright, blue sky, sunny!  Today is heavy, gray, our region wrapped in a blanket!  But not cold or raining, yet… the rest of the week should be wet. But not snow!  We’ll take it as it comes. 

    @kochleffel we’re all eager to hear your results too!  We’re in your side!  

    @rafinmd Roy, DH had radiation treatment in 2020, 39 treatments, he might need more someday as his numbers go up each year.  The machines now are quite amazing in how they can constantly refocus and maintain within the margins as they rotate around you without, or with minimal exposure to healthy tissue. You’ve come a long way and you will manage this new turn. We hope for a successful path forward!  

    When we moved from NM friends gave us gift cards. We had two from Cracker Barrel. Someone suggested the chicken and dumplings as their favorite. I was so disappointed!  To me dumplings were big, round, fluffy, flavorful, soft biscuits like Annie @marshhawk described. I need that kind!  

    Yesterday’s dinner special option at our community was prime rib but it wasn’t up to what we expected. Oh well, it was still a pleasant setting.


    I was happy to be able to connect by phone with my siblings and stepsons, very special!  Baby David is doing great! One week old!  Mom is healing, and my sister is just absolutely thrilled!  

    @ottahand7 Nancy, we stayed up for the whole Ravens game!  Happy for them, and you!  

    Thank you @kazu, and @JazzyV for our thread and lists, and all of you for being here!  Happy Boxing Day! I certainly have a LOT of boxes around me still from the move! 😆

    Blessings to all in need of comfort, healing or hope!  Peace and an end to the suffering in war zones. Hugs to those who need an extra today! Smooth travels to all away!  


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  10. Good Christmas to all celebrating   🎄.  Peace and good health to everyone. 

    Happy Birthday Gerry!  🎂.  May your new circle around the sun be inspiring!  

    Yesterday I made Panettone for this morning. I got lights out on the balcony railing. Finally!  We had a lovely special menu mid-day dinner in the dining room, and I had excellent phone visits with several single and recently widowed loved ones.

    DH was too miserable to join me at the chapel service last night for candles and carols. He’d have really liked it with the organ and string quartet!  But he is suffering more than I can bear. I kinda lost it last night, beside myself that I can’t do anything to help him. The itching reaction to the eye drops sometimes flares up into swollen eye lids and oozy eyes. And the eye drops burn so badly I just can’t do it. I was ready to take him to the hospital for anything they could do.  Deep breath today!  New day. We’ll get through it. 

    Today the special menu is prime rib or Maryland crab cake plus lots of other good selections. I’m very impressed with the broad menu selections here!   We have Christmas stockings of chocolates to dive into and several cards under the 2ft fiber optic tree to open, and a couple of presents from thoughtful friends and family. And I hope to connect with calls to some family. I’ll bounce between the football games and others- probably hallmark movies and the weather channel to see how everyone is faring. I’m behind on everything else. 

    I don’t have a Christmas recipe to share but childhood memories include Turkey with Italian stuffing- made with ground Genoa salami and sharp aged provolone. My sister and I would grind the bread, meat and cheese in a big, old fashioned hand grinder that was pressure screwed to the kitchen table edge. The stuffing was mixed with lots of eggs, pepper, thyme and parsley snips from the kitchen plant. For desserts we’d have mincemeat pie, pecan pie or Yorkshire pudding with hard sauce. We never had brandy in the house so we’d add a spoonful of whiskey. 

    St Kitts is very beautiful. I’d love to float there now!  I feel like I could use a vacation but that’s not to be. Tomorrow we are scheduled for a signing of closing documents for our Maryland condo. 

    Blessings to all in need of comfort, hope and healing!  Special hugs to those with a heavy heart…. everyone misses someone!  

    Smooth travels to those away, May you enjoy being away and get home safe!  


    One of the many elaborate trees in our complex. This one is outside the dining room of our “clubhouse”.  There are 3 clubhouses or neighborhood centers, and a dozen trees and other holiday displays- most secular, but also Christian antiviral and Jewish menorahs, plus many people decorate their doorways and their individual door shelf areas. It’s uplifting!  I need it!  Thanks for being here! 

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  11. @grapau27 blessings for your friends in urgent need!  

    Getting colder here in north NJ. And most of this region, but I’m told it’s not as bad as last year! I  guess it’s winter. The eastern cold is so different from the dry cold of the west which I have lived in since I was 23!  Being back to the east is very strange, so different but vaguely familiar. 

    I’m not sure about most wines but I can say I’ve been to Montepulciano!  Like all of Tuscany it’s picturesque, delicious and with interesting history. Wonderful place to visit!  

    I think my niece was discharged yesterday, I assume the baby was too. I saw two photos of him and he looks healthy and alert!  What a world he will experience, beyond my wildest imagination!  My sister says he’s adorable!  Of course! It’s her first grandchild!  


    Blessings for all on our Care list, thank you Vanessa!  For our country, your country and the world. And all in need of an extra hug today!  Those who are too cold, too warm, too uncomfortable, too anxious… may today better. 

    Smooth travels to all away!  For me, I’m so very grateful to be home!  Had a lovely meal last night with some interesting table mates…  one of the advantages of community living.  And we enjoyed a special service at the community chapel yesterday. Today I have a meditation marked on my calendar, see if I get to it. I’m sure it would do me well!  Time to learn more about my new environment. 

    Our closing for selling the Maryland condo is supposed to happen soon. I’m a little dubious about it all working out with the holidays but papers are supposedly being FedExed to a local NJ Notary who will bring them to us for signatures Tuesday morning; then ship them back for buyers to sign on the 29th, last business day of the year. We’ll see when it all happens but I’m confident that it will happen sooner or later!  
    Thanks all for being here!  

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  12. .. from Jacqui.. (I’m not good at the quotes) 

    Not Roy but MSC changed the entire itinerary from the Bahamas to Canada / New England at the last minute.  They said they could not get the ship safely to the Bahamas (weather and sea conditions).


    Thanks for the info Jacqui. It must be a real mess.  That’s a very big, stable ship. Something seems weird to me. The passengers must be disappointed, but my motto has been, It’s hard to have a bad day on a cruise ship!  May they all stay safe!  

    Sorry @Haljo1935 for the difficulties. Smoother days ahead!  

    @kochleffel Paul, careful with those space heaters!  You really don’t need any more difficulties. You WILL figure out how to deal with the biopsy results!  No matter what!  More light is beginning, breathe it in. Holding you close to heart that things start shifting for you soon. 

    Thanks @JazzyV for your loving care of us all. Hoping for Amazing coming your way now!  

    @smitty34877 Terry, you are making a big effort to integrate even though your whole heart isn’t in it. Be gentle with yourself. It’s great that your DD can help, good for you accepting the help!  Please be extra careful, focused, you’re not at your best….. and we all remember the map showing how it’s a looooong way through Connecticut!  😉. Stop, rest, take a picture of something beautiful!  

    Last night I read my journal from when I was adjusting to the new environment in Maryland in 2021 to remember how it felt then and how I progressed through it. It took time.  It will take time here in NJ too!  A little at a time. 

    Thanks all!  Hugs, Maureen

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  13. Catching up from last night and this morning…

    @rafinmd Roy, why was the MSC ship diverted from her normal ports of FL and Bahamas to Canada?  That’s the cruise our one granddaughter just did with her in-law family, and now other granddaughter is on honeymoon cruise in Caribbean…. so I’m very curious!  

    Thank you @kazu Jacqui… this thread is a huge support to me!  I’m really on the Blue side this Christmas!  Not fully sure why but feeling so disoriented from the move, exhausted from the wedding trip, and worried about DH’s unstable glaucoma have all hit me harder than I expected. Just trying to be in the Here and Now, not sure why it’s been hard for me but it just is. I feel very isolated from everything familiar except this thread!  Thank you all for being here!  

    Sandi, I love the Mo’orea pix!  We’ve been twice, so lucky to have traveled while we could!  I swam with the rays and reef sharks too, a favorite memory!  

    Blessings to all seeking healing and relief!  
    Hugs to those in need of comfort.  Hope to those who need peace!  
    Cheers to those celebrating!  Smooth travels for all our cruisers!  

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  14. Good morning all, and many thanks to @kazu Jacqui for your service to us in so many ways!  
    I’m still very much in recovery mode. I applaud the ambition of so many of you!  I just don’t have it in me this year. I’m grateful for a quiet week!  

    Loss is magnified this time of year. And the longer we live the more loved ones we miss. Gentle hugs to @luvteaching Karen, @smitty34877 Terry, @kazuJacqui, and your loved ones. Hope you can enjoy your visit with Jose’s BFF today. I certainly am grateful for tge very meaningful visit with my old friend in Seguin who lost his wife in September. Everyone misses someone this time of year!  

    Sacagawea certainly deserves to be honored. She died very young, I think 27 years old, after her short, bitter life which was closer to enslavement than most realize. Capt. William Clark looked after her son, born during the expedition. He provided for his education in St Louis and always had a bond with him. I’ve been fortunate to have followed much of the course of the great expedition and visited their western post, Ft Clatsop, on the Oregon coast in 2021. 

    Blessings and strength to Terri and Jim and Venessa in their search for answers and relief. And for all in need of healing, comfort and hope. 
    Congratulations to all celebrating, reminding us that Life is Good!  
    Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers and our honeymooning grandkids!  

    Maybe I’ll get the suitcases unpacked today and do some laundry. Can’t face cookies, decorating or Christmas cards yet although it’s already too late. At least I know what I’ll make for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - reservations!  At our dining room!  They’re having extravagant brunches- maybe not up to old cruise standards but the menus have lots of great options, better than I can put together. 

    We enjoyed our day in Avalon from HAL Amsterdam, such a pretty port to walk in. DH grew up just across from Catalina so had been there earlier in his life. Plus we got to sail there with his niece on a sailboat early in our marriage, quite an adventure for this girl then!  
    Hugs to you all!  Maureen


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  15. We’re slow in recovering but so very happy to be home!  DH is my HERO for getting us home through the storm!  

    I got word that my niece had her baby! She named the baby for her father and grandfather (my and my sister’s father). No details but I’m relieved, baby has been breech for last 7 or 8 weeks. She was headed for a C-section, I suspect that’s what happened. She had to travel 3 hrs to the hospital that could support her high risks including being 48! Thank you all for your support. 

    Happy belated birthday @ottahand7 Nancy!  Wishing you an inspiring year!  

    Prayers for Amazing visit to neurosurgeon @JazzyV Vanessa. 

    Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  
    Cheers to those celebrating! 
    Smooth travels to all away!  


    @marshhawk  Not sure about the context of your recipe questions but I would think “vegetable seasoning” would be a type of ground up herb mixture, seasoning salt or the like. I would substitute vanilla for the bourbon. For “thick cream” maybe use plain yogurt or sour cream, but I’m not sure how much you need meaning how big a portion of the ingredients this will be… or the temp you’ll be adding it at, yogurt or sour cream should be added late and not boiled or it can curdle. 


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  16. We made it home midnight!  Amazed we made it!  The wedding was grand, wonderful visits with family and extended family. 
    Several family had their returning flights cancelled. Some had their alternative flights canceled too. 
    DH and I flew yesterday into Philadelphia, arrived about 9pm, just a tad late. The storm was rough but we were in the beginnings of it so flooding wasn’t the issue yet. Our 2 hr drive became almost 3 but we were on secondary roads. It was intense, hard to find lanes, many cars running slow with 4-way flashers, others too fast!  Heavy rain and wind, low visibility, but little traffic. We managed ok with both of us watching intensely. It’s worse today especially northern NJ. So glad we made it last night!  We’re out of power this morning. Our community is warning residents not to go out. Roads are flooded, impassable. The backside of the storm is increasing now, more wind and rain.  So glad we are home!  We have good backup systems here in our seniors complex including elevators, good hallway lighting and some hallway outlets on generators. The dining room kitchens are working!  Water is working!  (Well pump was always the biggest issue for our mountain home until we got a 220v generator. We melted snow on the wood stove!  Those days are behind us!)

    It was just Amazing to be in our own bed last night!  

    We haven’t heard from our newlyweds… we gave them a honeymoon cruise which left Galveston the day after the wedding!  Hope they made it!  

    Will catch up now. Blessings to each and all of you, and thank you for your continued support! 


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  17. Wedding Day in San Antonio TX for granddaughter!  Everything is unfolding ok!  Lots of catching up with family, and a heartfelt visit with my recently widowed friend in Seguin (no “e”, thank you Lenda!). Traffic has been heavy at times traversing San Antonio but the navigator has been a blessing. The wedding is this afternoon, reception to follow, back to hotel, pack this evening and to the airport after breakfast for noon flight. 

    Seeing weather forecasts that we’ll be flying into the east coast storm tomorrow night. IF we’re on schedule, we’ll be driving home from Philadelphia to northern NJ just before the storm gets really bad, albeit 9pm, tired, dark, rainy. OR we could hold over in Philly Sunday night and drive up Monday in likely worse weather and more traffic. 🤷🏼‍♀️   Hoping we can connect in Atlanta ok. We have an 3 hour layover, hope a plane comes in for our connection. Then manage the drive home ok 🤞

    Loved Sydney, stayed there one week of our 6 weeks in Australia!  Both closer friend there have died but we made other friends through them that we’ve kept in touch with… 


    “Reconciliation” is a great word, and needed practice!   RE = again; CON= together; CIL is from the root word for legs, as in “cilia”. So it means “to walk together again!”  

    Maya Angelou was very perceptive and taught this concept of today’s quote to help many avoid future pitfalls. Easier said… 

    DH is taking advantage of a break in our schedule for a nap, he’s had a rough time with his eyes itching so bad even doubling up on antihistamines (which would make me loopy);  never complains but I feel it with him. After we get back home we’ll lay low until surgery in late January. Then everything changes!  Don’t know what to expect but we’re on the path…. 

    Blessings to you all!  Thanks for being here!  Extra love to those with heavy hearts, losses, pain and challenges. ❤️‍🩹
    Cheers to those celebrating and traveling!  🎉 (While the traveling can be a challenge we’re so very glad we could make it to this wedding!) 


    Sorry to hear about more COVID, we may pick it up from these gatherings or travels but hopefully we can get through it before surgery!  Gotta keep living life and moving forward!  

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  18. Catching up a bit…. Will head over to old friends’s house about an hour from here later this afternoon. Other family heading to the Mercado, Alamo and maybe Riverwalk this afternoon. It’s not raining but it is a gray murky day. Tomorrow rain but Saturday should be sunny for tge wedding!  

    Happy Anniversary 💕 to @Sharon in AZ and Craig!  Never enough anniversaries!  Celebrate! Cherish each other!  

    Exciting to hear about all the luggage being picked up!  

    My dad made roasted chestnuts, but he cut a cross in the flat side of each and boiled them first. After roasting them, stirring often, he’d wrap them in a towel to let them steam and cool down very slowly. They were a rare and extravagant treat for us growing up. I tried to duplicate his method once and roasted them in our cabin Franklin stove but I think the high elevation meant they needed to cook a lot longer. (At 8700 ft water boiled at 195 F. Lots of adjustments cooking most everything.) I never tried doing chestnuts again, just good to have the childhood memories from dad, and of the aroma on the Manhattan streets!  

    I love the quote but feel sad that has to be said. On the ships I try to always thank the workers for keeping it nice for us, keeping it safe for us!  They work so hard and are not always appreciated. 

    Safe travels Jake!  Enjoy it all, but for myself I always feel better once i get there!  

    @kazu So glad your downed tree was taken care of.  A nuisance but good people watching over you!  
    @Cruzin Terri Hope Jim does ok with dentist, and you start feeling better starting right now!  Praying for Amazing for you!  You deserve it!  Give yourself a loving hug! 
    @marshhawk Your sense of humor carries you through a lot of lows! And helps carry us too!  Thank you for sharing! When I freeze ham I add some of the ham juices into each ziplock and squeeze out all the air. It’s great to have those meal packages in the freezer for a quick tasty supper.  Can’t beat ham and fresh cornbread!

    @Haljo1935 So good you have a plan!  
    @Nickelpenny hang in there, we all have our dings and dents, hoping you won’t need all the surgery, but good to know there is help if you do need it. 

    Today was our contingency travel day in case we got delayed, so it’s visiting friends day. DH is napping. I need to walk over to the 7-11 to get some yogurts and fruit cups to augment the breakfasts, which wasn’t bad - waffles, little omelettes, biscuits and gravy, sausages!  Just no fruits. Not much around close by so if 7-11 doesn’t work maybe on our drive out to friend’s house in Seguine this afternoon. 

    Tomorrow is family brunch at the groom’s parents’ home. Thinking maybe huevos rancheros?  And probably more visiting time in the afternoon. I’m so blessed to have this family through DH!  I love them and they love me!  Better than I ever could have imagined!  

    Have a great day everyone, or a great sleep😉 🌏. depending which side you’re on…. 


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  19. I’m in bed in Texas!  It’s been a long tiring day but most everything went well, just a bit of frustration circling the airport trying to find the economy parking lot- they moved the entrance and didn’t tell google apparently. But we had plenty of contingency!  Flights were full but we had room for us and our carryons. Had enough snacks plus picked up a wrap in Orlando that wound up being supper. Had a nice visit with DH’s done and his wife tonight, staying at same hotel. Our plan for tomorrow is breakfast with them, then a visit with my old friend who lost his wife in September… they’ve been a cornerstone in my life for nearly 40 years. I’ll him a panettone!  We’ll have a sweet visit. 

    Wow Terri @Cruzin Terri I’m so glad you pressed for the biopsies. Now you can address this and get on to the other issues. Glad you’re home!  

    Sorry for your loss Sandi. 
    And Jacqui, and @1ANGELCAT .  Being with a loved one at the end of their life is a privilege. 
    Susan, glad you’re getting help. My mountain community was like that, we looked after each other. 

    Good night all!  Or good day! 

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  20. Was up way too early, hr and a half before alarm.  At our gate at PHL!  Everything was a bit slower than expected - re-routed around traffic jams twice; needed 3 circles of the airport to finally find the economy lot but we’re here. No line for security but DH’s baby powder needed to be tested!  All good!  We’re gonna keep moving forward!  I’ll read the posts on the flight to Orlando.  

    Later, m—

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