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Everything posted by shipgeeks

  1. Did you do anything other than just soak oatmeal in milk or water overnight? That's what I've always done. I usually add any dried fruits, as well, to let them soften. Then add fresh things like banana and shredded apple in the morning.
  2. edspec and alserrod, Thank you for your nice notes about tortillas. I am regularly embarrassed by the naivete of some of my fellow Americans, especially here on the MSC forum, who assume that if something is not exactly what they expected, or what they have at home, then something is wrong, or they were misled or lied to. We spent several weeks in southern Spain, and ate tortillas, or bocadillas, many times. Delicious! We even asked niece-in-law's mother for cooking instructions. And the bread was unfailingly good - plain, or with olive oil, never butter. Such good memories. I think we need to sail MSC again!
  3. Was popcorn ever free on RC? If so, I wonder if perhaps greed has led to the price for it. Little boxes of cereal, and individual bags of potato chips, used to be readily available. Then, after greedy people started taking shopping bags and filling them with these items, and depleting the supply for others, cereal became dispenser only, and chips are by request, one or two per person. ??
  4. Misconception: I need to decorate the door of my cabin, and I need to buy and hide a bunch of little ducks. Reality: No, you don't need to do either. Most people don't.
  5. Yes, They are usually in the center drawer of the desk/dresser.
  6. Did this get posted in the wrong place? Worth trying again?
  7. If I recall correctly, MB is one of the stops on the HOHO bus route. Getting there via the bus would give you a look at some of the other sights, as well. I think it is across the bay from cruise terminal, so not walking distance.
  8. I'm still curious whether anyone from the social group OP sailed with was of any help, either with logistics, or allaying concerns about the procedures. Were they all first-timers, or were there any more experienced cruisers? Were they aware of the situation? Any emotional or practical support?
  9. I would say the ones who are disappointed, in general, are the ones who booked MSC because it was cheap, without knowing anything about the onboard experience. The satisfied ones booked MSC because they wanted the more international experience, and perhaps a change from the sameness of RoyalNorwegianCarnival. I do blame MSC for emphasizing price rather than experience in their advertising, but I also think it behooves all of us to learn about something we are committing our $$ and our vacations to. Personally, we loved our MSC cruises.
  10. Do you have a loyalty status with Carnival? If so, have you applied for a status match? You will be assigned a dinner time and table.
  11. Misconception: If sitting in a lounge with live music, one is expected to buy a drink. Fact: Not true at all; it's entirely optional. With the occasional exception of a paid event, all venues are open for all passengers. If offered a drink, and you don't want one, just say No thanks. Typically, the server will place a paper napkin on the table and turn down the drink menu, which signals the other servers not to pester you.
  12. MVP, I'm sorry this happened to you, but I have to agree with the others who said that RC did all the right (standard) things. I'm curious about the group you were cruising with. Did it contain some experienced cruisers? Have they been of any assistance to you? I would have thought that they would be able to set your mind at ease regarding the procedures you experienced, the costs, etc. I hope you are keeping all the receipts from medical care on the ship and off, so you can submit a claim for reimbursement.
  13. A couple of years ago we were at a charity fundraiser, browsing, and came across a big framed poster: Ship of the Year, '85, Song of America, Royal Caribbean. Nice photo of the ship, at an unnamed port. We bought it, and it is hanging in our hallway in all its glory.
  14. I'm wondering if the problem in 7602 is because someone in the past used one of the Dyson hairdryers that is notorious for destroying electrical systems. I can report some good news, though. Last week, on Vision, I found a new hairdryer in my cabin, and it was by far the best, strongest one I've ever used, including my good ones at home. I suspect they are being replaced as needed, rather than ship-wide or fleet-wide. For those who complain of having to hold down the button, this model doesn't require that. The button slides up for strong, middle for off, and down for low. My long hair dried in a jiffy.
  15. On our most recent cruise, we loved spending time in the main live music/dance floor/bar venue.......except that every evening, a youngish couple brought their two toddler boys there, and encouraged them to run around the dance floor (even though the planner clearly stated that no children were to do so). Not especially worrying, though, except that then the dad would pick up the older boy, throw him high into the air, then catch and release. The floor is marble. We had such a concern about him dropping the little boy that we usually left, after telling a couple of bartenders, and band members, why we could not stay. His fun was repeated every day of the cruise. Would seeing this worry you? Are we overreacting? Should we have pursued reporting this? To whom? What do you think?
  16. You just brought back a memory of the fact that my college dorm had bunk beds, so half of us had to climb a ladder every day. Good point, above, about leaving the main bed as a king, in case any child were to fall out. On the other hand, some have suggested having the main bed separated so access is easier for the parents, getting in and out of bed(s).
  17. roupa, You just reminded me of a situation that was so unpleasant on last week's Vision cruise that we had to excuse ourselves from Centrum several times during good music sets. There was a family with two toddler boys who loved to bop around all areas of the dance floor. Bad enough, but every day, the father would then pick up the older one, throw him high in the air, and catch him on the descent, multiple times a day. It was terrifying to think what could happen if that boy landed head first on the marble floor. We told several bartenders, and the band, why we didn't stay.....but what could have been done?
  18. Yes, balance exercises! My PT prescribed the eyes-closed one (hands hovering above the counter or chair back), plus standing and walking "tightrope" style, toe to heel. That is the toughest one for me, making such a narrow base.
  19. Beaches, pool, food, sports (volleyball, etc.) are free. No need to spend unless you really want to.
  20. Ship water! I'm not a big water drinker at home, but I just love the taste of the water produced on the ship. Our loyalty status gives us five free drinks a day. I now use one of mine for fresh-squeezed OJ, which I do enjoy. I try to order some cocktails that others rave about, but so far I have not found anything that I want to repeat. I don't sit around the pool, so slushy drinks don't call my name. A Mojito while the Latin band is playing, or a Dark & Stormy while sailing to Bermuda are my only standards.
  21. JVes, I'm just checking in to ask how your PT is going, and how you are overall. And anyone else with a progress report or otherwise, please weigh in. We recently did our first cruise since this conversation started. The first night, we danced! I was so happy I nearly cried. (Hubby knows: Don't let go at any point!) But after that, there were some good and some bad days. Towards the end, we had two days of very rough seas. In a narrow space such as the hallway, I could cope on my own, but if I tried to walk in a wide-open space, carrying a plate or drink, I was stumped. I did learn that it's wise to accept help when help is needed.
  22. The one thing I would NOT recommend taking is a cotton sweatshirt. Too much bulk with minimum warmth, and awful if it gets wet. I'm happy to see that no one above has suggested a sweatshirt, but over the years I've seen them recommended many times. Similar to those above, I took - and was glad I did - silk turtlenecks, cashmere sweater, heavy wool sweater, warm jacket, hooded raincoat.
  23. We had not even heard of Ship of the Year until a couple of years ago, when we were browsing the goods at a charity sale. We saw a large, framed poster that said Ship of the Year '85, Song of America, Royal Caribbean. It had a beautiful picture of the ship. We are shipgeeks, we had to have it. It now adorns our hallway wall.
  24. The announcement was made by the Captain, and by the head waiter, during the January/February cruise.
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