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Everything posted by majortom10

  1. Always booked Select and always picked my own cabin that is why you pay extra. I choose cabin where I want and not where P&O want to put you which might be in poor position of the ship. If you are letting P&O choose cabin you might as well book Early Saver.
  2. Some TAs especially the high street multi national are totally incompetent with regarding cruises. If you want to book they should tell you the different types of fares, the different prices and what each one involves.
  3. Have you chosen your cabin of so you have booked Select, if not then you have booked Early Saver/Saver.
  4. Having done every maiden cruise from Aurora up to Britannia I have never encountered such issues as Arvia did when she was clearly not ready and understaffed. But there is no excuse for the nonsense that Paul Ludlow came out with and saying 99-9% having a fantastic time was totally wrong and made him look foolish. Before anyone jumps and states that Aurora's maiden voyage was cancelled and she had to return to Southampton P&O in their wisdom sold the first 4 cruises on Aurora as Maidens lol. We were not on the first but on one of the others were there were no issues.
  5. No it isnt when Cunard are charging a considerable amount for something that they are not providing for what the cost is for.
  6. Why do P&O just treat their customers with respect and like the adults that they are instead of hiding behind corporate excuses i.e. operational reasons. Dont they realise that they are upsetting their loyal customers and doing the P&O brand damage. The speech given by Paul Ludlow trying to justify the disaster of the "maiden" voyage was laughable and he certainly didnt convince anyone with his actions.
  7. It isnt a bit strong at all if people do not complain forcefully but with respect then Cunard will carry on charging the rip off prices that they do for an inferior or no service at all.
  8. Prices of cruises are cheaper now than our first cruise on QE2 in 1997 when we booked the lowest grade inside cabin onboard and paid over £110pppn. Today for that price many would expect to get a balcony cabin.
  9. The same thing happened a few years ago when they used to leave Cadburys Hot Chocolate sachets out for midnight snacks. They seem to go very quickly and eventually P&O changed to pots of ready made hot chocolate and you had to ask for a cup/mug. Whilst speaking to Food/Beverage Manager one night in the bar, a fiend of ours at the time, said they had stopped leaving sachets out because they had done the logistics and they came to the conclusion the number of sachets used was logistically impossible to drink with number of passengers onboard. P&O bean counters came to the conclusion that people were stockpiling them and then taking them home so they stopped providing them. Dont know if sachets of hot chocolate have returned at midnight snacks because I have not cruised with P&O for 3 years will be interesting to find out.
  10. I personally think that the reason why CPS has increased prices by so much is to deter people from booking direct with them. I think they can fill their available capacity with those that choose free parking with Cunard and P&O and dont really need any other bookings because of limited capacity of car parks and their inability to employ workforce to accept and transfer cars to car park. Majority of their workforce seem to be elderly retired people boosting their pensions and since the pandemic seem to struggle to fill vacancies.
  11. There is tell them its not fit for purpose and demand a refund. Tewll them they are ripping customers off.
  12. Incorrect.Only for US cruiser's there is no free drinks package for UK cruiser's.
  13. I can assure you there were many other incidents and the way were treated especially by reception.
  14. Have they offered you compensation as well as a refund of the extra cost of a suite over a mini suite.
  15. Certainly dont think so when we cruised on Emerald Princess last June. On the day we embarked and went to International Cafe for a speciality coffee and before we even ordered the waitress said let me tell you what is not available on the menu and went down the list. We hadnt even left Southampton so that was very disappointing. There was no brandy available of any kind in the MDR for after dinner to have with drinks package and the availability of beers and lagers gradually got worse until on the last full sea day at lunch in the buffet I asked the waiter for a drink and as I went down the list until he came out with the statement "would sir like a glass of water" and he wasnt joking he was deadly serious. The food in MDR was the poorest we have ever had on Princess and for the first time ever on a Princess cruise was glad to get off the ship. We actually enquired if we could get off the ship early in Glasgow but the cost of train fare to Southampton to pick the car up changed our minds. We will not be cruising with Princess in the near future or if at all.
  16. Were you carrying your own suitcases.
  17. Obviously if you have not registered at Pursers then they have delivered luggage labels and a specified time for disembarkation. You have ignored that time and disembarked at a time to suit you. This is not self disembarkation in the true sense as what it means that you self disembark with your own suitcases before timed disembarkation begin when the ship has been given clearance. If everyone had the same attitude and ignored timings if that is what you did there would be carnage if everyone did the same. The idea of timed disembarkation is to control queues.
  18. We didn't have much choice on our cruise on Cunard last November when we had $1850.
  19. Yes but not everyone wants or can afford to dine in speciality restaurants every night. They should expect a good standard in MDR and not have to pay extra.
  20. Not denying that you haven't but also some pictures of meals on P&O seem recently have been very poor in quality and portion size. But like Eglesbrech has said they are all extra cost speciality restaurants where you should expect good standard of food. I am referring to meals served in MDR.
  21. I wonder if the chef's onboard are happy and have job satisfaction serving some of the crap meals I have seen on pictures of meals currently being served.
  22. Nothing new with regards to quality of food or portion sizes on P&O. I once requested lamb for my entree in MDR once on Oriana. When it arrived I honestly thought they had forgotten to put it on the plate, I lifted a boiled potato and there it was hiding. I asked the waiter if I could have more lamb and he said I can have as much vegetables as I want but he cannot authorise extra meat he would have to speak to maitre'd.
  23. No you don't have to pay for self disembarkation.
  24. Well CPS price for my cruise on 24th November for 12nts currently on their website is £182. So there are obviously anomalies and certainly not summer prices and winter prices as stated by CPS. £182 is a significant increase and for that reason I will not be parking with CPS.
  25. So you still get adults who can be drunk.
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