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Everything posted by cublet

  1. Hello, They are both showing on the deck plans at 14:29 on 9th October. Regards, Cublet
  2. Hello, This is one of the few instances where we, the UK, are one-up on the US. Sadly when new CS reps are appointed, they are only trained (if at all) on US T&Cs. Regards, Cublet
  3. Hello, I think it might be a little more subtle than this. I was on Anthem last month and drew out 50% of my OBC (without the levy of a fee) and played a machine for two or three spins (for a profit) and cashed-out. My cash-out was paid without deduction. I tried to play later but could not apply any of my OBC. When I asked at the concierge desk I was told that I could not draw on any more OBC during the rest of the cruise as I had not 'spent' at least 50% of my initial withdrawal. I did not inquire as to the meaning of 'spent' in this context but I presume it meant 'played' and (hopefully) not meant 'lost'. Regards, Cublet
  4. Hello, Every Friday my sister, sister-in-law and I meet for coffee in a Waitrose cafe (other supermarkets and cafes are available). If one of us wants something that is either heated or cooked the person taking the order (and payment) simply takes a pager out of a pool and inputs its number (no more than two digits) on the order that is sent electronically to the kitchen and the pager handed to us. In the fullness of time the kitchen 'pages' the number, we collect our food and drop the 'used' pager into a tray wherefrom it is recycled. No-one can or will convince me that using a mobile phone to fulfil this function will be more efficient. Regards, Cublet
  5. Hello, I think it used to be called 'Frozen Yogurt'. Regards, Cublet
  6. Hello, I'm obviously wrong but I thought it was announced, for implementation at some future date, when the 10% deposit to include a JS was announced in May. Sorry to anyone upset by this. Regards, Cublet
  7. Hello, Still served by staff last week on Anthem. Regards, Cublet
  8. Hello, I think this is the only 'benefit' that JS has as of right. And so it should too as they are, or are to be; charged 'suite' gratuity rates. Access to CK is 'Dinner only' and then only if space permits. Regards, Cublet
  9. Hello, I have never understood this fixation with lobster. I was sat next to a Texan on MSC and he spent every night asking 'when's lobster night' and didn't like me saying 'there won't be one'. So last week in CK I took my life in my hands and ordered a 'Lobster Salad'. Well it didn't kill me but I didn't see what all the fuss is about and won't be ordering it again. Regards, Cublet
  10. Hello, So last week on Anthem we ran out of: Wrapped pats of butter (chopped-up pieces were served on a saucer); Kellogg's cereals; Marmalade suitable for human consumption; Prosecco - twice! (though the first time was just an example of laziness by the waiter). The second time we ran out of Prosecco it was of the 'by the glass vintage'. I had to use my P voucher to get 40% discount on a 'bottle price' that I then carried around with me and kept in my cabin's chiller. Regards, Cublet
  11. Hello, I was/am one of the 'outraged' that was upset when Michael's Club (bar) on X was turned into Zenith and Suite only and then again to Suite only. Regards, Cublet
  12. Hello, Also, as a minimum, you will need your passport. You will also probably, unless submitted before, need your credit card for on-board purchases unless you intend to settle in cash. Depending on your cruise line you may also need your covid vaccination record and/or insurance document and/or completion of a 'health questionnaire'. Regards, Cublet
  13. Hello, I think that's the difference: When I book on-board I get 100% of the OBC, when I book on shore I get 75% of the OBC. Regards, Cublet
  14. Hello, It's a long time since I used a cheque 'on premise', I do it at home to pay monthly/quarterly bills. However stores I used to use had machines as part of the check-out/cash register that would complete/print the cheque for you and all you had to do was sign it. That certainly speeded things up. When next out shopping I will ask if they still exist. And before someone starts a debate over 'check' vs 'cheque', read on: 'Drawn Notes', as they were originally called, were single sheets with a 'counterfoil' and no perforations between the two but a series of wavy lines instead. Once written, the drawer would tear the note from the counterfoil through the wavy lines. Once the note had been through 'the system' the drawer would CHECK that the drawn note was his by CHECKING that the wavy lines between the note and the counterfoil matched-up. We owe the word 'cheque', and much else, to Dr. Johnson's Dictionary of 1755. Regards, Cublet
  15. Hello, MSC is, theoretically, an Italian cruise line giving you an 'Italian' experience. In Italy you would NOT get tap water in a restaurant and would be expected to buy bottled water or go without. Nothing to see here folks. Regards, Cublet
  16. Hello, With the greatest of respect, having read all the postings on this thread - and its general title, it doesn't seem to be specific to or from anywhere so I just added my two pennyworth. Cublet
  17. Hello, I think Royal and X divi-up itineraries between them. Royal hasn't done the Baltics or Iceland for years from the UK whereas X does both annually. Regards, Cublet
  18. Hello, My TA said that I was the 'most advanced' client he has. Sadly he was not referring to my wit or intelligence, but that I had booked the furthest ahead. Plenty of time for more friends and family to join me. Regards, Cublet
  19. Hello, Just a quickie. Any other members or friends of the family coming too? It's less than a year to go! Regards, Cublet
  20. Hello, How new a venue is 'Hooked Seafood'? Too new to have been included on a previous schedule? Or so new, and popular, Royal only now see the opportunity to squeeze more money out of us. No specialty restaurant gets my vote, or money, since the demise of Portofino's. Regards, Cublet
  21. Hello, Yes, but I doubt there will be (in the present form) much longer. Regards, Cublet
  22. Hello, I think we were all so consumed by pizzagate that we may not have noticed a new schedule of C&A Benefits. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/crown-and-anchor-society-benefit-grid.pdf The document is for cruises departing on or after 1st September 2023. Nothing on the grid has jumped out and slapped me around the face but reading the full T&Cs and footnotes may hide something sinister. Regards, Cublet PS: A new X Captains Club benefits schedule has been posted too but does not quote an effective date.
  23. Hello, I think we were all so consumed by cookiegate that we may not have noticed a new schedule of CC Benefits. https://www.celebritycruises.com/content/dam/celebrity/pdf/Captain-Clubs-Benefits-Brochure-V8-8-30-23.pdf Though the document is not dated, the file name suggests it is 30th August 2023. Nothing on the grid has jumped out and slapped me around the face but reading the full T&Cs and footnotes may hide something sinister. Regards, Cublet PS: A new Royal Crown and Anchor benefits schedule has been posted for cruises departing on or after 1st September 2023 too.
  24. Hello, I agree with all the above - except for 'not effective' I would have said 'not recognised'. A vegetarian friend had the same argument on Royal where their final comeback was "our Parmesan *IS* vegetarian". I think it just shows the general contempt the US has for non-US trademarks. Regards, Cublet
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