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Everything posted by cunnorl

  1. Yikes!!! My nephew sent me pictures! Last time it did this was in 1989. Sure hope it warms up before I get home next week!
  2. Merry Christmas from the Noordam I just return from Midnight Mass . Beautiful service and well attended. We were in Picton today. Tonight the crew put on the “sounds of Christmas. Fantastic show. Well received and everyone very upbeat. Santa arrives at 10am. Have a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe and warm in this terrible storm I have been hearing about. Charlene
  3. Have a wonderful trip. I will be following along as we are thinking of doing “ a World” . Stay safe!
  4. Good Friday Morning from the Noordam Hope everyone in the path of that storm will be safe. So many are traveling, be safe and enjoy. New Zealand is beautiful! The people are the nicest I have ever met. They keep apologizing for the weather but it really isn’t that bad. We are in Wellington today. The ship looks very festive. Beautiful trees, garlands and wreaths everywhere. We continue with mask wearing. Our numbers are “low”. We have remained healthy. ( pound sand) Please stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  5. We stayed at Springhill Suites which is across the street from the port. We stayed there on 2 occasions. Great experience.
  6. God Bless you! Checking in from recovery! So glad it went well. Rest and get better soon! Charlene
  7. Our weather today is the best we have had in several days. Bright sunny, calm seas. We are in Dusty fiord right now. This Florida girl will be ( and has been) layering! Hope we get in tomorrow. That would be disappointing .
  8. We are in Fiordland today. Beautiful! Bright blue skies, great visibility . The views are stunning! It is cold ! The bow is open until 5pm. We are back in our cabin to warm up!
  9. Good Monday morning from the Noordam Currently sailing across a very rough and rainy Tasman Sea. A very Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate. I think it is also a time for us all to reflect. We were in Adelaide a few days ago. Took the tr as in into town and walked all over. Good day. We have been doing so much walking that DH said last nite that the wheels on DD’s chair will need to be replaced! @ottahand7a very Happy. Birthday ! May you have many more! We have to do covid tests again this morning . Masks are mandated and have been since 11/12. They said it was due to the rising numbers in Australia. The only masks you see in port are the ship people. So not sure of the real story. However we have remained healthy for this whole cruise ( since 10/8) . Hoping to remain that way! Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  10. Captain Marek Zoll is the new captain. The previous one has gone home on vacation.
  11. Thanks Mike for the great pictures! We are still on and the “rocking and rolling continue. The new Captain just came on warning everyone to be careful. Had a beautiful day in Sydney- walked 9 miles.
  12. Good Wednesday Evening from the Noordam Lots going on with your Daily. Trying to keep up , I don’t always post but try to read. @kazu wishing you the best trip ever. Hope everything goes smoothly. @Sharon in AZa very Happy Anniversary to you! @smitty34877best of luck with your surgery snd s quick and uneventful recovery We were supppse to be in Hobart tomorrow but the schedule was changed yet again. We are now headed to Eden. I was disappointed to say the least but no complaining. I am on a beautiful ship with great staff and having a great time! We will be back in Sydney on Saturday and then we head to New Zealand for 16 days. The ship is decorated for Christmas . We made reservations for Christmas Eve in the Canaleto. They are having a special menu. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  13. @erewhon. The mayor actually came on the shuttle bus in Burnie to greet us. She was quite enthusiastic and welcoming!
  14. I am also on this cruise. Have been on since 10/8 out of San Diego. We did the Penguin Parade last nite. It was amazing despite the rain. Loved it! The trip has had its challenges but overall we have enjoyed every minute. Staying on for New Zealand until 1/2. We are still in Melbourne @ 9:15pm not sure when we are leaving. Scheduled to be in Tasmania tomorrow.
  15. Good Friday Evening from the Noordam I am really sorry to hear of everyone’s health issues. Dixie @summer slope hope your DH feels better soon. We thankfully are staying well. We are wearing masks everywhere ( mandatory) and most are complying. Funny thing is we go into a port and we are the only one in masks. Not sure where the requirement is coming from, numbers are “low”. Had a wonderful but shortened day on Kangaroo Island. Almost didn’t make it due to winds. But at 11 am we were cleared. It was a very bumpy ride . The Island itself is beautiful. I actually saw many kangaroos in the fields, under trees, etc. great day! Only bad thing was DD couldn’t tender so DH stayed and I went. Now headed to Melbourne. stay safe and enjoy today charlene
  16. I have been on the Noordam since 10/8 and have one everyday. No issues.
  17. I am currently on the Noordam. It is a “collectors cruise “ . We have had 2 mariner luncheons with tiles and a collectors cruise luncheon. Very nice. We also received the bags on our first day .
  18. Good Sunday Evening from the Noordam We all like Patty Melts and the best place to celebrate cookies is on a Hal ship where there is always plenty. We will hopefully be in Burnie Tasmania in a few more days. (hopefully) We missed Albany today due to high winds and surf. Now headed to port Lincoln. Christmas decorations going up. Looking great! @MISTER 67have a wonderful and safe trip! Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  19. I am currently on the Noordam and they do have automatic door openers on the entry and bathroom door.
  20. Good Saturday Evening from the Noordam Just returned from the show- Centare. They were very good. They were on about a month ago and were not so good . The entertainment has been very good with a few misses in my opinion. A big salute to a day for Disability awareness. As a mother of a disabled child ( now adult) I truly appreciate all the advances that are being made to make life easier and more inclusive. I even noticed some differences with this ship. I was very pleased and much easier to get DD around. We still have a way to go but maybe someday it won’t be an issue. We were in Fremantle/Perth the last 2 days now headed to Albany. Only going to be there for 5 hours. Weird. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  21. Good Wednesday Night from the Noordam @Quartzsite Cruiser I am so pleased to hear that your DH is coming home. I hope he continues to do well. You are both in my prayers. @MISTER 67 Glad you are back out on the course. Be careful and “hi Tim straight”! As much as I am loving every minute of this trip, I do miss golf. I will need to take lessons when I return! @Lady Hudsonhave a wonderful trip ! We will be in Geraldton in the morning. First time for Noordam at this port. We were in Exmouth yesterday but that is a story for another time. We are wearing masks on the ship, tenders. Don’t know what the numbers are but they are real skiddish because of the Princess ship. It’s ok, really used to it and my family has stayed well ( knock wood) stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  22. Good Monday Evening from the Noordam Won’t be buying anything for Cyber Monday. Love Reuben’s but never had a French dip Reuben. Interesting. Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Dixie @summer slope you Two look great! enjoy your cruise. We will arrive in Exmouth tomorrow. I will be going ashore alone . It is a tender port and only one tender is allowed in the channel at once so it will be a long process. It is also expected to be our warmest day yet. I want to see the Emu’s. Our CD told us the funniest story today about Emu’s . The whole showroom was in stitches. He really is a good one. @RedneckBobwe don’t sign for anything on the Noordam. Wonder why they would on your ship? Be safe and enjoy today. Charlene
  23. Good Evening from the Noordam Just returned from the show ( which was excellent) and time to call it a day. It is Friday night 10pm. There were Black Friday sales in the shops today. Nothing too exciting. Yesterday there were signs all over Darwin about Black Friday sales. I was surprised, thought it was an American thing. I asked one of the shopgirls and she said it goes on the end of November into first week of December. She said this had only been going on the last 2 years. Trying to rebuild the economy. stay safe and enjoy today charlene
  24. Happy thanksgiving from the Noordam. We had a wonderful turkey dinner tonite after a great day in Darwin. I was so surprised by Darwin - it is a great place and so accessible! No problems anywhere. However it was a little warm even for this Floridian. I am very grateful for all my friends on this thread. It has brought so much comfort to me. Very grateful to Rich for starting this non controversial place for us to come together for support or just sharing. Have a wonderful and healthy day charlene
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